Medical official path

Chapter 348 Attack and Defense Conversion

Suite 1818 of Yizhou Hotel, Zhao Guolianghe's father Zhao Yongfu stood side by side on the terrace. Zhao Guoliang rubbed his still sore arm and said, "Dad, these bureaucrats in Pinghai are too much. They don't want to investigate the quality of the stadium project, and they don't want to explain this to Yun'an Province. Instead, they focus on investigating the game. They just want to divert public attention and push it. Take off your responsibilities."

Zhao Yongfu drew. Smoke, his eyes turned to the brilliantly lit Dongjiang City. He is the head of China's largest iron and steel enterprise. He not only knows business management, but also knows politics well. He agrees with his son's views on this matter, but he sees it more far than his son. The fireworks are extinguished in the dark, a gust of night wind blow

Zhao Yongfu extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray on the glass table behind him, then sat down on the chair and whispered, "I didn't have time to come to the scene of the game between Taihong and Seven Stars, but I watched the live TV." Zhao Guoliang looked at his father and waited quietly for his follow-up. Zhao Yongfu said, "Zhu Yi dominated the game, and there was a huge mistake in the judgment!" Zhao Guoliang said, "He is not a god, and misjudgment is inevitable!"

Zhao Yongfu smiled and knew his son Mo Ruo's father. He knew his son's temperament too well. He whispered, "I cultivated your interest in football. In e8 years, you followed me to watch the World Cup. Since then, your love for football has been irresistible. I am! $$ Shenzhen fan is also an amateur player. With my semi-professional vision, I can see things on the court very clearly. Zhao Yongfu pulled out a cigarette, and Zhao Guoqu hurriedly lit it for his father.

Zhao Yongfu took a puff of cigarette and said, "As an international referee, Zhu Yi's performance is not in line with his level. If the first judgment is a misjudgment, the second misjudgment is intentional. Can you tell me why?" Zhao Guoliang shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Zhao Yongfu looked at his son with deep eyes: "Zhu Yi is just a referee. There is only one reason that can drive him to make such a judgment, that is, interest. He made a judgment in favor of Taihong. It is not difficult to infer that some people in our club are likely to do their work." Zhao Guoliang lowered his head silently.

Zhao Yongfu said, "Look at me and tell me honestly, does Zhu Yi's punishment in this game have anything to do with you?"

Zhao Guoliang bit his lip and finally nodded heavily and said, "Dad, yesterday was your birthday, so I wanted to give you a birthday gift, so I... I asked Deputy General Manager Gao Yong to contact Zhu Yi!" Zhao Yongfu's eyes were extremely gloomy: "How much money did you give him?" One hundred thousand!"

Zhao Yongfu's fingers hurriedly knocked twice on the armrest of the seat. The two thick eyebrows condensed together, and then the two mouthfuls of cigarettes went out in the ashtray. He stood up and walked forward, holding the railing of the terrace, quietly thinking for about it for about two minutes, and said decisively, "Go find Gao What?" Zhao Guoqu opened his eyes wide.

Zhao Yongfu said, "Give him a number that can move him and let him take care of everything. This matter must not involve you, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Zhao Guoliang obviously did not realize the seriousness of this matter. He whispered, "Dad, there will be no problem with this matter. As long as Zhu Yi's mouth is a misjudgment, there is nothing he can do!" ( *.*)

Zhao Yongfu said coldly, "Since Zhu Yi dares to take your money, he dares to take other people's money. This kind of person is used to eating floating food, and there is no possibility for him to be honest!" He sighed, patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Guoliang, you are very smart and business-minded, but your business-mindedness is not the same as political literacy. Believe me, Pinghai will definitely attack the black whistle incident on the court. This is not only to divert attention, but also to control the situation and make the leadership of Yun'an It's easy to deal with this." Zhao Guoliang said, "I don't believe that they can wipe out such a big casualty incident!"

Zhao Yongfu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I didn't want to erase this thing at all!" He didn't want to go deeper on this issue. He whispered, "You go to Gao Yong immediately. "I'm sure that this matter won't take long to find you. Someone in the club must go out and take care of it!"

