Medical official path

Chapter 359 Drought Relief Suggestions

Cheng Yandong sent Zhang Yang to the downstairs of the dormitory before he left. It seemed that his purpose was to see where the new deputy mayor lived.

Zhang Yang didn't let Cheng Yandong send himself upstairs and saw the police car away. Then he took out the key and walked upstairs. He opened his door. He used to reaching out to press the wall to turn on the light, but he pressed it empty. Only then did Zhang Guanren remember that there was a wire switch in the room. He figured out the thin Looking at this simple slyre, a helpless smile appeared on his face.

There was no shower in the room. Zhang Daguanren's original wish to take a hot bath suddenly failed. He was used to the superior life. At the beginning, he did not pay attention to these details. There was only a rubber tube in the toilet. Zhang Yang took a shower with cold water and ate outside. It was inevitable that his body was stained with the It's uncomfortable to sleep.

When I took a shower, I found that the TV set was also available, but it was old. What made Zhang Yang sullen was that the TV was still black and white. Fortunately, the bedding and bedspreads are all newly bought. They are clean and refreshing. I turned on the TV, twisted the channel with my hand, and finally found a Fengze TV station with a clear image. Unfortunately, the sound was not clear. Zhang Yang turned off the TV dejectedly and went back to ** to lie down. He thought about what will happen tomorrow in Those who should have visited the meeting have already passed. Tomorrow, they should go to the subordinate units to have a look. The leaders of subordinate units such as the Health Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Sports Committee, the Science and Technology Commission, and the Family Planning Commission will be called to talk. Only then did Zhang Yang realize that although he was a deputy mayor, there were really many units Feeling overcame the loss of the current environment, he lay comfortably in **, ready to go to sleep and welcome tomorrow's work.

But the official Zhang did not go quickly, because he heard some sounds. The sound insulation of the old building was not very good, and he met the official Zhang with strong ear power. These faint voices did not escape his ears in the middle of the night.

Um..." Then there was a rapid gasp, mixed with the sound of men's and women's breathing, the sound of lips and tongues, and soon came the shaking sound of the bed board, and the woman's extremely depressing moaning.

The next door is Wang Huazhao, the temporary deputy mayor. This voice must have come from him. Thinking of the matter of his girlfriend today, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. Wang Huazhao is in his prime. He hasn't seen his girlfriend for such a long time. It's normal to see a lingering war, Zhang Da The official lay down again in the mind of understanding Wansui, but the voice next door still kept coming, which was undoubtedly a great stimulus for Zhang Daguan in loneliness. This man tossed and turned around. Shit, I didn't expect to be subjected to such inhuman torture on the first day of coming to Fengze. Anyway, he couldn't sleep. Zhang Yang was so happy to listen. There were not many reasons for the performance of the two, only breathing and moaning, and there was no particularly brilliant dialogue.

Fortunately, the sound calmed down after more than ten minutes. Zhang Guanren looked at his watch for less than ten minutes, nine minutes and thirty-two seconds. The man curled his lips disdainfully. How could he be listed at this level? No wonder it's a temporary job.

Zhang Yang slandered Wang Huazhao in his heart, and then fell asleep again. After sleeping for more than an hour, the moan next door sounded again. Zhang Daguan was depressed. It seemed that he underestimated Wang Huazhao. This man actually had the ability to open twice. It was already one in the morning. Point, Wang Huazhao's performance this time was obviously much stronger than last time. It was probably in the dead of night that made them bolder. Their screams were obviously louder than last time, and the dialogue began to become more colorful.

Zhang Guanren was hot and horny. This time, the psychology of curiosity was not great. He only hoped that their battle could end early, but the two of them seemed to deliberately fight against Zhang Yang. This time, it was a particularly long time. Zhang Guanren couldn't stand it, so he had to get up and go to the toilet and flushed into Take a bath, remind yourself to calm down, you must calm down!

After Zhang Yang came out of the shower, he was ready to toss and turn sleepless. The facts also proved this. Wang Huazhao was in a fierce state that night, and such a hot battle started again at five o'clock in the morning.

