Medical official path

Chapter 301 Love Top~Chapter 301 Love Bottom

The sea is not covered. He was waiting for He Chang'an and He's eldest daughter in the hotel lobby. He greeted him with a smile on his face.

He Chang'an pretended not to see Wang Xuehai still walking forward.

Wang Xuehai shouted at Mr. He.

He Chang'an pretended to be a little surprised: "You didn't leave?"

Wang Xuehai smiled unconsciously: "I'm not leaving. I want to talk to you about something!"

He Chang'an nodded: "I have something else to do. Is ten minutes enough?"

Wang Xuehai and He Chang'an came to the coffee hall next door and sat down. Wang Xuehai called Hu Longjing. He knew that there was not much time left for him, so he came straight to the point, "Mr. He, I won't beat around the bush. I want to talk to you about my land in Dongjiang!"

He Chang'an couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you say that just now? The land is in trouble and has been shut down!"

Wang Xuehai nodded: "So I want to turn around. I don't know if I'm always interested?

He Chang'an said, "It doesn't mean that the ancient tomb has been found. Whoever accepts it is a hot potato!"

Wang Xuehai said, "Mr. He, in fact, there is no problem with that land. The problem is me. If I change to another developer, I guess these troubles will not exist. The so-called hot potatoes are only for me, and others will not be in trouble to take over

He Chang'an smiled and said, "Why did you find me?"

Wang Xuehai said, "Mr. He, you should have heard some rumors against me!"

He Chang'an said, "I seldom pay attention to these things, especially those that have nothing to do with me!" His cold attitude made Wang Xuehai feel a little depressed. But Wang Xuehai would not give up hope easily. He whispered, "Mr. He. I have made sufficient plans for the development of the land, as long as it can be successfully completed. The benefits in the future will be immeasurable

He Chang'an smiled and said, "I'll think about it carefully!"

Liang Chenglong also came to Beijing. He went to the hospital to visit Zhang Yang. Only then did he know that Zhang Yang had already been discharged from the hospital. It took a lot of effort to find where Zhang Yang lived.

Zhang Yang was also very happy to receive a phone call from Liang Chenglong. He was a little depressed in Beijing during this period.

Liang Chenglong came here with Bai Yan this time. The two waited for Zhang Yang in the parking lot outside the Xiangguo Hotel. Zhang Yang came to the military jeep they drove. After turning around, Liang Chenglong fell down the window and smiled, "What are you looking at? I borrowed it!"

Zhang Yang's eyes fell on Bai Yan and pointed to Bai Yan and said, "Is she also borrowed it?"

Bai Yan laughed and scolded, "Get out! I knew you didn't have good words."

Zhang Yangle opened the door and sat in. He said that Liang Chenglong would not change his nature. If Lin Qinghong knew that he had brought Bai Yan to Beijing to have an affair, he might make a scene again.

Liang Chenglong said, "I heard that you are sick."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Listen to what your uncle said? He came to see me when I was hospitalized online.

Liang Chenglong said, "I've wanted to see you for a long time, but the project in Jiangcheng has encountered some problems. So it was delayed

Bai Yan said, "Zhang Yang, we came all the way to see you. Shouldn't you treat me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Please, what do you want to eat?"

Bai Yan said, "Let's gather together."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Ok, let's go quickly. It's too late and there is no seat."

As soon as Liang Chenglong started the car, Zhang Yang's paging rang. He looked at Gu Yang's paging. He said he would invite him to dinner.

Zhang Yang couldn't help shaking his head with a smile, borrowed his mobile phone from Yang Chenglong, and called Gu Yang. Anyway, I will leave Beijing in a couple of days, and I have to tell you before I leave. He let Jackie Chan drive to the Academy of Fine Arts. I took care of it.

Gu Yangyang saw Zhang Yang coming down from the jeep and ran to him like a cheerful bird.

Before Zhang Yang could say hello, he saw Jiang Guangya following him in the car. Zhang Yang was secretly laughing. Jiang Guangya is really like a shadow, and it's tight enough.

