Medical official path

Chapter 355 You are the head of the donkey

Old Taoist priest Li Xinyi looked at the four brightly colored tents at the top of Qingyun Peak, as if a new continent had appeared. Since Chen Chongshan went to Jing'an's old comrade-in-arms Chu Xianan, Qingyun Peak has not been so lively for a long time.

Although Li Xinyi is a Taoist, he is an idle person. When he saw that it was Zhang Yang in Zhang Luo, he couldn't help coming over.

Zhang Yang helped Cha Wei fix the tent, got up and said hello to Li Xinyi: "Hon, Mr. Li!" Li Xinyi said, "It's windy at night. Can this small tent hold it?" Cha Yi said, "You can live in Bodhisattva!"

Li Xinyi said, "There are a lot of beasts, snakes and insects at night. Let's go to Zixiaguan to stay. The hall is just empty."

Zhang Yang knew that the old Taoist priest had good intentions and said with a smile, "What they are pursuing is this kind of fun. Taoist priest, I have to borrow something from you later and have a drink together in the evening!" Li Xinyi said, "What do you want to practice? Just go to the Taoist temple and take it!"

It's getting dark, and this group of students from the Academy of Fine Arts also stopped creating. In fact, most people's creation is just a cover. They mainly take this opportunity to come out to play in the mountains and rivers and relax.

Zhang Yang behaved more like a spectator, but now there are more old Taoist priest Li Xinyi to accompany him. The two of them watched the group of students set up tents and make a fire with great interest. Li Xinyi did not forget to remind them to use stones to make a fire and not cause a mountain fire.

After tossing for nearly two hours, all the tents were set up and the bonfire was lit, but there was a sudden strong wind on the mountain. Originally, the students who planned to hold a bonfire party at the top of Qingyun Peak began to realize that there was still a long distance between reality and ideal.

Cha Wei, Gu Yangyang and Jiang Dayang were surrounded by fire, and the wind was unpredictable. Wherever they sat, the smoke followed, and soon they were smoked to tears. However, Cha Wei was still in great interest and directed everyone to prepare cooking utensils and food for the picnic.

Zhang Yang was not interested in participating in their bonfire party. He followed the old Taoist priest to Zixia Temple. He took out the food he brought with him from his bag. The old Taoist priest went to the kitchen to stew a pot of wild goose meat, and the two sat in the side hall and drank it. Li Xinyi said, "I look at today's sky, and there will be a storm tonight!"

Zhang Yang thought of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts who were poor outside, and couldn't help laughing: "With them tossing, these young people are all idealists, and it's right for them to suffer a little. Li Xinyi said, "Lao Chen went to Jing'an, and Qingyunfeng suddenly became deserted."

Zhang Yang said, "He will not come back to live for the time being. Although the matter of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village has been solved, Zhu Hongwei was undoubtedly killed by him with one shot. Besides, it is so old that it is inconvenient to stay in the mountains. In case something happens, there is no one to take care of it." Speaking of this, he couldn't help thinking of Li Xinyi: "Taoist priest, you are old, and you should pay more attention to it on weekdays."

Li Xinyi smiled and said, "My body is very strong. The little demon promised to reorganise the Zixia Temple this year. When the Taoist temple is completed, one of my Taoist friends will come from Qiyun Mountain. At that time, the incense of the Zixia Temple will definitely become prosperous." Zhang Yang said, "Does the little demon know that you are her uncle?"

Li Xinyi shook his head and said, "It's not easy to say. Don't tell her!" He put down his glass and said, "My eldest brother is the most reassuring girl. The little demon is kind-hearted and different from other children."

Zhang Yang said, "Your An family is indeed a horse bandit. Andavin's boy looks polite, but his heart is insatiable. Even the property belonging to the little demon wants to be annexed, which is really unbearable. Li Xinyi smiled and said, "So you hit him in public. You played well!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have offended you. This slap has slapped the tourism investment in Qingtai Mountain!"

Li Xinyi said, "I don't understand economic matters, but Andavin's boy is not authentic. How can he bully his relatives like this!" Taoist priest, you are an outsider in the world. There are many things in the world because of money and words! Li Xinyi sighed and said, "This child's life is too hard!" Zhang Yang said, "It's good that you love her!" Li Xinyi smiled bitterly and said, "I don't have the power to return to heaven!"

Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the murals in the sutra cave. He said to Li Xinyi, "I'm a little interested in the murals in your sutra cave. If it's convenient, I want to have a look!"

Li Xinyi said, "The above should be a set of exercises. Unfortunately, it is incomplete. If you want to see it, you can go at any time."

At this time, it began to rain outside. Zhang Yang was worried that something would happen to the students of the Academy of Fine Arts. He got up and walked outside, but saw that the bad fire had been extinguished. Jiang Guangya and several boys were busy fixing tents.

Zhang Yang came to Jiang Guangya and shouted, "Go to sleep in the Purple Silence View. There will be a heavy rainstorm later!" As soon as the words were finished, the rain became heavy.

Cha Wei and Gu Yangyang also forgot to be close to nature. The romantic ideal idea in their minds was chilled by the sudden heavy rain. After Zhang Yang helped them clean up, he brought twelve students like soup chickens to Zixiaguan.

As soon as he entered the 8th hall, he sneezed several times in a row. Zhang Yang couldn't help mocking her and said, "The rain in the mountains comes quickly and goes quickly. Let's have a bad party when the rain stops!"

Cha Wei looked at the red mud on her shoes, and now she couldn't afford to argue with Zhang Yang. She sighed and said, "I'm exhausted, Jiang Guangya, you fool, you have been burning for more than half an hour, and the water has not been stewed, so that we can't even eat in front of us!" No wonder Cha Wei was angry. The original romantic atmosphere was all destroyed by the rain, like falling from the clouds into a mud pit. How could she not be depressed? When Cha Wei saw Zhang Yang's gloating appearance, she became more and more angry: "You also said that the place is up to you to choose. You see it's raining. Is there a local " Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I advise you to come to Zixiaguan to have a rest. Who insisted on not talking outside just now and sneezed again.

Li Xinyi arranged for those boys to rest in the east side hall. The side side hall in the west was relatively neat, so it was left to seven girls.

It was also convenient for them to pick it up. Soon they set up a tent in the side hall. The sleeping bags were all brought by themselves, so there was no need to prepare bedding.

It is not the first time for Gu Yangyang to come to Zixiaguan. She is also familiar with the old Taoist priest and takes the initiative to find Li Xinyi to chat.

The students were tired after this toss. Most of them took a few mouthfuls of dry bread, drank some boiled water and went to bed.

Zhang Yang and Li Xinyi were interrupted by them in the middle of the drink. After settling down, they could continue. Although he knew that he wanted to keep a distance from Gu Yangyang, he still felt sorry for this sister-in-law and let Gu Yangyang and Cha Wei come over for dinner. Originally, he also called Jiang Guangya, but Jiang Guangya drank too much yesterday. He wanted to vomit when he heard the smell of wine, and he didn't even dare to approach the wine table.

It was raining heavily outside, and a dazzling lightning flashed in the sky, and then a spring thunder exploded in the low air. Cha Wei and Gu Yangyang's faces were a little pale. This was not only because they were caught in the rain, but also because they had never experienced such a scene. A certain degree of adventure can make people feel exciting, but beyond this level, it will make people feel scared. Gu Yangyang said sincerely, "Fortunately, I didn't camp outside, otherwise I would be scared to death!"

Li Xinyi smiled and said, "In fact, it is relatively safe above Qingyun Peak. The real danger is the back mountain, where there are wolves!"

Zhang Yang experienced it once. He nodded and said, "I met a pack of wolves last time, but the good thing is that there is no danger!"

In the depths of Cha Wei's heart, there was a girl who was extremely adventurous. She asked Zhang Yang to tell the story of the last encounter with wolves. Zhang Yang told it vividly. It was until the early morning, and the two girls listened attentively and sleepless. Zhang Yang said, "It's time to rest. If you don't sleep, you won't get up again tomorrow!"

Only then did Cha Wei and Gu Yangyang return to the west hall to rest. Not long after they fell asleep, they heard thunder rolling in one after another. They lay in a tent. You looked at me and I looked at you, and I felt a little scared in their hearts. Gu Yangyang said, "I have never experienced such a terrible thunderstorm!"

