Medical official path

Chapter 380 Under Pure Natural Green Food

The topic of several people mainly revolved around Zhang Yang. This guy was originally a topic figure. Rong Pengfei seemed to have heard a lot of things about him and said with a smile, "Zhang Yang, you really have the ability. A few days after you go to Fengze, you can actually finish the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School."

Zhang Yang said, "To put it all, it's just a matter of money. People's teachers are also human beings, and they have to eat and live. They are always in arrears with wages, so that they can't even eat, and it's normal to have a strike.

Rong Qianfei said, "Fengze No.1 Middle School is the most famous school in Jiangcheng. The treatment of teachers in this school is like this, not to mention other schools."

Du Tianye sighed and said, "The reform of the education system is still not enough. I want to have a good talk with Mayor Li when I have time."

Zhang Yang didn't want to point the finger at Li Changyu. He coughed and said, "In fact, the salary arrears is related to the school leaders. Principal Meng Zonggui has no money to pay his salary, but he has money to build a teaching building and a faculty dormitory building. There is a small treasury in the safe of Du Tianye said angrily, "What qualifications does this kind of person have to be a principal?"

Zhang Yang said, "There are no outsiders here, so I won't shy away. In fact, I was also puzzled. Before I went to Fengze, almost everyone praised Secretary Shen Qinghua as a good official and a great official, but when I went to Fengze, I found that this person was incorruptible and incorruptible He needs to approve all the big and small things.

Su Xiaohong said, "This seems to be a dictatorship!"

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it? What's more, I found that the cadres of many important departments in the Fengze system are all his relatives. Meng Zonggui, the former president of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, is the god son of his mother, Wu Jianxin, the director of the Finance Bureau, is his brother-in-law, Zhao Guodong, the director of the Public Security Bureau, Director of the Bureau of Education, it's true that virtuous people don't avoid relatives. Fengze's officialdom is about to be opened by his own family.

Du Tianye frowned: "Zhang Yang, don't talk nonsense about things that have no evidence. You can talk about others, and you can also talk about others."

Zhang Yang thought about it, isn't it? Because he is the vice mayor of the umbrella, I don't know how many people say behind Du Tianye's back that he is intimate.

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "Say what I shouldn't have said. In fact, who doesn't like to use his own people? It is said that we know people well, and we must know a person. The level of human contact is limited. What we understand most is our relatives and friends. Who else can we use without our own people? Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's why you use Su Qiang as the general manager!

Su Xiaohong said, "I use my younger brother as the general manager, provided that he has management ability, and the North Korean old Kim family is still hereditary. Why don't you say it?"

Rong Xianfei has been in the provincial and municipal officialdom. When Zhang Yang said this sentence, he was cunning to the purpose of Zhang Yang and couldn't help smiling. It seems that Zhang Yang is a little dissatisfied with Shen Qinghua. This boy is indeed a troublemaker and can't be idle anywhere!

Du Tianye said, "Comrade Shen Qinghua is a good cadre who has experienced the Party's test for many years. I don't have to worry about these things in front of me. If others hear it, I don't know what to think of you. Rong Qianfei hurriedly declared, "I won't say anything, Secretary Du, don't insinuish me!" They laughed at the same time.

Du Tianye said, "Zhang Yang, I think you and Secretary Shen have a different outlook on life. Secretary Shen's tradition is more conservative, and your thoughts are too active. This time Secretary Shen asked you to come and fight for disaster relief funds, which is enough to prove that he is still good at knowing people!" Zhang Yang said, "When it comes to this matter, I have to thank Sun Dongqiang for recommending me!"

Du Tianye and Rong Pengfei looked at each other and laughed. They had already got it. This thankless job must have been Shen Qinghua who first found Sun Dongqiang. Sun Dongqiang must have felt that the matter was tricky before pushing it to Zhang Yang. In this matter, Zhang Yang is undoubtedly the victim.

Zhang Yang said, "Sun Dongqiang is really not a good thing. He dominates the position of mayor, so he doesn't see him do anything. If he has something to do, he pushes it out. This time he pushes it to me."

Du Tianye reminded Zhang Yang, "Don't make enemies everywhere. You must pay attention to unity at work!" Zhang Yang nodded: "I understand the word unity!"