This time, Zhang Yang misunderstood. Cha Wei asked Jiang Guangya to drive her to buy a brush. Wang Qiao saw Gu Yangyang and Zhang Yang at the door. So Jiang Guangya came to say hello. Jiang Guangya smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, what a coincidence. Come and take care of it?" Zhang Yang nodded: "Come and invite her to dinner."

Cha Wei fell on the window: "It's so good to invite you to dinner. Do you have our share?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's fate to meet. Let's go together. Quan Jude!"

Cha Wei greeted Gu Yang to get into the car. Gu Yangyang took a look at Jiang Guangya's BMW and turned on Liang Chenglong's military jeep.

Jiang Guangya was a little embarrassed. He watched the jeep drive away, slowly followed, and whispered to Cha Wei, "Sister Wei, this is not good. How dare you let someone treat you?"

Cha Wei said, "Don't you want to pursue it? If you want to chase, you have to keep an eye on it!"

Jiang Guangya said, "If I chase her like this, will people think I'm shameless?"

"Love is like a battlefield, you don't hurry up. Let people take advantage of the loopholes. I think Gu Yangyang is very interesting to Zhang Yang!"

Hearing Cha Wei's words, Jiang Guangya immediately made up her mind.

When they came to Quanjude in Wangfujing, they played a private room. After sitting down, Jiang Guangya took the initiative and said, "Tonight's meal is mine. Please feel free."

It is obviously a little unhappy to take care of it. She was a little disgusted with Jiang Guangya's follow: "Brother Zhang can't afford it. Don't be noisy, okay?"

Jiang Guangya's face was hot when she was told. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's my treat. Don't argue with me." He handed the menu to Gu Yangyang: "You three girls discuss it and see what to eat!"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I'm not a girl. I'm jealous when I see them so young and beautiful."

Liang Chenglong said, "You are also young and beautiful, in my eyes. You have always been a girl."

Gu Yangyang has an understanding of the relationship between sorghum Chenglong and Bai Yan. She didn't say anything and ordered a few dishes of her favorite food.

Liang Chenglong called a bottle of Maotai and wanted to pour it on Jiang Guangya. Jiang Guangya hurriedly covered his glass and said, "I can't drink!"

Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "How can a man not drink? I'll pour you a cup!"

Cha Wei said, "He still has to drive later. Don't let him drink, I'll drink!"

Liang Chenglong was stunned and felt that Cha Wei, a girl, was very fast. He floated the wine bottle to Bai Yan and let Bai Yan tip the wine, except Gu Jiqin. In addition to drinking drinks, everyone else drinks all over liquor.

Although Liang Chenglong doesn't know the background of Jiang Guangya and Cha Wei, he can see that Jiang Guangya has guessed that he is definitely not an ordinary background. There are too many ** in Beijing. Although Jiang Guangya and others are young, Liang Chenglong did not despise them. He raised his glass and said, "With Thank you for your hospitality. No matter who you come to Dongjiang in the future, you must come to me. I promise you food, clothing, housing and transportation, so that you can eat, drink and have fun!"

Jiang Guangya smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Liang!"

Zhang Yang quietly observed Jiang Guangya. The young man was still very easy-going and did not have too many officials and eunuchs.

Cha Wei said, "It seems that we really need to take time to go to Dongjiang to have fun and raise. You are also a landlord. If we go, we will go for you."

Gu Yangyang smiled and didn't say anything. She knew that Cha Wei had been trying to find a way to match herself with Jiang Guangya. She also admitted that Jiang Guangya's conditions were good, but she just had no feelings for Jiang Guangya. Since she came to Beijing to study, there has been no shortage of suitors around her, but every time she couldn't help comparing these suitors with Zhang Yang, she There is a lack of flamboyant masculinity.

Women have ** awareness of emotional matters. Bai Yan soon saw that Jiang Guangya was pursuing care, but the attitude of care was clearly that she refused him thousands of miles away, and it was not convenient for Bai Yan to talk.

The place where Zhang Yang is located will definitely not be cold. Liang Chenglong asked about his trip to England. Zhang Yang didn't know English. He told them the trouble he had encountered in London, which made everyone coaxed.

