Medical official path

Chapter 318 Human truth T hypocrisy on

The ups and downs of the new "Strongly push, fat enough, can be killed! Brothers and sisters who are happy to be deleted can go to support! He. Yin Zhaoqiang

Since the Buddha's relics were found in the underground palace of Nanlin Temple, the incense of Nanlin Temple has become more and more prosperous. At five o'clock in the afternoon, there is still an endless stream of incense guests in Nanlin Temple. Chang Hailong's purpose is to visit the Buddha's relics. Buddha's relics are collected in the

Zhang Yang is definitely at the VIP level in Nanlin Temple. According to the monk Sanbao, Zhang Daguanren is the great savior of Nanlin Temple. If it hadn't been for Zhang Daguanren's appearance in the underground palace of Nanlin Temple, the temple would not have prospered today.

Zhang Yang found the monk of Sanbao, and the matter of visiting the Buddha's relics can be done by the monk of Sanbao. There is no need to trouble the abbot of Puyuan, but when Sanbao heard that it was this matter, he said, "I can't do it today. Someone will visit the underground palace. Let's do it tomorrow."

Zhang Yang was a little angry when he heard it. He brought guests to Nanlin Temple more than once, and he was always on the go. Why did he do it today? He stared at the Sanbao monk coldly and said, "Master, my friend will leave Jiangcheng tonight!"

The monk Sanbao said, "To be honest, the abbot is accompanying several distinguished guests to visit now. He specifically told that no one can receive it today."

Zhang Yang said, "Who is so awesome?" I have guessed in my heart that the person who can be accompanied by the abbot of Puyuan in person is sure that his identity is unusual.

The monk Sanbao said, "Mr. Qi and Mr. Xu of Huitong."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Xu Jiayong and Qiao Mengnuan also went to Nanlin Temple to offer incense. Are they here to ask for marriage?

Chang Hailong was very sincere. He smiled and said, "Well, I can wait for them to leave before I give incense. I hope it's convenient for the master. I'm going back to Lanshan tonight

Sanbao said with a sad face: "Mr. Xu donated 100,000 yuan. His condition is that the Buddha's relic can only be visited by them today. Director Zhang, do we need to talk about this relationship? I'm really sorry. Since we promised him, we Buddhist disciples can't go back on our word.

Zhang Yang disdained and said, "Isn't it just two stinky money? As for such a big show? If he has the guts, he will package Nanlin Temple and donate 100,000 yuan every day.

Sanbao Monk Xin said that if Xu Jiayong donates 100,000 yuan a day, we will definitely clap our hands to celebrate. They are not fools, and there is a limit to donating donations. It is impossible to donate all his money to Buddhism.

When Chang Haitian saw that the Sanbao monk was in a dilemma, he said to Chang Hailong, "Hailong, in fact, the main thing of incense is sincerity. It is not necessary to go to the Buddha's relic to enter the incense. Isn't it the same when you go to the hall?"

Chang Hailong nodded and went to the hall.

Zhang Yang pointed to the three treasures monk. The man was indeed a little unhappy. Chang Hailong came all the way. I can't meet this small request, and I feel very faceless.

Chang Haixin whispered, "Zhang Yang, don't embarrass this master. Since it's inconvenient, why force others to do it?"

The monk Sanbao accompanied him with a smile and said, "I have a good red sandalwood that has just been opened. I'll give some to some beneers."

Zhang Yang said angrily, "No!"

The monk of Sanbao was really angry when he saw Zhang Yang. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous and said carefully, "Well," I'll discuss with the abbot

When Zhang Yang was about to say no, he suddenly heard a familiar voice saying, "Zhang. I didn't expect to meet you here again!"

Zhang Yang turned around and saw the middle-aged man named Qiao hanging a camera and looking at it with a smile


Zhang Yangle said, "Lao Qiao, not to mention, we are really predestined. From Chunyang to Jiangcheng, we can meet you everywhere. Have you been following me?

Lao Qiao smiled and said, "No, absolutely not. I accompanied my family to put incense. She went to put incense. I walked casually and took a few photos. There are so many historical sites in Nanlin Temple!"

Zhang Yang walked over and shook hands with Lao Qiao: "How about it? Did you have a good time in our Jiangcheng?"

Old Joe nodded and said, "Jiangcheng is much better than I thought!"