Although in Zhang's opinion, Vice Mayor Wang's performance is very ordinary, pediatrics, but the intermittent battle process seriously interfered with his sleep. Zhang Yang can only choose to meditate and recuperate. Perhaps because of the new environment, Zhang Yang's determination is particularly poor, and he can't do a clear picture at all in his Yu demeanor, he was not embarrassed to knock on Wang Huazhao's door and reminded Vice Mayor Wang to move less, so Zhang Yanglai Fengze had a bad first night. ~∽shen jia ji jir'●0 shen jia●jir'●●■●ji●yang0 shen●■●ji////ji ji~jir'●●jiaji ●●jia●jir'●●■●ji●jir'●●■●ji●shen●●jia●jiNji jishen'_'

At dawn that day, he had made up his mind. The reason why he said tonight that he would not come back to live. The reason forcing him to make up his mind was that he listened to Vice Mayor Wang's girlfriend and shouted at **, "Zhao one, one, one, one, one, one, I want to stay with you. One, one, one, one"

Stay the fuck, I'll go! Zhang Daguan looked at the blank wall, and his eyes were about to breathe fire. There is another reason why he decided to find another place to live. There must be a lot of girls who will come to him in the future. If he also brings them here, the noise will definitely be much bigger than this. Zhang Yang attaches great importance to personal privacy, and he doesn't want to be heard by others.

Zhang Yang went out before 6:30. Before leaving, Ru looked in the mirror and found that his eyelids were a little swollen and his eyes were full of blood. He was too anxious. The whistle was also a bloody young man. We also needed it. Zhang Daguanren left the residence full of resentment.

In the yard, he met Shen Qinghua, the secretary of the municipal party committee, who came back from exercise. Zhang Yang smiled at him, but found that Shen Qinghua closed his eyes and fell his hands while walking. It should be some kind of fitness method. He didn't see him.

Zhang Yang was also embarrassed to say hello. He saw that the jersey worn by Secretary Shen had been washed white, and there was a hole in his knee. A pair of Huili shoes were washed very white. Looking at Secretary Shen, who was shaking his hand while closing his eyes, Zhang Daguan sighed sincerely in his heart and said that he was really incorrupt

Zhang Yang ate some deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk in the breakfast shop next to the municipal government. I don't know if it's an illusion. The rich sky seems to be bluer than Jiangcheng, probably because there are not so many large heavy industries.

Just as he was about to pay the bill and leave, he saw Vice Mayor Wang Huahuahua's girlfriend coming over. Wang Huazhao's girlfriend was twenty-five or twenty-five or six years old. She was not tall, with a round face and short hair. She was very quiet and healthy. She was also very fashionable to dress, and her face Zhang Daguan couldn't help thinking evilly whether this red was the result of the fierce movement last night.

Wang Huazhao saw Zhang Yang walking with a smile and came over: "Zhang Yang, come and have breakfast!" It's better to call it by its name in such a crowded and complicated place. Zhang Yang nodded with a smile: "I've eaten. What do you eat? It's my treat!"

Wang Huazhao shook his head with a smile and said, "I'll do it myself. I forgot to introduce it to you. This is my girlfriend Zeng Liping!" He said to his girlfriend, "This is the Zhang Yang I told you about!"

Zeng Liping stretched out her hand generously and shook it with her politely: "I won't bother you. I'll go to work first. If there is a chance, I'll treat you to dinner!" Wang Huazhao smiled and said, "I'm right to invite you!"

Zhang Yang came to the municipal government 20 minutes earlier today. He saw that many people had come to work. Fengze's discipline system seemed to be stricter than Jiangcheng's. When Zhang Yang arrived at the office, he first closed his eyes and rested. It was not until Zhang Denggao knocked on the door that he opened the two days.

Zhang Denggao came in with a smile on his face: "Mayor Zhang, I forgot to tell you that the municipal party committee and the municipal government are not allowed to close during the office!" In fact, he asked someone to tell Zhang Yang yesterday, but Zhang Yang still strengthens me.

Because this man didn't write himself advice on drought resistance yesterday, Zhang Yang gave a great impression of this person and asked, "Don't you close the door when you go out to do business?" Zhang Denggao smiled and shouted, "That's not necessary!

At this time, the secretary Xiao Gao came over to deliver boiling water and helped Zhang Yang make tea by the way. Zhang Yang took out a box of super dragon wells from the drawer and said to Xiao Gao, "Use mine!"

Xiao Gao came over with a smile and took the flamboyant tea and helped him brew the tea.