Cha Wei didn't believe what Zhang Yang said. At their age, it was impossible for English to be so inferior. She whispered, "Zhang Yang. Where did you go to college?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't have that ability. I haven't been to college. I'm a technical secondary school student. I graduated from Jiangcheng Health School, but I'm currently teaching at the Party School of Pinghai Province. When I graduate in two years, I will be an undergraduate. Cha Wei and Jiang Guangya looked at each other. Both of them showed incredible expressions. A technical secondary school student can actually become a deputy at the age of 22. Although the official is not big, it is already surprising in terms of his own conditions. Cha Wei soon thought that Zhang Yang's godfather was Vice Premier Wen. Thinking that Zhang Yang can get along to this point, it depends on Vice President Wen. I'm afraid he doesn't have much ability.

Cha Wei said, "It is rare for a technical secondary school student to become a deputy department-level cadre at such a young age."

Gu Yangyang never forgets to maintain publicity at any time. She whispered, "People's ability cannot be measured by academic qualifications."

Zhang Yang said, "The education is not Su Neng's. But it's impossible to have no academic qualifications. If I want to get promoted, I have to improve my academic qualifications first, otherwise I won't go to this correspondence!"

Liang Chenglong said, "Now that I think about it, I really miss the time when I went to college!"

Bai Yan joked, "Do you miss your college girls?"

Everyone laughed again. Sorghum Chenglong said, "When I was in college, I was also the Prince Charming in the eyes of school girls, but I didn't drive a car at that time. In my first year of school, I opened a noodle shop next to the school, and then used the money I earned to buy a Yamaha motorcycle."

Cha Wei smiled and said, "Brother Liang is very business-minded. Do your parents allow you to do business when you go to school?"

Liang Chenglong said, "My family does not object to this. Anyway, I don't steal or rob, and I make money to support myself with my own hands. It's also a kind of positive.

Gu Yangyang said, "Only by working hard by yourself can the money earned be spent in peace of mind. Spending the family's money is a sign of insulity. Her words seem to mean something.

Jiang Guangya's face was a little hot, and Gu Yang was clearly mapping him.

Cha Wei said, "I also agree with raising, but we haven't entered the society yet, and all our food we eat is our parents'."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's the hurry? You will enter the society soon, and you will repay your parents when you make money. Give back to the society.

Liang Chenglong said, "In fact, the main thing in college is to study. Then fall in love!"

Bai Yan glanced at him and said, "It's vulgar!"

Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "Why is it vulgar to fall in love? Love is the most noble and beautiful thing in the world. Several of them college students must agree with me.


Jiang Guangya didn't say anything. Gu Yangyang secretly looked at Zhang Yang, but Cha Wei said, "Is there really love in the world? I don't think the so-called love between people will not last long. Once you get used to it, once it fades, then love will change its taste. I don't think it's as stable as family and friendship.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why does your little girl look like she sees through the world? These words are not your original, are they?"

Gu Yangyang said, "Zha Wei, have you ever been in love?"

Cha Wei shook her head and said, "Although I haven't experienced feelings. But I have witnessed other people's feelings!"

Zhang Yang said, "If you don't experience it, you have no right to speak, Cha Wei. Maybe you won't think so in two years!"

After the roast duck came up, several girls were soon full. They didn't have the patience to drink with Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong. Cha Wei proposed to go shopping. With the approval of Bai Yan and Gu Yangyang, Jiang Guangya also went shopping with them.

Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong called a bottle of liquor again. Zhang Yang has something to talk to Liang Chenglong alone.

After Liang Chenglong waited for them to leave, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Jiang Guangya is interested in Gu Yangyang, but this boy is too sissy. I don't think Gu Yangyang will like him."

Zhang Yang took a sip of tea: "Jiang Guangya is the grandson of former Vice Premier Jiang Dayang, and Cha Wei is the precious daughter of the Minister of the Central Organization Department!"

Only then did Liang Chenglong know the background of the two of them, and he couldn't help spitting out his tongue and said, "Good boy. It's amazing. They are all dragon girls!"

