Medical official path

Chapter 328 Bloodshot

Mo Chongshan is very concerned about the children's noon ring, he whispered! The most toothed! What's the trouble of sucking the lake?

Du Tianye said, "I'm in a little trouble. Now it has been solved, that is, Zhang Yang beat Andawen, An Lao's grandson. He is the director of the China Merchants Office and the investor. Of course, it will cause some adverse effects.

When Chen Chongshan heard that it was this matter, he was not too surprised: "Zhang Yang looks careless on the surface, but in fact, he has a lot of times in his heart. I think he has a strong sense of justice. You have to help him in this matter!"

Du Tianye laughed and said, "I don't know if he has a strong sense of justice. The reason why he beat Andavin this time is that Andavin bullied An Yuchen, but he is a good person and can make so many people say good words for him. It proves that he has a lot of flashes on his body.

Chen Chongshan said, "Speaking of which, the development of Qingtai Mountain was still done by Zhang Yang. At the beginning, An Lao's investment was moved by him."

Du Tianye said, "Don't worry, he has turned bad luck into good luck this time. Last night, CCTV broadcast his story, but he was just promoting him as a positive image. He not only did not mention his beating, but said that he was the leader in defending the interests of the country."

Chen Chongshan laughed and said, "He has always been lucky!"

Su Nuannuan's cooking skills made Chen Chongshan praise endlessly, and he had a good impression on the girl in his heart. Since he knew that Du Tianye was his own son, Chen Chongshan's heart had endless relief and a lot of worries. Although the two officially recognized each other, they already understood each other's relationship in their hearts. Du Tianye asked about the past.

Chen Chongshan did not hide it and told Du Tianye about the past very gently. Every time the father and son meet, there are always endless words in the afternoon. The old Taoist priest Li Xinyi came back. He looked for it in a panic: "It's not good, it's not good!"

Chen Chongshan was slightly stunned and got up and said, "What's wrong?"

The old Taoist priest first scooped a ladle of water in the water tank. Gubu Gudu took two mouthfuls and said, "There are a lot of villagers below. They all ran to Dujuanpo and said that they had found some treasure. Where did they grab it? The scene was very chaotic.

After hearing this, Du Tianye immediately stood up and said, "I'll go and have a look!" He has rushed out. Su Nuannuan hurriedly chased out.

Chen Chongshan took two steps and turned back to get the shotgun, so he chased after Li Xinyi


Hundreds of people gathered on the cuckoo slope, all of whom were villagers from Heishanzi Township, Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, Shangqinghe Village, and other villagers who came after hearing the news. The cause of the incident was that Dujuanpo found the treasure. Somehow the news came out. After hearing about it, all the villagers rushed over and found a lot of gold and silver utensils in the dirt hole in the northeast corner of Dujuanpo. In the face of the sudden emergence of wealth, the people suddenly lost their minds and changed from the beginning of the struggle to And it turned into a bucket, and iron inlay, shovel, wooden stick and steel fork were all useful.

When Du Tianye arrived, there was a scuffle at the scene. A villager waved an iron lock and photographed the person opposite to the ground, and the golden basin in the man's arms fell to the ground.

Du Tianye said angrily, "All stop it. I'm Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee!" He immediately found that his words did not play any deterrent role at all, and these mountain people were already jealous. No one listened to him at all.

Su Nuannuan followed Du Tianye closely and turned pale by the scene in front of her. She took Du Tianye's arm: "Secretary Du, dangerous, get out of here quickly!"

Before Du Tianye left, a man had rushed up to Du Tianye with a spade, swung the spade and hit Du Tianye on the head. Du Tianye dodged, dodged his attack, raised his foot and kicked the man to the ground.

Another man raised the iron and patted the back of Du Tianye's head. Du Tianye grabbed the wooden pole with his backhand and grabbed it hard. He reversed the iron, patted the villager's chest with a plane, and roared, "Give me all my assistants. I'm Du Tianye, and I'm the secretary

At this time, the villager who had just been kicked by him climbed up from the ground, quietly came behind Du Tianye, and raised a shovel to hit the top of Du Tianye's head. Su Yuyu was the closest. Seeing that Du Tianye couldn't avoid it, she screamed almost hysterically.

