Medical official path

Chapter 390 Disaster Relief

Li Changyu stopped in front of the booth of Fengze Biological Products Factory and was very interested in the biological products they produced. Fengze Biological Products Factory made a series of health care products using Fengze specialty ginkgo, burdock and other specialties. Li Changyu picked up a box of ginkgo oral liquid and asked about the production and sales of the product in detail.

At the same time as Li Changyu's investigation, Shen Haitian, the director of Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, also developed a strong interest in these products. In the past, he paid attention to the products of Fengze Biological Products Factory. With the development of the times, the living standards of the people continue to improve, and more and more attention is paid to nutrition and health In Chang Haitian's plan this year, he has been put forward as the focus of entering the health care product market. However, from the outer packaging of the product, Chang Haitian has seen that Fengze Biological Products Factory is very backward in both production process and scale. Chang Haitian has the idea of joint venture with Fengze Biological Products Factory.

Li Changyu is very familiar with Chang Haitian. He smiled and said, "The director of Chang is also here. Do you have any plans? \}-1?" Chang Haitian smiled and said, "I'm a little interested in the series of health care products they have developed!"

Li Changyu said, "Okay! OK! OK! It is to develop the leading role of your large enterprises, develop the regional advantages, and lead the local enterprises in Jiangchengchi District to take a development path with their own characteristics.

Shen Qinghua also shook hands with Wei Haitian and said, "I hope you entrepreneurs can bring advanced management experience and ideas to Fengze. Where the policy needs the help of our local government, we will give full support!" Sun Dongqiang laughed and said, "Factory Director Chang is our old friend!"

Zhang Yang also came with Liang Chenglong and Lin Qinghong. He greeted Li Changyu with a smile and said, "Mayor Li, I'm too busy today to say hello to you!" I'll give you two more drinks when I go back to dinner!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "The work is important. Doing a good job in this economic and trade meeting is the original!

After Zhang Yang left, Li Changyu said to Shen Qinghua, "Secretary Shen, how about Xiao Zhang?

Shen Qing, Lu knew that Li Changyu and Zhang Yang had a good relationship, so he naturally would not speak ill of him. He smiled and said, "Very good, young, energetic and capable. This time, the Economic and Trade Conference is so prosperous. It's all up to him!" Shen Qinghua's words are heartfelt. This summer economic and trade meeting is indeed done by Zhang Yang. Such a scene can be made in such a short time, and there will be no second person in Jiangcheng.

Sun Dongqiang came to Xiao Ming's side to greet him. Xiao Ming looked at the lively scene in front of him and said sourly, "Comrade Dongqiang, you are doing well in the economic and trade meeting. Many powerful investors have been pulled to Fengze by you. Xiao Guitang, director of Jiangcheng Investment Office, said, "Jiangcheng Fengze should communicate with each other, not dig into each other's feet!"

Sun Dongqiang smiled and said, "Director Xiao, it seems that we are not optimistic about our economic and trade fair this time!"

Xiao Guitang said rudely, "Of course, I hope that the Fengze Summer Economic and Trade Conference can be successful, but I don't like the behavior of some people who are eager for quick success. In order to make personal achievements, they do not hesitate to harm everyone's interests, harm everyone, and benefit the small family. This is to dig the wall From afar, it must be bad, not conducive to development and unity!"

Xiao Ming sighed and said, "Comrade Gui Tang, you don't say a few words, or you will treat others as sour grapes."

The leather clothes sponsored by Dong Xinyu aroused the interest of Lin Qinghong, president of Tianjiao Group. Zhang Yang found Dong Xinyu and introduced her to Lin Qinghong. With the warming of the domestic leather clothing market, Lin Qinghong has recently increased investment in this area. She talked about cooperation with Dong Xinyu.

Qu Chenglong came here this time to support Zhang Yang, and second to complete and deliver the Huitong factory. Zhang Yang and he sat under the parasol, and Secretary Fu Changzheng sent two bottles of drinks.

