Medical official path

Chapter 330 More and more intense

system and calm, banners, slogans, but there was no violence. The family of the deceased proposed to see the county party secretary and county magistrate to negotiate with them face to face.

What makes Shao Weijiang more troublesome is that the crowds gather more and more at the scene, which brings considerable difficulty to their dispersal work. If coercive measures are taken, I'm afraid it is very likely to cause conflicts, and the scene will even be out of control. He immediately reported the incident to his superiors.

Zhu Heng faced this grim situation for the first time since he took office. After careful consideration, he decided to agree to meet the family of the deceased.

Zhu Xiaoqiao Village sent five representatives, three of whom were the direct family members of the deceased, and the other two were cousins. Zhu Hongwei's father was an honest rural man. Sitting there, the dagger began to cry: "My poor baby!"

Zhu Hongwei's two brothers also burst into tears.

Shao Weijiang said, "You are here to negotiate. Don't cry in a hurry. If there is any situation, just tell me. Secretary Zhu and the county magistrate Sha are here. Tell me the situation. If it makes sense, we will definitely solve it for you." Zhu Hongjun is a private primary school teacher in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. He wiped his tears and said, "My brother is only 24 years old, so he left like this. He left three children at home. How do you let their orphans and widowed mothers live?"

County Changsha Puyuan said, "Do you know what your brother did? He steals national cultural relics and participates in armed fights, which are all illegal and disciplinary acts. You even gather so many people to run to the door of the county party committee and county government to make trouble. This is called an attack on government organs. This is a contemptuous act of national laws and regulations.

"In the face of these ordinary people who don't know much, Sha Puyuan scared them first in terms of momentum.

Zhu Hongxing, the second brother of the deceased, is a pig-killer, and he is also a fierce and arrogant character in the countryside. He also participated in the armed struggle that day, but when the police arrived, he was lucky to escape. He stared and said, "Don't scare me. Killing people to pay for your debts. This is Even if you commit a great crime, it should be dealt with by the public security. You should go to prison and be shot. Why did that old man kill my brother with one shot? This is murder. We want the government to give us an explanation. We want Chen Chongshan to pay for his life!" Zhu Heng scolded in his heart. If the tiger didn't show his power, you would think I was a sick cat. He said angrily, "The matter has been investigated very clearly. At that time, Zhu Hongwei attacked Secretary Du of the Municipal Party Committee with a murder weapon, endangering his life, so Chen Chongshan had to shoot..."

Zhu Hongxing has a bold posture: "The secretary's life is life, and my brother's life is not life? You officials protect each other, not because the old man knows the secretary of the municipal party committee!"

Shao Weijiang said angrily, "What are you talking about? Nonsense, believe it or not, I'll lock you up?"

Zhu Hongjun obviously sang red and white with his brothers. Zhu Hongjun said, "Leaders, I'm sorry, my second brother is a rude person who can't speak. He said so in front of the reporter just now!"

Zhu Heng frowned. He realized that the Zhu Hongjun in front of him was not simple. This sentence was clearly threatening them and implying that they had been interviewed by the news media. Zhu Heng said, "The matter has not been decided yet. What's the point of making such a fuss? Did we say that Chen Chongshan is innocent? The government hasn't come up with a specific plan yet. If you make trouble like this, it will only make things more and more troublesome. Is it good for you?

Zhu Hongjun said, "Secretary Zhu, I heard that you are also from our Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. At least we are also villagers. You are our parents. I hope you can make the decision for us!"

Zhu Heng said, "If you still believe in the government, the party, and believe in my parents and officials, I will persuade everyone in your village to go back now. I promise that this matter will give you a fair and just handling!"

Zhu Hongjun said, "If there is no result in a day, my brother's body will not be buried!"

Zhu Heng said, "You don't have to do this. The forensic doctor has examined the body and the identification has come out. Let the deceased be buried as soon as possible!"

Zhu Hongjun said, "Secretary Zhu, we believe you once, and I hope you can solve this matter as soon as possible.