I drank too much yesterday, and I'm not feeling well today. I wrote a total of 8,000 words. I'm ashamed to adjust my body for a day, and I will devote myself to writing in a full state tomorrow!

Chapter san Love (Part 2)

Chen Yangdao!" These are all students. Is Qi Zai popular in learning common arts? Are the children of senior officials who have learned art? Have all the political cells in them turned into art cells?

Liang Chenglong looked back at the door again, and suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "What's wrong with you?"

He looked at him puzzledly: "What do you mean?

Liang Chenglong said, "What can I say about our relationship? I heard that you have a venereal disease!"

Zhang Yang's eyes widened: "Damn it, who did you hear? This is obviously an insult to my reputation!"

Liang Chenglong said, "What's your hurry? Didn't I ask you for proof?"

Zhang Yang said angrily, "I'm surprised. How on earth did this spread? I was hospitalized because of urinary tract infection, and it was transmitted as a venereal disease. It made me sick!"

Liang Chenglong laughed.

Zhang Yang stared at him and said, "Smile! You boy is actually gloating!"

Liang Chenglong couldn't help laughing: "I'm not gloating. I think it's funny. They have noses and eyes and say that you're going to England. The first thing is to go to **, make foreign girls and strengthen the national prestige. As a result, he died before he was successful, and he was sent to China after contracting a disease.

Zhang Guanren wanted to cry without tears: "His uncle, who the fuck has hurt me so much? It sounds like a legend!"

Liang Chenglong said, "Are you really in vain?"

"I'm wronged. Of course I'm wrong. If you don't believe it, you can go to the medical record!"

Liang Chenglong said, "Every year can be faked, and the medical records can't be counted!" After saying that, he couldn't help laughing again and paused and said, "But it's reasonable to be wrong to you. I haven't seen you whoring for so long since I've been with you. Last time I found those Russian girls for you, you didn't be moved."

Zhang Yang said, "This is still human. As for my revolutionary will, how can I do anything that violates the principle of party spirit?"

Liang Chenglong said, "The accumulation of money is destroyed. What Chinese people are best at is to spread the rumors. You'd better make this matter clear. Don't get it to the end. The more you talk about it, the more troublesome it becomes.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I can't explain all over the world that I don't have sexually transmitted diseases. Am I clean and innocent? Isn't this fucking three hundred taels without silver here?

Liang Chenglong heard it interestingly and laughed again. No wonder you don't worry about illness on others.

Zhang Yang didn't take these rumors seriously. He said to himself that next time he met someone who dared to talk nonsense, I would hit one by one when I saw him. "Who the hell slandered me, I will beat him!" He put down his glass and said, "You came just in time. What's Wang Xuehai's poison in Dongjiang?"

Liang Chenglong was quite proud to mention this matter. He smiled and said, "I have arranged it, and the Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau has set up a special site there. Little by little cleaning, little by little investigation, the investigation will not be finished in three or two years, and he will be delayed to death this time." He had considerable hatred for Wang Xuehai. At the beginning, he almost took the land of Dongjiang imitation department store. It was Wang Xuehai's intervention that made everything variable. That time was his worst defeat in Dongjiang shopping mall. Wang Xuehai took advantage of the quality problems of the Kyoto Building to coerce him and forced him to withdraw from the competition. This person The means are really despicable.

Zhang Yang said, "Wang Xuehai really transferred the land to He Chang'an. He Chang'an seems to have been moved."

"He Chang'an of Dingtian Group?" Liang Chenglong took a breath of cold air.

Zhang Zhang nodded.

Liang Chenglong is trapped in a short period of thinking. He Chang'an's Dingtian Group has strong strength. Even if he is difficult to match with others, and He Chang'an is very popular in officialdom and has a friendship with many senior leaders. If he wants to take over this land, he must have the strength to take it. Liang Chenglong said, "I have all the funds outside now. I can't eat the plates of Dongjiang imitation department store. If He Chang'an wants to take it, let him take it. But isn't this equivalent to sending charcoal to Wang Xuehai in the snow?