The two were chatting lively. Zhang Yang saw the abbot of Puyuan accompanying Xu Jiayong and Qiao Mengnuan coming from a distance. When Xu Jiayong saw Zhang Yang, his eyes couldn't help staring round, full of surprise and inexplicable expression. The surprise on Qiao Mengnuan's face was no less than his, and his mouth was opened. The shape has not been closed for a long time.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Qiao, Mr. Xu, you also come to incense!"

Jomm smiled, but his eyes fell on the middle-aged man and whispered, "Dad, do you know him?"

Xu Jiayong also shouted, "Uncle Qiao!" His mood at this time was extremely complicated. He never expected to see such a scene. Zhang Yang had a good talk with his future father-in-law, Qiao Zhenliang, Secretary of the Yun'an Provincial Party Committee. Qiao Zhenliang came to Jiangcheng suddenly this time, and he was originally ready. But I didn't expect that Qiao Zhenliang would drive here by himself, and he had already visited Qingtai Mountain before coming to Jiangcheng. Although he is engaged to Qiao Mengyu. However, he lacks understanding of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law. It can be said that if it hadn't been for Qiao Lao's interference, he and Qi Meng's daughter-in-law would not have been engaged now. Neither Qiao Zhenliang and his wife agreed with his daughter. Mother-in-law Meng Chuanmei wrote this kind of unhappiness on her face. He hasn't talked to him until now. Although his father-in-law Qiao Zhenliang is friendly on the surface, he is also very disgusted with this marriage.

Xu Jiayong knew that his mother-in-law believed in Buddhism, so he specially arranged to put incense in front of the Buddha's relic. His mother-in-law Meng Chuanmei was still chanting scriptures in the underground palace at this time, and Qiao Mengnuan's cousin Shi Wei accompanied her. Qiao Zhenliang was a complete ** member. He didn't believe this, so he didn't even enter the underground palace. He was alone outside to take photos. Qiao Mengnuan and Xu Jiayong were worried about his loneliness, so they came up to accompany him.

Neither of them thought that Zhang Yang was also in Nanlin Temple, let alone that Zhang Yang was still with Qiao Zhenliang. The two chatted enthusiastically.

Zhang Yang heard what the two called Lao Qiao. Only then did I understand that after a long time, the simple and honest middle-aged man was Qiao Mengnuan's father. Qiao Zhensiao, Secretary of the Yun'an Provincial Party Committee. In the concept of publicity, there are few officials at the level of the secretary of the provincial party committee like Qiao Zhenliang. This person does not have much official spirit. It is not so much that he uses the secretary as he is more like a general workshop ※

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "So you all know each other!"

Qiao Mengnuan smiled and said, "Yes, he is Zhang Yang, director of Jiangcheng Investment Office. We are old friends."

Qiao Zhenliang took a look at Zhang Yang and said with a smile, "Is it the godd son of Comrade Guoquan? Young and promising!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Qi, I can't help but praise!" After knowing Qiao Zhenliang's identity, he naturally didn't dare to call Lao Qiao.

Qiao Zhenliang laughed and said, "I'm the secretary of Yun'an, not the secretary of Pinghai. Don't call me that, it's better to call me Lao Qiao."

Qiao Mengnuo stared at Zhang Yang fiercely, saying in her heart that this man was rude enough to call his father Lao Qiao.

Zhang Yang coughed awkwardly and said, "Don't blame me. Well, I didn't know you were Mr. Qiao's father!"

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Since you are all friends. Call me Uncle Qiao. Your godfather and I are also good friends!"

Zhang Yang respectfully called Uncle Qiao. He knew very well that this is Mr. Qiao's son in front of him, and the most prominent one of the Qiao family in the political arena. Qiao Zhenliang is only 52 years old this year, and his prospects are still very bright. From ancient times to the present, politics is a plaything of a few people. The It is becoming more and more important. Zhang Yang doesn't know anything about Qiao Zhenliang's people, but he knows that Qiao Zhenliang has a good way in economics. Since he went to Yun'an, the economy of Yun'an Province has grown year after year. In the past, Pinghai was far away from Yun'an in all aspects, but in recent years, Yun'an's exhibition has been

At this time, Meng Chuanmei finished reciting the scriptures and left the underground palace accompanied by Shi Wei and the abbot of Puyuan. Seeing Zhang Yang, she also said hello with a smile: Xiao Zhang. I met you again!"

Zhang Yang said respectfully, "How are Aunt Meng!"