"Peng!" With a gunshot on the ground, the sound of gunfire echoed in the valley, and the mountain people who were immersed in the chaos and blood were shocked by the sound of gunfire. I calmed down in an instant.

Du Tianye gathered in surprise, but saw that the villager who wanted to attack him slowly fell down, and the blood stains on his chest kept expanding.

Chen Chongshan is holding a double-bbleed shotgun not far away. The expression was cold, and wiss of smoke appeared from the muzzle of the gun.

Everyone was stunned. Chen Chongshan had no choice but to shoot. If he didn't shoot, Du Tianye would at least be seriously injured.

After a short silence, I heard a sad and angry voice roaring, "Brother!" The injured brother rushed to Chen Chongshan desperately. They were all villagers of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. Driven by them, those villagers rushed to Chen Chongshan.

Chen Chongshan had to shoot just now. Now he can't shoot. Li Xinyi saw that the situation was not good. He rushed forward and knocked down four villagers in a row and shouted, "All stop and listen to me!" Although the old Taoist priest is good at martial arts, hundreds of people at the scene are all like crazy tigers, and the situation is uncontrollable at all.

Chen Chongshan was pushed to the ground by angry villagers. More than a dozen villagers gathered around him.

Du Tianye saw his father being beaten, and his eyes turned red. He ran forward desperately. Su Yuanyuan tried to stop him, took his arm and begged, "Secretary Du, you should pay attention to safety," "Get out of here!" Du Tianye waved his hand and threw Su Nuanyu's hand away, and Su Junnuo fell to the ground heavily.

Du Tianye picked up the iron and rushed up. A villager tried to stop him and was slapped to the ground by him. He rushed to the group of villagers who beat his father, raised the iron and waved it out like crazy. Finally, he dispersed the villagers and picked up Chen Chongshan, whose face was full of blood. At this time

Du Tianye hugged Chen Chongshan and blocked the rain-like attack with his body. He didn't know how long he had such an attack, or the gunshot sounded. Chen Chongshan's blood-stained hand picked up the shotgun, fired a shot into the sky, and then roared, "Who dares to approach, I'll kill him!"

Li Xinyi made a bloody road and roared, "You are all crazy. This is the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. He is the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee!"

Some of them calmed down, meaning... The seriousness of the matter of Butian. Some people only began to escape from the fire under the mountains. The leader was Liu Chuankui, the former village secretary of Shangqinghe Village. Liu Chuankui shouted, "Mom, don't let anyone go!"

First, the police officers of the Heishanzi Township Police Station came when they heard the news. A large number of policemen in Chunyang County arrived an hour later. They died at the scene and were seriously injured. Everyone has different degrees of minor injuries. Du Tianye, the secretary of the municipal party committee, also had a black nose and a swollen face, and Su Nuannuan's forehead was also broken, but fortunately, she was lucky and was not seriously injured.

The emergency doctor who followed him carried out emergency dressing treatment at the scene.

The villager who was shot by Chen Chongshan has died of anger.

Shao Weijiang, director of the Chunyang County Public Security Bureau, came to the scene to command in person. When he knew that Du Tianye, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was also at the scene of the fight and was injured, he was so scared that he immediately called Zhu Heng, the secretary of the county party committee.

Shao Weijiang came to Du Tianye and greeted him with concern, "Secretary Du, are you injured?"

Du Tianye ignored him, but said to the doctor who was examining Chen Chongshan's body, "Doctor, is he all right?" The doctor said, "Skin trauma, it's okay!"

Shao Weijiang stood there with some embarrassment. Xiao Du Tianye was sure that his father was fine, so he turned to Shao Weijiang and said, "Have you found out the origin of their fighting?"