Zhang Yang said, "He Chang'an is quite shrewd. What he value is interests. With such a big piece of fat meat, he can't be unmoved!"

Liang Chenglong said, "What's wrong with him? I just don't want Wang Xuehai to be Ruyi!"

Zhang Yang said, "I know He Chang'an. Do you want me to contact you?"

Liang Chenglong nodded and said, "Please arrange it for me. I'll meet him and see if there is any

Gu Yangyang was obviously a little unhappy. When he got out of the car, he did not say hello to Zhang Yang. He buried his head and walked quickly to the school gate. After a few steps, he finally couldn't help stopping and turning around and looking at it. But seeing that Zhang Yang had already got on the car, she returned to the front of the car: "Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Yang fell off the window of the car and said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Gu Yangyang bit his lip and said, "I have something to tell you!"

Zhang Yang looked at Liang Chenglong, and Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "You talk, I'll wait for you here."

Zhang Yang just got out of the car and walked to the Academy with Gu Yangyang.

Gu Yangyang summoned up his courage and said, "Did you deliberately alienate me?"

"Where is it? Zhang Yang smiled a little unnaturally.

Gu Yangyang said, "I can see it!"

Zhang Yang said, "Silly girl, I treat you as my own sister. How can a brother alienate my sister?"

Gu Yangyang looked up at the sky and suddenly felt an indescribable grievance in her heart. She whispered, "I don't like Jiang Guangya!"

Zhang Yang nodded.

"Don't help set us up in the future! Do you know that I'm very, I'm very sad when you do this!"

Zhang Yang looked at Gu Yangyang. Now her eyes were slightly red, and she felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, he didn't want to set up Jiang Guangya and Gu Yangyang. He really doesn't want to ask about other people's feelings. However, taking care of yourself clearly gives you a good impression of yourself. This made Zhang Yang feel a little scared. After his rebirth, he was still afraid of girls for the sixth time. This kind of feeling was something he had never thought of. Zhang Yang coughed and said, "It's better to study hard when you are young, and think about emotional matters later."

Gu Yang said, "I understand. If you don't say something, I understand!" After saying that, she accelerated her pace and looked at the shadow of Gu Yangyang who disappeared in the wind. She was unconsciously there for a long time. I just came to my senses and sighed deeply.

Under Zhang Yang's arrangement, Liang Chenglong went to Beiguo Villa to visit He Chang'an. After a few polite words, Liang Chenglong quickly turned the topic to Dongjiang imitation department store.

He Chang'an smiled and said: Xiao Liang! Since you and Zhang Yang are good friends, everyone is not an outsider. What can I say? I won't hide it from you!"

Zhang Yang tasted the spring tea specially brewed by He Chang'an. He Chang'an sent him two boxes of this tea two days ago, and the market price was more than 3,000 yuan. He is not very interested in business, but he doesn't want Chang'an to help Wang Xuehai. For Wang Xuehai, a falling dog like Wang Xuehai, he must fight to the end.

He Chang'an said, "Although the land of Dongjiang imitation department store will produce great benefits, I still don't see it, but I still decided to take this land down, because someone came to me and asked me to do Wang Xuehai this favor. I don't care about the benefits, but I have to talk about the favor. I also know that To take over is equivalent to saving Wang Xuehai. People have to take into account all aspects of relationships in this world, don't you think so?

Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong looked at each other, and both of them understood that Wang Xuehai must have found a relationship. He Chang'an couldn't get in the way, so he took over the mess.

Liang Chenglong was skeptical of He Changshi's words. In his opinion, He Chang'an is not only because of human feelings. The most important factor that prompts a businessman to make a business decision is also interests. He Chang'an must be because of interests. Although Liang Chenglong was unhappy. On the surface, he said politely, "Mr. He invests in Dongjiang. I believe that there will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future."

He Chang'an smiled and said, "If you make every investment. I have to go there in person, so I'm afraid I don't have any spare time."

Liang Chenglong understands that the business has reached the point of He Chang'an, everything is on track, and many things should not be done by himself.

He Chang'an said again, "Your Fengyu Group operates well in Dongjiang. If you look at Pinghai, you are one of the few businesses."

