Medical official path

Chapter 388 Dark Calculation Next

Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was in a bad mood, but he has always been unsmiling, and it is difficult for others to see anything abnormal from his face. Qi Guoyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, handed him the list of the main leaders of Jiangcheng to come to the ceremony this time. Shen Qinghua looked Chang Xiaoming, Xiao Guitang, director of the China Merchants Office, and Shen Qingyang said, "Mayor Zuo won't come?" Qi Guoyuan said, "The invitations have been sent, and Mayor Zuo has no time!"

Shen Qinghua nodded and thought to himself that Shi You ** Zuo Yuanchao saw through their intention to use the Economic and Trade Association to raise funds: "How are the preparations going?"

Qi Guoyuan said, "The layout of the venue is not bad. The specific preparatory work is presided over by Vice Mayor Zhang. It's not easy for me to do too much." At this time, Mayor Sun Dongqiang came, and Qi Guoyuan smiled and said, "Mayor Sun knows the situation!"

As soon as Sun Dongqiang heard that it was about the preparation of the Economic and Trade Fair, he laughed: "I just had a mayor's meeting, and this is what we are discussing!" Shen Qinghua winned at the State of Qi, and the State of Qi retreated knowingly.

Sun Dongqiang sat down opposite Shen Qinghua and said respectfully, "Secretary Shen, I just learned about the situation, and the preparations for the Economic and Trade Fair are not ideal!"

Shen Qinghua said, "Time is already in a hurry, and it is inevitable that there are shortcomings in the preparatory work!" Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen, I don't know whether to say something or not!"

Shen Qinghua looked at Sun Dongqiang through the reading glasses, held the mirror frame and said, "You can talk about work!"

Sun Dongqiang said, "Although this economic and trade conference is in a hurry, since it is held in the name of Fengze City, it represents our image of Fengze. Our Fengze government officials should do our best to run this economic and trade meeting well, so as to satisfy all guests from all sides and achieve a bumper harvest of reputation and benefits."

Shen Qinghua is used to this man who likes to shout slogans. He frowned and said, "If you have anything to say!"

Sun Dongqiang said: "Recently, many departments have given me a lot of feedback. In the preparation process of the economic trade conference, the organizers blurred the concept of various functional departments. For example, the economic trade conference at this level should be received by the government guest house, but now the Eron Hotel is responsible for the reception task. The opening performance of the trade fair also invited Hong Kong and Taiwan actors, and many well-known domestic actors. According to me, the appearance fees of these people are very amazing. Who will bury the money in the future? Shen Qinghua said, "Didn't Zhang Yang say that he would be responsible?" Sun Dongqiang said, "I heard that Secretary Shen specially approved the conference fee of 500,000 yuan?"

Shen Qinghua nodded: "In such a large economic and trade conference, it can't be pinched without activity funds at all, and investment attraction also needs to be invested first!"

Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen, don't worry, I will let people strictly control the financial aspects. I'm just worried that Zhang Yang used to be lavish in Jiangcheng in the past. If the old state relapses this time, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact."

Shen Qinghua smiled and said, "I also heard that he can spend money, but this time I didn't give him much money."

Sun Dongqiang said, "The pressure on public security is also very great. Recently, the police system has changed so much that the internal mood has not been completely settled. This economic and trade will be a huge test."

Shen Qinghua has heard from Sun Dongqiang's words that he is full of resentment for Zhang Yang, but Shen Qinghua's ears are not soft. He knows that Zhang Yang has some problems, but at present, what he sees is the advantages of Zhang Yang. This economic and trade meeting must rely on Relying on the publicity of all aspects of the relationship, this person has this ability. Shen Qinghua looked at Sun Dongqiang's eyes and said, "Comrade Dongqiang, I know that there may be some contradictions between you and Xiao Zhang in the past, but I hope that your personal conflicts will not affect your work. Everything should be based on the overall situation, and don't let those personal things affect the overall interests of Fengze." Shen Qinghua's words are very important.