Cha Wei said, "Zhang Yang can deal with so many wolves with bare hands. Do you think he is bragging?"

Gu Yangyang said, "Brother Zhang is strong in martial arts. He is very powerful. When he was the substitute director of the family planning office in Heishanzi Township, he still had more than enough to fight against 43 men in Heishanzi Township alone. What's the great deal with the wolves!"

Cha Yu pestered Gu Yangyang to tell her some publicity. The two little girl whispered in the tent. Gu Yangyang said vividly. Cha Wei listened leisurely and felt that Zhang Yang's body was full of legend. The two were chatting happily, and a dazzling lightning lit up the surroundings, and then they heard the stuffy thunder. With a loud noise, the ground shook in front of them.

Everyone was shocked by the loud noise. They ran to the cloister, but saw that the ginkgo tree in the Taoist temple for more than 2,000 years was hit by lightning, which was divided into two halves, half was still there, and the other half was burning.

Li Xinyi and Zhang Yang hurriedly carried the bucket to put out the fire. It was raining heavily outside. In addition, the fire itself was not too big, so they quickly controlled it. These awakened students also ran to help. You rushed to me and put out the flame in a short time. Zhang Yang was worried about what they had missed, so he let them all go back to rest.

At this time, the rain was obviously much less. Li Xinyi looked at the split ginkgo tree in a daze. The trunk was split from the middle, and a small hole was exposed at the root, which was smoking. Li Xinyi said, "It has been more than 2,000 years. How can it be suddenly hit by the fire?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's just a coincidence!" He took out his flashlight and took a photo, and found that there seemed to be something in the cave. Li Xinyi also noticed it. He went to the room to take out the shovel and dug the hole a little bigger. After this happened, the students couldn't sleep and crowded into the cloister to watch the hustle.

Zhang Yang took out a dark box from the hole, which was very heavy, and it was locked. Because it was stained with soil, he could not see the original material.

The students' curiosity was all aroused. They gathered around and asked about the secret of the box.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Go back to bed. This thing belongs to Zixiaguan, and it has nothing to do with you!" It was not easy to persuade these curious students to leave, and Zhang Yang helped Li Xinyi take the box to his room.

Li Xinyi looked at the box under the oil lamp, wiped off the soil on the surface, and found that it was still engraved with buds. Li Xinyi said, "It should be a Taoist thing!"

Zhang Yang is also a very curious person. He wanted to find out and deliberately said, "What's hidden in it?"

Li Xinyi looked at the box over and over again and smiled, "Forget it. Anyway, there is no key. If you want to see what's inside, you have to destroy the box. Since it's something passed down from the ancestors, I can't easily damage it." ~∽shen jia●jir'●●■●ji●shen●●jia●jir'●●●ji●ji●shen11ji ~~●●●●jijishen●●H //jia ji ji Njiji'+ '_”

The next morning, the students got up early to sketch. Naturally, the topic they talked about the most was the mysterious box. Even Gu Yangyang and Cha Wei couldn't help coming to inquire about Zhang Yang's words. Zhang Yang really didn't know what was in it. It was the magic weapon of Taoism.

After sketching on Qingyunfeng, in the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Yang took the group of students to Niu Wenqiang's villa. In the villa, he set up a tent and lit a bonfire to satisfy their wish for a bonfire party.

Niu Wenqiang doesn't know the origin and identity of these students. This thoughtful and considerate performance has been done, and these young people must have some background.

He and Zhang Yang each carried a glass of beer and stood on the rooftop and looked at the group of students in the villa singing and dancing around the bonfire. Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, "Seeing them, I feel old!"

When Niu Wenqiang heard this, he almost spit out all the surge in his mouth. He managed to control it, swallowed this mouthful of wine, came to the barbecue, picked up a string of barbecue, and said while eating, "How old are you? I don't even think I'm old!" Zhang Yang said, "How's your little girlfriend?"

Niu Wenqiang sighed and said, "It's yellow, paralyzed. I know how to spend my money. Just like that Xiaoli, I'm fucking puzzled. Why can't I meet someone who treats me sincerely?"