Shao Weijiang said, "Dujuanpo found a cave, which is said to be the treasure house of the horse bandit's beard in those years, and there were a lot of gold and silver treasures in it. Somehow the news came out, so the villagers around came to fight, and then there was a fight.

Du Tianye wiped his bleeding lips with gauze, stood up and said, "Check this matter carefully. Be sure to find out all the people involved in the case, and don't let anyone miss the Internet

At this time, a policeman came to Shao Weijiang's side and whispered to him.

Shao Weijiang looked embarrassed. He asked Du Tianye for instructions: "Secretary Du, a villager named Zhu Hongwei was killed by a shotgun!" As he spoke, he looked at Chen Chongshan in the distance. Many people saw Chen Chongshan shooting and killing Zhu Hongwei.

Du Tianye's heart sank, and his mind calmed down. The situation just now was chaotic. He had no time to consider this matter, but now, he had to consider this matter cautiously. He calmly said, "At that time, Zhu Hongwei was attacking me with a shovel, which had endangered my life, so they shot!"

Shao Weijiang said, "We need Chen Chongshan to help us investigate!" His request is not too much.

There are already police hearing from Chen Chongshan. Chen Chongshan has been very calm all the time. He raised his hand and said, "I killed people. I'll go with you!"

Du Tianye said to Shao Weijiang, "The situation at that time was very complicated, and he had no choice but to shoot!"

Shao Weijiang nodded and said, "Secretary Du, don't worry. We will definitely find out about this matter. As for Chen Chongshan, we will treat him well in order to investigate this matter.

That night, Du Tianye did not return to Jiangcheng, but stayed in Chunyang County to hold an emergency meeting. All the important leaders of the Chunyang County Party Committee and the county government attended the meeting. Seeing the appearance of the secretary of the municipal party committee, Zhu Heng, the secretary of the county party committee, was uneasy. He knew that this time was a big trouble, and these township people involved the secretary of the municipal party committee. And he was also beaten and almost lost his life on Qingtai Mountain. Du Tianye was very annoyed. He would not give up. This time, the venting point of his anger would probably be chosen by himself.

Shao Changjiang, director of the county public security bureau, briefly reported what we have learned so far: "According to our on-site investigation, this is indeed a treasure cave with some gold and silver utensils in it. As for whether it was left by the horse bandit An's beard in those years, it remains to be verified. The root cause of this armed struggle lies in those treasures. People's nature is really selfish

Zhu Heng, Secretary of the County Party Committee, said, "People die for money and birds die for food. These people lost their minds in the face of the sudden arrival of wealth, so this bloody fight broke out."

Du Tianye said coldly: "Qingtai Mountain has been developing tourism for a long time. Have the relevant departments noticed the regulatory problem? Who will protect the environment of Qingtai Mountain? Who is responsible for the public security of Qingtai Mountain? If this happens, don't put the blame on the people. What do you mean by human selfishness? If you want to find your own problem, have you done a good job?

Zhu Heng was silent. Xu Zhaobin, the deputy county magistrate and Xu Zhaobin, looked at each other. They were a little gloating in their hearts. They had long been dissatisfied with Zhu Heng's domineering. This was an opportunity, an opportunity to bring Zhu Heng down, but now was not the best time to fall into the well It's not convenient for them to talk.

Du Tianye said, "I usually don't pay attention to ideological work. It's ridiculous to talk about human nature when something goes wrong! I can see that there are great problems in the development of Taishan. These problems are fundamentally caused by you leaders. Don't emphasize the problems in this aspect. I don't want to listen to the reason. I want to see the results. I want to see the problems and solve them immediately

It was inconvenient for Zhu Heng to speak, so he quietly gave a wink to Shao Changjiang, the director of the county public security bureau. Shao Changjiang braced his head and said, "Secretary Du, don't worry, we will find out the whole matter as soon as possible, and thoroughly investigate the personnel involved in the case to the end, and

Du Tianye snorted coldly and got up and walked out of the door.

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