Xu Jiayong listened to his ears and felt really uncomfortable. Since he was engaged to Qiao Mengnuan, Meng Chuanmei hasn't even said a word to him. She didn't pay attention to him when she came to Jiangcheng this time. Originally, Xu Jiayong had nothing to do with him. After all, his future mother-in-law has always opposed his marriage with Qiao Meng Nuannuan and never liked him. But When the imbalance is unbalanced, why does he publicize?

Qiao Mengnuan realized something from Xu Jiayong's eyes. She took her father's arm and said, "Dad, we should go!"

Xu Jiayong said attentively, "Uncle Qiao, I have prepared a banquet for you in the new emperor!"

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and turned to Zhang Yang and said, "Xiao Zhang, let's go together!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Forget it, your family will have dinner, so I won't join in the fun!"

Qiao Zhenli said, "There are no outsiders. Come together!" He invited very sincerely, and Qiao Mengnuan also said, "Zhang Yang, my father sincerely invites you again!"

The person who spoke was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Xu Jiayong's heart seemed to have overturned the five-flavor bottle, and all kinds of flavors surged into his heart. He looked at Zhang Yang, and there was a little jealousy in his eyes.

Zhang Yang didn't want to get along with him, but he also noticed Xu Jiayong's expression. I don't know why. Since Zhang Yang put the doubts of a series of things on Xu Jiayong, he can't help but base his happiness on the pain of the other party. The more Xu Jiayong doesn't want me to go, I have to go. The more unhappy you are, the happier I am. With such a mentality, Zhang Yang nodded and accepted it.

Qiao Mengjun actually doesn't want Zhang Yang to go. Recently, she has often quarreled with Xu Jiayong. Many of the reasons are related to Zhang Yang. Her invitation is just polite. If Zhang Yang has a little look, she should not agree to go, but this person agreed, Qiao Meng Nuanxin said that we are a family banquet, and you really don't treat yourself as an outsider. On the surface, he still has to pretend to be very happy: "Well, at 6:30 p.m., the new emperor's guest No. 1."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry. I'll be there on time!"

Qiao Mengjun called Zhang Yang aside and whispered, "My father came to Jiangcheng this time as a private person. Don't be quiet!"

Zhang Yang understood what Qiao Mengmei meant and smiled, "I only think he is Lao Qiao, not Secretary Qiao!"

Qiao Mengnuan couldn't help staring at him again.

Zhang Yang sent the three brothers and sisters of the Chang family back to the pharmaceutical factory. Then he went to the Royal Holiday. The purpose of his trip this time was to ask Su Xiaohong for wine. Zhang Yang had his own way of doing things. His acquaintance with Qiao Zhenliang was purely a coincidence, as far as the current understanding is concerned. Qiao Zhenliang is not bad. He doesn't have too much official airs. He is a kind person, which makes it difficult to believe that he comes from an official eunuch's family, and he is in a high position. As Qiao Zhenliang, he can invite himself to drink, which is already a great face for him. As a landlord, Zhang Yang should say that the new emperor is Qiao Mengnuan's industry. Even if Zhang Yang wants to pay the bill, it is impossible, so he wants to bring wine there. Levels like Qiao Zhenliang. I haven't seen any famous wine. Zhang Yang thought about it, that is, the jars of wine hidden in Su Xiaohong's cellar are distinctive.

Another important reason for Zhang Yang's work on wine is that Qiao Zhenliang is also a good drinker. Zhang Yang asked for wine, but of course Su Xiaohong would not refuse.

Zhang Yang came to the new emperor on time, and Qiao's family had arrived, except for Qiao Zhenliang and his wife. It's Qiao Mengnuan, Xu Jiayong and Shi Wei. Sure enough, there are no outsiders.

Shi Wei stood outside the door waiting for him. When he saw Zhang Yang coming with a jar of wine, he greeted him and whispered, "Why did you come here! It's quite arrogant!"

Zhang Yang said, "I came on time. Besides, I'm a distinguished guest. Isn't it faceless to come early?"

Shi Weibai glanced at him and said, "You really don't take yourself as an outsider!"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "To be honest, I'm here for you!"

Shi Wei's face was hot. Although she knew that this was talking nonsense, her heart was still warm. She whispered, "Don't talk nonsense tonight. My uncle and aunt have never agreed with my cousin's affairs."

Zhang Yang said, "What the hell, Lao Qi came to me for a drink!"

"You," Shi Wei wanted to say a few words. Zhang Yang has strode into State Guest No. 1.


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