Zhang Yang pretended to say, "There is something wrong with your attitude towards emotions. Relationships are not bought and sold with money. You think spending money can be exchanged for other people's true feelings for you, joke! It's a big joke!"

Niu Wenqiang said depressedly, "Don't talk about this! You pull the lead, and I want to fresh Secretary Sha Puyuan to have a meal!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you want to take the hierarchical route again?"

Niu Wenqiang said, "I'm tired of this catering service industry. Chunyang is such a big place. No matter how good my business is, I can go anywhere. I talk about the development of Qingtai Mountain all day long and become a well-known scenic spot in the country, but I look at the situation. Without ten or twenty years, tourism will Since we continue to work in Chunyang, we have to have a good relationship with the leaders.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you have a wide network in Chunyang? Do you still need me to match you?

Niu Wenqiang smiled and said, "Who doesn't know that Zhu Heng's step down is all because of your credit. If it weren't for you, how could Sha Puyuan have a chance to become the county party secretary of Chunyang?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning: "Damn it, where did you hear this news? Isn't it cheating me?"

Niu Wenqiang said, "If you want people to know unless you don't do it yourself, then why, give me a clear word, can you help me?" Zhang Yang nodded: "Your father has retired from the second line?"

Niu Wenqiang sighed and said, "He was not involved by Zhu Heng, but it's okay. At his age, he should give up his position to the young man." Zhang Yang said, "Niu Wenqiang, how is the pig farm business you bought?"

Niu Wenqiang said, "Don't mention that Guo Daliang and his son are still very right. The profits of pig farms are really big, but their pig feed factories are more profitable. I heard that their profits will be more than 20 million this year. By the way, Chu Yanran is the backstage boss of the feed factory, isn't she? Zhang Yang nodded. Niu Wenqiang said, "Don't be afraid that the business will be so good!"

Zhang Yang said, "You, you always attribute the good and bad business to the relationship level. The feed factory is the one who watched Guo Daliang and his son work hard. How can there be so many good luck things in the world? It's better to retreat and make a net than to envy the fish in the abyss. Now your business is From the time I met you, you were the boss of Kara, the god of love. Up to now, you have become the boss of Jin Kaiyue, the boss of Shangqinghe Villa, and the boss of the pig farm. It sounds like the business has expanded a lot, but you have a garden. You are still wandering around in Chunyang. Your market is so big. ?" Niu Wenqiang looked at him eagerly, looking forward to the following. Zhang Yang said, "Donkey! You are like a donkey!"

Niu Wenqiang blushed. He knew that Zhang Yang was scolding him, but he was right. His vision was really not good. After doing business for so many years, he has always been turning around in Chunyang. No wonder the development is so slow! But Niu Wenqiang was unconvinced: "You are like a donkey!"

Zhang Yang was about to educate him. Xu Biao, the minister of the organization, made a phone call. Xu Biao and Zhang Yang had a good relationship. He had received a notice from his superior to let him inspect Zhang Yang, that is to say, there were no procedural obstacles for Zhang Yang's appointment as the deputy mayor of Fengze City. After receiving the Zhang Yang received the phone call and smiled.

Niu Wenqiang listened to him and said, uh-huh. I don't know what a big happy event happened to this person. When he hung up the phone, he said, "Did you win the big prize? Laughing like a local dog? Zhang Yang stared at him: "Do you know who you're talking to?" With you!"

Zhang Yang looked around, and then said proudly, "Brother, tell you a secret, you have to keep it a secret for me!" Niu Wenqiang nodded hurriedly and put his ear to him. Zhang Yang said, "The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee talked to me!"

Niu Wenqiang said, "Don't sell the matter. It's a good thing for the Organization Department to talk to you. It's much better than the Commission for Discipline Inspection to talk to you!" Have you been reinstated?" It's more awesome than that!" Niu Wenqiang's face was full of expectation: "Have you been promoted?" Zhang Yang nodded: "The organization is going to send me to Fengze City as the deputy mayor!"

When Niu Wenqiang heard the news, he was more excited than Zhang Yang. He drank Nalin Beer with Zhang Yang and laughed and said, "Today, you have to celebrate. You go there, and I will kill you. Zhang Yang blinked his eyes and said, "Damn it, I'm going to work. What's the matter with you?"