Zhang Denggao reminded Zhang Yang: "Mayor Sun asked me to accept the drought relief advice. I don't know Zhang Yang looked at him with some dissatisfaction: "I haven't written it yet!" This one one one one one one one

Zhang Yang said, "I just came to Fengze, and I don't know the specific situation. Where do you want me to start?"

Zhang Denggao felt Zhang Yang's resistance and knew in his heart that he did not promise to help him write a drought relief report yesterday. In nine cases out of ten, he offended the master. He smiled and said, "Write a few words casually! Zhang Yang said, "Write a few words casually?" Zhang Deng nodded. He nodded. Zhang Yang said, "Come and get it later. Let me think about it! Zhang Deng said, "Okay, I'll get someone else's first!" After Zhang Denggao left, Zhang Yang said to Xiao Gao, "Xiao Gao, what do you usually do?" He said, "We are from the secretarial department, and Director Zhang usually assigns tasks to us. Zhang Yang's fingers knocked on the table: "Do you have a brush?" Yes, I have all the brush and rice paper!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Bear me some. I want to use it!"

Xiao Gao turned around and came over with the brush, ink and rice paper. He handed the things to Zhang Yang and didn't forget to let Zhang Yang sign the office supplies collection list. Every procedure of Fengze Municipal Government from top to bottom is so clear that Zhang Yang is very uncomfortable. As a deputy mayor, he even has to sign some office supplies, which is too shabby. However, Zhang Yang is not difficult for Xiao Gao. He is just a little secretary who runs errands. Why do he have the same experience as him?

Zhang Daguan spread out the rice paper, used the teacup as a feed paper, picked up the brush and dipped it in ink, and wrote a line of big words on the rice paper. It is urgent to fight drought relief! Put down the brush and hold up your jaw proudly. It's paralyzed. You, Sun Dongqiang, posed to me and asked me to write a suggestion. I'll write it to you. These eight words are so beautiful!

Zhang Denggao came back. He collected all the drought resistance suggestions of the other five deputy mayors and came to get Zhang Yang's proposal. Seeing the eight big words, Zhang Denggao almost didn't drop his eyes. Although he knew that Zhang Yang used this way to vent his dissatisfaction with Sun Dongqiang, he also had to admit the eight words. It's beautifully written, beautiful to be beautiful, but if this thing is sent up, I can't be scolded to death by Sun Dongqiang. Zhang Denggao said with a bitter face, "Mr. Zhang... This... Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You asked me to write a few words casually, and I wrote it for 20 years, and my handwriting is still over

Zhang Denggao cried and couldn't laugh. He nodded and was wondering if he would go back to write a copy for him. When Liang Yan, the director of the TV station, came to visit Zhang Yang. When Liang Yan entered the door, she smiled and said, "Mayor Zhang, did I come a little early?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not early, it's not early. I have something to talk to you about!"

After Liang Yan came in, she was attracted by the word on the table. She picked it up and looked at it. She praised and said, "Which calligrapher's Mobao is this? It's really good!" Zhang Deng said, "It was written by Mayor Zhang!"

Of course, Liang Yan masturbated that it was written by Zhang Yang. She smiled and said, "The character is really good! Our TV station is going to make a feature film about drought resistance. Let's give the word Mayor Zhang as the opening!"

Zhang Yang said, "This thing has to be taken to Mayor Sun first, and let Director Zhang send it to you after he finishes reading it!"

Zhang Denggao is helpless in his heart. It seems that he is serious and has to send this unusual proposal to Sun Dongqiang. Isn't this taking the initiative to provoke? But Zhang Denggao thought about it. Why is it difficult for him to be caught in the middle? It's none of my business. He has long heard that Mayor Sun Dongqiang and Zhang Yang were at odds in Jiangcheng. It seems that the rumor is true. Vice Mayor Zhang will challenge Mayor Sun's authority as soon as he takes office.

Zhang Denggao took the word from Liang Yan: "Okay, I'll send the proposal to the city chief Sun. After reading it, he will send it to the TV station!" Zhang Denggao wanted to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Yang: "Director Zhang, where's Xiao Gao? There is no one to help pour tea when the guests come!"

Zhang Denggao's old face is hot. This Vice Mayor Zhang is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. Isn't he lighting himself? He said, "I forgot, I'm coming! I'm here [the second update, it's still 4,000 words, ask for a monthly ticket, recommendation ticket! Try to take out another chapter at zero o'clock.. mF