Since Dongjiang said goodbye, the two have not contacted each other again. Liang Chenglong said, "Chen Shaobin resigned and set up a financial investment company. It is said that he is investing in stocks!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How are you two?"

Qu Chenglong shook his head helplessly and said, "There's nothing I can do. He treats me as an enemy now!"

Zhang Yang said, "Qiao Pengfei went too much!"

Qu Chenglong said, "Zhang Yang, don't you guys want to see me in your hearts?"

It's tempting. The drink just said, "The man has something to do. Your position last time disappointed everyone!" Qu Chenglong looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Including you?" Zhang Yang nodded.

Qu Chenglong said, "In the past, when I was in school, I often talked about the concept of the outlook on life. I found that things are constantly developing and changing, and the outlook on life is also constantly developing and changing."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Gu has retired. Now Pinghai is in charge of Secretary Qiao, so you want to re-establish your own outlook on life?"

Qu Chenglong said, "Businessmen put profit first. With this concept, I have to do a lot of things that I don't like. Obviously, I can't get used to it in my heart, but I can't say that. Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it hard for people to live in your life?" If I don't choose such a lifestyle, I'm afraid it will be harder!" Zhang Yang laughed indifferently.

Qu Chenglong said, "Chen Shaobin didn't need to resign, but he refused to bow his head and admit the reality, so he came to this point." Zhang Yang said, "Resignation is not necessarily a bad thing for him!"

Qu Chenglong said, "In fact, Shaobin is just a victim. With his old man's status, he should be able to keep him, but Qiao Hungry chased Shao Bin blindly. What's the reason? The fundamental reason is that he got the approval of Secretary Qiao. Secretary Qiao used this method to give Secretary Chen a dismover and a reminder to the group of cadres in Pinghai. Zhang Yang said, "The political struggle is so complicated!"

Qu Chenglong smiled and said, "Don't sing freely. In fact, you have already seen that "Today's Pinghai seems to be calm, but in fact, the dark tide is surging, and this political struggle will come sooner or later.

Zhang Yang said, "Aren't you a businessman today? When did you become a politician?

Qu Chenglong said, "If you do business in our country, you don't understand the policy, and if you don't understand the spirit above, there is only one way to die!" Speaking of this, he saw An Yuchen, Qiao Mengqiao and Shi Wei coming towards them. Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "Mr. Qiao, what project did you talk about?"

Qiao Mengyu smiled and said, "I didn't find any good projects. I was just watching the signing ceremony of Millennium Group, a large order of 500 million yuan. Zhang Yang, your economic and trade meeting this time has been invincible." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect the Japanese to like this land." Shi Wei said, "Didn't you trick everyone here for drought relief?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What makes it so utilitarian as soon as it comes to your mouth? I said, Shi Wei said, "You have to learn hard with your cousin and take it from the people. The highest level of doing business is to repay the society, not blindly take it from the society." Shi Weiliu raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't have to teach me a lesson. It's great to be a deputy mayor!"

An Yuchen said, "Si Wei, why do you always argue with my master? I'm so happy today. Can't you say something nice? Shi Wei rolled his eyelids to Zhang Yang: "I don't have anything to say to him!"

Liang Chenglong said, "Seriously, I've been short of funds recently, and it's not good not to support you. I'm going to donate 200,000 yuan on the spot for tonight's disaster relief performance. Is there any more!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No matter how much you volunteer, I am very grateful to you for not donate. If you can come and support me, it is the greatest support for my buddy's work!"

An Yuchen and the others went to get drinks and sat under the umbrella. An Yuchen said, "I talked to Chang Lingfeng and planned to take out a ruthenium to run the school!" Zhang Yang was stunned: "School meme?"

An Yuchen nodded and said, "Chang Lingfeng talked to me about education reform. He wants to make a pilot in Fengze No. 1 Middle School and introduce private capital to run the school. I read his plan. It's very good. If the school can be profitable, I can use the same model!" Zhang Yang said, "Why do you want to run a school?"