Sun Dongqiang's face was hot: "Secretary Shen, Zhang Yang and I really don't get along well, but I never mean to take revenge. What I don't like is him, but his way of doing things. He likes to be person-centered and gangs. Not long after he came to Fengze, he set up the Office of He played Ling Feng and Zhang Ruirong as his right-hand man. In the past, he was in the investment promotion office in Jiangcheng. These two people were recruited by him. Although black cats and white cats are good cats who catch mice, we can't have different functions, can we? Now other deputy mayors are very dissatisfied. Comrade Zhang Yang is in charge of culture, education and health. Now he is in charge of investment promotion. In the past, it has always been Comrade Lou Guangliang who was in charge of investment promotion. Shen Qinghua was obviously a little unhappy: "It's my decision to let him be in charge of the investment promotion work!"

Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen has been in my heart for a long time. Today I have to say it. Some people are best at bargaining, using their own relationship background to demand in politics. This is abnormal in our socialist system. Cheng Yandong, the new deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, and his The relationship is also very close. I also heard that it was because he wanted to help Cheng Yandong to the position of director that he secretly tampered with him... Shen Qinghua roared, "Enough!"

Sun Dongqiang was shocked by his sudden roar, but he saw that Shen Qinghua's face was pale and the blue veins on his forehead burst out. Obviously, he was really angry.

Shen Qinghua suppressed his anger and said, "Comrade Dongqiang, you are the head of a city. You should speak and do things with a realistic attitude. You can't listen to the wind and rain!"

Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen, my starting point is for the future of Fengze. As the mayor of Fengze, I hope that Fengze's leadership will be united and stable, instead of ganging up and painting little besieged!" He got up and said, "Secretary Shen, I don't mean to slander anyone. There is one thing I can be sure about. Someone secretly played a role in the intervention of Fengze by the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau.

After Sun Dongqiang left, Shen Qinghua fell into a long-term sinking. He had always suspected that "Zhao Guodong's fall was too sudden, which made him unprepared. Sun Dongqiang was not wrong at all. After Zhang Yang came to Fengze, he was consciously expanding his terms of reference. In terms of managing the relationship with his At a considerable level, his ambition is not small! Shen Qinghua closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair. If Zhao Guodong's diseval has a direct relationship with Zhang Yang, then this boy's wit is better than his own

It's much smarter to think. It's not a good thing for such a person to stay around. Sun Dongqiang returned to his office, and his heart fluctuated for a long time. He didn't know what effect his words just said could have. If Shen Qinghua regarded him as a slander against Zhang Yang, he looked down on him instead, which made him self-defeating.

Sun Dongqiang was in this kind of nervousness for a long time until the ringing of the phone woke him up. He picked up the phone, which was called by Zhao Yanglin, the director of his father-in-law Jiangcheng Municipal People's Congress.

Zhao Yanglin's voice was very calm: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Hearing his father-in-law's calm voice, Sun Dongqiang's heart suddenly calmed down a lot. He whispered, "Let's talk!"

Zhao Yanglin's laughter was very cheerful: "Opening the skylight and talking loudly is also a political means. Dongqiang, you are too conservative, and that boy is too radical. His three-board axe is very beautiful, but it's a pity that he cut in Lao Shen's pain! Dongqiang, people can't keep a low profile forever. In the past, they didn't think it was a kind of self-restraint in the eyes of others, but a kind of retreat!" Sun Dongqiang's sun lit up: "Dad, I understand!"

Zhao Yanglin said, "It is easy to fall if you step too far. It has been confirmed countless times in Chinese history, and this time it will be no exception!"

Zhang Yang and Executive Vice Mayor Chen Jianian appeared at the rehearsal site together. Because the performance was close to the rehearsal, it had been moved to Fengze People's Stadium, and the layout of the venue in the stadium had been basically completed. Chen Jianian inspected the layout of the venue and basically expressed his satisfaction. He whispered to Zhang Yang: "The five allocated Is 100,000 enough?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "We have attracted a lot of sponsorship. Our rich local enterprises are very enthusiastic about this economic trade fair, and they don't spend money on lighting and clothing at the venue." At this time, Li Zhong, the director of the China Merchants Office, came over and greeted the two leaders with a smile. Chen Jianian said, "You have worked hard these two days!" Li Zhong said, "It's still the leaders who work hard. You use your brains. I'm just running errands. "I'm not tired!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not good to be the director of the investment office if you only care about running errands. You have to move your legs, talk, do your hands, and use your brain!" Li Zhong said, "Thank you for the teaching of Vice Mayor Zhang!"