His father's solemn expression made Zhao Guoliang begin to think about the seriousness of this matter. He vaguely felt that this matter was not only a tragedy caused by the collapse of the stadium stands, but also a silent game between the high-level officials of both sides. Arsenic////shen■●ji ji'+shen●0,''ji●shen●jia●ji��●0shenjia●shenjia●shen///ji ji~jir' ●,'////ji ji■●

Zhao Yongfu was not wrong. Zhu Yi finally retreated step by step in front of one evidence after another. Under the temptation of Zhang Yang's threat, Zhu Yi finally lowered his head. He whispered, "I... I took it one by one." Zhang Yang and Xu Liang of the joint trial looked at each other and smiled happily at each other.

Zhang Yang said, "Zhu Yi, according to the evidence we have so far, it is enough to prosecute you for the crime of bribery. Now there is still a chance in front of you!"

Xu Liang said, "Our policy has always been to confess and resist strictness. If you are active enough, we will plead with the court and take your meritorious performance as one of the important references for future judgments." Zhu Yi felt that his throat was a little dry. He whispered = "I want to... drink some water!" Zhang Yang nodded and asked the comrade in charge of the record to pour a glass of water for Zhu Yi.

After drinking the water, Zhu Yi moved his throat knot, squeezed his lips and said, "I admit that I'm greedy for money. I'm too strong against Jin Cheng's **. I forgot the minimum principle of fairness of a referee."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not the time to listen to the physical examination. You haven't told me how much money you charged. Who gave you this money?"

Zhu Yi bit his lip and finally made up his mind: "Gao Yong, the vice president of Taihong Club, found me before the game. He promised to give me 100,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan before the game, and pay me 50,000 yuan after the victory of the game, so that I can master the scale when I play the game to ensure that Taihong Club wins!" Zhang Yang shouted, "Let me ask again, who is in contact with you?" Gao Yong, deputy general manager of Taihong Club!" Xu Liang had already stood up. He said to Zhang Yang, "I'll inform Director Qi immediately!"

Zhang Yang nodded. Up to now, the case has finally involved the matter in the Taihong Club. The real significance of this matter is to make some people in Yun'an Province bear part of the responsibility. After Xu Liang left, Zhu Yi looked at Zhang Yang timidly and said, "Director Zhang... I have told you everything I know. You should keep your promise, right?" Zhang Yang said, "Zhu Yi, do you know the reason why you reach out and catch it?" Zhu Yi said, "I regret it! I'm ashamed!" Zhang Yang disdained and said, "If I had known this, why did I have to do it in the first place!"

Qi Bo, deputy director of the Pinghai Public Security Department, heard that the Taihong Club had found out about this matter. Although this matter had long been expected to him, he had to consider the consequences when he really grasped the evidence. After all, it involves the matter between the two provinces. At this time, pointing the finger at the Taihong Club is bound to It's a big wave. Qi Bo has always done things seriously. If a person is too stable, he will be suspected of being conservative. He first called Liu Yanhong, the leader of the investigation team. The case has involved Gao Yong, the deputy general manager of Taihong Club, whether to catch him or not? Liu Yanhong hardly thought about anything. She said, "Catch it!"

Liu Yanhong's words still did not make Qi Bo make up his mind. He also asked Wang Boxing, the director of the Public Security Department. Wang Boxing was extremely old-fashioned. He said indifferently, "Since Secretary Gu has handed this matter to you, you should do it boldly!" With the support of Secretary Gu, what are you afraid of? Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. He can say whatever he says.

Qi Bo wanted to ask Gu Yunzhi again, but he hesitated not to make this call again and again. Gu Yunzhi knew something about his temper. If he asked him for this kind of thing, Secretary Gu would definitely blame him for his incomer work. Anyway, he was just the deputy leader of the investigation team, and there was Liu Yanhong on it. What do you want to do! ( *.*)

For the sake of caution, Qi Bo personally led the team to catch Gao Yong. The wording was also very tactful, just to assist in the investigation of the situation. To Qi Bo's surprise, Taihong Club was quite calm and did not have any confrontational emotions. Gao Yong also calmly followed them into the car.