Zhu Heng vowed, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you a fair result.

After the negotiation, these ordinary people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village really dispersed honestly. ' ' The interrupted Standing Committee was able to continue. Zhu Heng said, "Comrade Wei Jiang, the matter of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village must be dealt with as soon as possible. Today's incident is not allowed to happen again."

Shao Weijiang said, "The purpose of their trouble is obvious. They want to put pressure on us to release the captured villagers through such actions."

Zhu Heng said, "It's really lawless!" He lit a cigarette and took a sip, and Zhu Heng was also a smoker. From this point of view, he and his predecessor Li Changyu were not the same.

Shao Weijiang said, "There were a lot of reporters at the scene just now. Our factory made people pay attention to it. There is a provincial newspaper!"

Zhu Heng was slightly stunned. The villagers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village made trouble. Unexpectedly, a reporter from the provincial newspaper followed the report. This matter was obviously unusual. He whispered, "The meeting is over!"

After the meeting, Zhu Heng left Shao Weijiang alone. He was concerned about Chen Chongshan.

Shao Weijiang said: "The evidence is very beneficial to Chen Chongshan. At that time, he fired in order to stop Zhu Hongwei's criminal behavior. He saved Secretary Du. There were witnesses at the scene, Li Xinyi, a Taoist priest in Zixiaguan, and Su Jie, a waiter in the municipal government hostel.

Zhu Heng said, "That is to say, he is fine?"

Shao Weijiang said, "In a sense, Chen Chongshan is still brave."

Zhu Heng chewed these four words and always felt that there was something wrong with this matter. He told Shao Weijiang:

"Be sure to appease the emotions of the villagers of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, and take some extraordinary measures when necessary."

Shao Weijiang nodded. In fact, the case of Chen Chongshan's case was very clear. Chen Chongshan shot Zhu Hongwei to save Du Yaoye at that time. Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, could testify for him. Du Tianye Kuimen confessed to treat Chen Chongshan well, and Rong Pengfei, the director of Dare to neglect, at present, Chen Chongshan has been transferred to the municipal bureau, and the director of the municipal bureau has personally asked about this matter. These signs indicate that Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has fixed Chen Chongshan. The trouble in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village was unusual. So many people came to the gate of the county party committee and county government. The purpose of their trouble was very clear, that is, to severely punish the murderer. The spearhead was Chen Chongshan, but the provincial newspaper reporter appeared at the scene. From the beginning of the gathering to the negotiation, even Zhu Heng thought about it again Li Changyu made a phone call. There is a reason why he chose to communicate with Li Changyu first. First, because he and Li Changyu are old classmates, and their personal relationship is there. Second, because Li Changyu used to be the secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee and was very familiar with the work here. He may get some correct advice from him. Third, Remember that Du Tianye obviously doesn't care about him. If he asks Du Tianye for advice because of this matter, he will be scolded by Du Yaoye who is angry.

In the past two days, the incident of Du Tianye's involvement in the armed struggle in Qingtai Mountain has been widely spread. Even if the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee does not say it, the injury on his face has been told to others. Naturally, some people are curious and some people are gloating, but Du Tianye Ask, I dare not ask.

This kind of thing can't be concealed after all.

Although Li Changyu was also very curious, he did not deliberately pay attention to this matter until Zhu Heng called. Zhu Heng said, "Old classmate, I think there is something wrong with this matter!"

Li Changyu said, "What's wrong? Chen Chongshan is an old comrade-in-arms of Secretary Du's father. Secretary Du went to visit him and happened to be involved in this armed fight. There was nothing unusual!"

Zhu Heng said, "I'm not talking about this matter. In fact, the whole incident is very clear. There is a group of theft groups. They found the Maobao Cave of An Dahu in advance. After the excavation, they deliberately released the news and caused the surrounding mountain people to come to seize the treasure. Their purpose was to destroy the scene and cover Unexpectedly, the consequences were very serious. These mountain people fought in order to seize the treasure. Secretary Du happened to be at the scene. He wanted to stop the fight, but those crazy mountain people didn't listen to him at all. This Zhu Hongwei tried to attack Secretary Du with a shovel, which posed a threat to his life. At the critical moment, Chen Chongshan arrived and shot Zhu Hongwei. His original intention was to save Secretary Du, but he didn' It was beaten to death.