Niu Wenqiang said, "A hero and three gangs. You can't go alone. How can I rest assured? I'm going to open a restaurant in Fengze for you to eat and drink for free!" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Or open a restaurant, can't you have other ideas?" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cha Wei and Gu Yang raised them and had a good time. The bonfire party went to the ** stage. They sang and danced around the fire and hand in hand. Zhang Yang looked at them with a smile. Although they were all of the same age, he did not have this mentality. Is there a generation gap between himself and them? Zhang Daguan suddenly remembered that he had passed through the Sui Dynasty. He was afraid that there was a generation gap with all the people in the world. This generation gap could not be overcome. Every time he thought about this, Zhang Yang would feel a sense of loneliness.

The cheerful sound of the violin interrupted Zhang Yang's meditation. Gu Yang took out the violin at the scene, and the wonderful sound flowed out from her tender white and slender fingers. In the cheers of the crowd, Cha Wei performed a tap dance on the fire and for everyone.

Niu Wenqiang and Zhang Yang were also infected by the warm emotions at the scene. Cha Wei jumped and waved to them on the terrace. They also put down their wine glasses and integrate into the dance group, integrating into this happy divination

Zhang Yang finally successfully completed this special reception task and sent the sketch tour group led by Gu Yangyang to the train to the north. Looking at the train driving out of his vision, Zhang Yang just breathed a long sigh of relief, and his beautiful eyes full of grievances shook in his mind. The little girl blamed him for his coldness and alienation, and Cha Wei's cheerful laughter echoed in her ears. This time, she also wanted to thank Cha Wei. If it hadn't been For a while.

Zhang Yang came to the parking lot of the railway station. The Casebauer was still waiting for him. Zhang Yang got on the bus.

The driver asked politely, "Director Zhang, where are we going?"

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and said, "Go back to the municipal government!"

Zhang Yang's return to the municipal government is not for work. He asked the driver to put him down at the gate of the community, and then prepare to go back to clean up. He estimated that he had not been in Jiangcheng for a long time to prepare for Fengze to take office.

As soon as he returned home, he received a phone call from Xu Yawei. Xu Yawei was the son of Xu Biao, the Organization Minister of the Municipal Party Committee. Zhang Yang helped his father and sister to uphold justice at the beginning. Since then, Zhang Yang has been regarded as a benefactor of the Xu family. As soon as Xu Yawei returned from Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I'm going to your house to visit Minister Xu!"

Zhang Yang didn't bring anything when he went to Xu's house at night. After all, he has no car to drive now. He is too ostentatious to hold things and easy to be seen by others. Now it is the key time for him to become the mayor of Ponium in Fengze City. 1. He doesn't want to fall

What Zhang Yang didn't expect was Xu Yabei who opened the door. Since Xu Yabei's love hurt Dongjiang, Zhang Yang introduced her to Sky TV through Hailan's relationship, and he never saw her again. Now that he sees Xu Yabei again, he found that Xu Yabei obviously came out of the injury. Dressed up with a star flavor, and the appearance of the past has been restored on the face.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yabei, don't tell me when you come back. It's really getting more and more beautiful!" Xu Yabei said with a smile, "It's said that your mouth is sweet. I hope you're telling the truth!" Zhang Yang said, "I've always been telling the truth!"

Xu Yawei came over and saw that Zhang Yang was about to pick up his shoes. He shouted, "Don't change it!" It's too troublesome to take it off!"

Zhang Yang doesn't like to change shoes either. The Xu family's decoration is very simple. The floor is paved with floor tiles, and there is no need to threte. He came to Xu Yawei and punched Xu Yawei in the shoulder: "It's strong again!"

Xu Yawei smiled and said, "There are no other entertainment activities on the ship, and all my energy is devoted to fitness." Zhang Yang said, "Where's Minister Xu?"

Xu Biao's loud voice came from the kitchen: "I'm cooking, Xiaowei, Yabei, you can talk with Zhang Yang first!"

Zhang's official was quite flattered: "Minister Xu, how dare you bother me? Is there any place for me to help?" Xu Biao said, "Let's just be busy!"