"It's one thing to understand, and it's another thing to do!" Du Tianye knew that this boy was slippery. Now is the critical moment for the alternation of Gu Yunzhi and Qiao Zhenliang. Fortunately, nothing has happened in Jiangcheng recently, and Du Tianye does not want to see something happen to Fengze's leadership. Du Tianye said, "His mobile phone rang. He walked aside and answered the phone. When he came back, he said to Zhang Yang and others, "I have something urgent. I have to go first!" Zhang Yang said, "Don't mind, I just got drunk!" Du Tianye said, "It's really a problem. Drink it, Zhang Yang, give me your car keys!" Su Xiaohong got up and said, "I'll see you off!" Du Tianye hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Rong Qianfei originally wanted to say the end, but when he saw Su Xiaohong standing up, he swallowed his words back, looked at the back of Du Tianye and Su Xiaohong's departure, and whispered, "What's the matter? Rong Qianfei said, "Don't ask me, I don't know!" ~∽shen jia●jir&qu;●●■●ji●shen●●jia●jir&qu;●■●ji●pou●shenshen///~jia●jishen●●■●jijiji ●∽ji

Su Xiaohong started the Audi car and whispered, "Where are you going?"

Du Tianye said, "The Family Home of the Municipal Party Committee!"

Su Xiaohong nodded and drove to the city.

Both of them kept sinking all the way until they saw the light in front of the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee. Du Tianye said, "Are you all right?"

Su Xiaohong smiled and said, "Why do you always ask me this sentence?"

Du Tianye also laughed with embarrassment. He looked at the gate of the municipal government's family courtyard. The next girl in the street lamp stood there. She looked very lonely in the night, holding her arms and paced uneasily under the street lamp.

Du Tianye recognized that the girl was Chen Xue, his niece. Just now, it was a phone call from Chen Xue that made him suddenly leave the table and come here. Su Xiaohong said, "Is it her?" Du Tianye nodded and whispered, "Go and call her into the car!"

Su Xiaohong understood that this was because Du Tianye was afraid of being seen and not affected by others. He thought to himself that it was not easy to be a municipal party secretary. He had to be careful in everything. Among the leading cadres, Zhang Yang's character is an alien after all. Su Xiaohong pushed the door and walked down and came to Chen Xue with a smile. Chen Xue also smiled at her, but there was still a cold smell in her smile. Su Xiaohong saw Chen Xue's beautiful face without any flaws. Although she was a woman, she couldn't help marveling that the girl was so beautiful, but it felt too cold and lacked the fireworks of ordinary people. Secretary Du is in the car!"

Chen Xue nodded and followed Su Xiaohong to the car. Du Tianye asked Chen Xue to sit next to him and whispered, "What happened? Don't panic, tell me!"

Chen Xue bit the cherry lip. It was her grandfather who asked her to come to Du Tianye. She has always listened to her grandfather, but Chen Xue still doesn't know that the secretary of the municipal party committee in Jiangcheng is her own uncle.

Chen Xue's expression seemed to be a little hesitant. Su Xiaohong realized that it might be because she was present. She smiled and said, "You guys talk, I'll go down!"

Du Tianye said, "It's okay. Su is always his own person. Tell me!" Du Tianye's plain words made Su Xiaohong give birth to a kind of warmth from the bottom of his heart. This is respect for her. With Du Tianye's identity and status, he did not need to be like this. Chen Xue said, "There's something wrong with my mother. Grandpa asked me to come to you!" Du Tianye said, "Don't be afraid, tell me the details!"

Only then did Chen Xue say it once. It turned out that she was e! J's mother, Geng Xiuju, was beaten in Chunyang County, and then it was revealed that she embezzled public funds during her tenure as the director of the Heishanzi Township Office. The procuratorate had invited her in. After Chen Xue heard about it, she immediately came from Beijing. She wanted to find Zhang Yang, but after contacting her grandfather .

After listening to this, Du Tianye nodded and said, "I know, I'll find out about it right away

Chen Xue, it's so late, don't go back. I'm not worried about a girl going back.

Su Xiaohong said, "Well, let Chen Xue go back to live with me. My house is very big!"


Du Tianye nodded. He pushed the door and walked down. Before leaving, he said to Chen Xue, "Don't worry. If there is news, I will inform Mr. Su. Don't worry, it won't be a big deal!"