Li Changyu couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you afraid of when you investigate everything so clearly? What's the point of telling me?"

Zhu Heng said, "Old classmate, more than 700 villagers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village just blocked the county party committee and county government compound."

Because this incident just happened, Li Changyu did not get the news immediately. He was a little surprised and said, "Do they dare to make trouble?"

Zhu Heng said, "It's not strange to make trouble, but it's strange that I've never seen rural people make troubles so organized, organized and so calm. Their goal is focused on Chen Chongshan. They want to negotiate with us. During the negotiation process, they only said that they would let Chen Chongshan kill and pay for their lives. There Have you ever seen such a trouble in Chunyang for so many years? These villagers are so good that they can invite all the reporters of the provincial newspaper. Isn't it planned in advance?

Li Changyu went down. What Zhu Heng said was not a trivial matter. At first glance, it was nothing, but carefully, this matter was not so simple. It was not uncommon for the farmers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village to make trouble, but these news media reacted so quickly but strangely. What was their purpose of following the report?

Zhu Heng said, "Secretary Du has a lot of opinions on me. I dare not report the situation directly to him. Old classmate, please give me some advice. What should I do?"

Li Changyu said, "First of all, we must control the emotions of the people of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village. We must not let them make trouble again. We must issue a password. All cadres and police officers involved in the operation cannot be interviewed by any news media. I will truthfully report what you said to Secretary Du.

Zhu Heng said, "I always feel unsteady!" After hanging up the phone, Li Changyu immediately went to Du Tianye's office. Du Tianye has rarely gone out recently, and the scars on his face have not faded. After all, going out has some impact on his image. He just talked to Rong Qianfei on the phone and knew that Rong Pengfei had transferred Chen Chongshan to Jiangcheng. At present, Inspecting and protecting his safety, Rong concealed the flight reassured him that there was basically no problem with Chen Chongshan's case. If there is a Tao, the relationship will be chaotic. Du Tianye has been restless for the past two days. Chen Chongshan is his father, and this time he killed someone to save him. If anything happens to his father, he can't feel at ease.

Li Changyu came to Du Tianye and sat down. Du Tianye picked up his sunglasses and put them on. Li Changyu couldn't help laughing and said, "It's not too ugly!"

Du Tianye smiled bitterly and said, "These mountain people in Qingtai Mountain are really cruel. I almost came back!"

Li Changyu said, "There are more than 700 people in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village who went to the Chunyang County Party Committee and County Government to make trouble.

Du Tianye didn't know about this matter, and was a little surprised and said, "When did it happen?"

Li Changyu said, "What just happened, Zhu Heng told me about it. Let me inform you of the situation."

Du Tianye said, "What are they doing? Organize armed fights, steal national property, and dare to make trouble. Whoever makes trouble will be arrested.

Li Changyu said, "But there is a reporter on the ship!"

Du Yaoye was stunned. He understood the meaning of this sentence. If there was a reporter present, it would not be an ordinary disturbance.

Li Changyu said again, "Provincial newspaper reporter!"

Du Tianye sank for a while, and then said, "Are you sure?

Li Changyu nodded. He looked at the young municipal party secretary. He did not envy Du Tianye, because he did not have Du Tianye's family background and background. He started differently and could not be compared with others. When Du Yaoye first came to Jiangcheng, Li Changyu was not optimistic about his ability like most people, but it turned out that A young man who dares to think and dare to do. Although he lacks experience, his enthusiasm and his pioneering nature are not found by successive municipal party secretaries in the past. It can be said that Du Tianye's arrival has brought a fresh wind to Jiangcheng's heavy political arena. Li Changyu slowly believes that Jiangcheng's political arena will change because of him F