Zhang Yang smiled. This man was also a master of the rudder, but when he heard that Li Zhong and Shen Qinghua had a close relationship, he was also polite to Li Zhong. Zhang Yang said, "How is the advertisement of the venue?"

Li Zhong said, "Fengze Leather Clothing Factory has wrapped all the billboards. According to the previously agreed price, 150,000!"

Zhang Yang said, "Let them pay the money first - don't make an IOU. The economic trade meeting will be held for three days, and there must be a lot of capital expenditure. Only by putting this money in the account can we be prepared without poison!"

Li Zhong said, "They can't take out so much cash. They can pay 50,000 yuan, and the remaining 100,000 yuan can be paid equally with products!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In the summer, who wants their leather clothes?"

Chen Jianian also laughed: "Xiao Dong is also a slippery head. Isn't the benefit of their factory quite good? I don't believe they can't afford this money!"

While talking, a young girl in her twenties came over. She was wearing a T-shirt and denim shorts from the Fengze Summer Economic and Trade Fair. It may be because she has been working outdoors for a long time. Her complexion is brown and black, and she has a braid on the back of her head. She is Dong Xinyu, She came here a little legendary. In the past, her father was the director of Fengze Leather Clothing Factory. Later, the factory had to close down because of poor management. After graduating from college, she could have stayed in Jiangcheng to work. I heard that she insisted on coming to the leather clothing factory and contracted the leather clothing factory. In just two years, she turned a loss into He also became a well-known entrepreneur in Fengze, which is a good story. Chen Jianian and Dong Xinyu seemed to know each other very well. He smiled and said, "Xiao Dong, I heard that you are repudiation!"

Dong Xinyu is not a beautiful woman, but her smile is very sweet, and two shallow dimples are exposed at the corners of her mouth: "Mayor Chen, what is repudiation? We use clothing to offset advertising fees, and the price is estimated according to the ex-factory price. Speaking of which, it will take advantage of us.

Her brown eyes looked at Zhang Yang and took the initiative to stretch out her hand: "Mayor Zhang, I've been famous for a long time. I'm Dong Xinyu, the director of Fengze Oriental Drafting Garment Factory!" Zhang Yang shook hands with her with a smile and found that Dong Xinyu's hand was very powerful.

Chen Jianian said, "The person in charge of this economic and trade meeting is Mayor Zhang. If Mayor Zhang agrees, we will agree!" Chen Jianian's words sound like a shirking responsibility on the surface, but it is actually a reminder. Dong Xinyu smiled and said, "Mayor Zhang, can we use products to pay for advertising expenses?" Zhang Yang said, "On a hot day, your leather clothes are also in stock!"

Dong Xinyu said, "Inventory is also qualified, and there are many of our new models this year. When the summer is over, it will be launched to the market, and the price will be at least 30% higher!"

Zhang Yang found that Dong Xinyu was quite able to say, "Have you ever thought about what's the use of your leather clothes?" Dong Xinyu said, "Of course it's useful. It can be sponsored as a performance costume!"

Zhang Guanren didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I said, Director Dong, in this summer, I give leather clothes to other actors, and they don't have to treat me as a psychopath?"

Dong Xinyu said, "Our leather clothing factory is a local enterprise in Fengze. As the leader of Fengze City, you should also support local enterprises, right? Mayor Zhang, why did you open the Economic and Trade Conference? It's not to promote our Fengze enterprise. It's also a rare opportunity to take this opportunity to let more people know our Fengze Oriental Leather Clothing Factory, not to mention that we also paid the advertising fee. Mayor Chen, don't you think so?

Chen Jianian smiled and said, "Xiao Dong also makes some sense. Mayor Zhang, I think that's it. Let's take the leather clothes, and it's too much to sell it!" H