Du Tianye got out of the car. Chen Xue was his own niece, and Geng Xiuju was his sister-in-law. Although his father had a bad relationship with this sister-in-law, he asked Chen Xue to find himself, which proved that the old man still cared about his daughter-in-law. After thinking about it, it was most jiajiajia//,Ijia//+“jiajia//+“jia//+“jia/+“●+“jiajia//↑jia//+“jiajia//+&qu;↑+“jia�

When Zhang Yang received the phone call, he was still drinking with Rong Pengfei. He was attracting Rong Pengfei's attention to the current situation of the Fengze public security system. In short, he was very unhappy with Zhao Guodong. Since Zhao Guodong used Xie Junchao to deal with him, Zhang's officials have regarded Zhao Guodong as one of the Rong Pengfei just listened with a smile and rarely expressed his opinions.

Zhang Yang was also stunned when he received the call from Du Tianye. Unexpectedly, Chen Xue came. This girl, if something happened to her mother, she didn't find herself and went to find Du Tianye. Isn't she separated from him? But on the other day, Du Tianye is Chen Xue's own uncle. Who don't you look for?

Du Tianye asked Zhang Yang to understand the situation from the side. He is the secretary of the municipal party committee. Geng Xiuju is only an office director of Heishanzi Township. It is not appropriate for him to rush to ask about this matter. Zhang Yang is different. This man was originally a cadre from Heishanzi Township, and he still

When he heard that Geng Xiuju had something to do, Zhang Yang immediately thought that this matter was probably related to Wang Boxiong. When Wang Boxiong was the secretary of the township party committee in Heishanzi Township, he and Geng Xiuju had an affair. Later, the relationship between the two was with Wang Boxion It's over, but that's on the surface. Who knows if they have any contact behind their backs?

Zhang Yang immediately called Wang Boxiong. Wang Boxiong was also drinking outside. Hearing Zhang Yang's phone call, he hurried out of the room. Zhang Yang said bluntly, "What's wrong with Geng Xiuju?" Wang Boxiong said, "I don't know. Someone reported that she has some financial problems!"

Zhang Yang wondered how many economic problems can be caused by a poor family in a black mountain village. He felt that Wang Boxiong was a little evasive and laughed and said, "King, our brothers are not different. If you have anything to say, explain it clearly. If you know the situation, just tell me clearly!"

Wang Boxiong sighed and said, "Brother Zhang, to tell you the truth, it was made by my wife. She didn't know where she heard the news. She took several of her mother's family members to beat Xiao Geng and reported Xiao Geng's economic problems to the procuratorate." Zhang Yang said, "How did she know that Geng Xiuju had financial problems?"

Wang Boxiong said, "I don't know. In fact, Xiao Geng didn't make a big mistake. He was nothing more than receiving a little kickback. I heard that this time it was because of the matter of renting land. She helped to contact a piece of Qinghe Village and received a kickback in the middle. Later, the matter Zhang Yang asked clearly that it was not a big deal, so he was relieved. Wang Boxiong said, "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I'm trying to figure it out!"

Zhang Yang said, "Forget it, when you come up with a way, Geng Xiuju will sit through the prison!" Let me come forward!" Zhang Yang is still quite sure about Chunyang. Zhu Heng, the secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, did it with his own hands. If he hadn't removed Zhu Heng, the current county party secretary Sha Puyuan would not have been able to take office smoothly, and the acting county magistrate Xu Zhaobin was not unlucky. To put it be put to Zhang Yang called Du Tianye first, saying that it was no big deal, so that Du Tianye didn't need to come forward.

When talking to Du Tianye, Su Xiaohong came over with Chen Xue. Chen Xue came all the way from Beijing to Jiangcheng. Until now, she hasn't eaten yet. Her face is pale, which makes people feel pity. Chen Xue didn't expect that Zhang Yang would be here. Zhang Yang smiled at her and said on the phone, "Well, leave It's coming!" Hang up the phone and hurriedly asked the boss to say hello. It was natural for Zhang Yang's concern and consideration for girls without hypocrisy. Su Xiaohong looked at this man helplessly. When Zhang Yang saw that the beautiful woman was attentive, she was not surprised.

[There will be another update tonight, and it will be posted before midnight. Please double the monthly ticket!] ∫! D