Looking at Gao Yong being taken into the police car, Zhao Guoliang, the general manager of Taihong Club, almost burst into flames in his eyes. He and Gao Yong were old partners. At the beginning of the landing of the stadium stands, he did not expect that Pinghai would focus on the fake black whistle incident, and the development of the matter was as his Pinghai seized this clue and chased it fiercely. There was a lot of momentum to set off the matter. After Zhao Guoliang talked about this matter with Gao Yong in advance, Gao Yong agreed without any consideration. Gao Yong was very clear-headed. He knew that the more involved this matter, the more troublesome it was. Although Zhao Guoliang was the planner of the incident, since He is just an executor, but if he confesses Zhao Guoliang, it means that his future will come to an end. The crime of bribery is not a felony. Even if he goes in, it will take a few years to get it together. He can not only be reused by Zhao Guoliang, but also get a considerable amount of compensation. Gao Yong figured out this truth, and he was quite cooperative. Liu Yanhong hasn't had time to ask. Gao Yong took the initiative and said, "You don't have to ask. I'll explain everything. This is a surrender, right?

Liu Yanhong said, "If you cooperate, we will deal with it at our discretion!" She looked at Zhang Yang beside her and said, "Say it!"

Gao Yong said, "Before the game, I did give money to the referee Zhu Yi on the spot, 50,000 yuan. I promised to give him 100,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan was not paid. Not only Zhu Yi, but also the two linesmen also sent money, 100,000 yuan each. My purpose is to let the Taihong team win!" Zhang Yang said, "Who instructed you to do this?"

Gao Yong smiled and said, "I'm the deputy general manager of the club. I manage the physical club. Mr. Zhao has given me a lot of power. I don't need to ask anyone for instructions on these matters. I have financial power, and the financial expenditure is less than 500,000 yuan. I don't need to ask for instructions!"

Zhang Yang said, "You are just a deputy general manager. To put it to put it, you are a senior manager. What's the good for you to do this?"

Gao Yong said, "I know what you want to do! I'm telling the truth. The reason why I do this is that the club's performance is too poor. If it goes on like this, it will face relegation. My economic income is closely related to the operation of the supply department. If I don't do this, the team's record will be too bad. I will be fired at the end of this season Liu Yanhong said, "This reason alone is not enough to convince me!

Gao Yong said, "I know you Pinghai wants to divert your attention, but the fake black whistle has nothing to do with the tragedy of the stadium. Your methods are really not open enough!" Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Do you deserve to be honest?"

Gao Yong said, "You are just trying to drag our club in. I know that the more people you drag in, the greater the impact will be, and the more you can distract the public's attention. "It's really a good calculation. I understand that everything is my own idea. I also hired a lawyer. I'm sorry. I will take responsibility for everything I have done, but if you want to blame me on the collapse of the stands, I will never agree. Zhang Yang said, "If you can't see the gravel, you still have a lot of character!"

Gao Yong said, "That's how I am. I love face and value everything I have, so I made a confused thing. Now that you have found the fake black whistle, I might as well disclose more information to you. I can be responsible to say that none of the current Class A clubs is clean. You just need to investigate. There is a problem in front of you. The courage of these referees is raised little by little, and their appetite is also getting bigger day by day. It is not only Zhu Yi who collects the money, but also me who sends the money. Let's say that you Pinghai Seven Star Club, Cao Xinyuan dares say that his buttocks are clean? I will never believe it! In the game against Lin Yuan team last month, a 9r Bu Mingyan hit a black whistle, but no one checked it. If you have so much leisure, you can check it. If Cao Xinyuan didn't give it to the referee, I will pick out my eyes!"

Zhang Yang said, "Gao Yong, you haven't made it clear so far. We are not very interested in taking bribes from you. What we really want to investigate is the cause of this riot!" ~∽shenjia●jir'●●■●ji●shen●●jia●jir'●■●ji●pou●shenji◆//~shen●●jiaji jir'●~∽ /ji ji~

[I've been busy with the demolition for a day today, so I started typing very late. I will send 4,000 updates first. There will definitely be updates in the evening, at least 6,000 words. Those readers who suspect that the octopus saved the manuscript don't have to protest. It's really a word saved, otherwise I won't be stupid enough not to send the text! I hope everyone can vote more for the guaranteed monthly ticket. No matter how late I write today, I will write about 10,000 townships. Please log in more chapters, H