Liang Chenglong said modestly, "Please ask Mr. He to teach more."

He Chang'an said, "Everyone's business methods are different, and the ultimate purpose is nothing more than profit. However, the interests are also different. Most businessmen see economic interests, few can see social interests, and few can sacrifice economic interests for social interests.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle He is one of the few!"

He Chang'an laughed and said, "I'm ashamed, I didn't understand until I lived for so many years!" He said to Liang Chenglong, "I heard that you also participated in the competition in the plot of Dongjiang imitation department store. How about it? Are you still interested in that land now?

Liang Chenglong told the truth: "I'm interested. But I don't have the strength to eat this land now!"

He Chang'an said, "Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

Liang Chenglong could hardly believe his ears. He Changshui actually took the initiative to cooperate with him. His smile was already hanging on Liang Chenglong's face, and he had not yet cultivated to the realm of joy and anger. He Chang'an said, "I have money. You are familiar with the situation of Dongjiang, and you have a good background. Our cooperation will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Onlookers are clear, and Zhang Yang secretly admires that He Chang'an's proposal looks sudden on the surface. But after careful consideration, he has considered the matter very clearly. He has chosen to cooperate with sorghum Jackie Chan to save a lot of things. There is no need for He Chang'an to deal with all aspects of Dongjiang and even Pinghai.

Liang Chenglong benefited a lot from this meeting. Even if He Chang'an helped his wife Xuehai, he also got practical benefits. The matter of Dongjiang's imitation of the department store has been tossing for so many years, twists and turns, and the end is back, and he finally participated in the opening of this land.

At noon, He Chang'an left them at the villa for dinner. After dinner, he took them to appreciate the sword he had just photographed by Emperor Kangxi.

Liang Chenglong saw He Chang'an's collection in Beiguo Villa. I sighed from the bottom of my heart. I don't know when I can reach this level.

When Zhang Yang and Liang Chenglong were about to leave, He Chang'an called Zhang Yang aside. He had something to talk to Zhang Yang alone.

Liang Chenglong is very interesting and wait in the car first.

He Chang'an seemed to be a little hesitant and whispered, "Zhang Yang, we will treat you as our own people at first sight!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle He, what do you want to say? Just say, don't have any scruples."

He Chang'an nodded and said, "There is something I've been in my heart, and it's not easy to say. Vice Premier Wen is your godfather. It's more convenient for you to say something.

Zhang Yang heard that this matter had something to do with the Wen family. Suddenly, I was scared.

He Chang'an said, "Haonan has a new girlfriend named Qin Mengmeng!"

When Zhang Yang heard about this, he nodded and said, "I heard that she is the daughter of a commander of a military region. There is such a thing!"

He Chang'an said, "I know more about Qin Mengmeng. She is not as simple as everyone seems on the surface."

Zhang Yang's heart was stunned. He Chang'an said something like this, and the meaning was quite obvious. He didn't say anything, waiting for He Chang'an to finish his words.

He Chang'an said, "There is a Canaan Kindergarten near Tianjin Nankai University, and there is a child named Qin Huan in Class Two of Middle School!"

Zhang Yang has understood what He Chang'an is implying. He looked into the distance and whispered, "Uncle He wants me to tell them about this?"

He Chang'an said, "The relationship between the Qin family and the Wen family and me is very good. I'm really not suitable to make trouble, but I feel that this matter is unfair to the Wen family. Haonan has never been concerned about his feelings. At first, I thought that this matter would be over, but I didn't expect that he really Mengmeng, this matter is a little bad. The relationship between Commander Qin and his wife and Qin Mengmeng is not very good, so they don't know the existence of Qin Huan

Zhang Yang had some dissatisfaction with He Chang'an. You're not the right to talk about it. You don't want to make trouble. You put this problem on me.

He Chang'an said, "Zhang Yang, I have wanted to tell Vice Premier Wen and his wife about this for several times, but after careful consideration, it is not convenient for me to say. After all, I am an outsider and it is not suitable to participate in your family affairs." He paused and said, "If you feel embarrassed, you can think you don't know about it!"