Xu Yawei invited Zhang Yang to sit down on the sofa. He gave Zhang Yang a gift box: "I brought you deep-sea fish oil!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm so sorry!"

Xu Yabei also came over with two gift boxes and stuffed them into Zhang Yang's arms. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Forget kill me. I'm empty-handed!"

Xu Yabei smiled and said, "Don't be busy thanking me. Xunlan asked me to bring things, and I don't know anything!"

Zhang Yang saw that she smiled a little mysteriously, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Xu Yabei should have peeped through the ambiguous relationship between the two. He put away the gift, and Xu Biao and his old couple had already brought the dishes to the table.

Zhang Yang hurriedly got up to help. Xu Biao smiled and said, "Sit down, just like going to your own house. Don't be polite to me! Zhang Yang said, "Minister Xu, I know everything, but I won't be polite!" Xu Biao smiled and said, "This is the best!"

After several people sat down, Xu Biao said, "Originally, Yabei and others proposed to go out to eat. I ate outside all day. I was tired of the food in the restaurant, and I felt that you were not an outsider. I always said that I would invite you to come home for dinner, but I didn't cash it, so I

Zhang Yang said, "This is the best. I also like this kind of family atmosphere. Do whatever you want!"

Xu Yawei took out a bottle of Wuliangye and poured half a cup for his father, filled it up for Zhang Yang and himself, and opened a bottle of red wine for his mother and sister. Xu Biao has paid a lot of attention to drinking since he fell ill in Dongjiang. He picked up his glass and said, "Come on, cheers to our little gathering!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Congratulations on your family reunion!

Xu Yawei said, "Congratulations to Director Zhang on his promotion!" He has heard from his father that Zhang Yang will be promoted to deputy mayor of Fengze City.

Zhang Yang smiled modestly, but he was very proud. He said modestly, "It's not decided yet!"

Xu Biao smiled and said, "What hasn't been decided yet? I've talked to you. After drinking this glass of wine, it will be settled!"

When Zhang Daguan heard this sentence, he was the first to dry the wine: "Thank you! Well, what is Minister Xu going to talk to me about?

A group of people laughed. After drinking half a glass of his wine, Xu Biao looked at Zhang Yang and said, "An excellent cadre like you don't need to talk at all. I asked Secretary Du. He asked me to accompany you to Fengze and grandly launched your political star to Fengze Municipal Government!" Thank you, Minister Xu!"

Xu Yabei picked up the glass and said, "Zhang Yang, I have to respect you. I became the deputy mayor at such a young age. I'm afraid it's rare to look at the land of our motherland."

Zhang Yang magnetically magnetic wine glass with her and said, "It is said that it is the deputy mayor, but it is actually a deputy governor. It just sounds good, and I, the deputy mayor, can't enter the review committee at all, and I am also the last in the ranking of the deputy mayor!"

Xu Yawei said, "Your heart is too thirsty. You are only 22 years old!"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I went to school late and was three years old when I registered my household registration. In fact, I was twenty-five years old!" Xu Yabei was surprised and said, "If you are twenty-five years, don't I call you brother?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I won't wrong you!" He told the truth. Since the Sui Dynasty, I'm afraid it's enough for Xu Yabei to call Grandpa.

After Zhang Yang received the congratulations, his mind returned to calm from joy. He couldn't be too proud in front of Xu Biao. He said to Xu Biao, "Minister Xu, to be honest, I'm a little uncertain now. In the past, I was in charge of a department and specific things, but now I suddenly have to be in charge Not good!"

Xu Biao said, "What's there to worry about? There are only three kinds of being an official. One is to do practical things for the common people, the other is to think about how to climb up, and the other is to muddle along. If you won't be an official, you have to muddle along!"

Xu Yabei protested, "Dad, you are the Minister of Organization. Such a negative statement is not what you should say!"

Xu Biao smiled and said, "I'm just talking about the matter. I didn't say I wanted to make a good time!" As for his nature, I let him fool around, and he is not happy!" Several people laughed in one voice. Zhang Yang said, "Actually, my eyes are already very low-key. Did Minister Xu find it?" Xu Biao looked up and down, shook his head and said, "Low profile? No wonder!" [ Eight thousand words, no update for tonight's rest!] F