An Yuchen said, "You forgot that my grandfather built a lot of Hongqi Primary School in Chunyang before his death. In fact, my dream of my life when I was a child was to be a teacher, and now I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish.

Zhang Yang nodded. Although An Yuchen was careless on the surface, she was a very caring girl. Thinking of her unknown fate, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. At present, he still didn't think of a way to heal her natural veins. He hoped that God could give her more time. Maybe in the near future, I can think of a way to completely cure her.

Zhang Yang said, "How is the development of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square 7?"

An Yuchen said, "It's all in Mengyuan's responsibility. I'm too lazy to take care of it!"

Qiao Menghua laughed and said, "Youchen is a deputy general. The price of the Nanlin Temple Commercial Square has been rising this year. At present, the development project is only one-third, but the pre-sale has allowed us to recover all the costs, and the profit is quite considerable!"

Qu Chenglong sighed enviously and said, "It's really unexpected that that land has now become a hot spot in Jiangcheng."

Qiao Mengyuan said: "It is mainly the renovation of Jiangcheng Department Store, which has a great impact on the business of Jiangcheng City. The shopping demand of Jiangcheng people will not stagnate because of the renovation of the department store, so the first phase of our Nanlin Temple Commercial Plaza was opened at the right time. Now there are three large merchants station However, the water rises and the boat rises. Qu Chenglong also participated in part of the civil engineering project. He smiled and said, "Mr. Qiao's financial fortune is really enviable!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Your project should also be paid. This time I came to Jiangcheng to settle the project payment of Huitong for you!"

Zhang Yang is still concerned about drought relief, and he is not very interested in their business. Qiao Mengyuan said, "For this drought relief, our Huitong company plans to take out three million yuan. What does Mayor Zhang think?" This number shocked Zhang Yang: "Three million, so much?" Qiao Meng prostitute said, "Take it from the civilian to the people!"

At this time, Lin Qinghong came to Liang Chenglong. They were all old friends. "After Lin Qinghong greeted everyone, she announced a good news. She had just signed a letter of intent to cooperate with Fengze Oriental Leather Factory.

The good news came one after another, and Shen Qinghua, who had always been serious, couldn't help smiling. Regardless of the effect of the disaster relief performance at night, the recent achievements of the Economic and Trade Fair have greatly exceeded his expectations.

The opening performance of the Economic and Trade Conference that night was held at Fengze People's Stadium. The stadium was full of seats. After Li Changyu and Shen Qinghua's routine speeches, the performance officially began.

Hailan's host is full of emotion. In the music, He Xinyan opened the prelude to the disaster relief performance with the amazing opening dance "Rain".

The whole Jiangcheng is paying attention to Fengze's party, which is broadcast live by Fengze TV Station and Jiangcheng TV Station.

Jiangcheng Changzuo Yuanchao also sat at home and enjoyed the disaster relief party. That night, his eldest brother Zuo Yongjun and his sister-in-law Jiang Xinhui were all visiting his home. After dinner, they watched the performance together. Looking at the rolling donation numbers under the TV screen, the women kept exclaiming. Zuo Yongjun said, "It's 13 million. I didn't expect Fengze's disaster relief performance to be so Ding j7! Zuo Yuan said, "Zhang Yang still has some connections!"

Zuo Yongjun didn't know anything about Fengze's disaster relief performance, and he was a little surprised and said, "Is it organized by Zhang Yang?"

Zuo Yuanchao nodded: "This boy is a talent. The economic and trade fair and the charity performance of drought relief can be done well. It's not easy, it's really not easy!"

Zuo hugged the army and said, "Zhang Yang is really not aluminum!" When saying this, I couldn't help looking at my wife. If it hadn't been for my wife's opposition at the beginning, the relationship between Zhang Yang and his daughter Zuo Xiaoqing should have developed well now.

Jiang Xinhui understood his meaning from her husband's eyes and lowered her head with some heart.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Has Xiaoqing come back from the summer vacation?"

Zuo Yongjun said, "It's not decided yet. This girl hasn't come back for a long time. I'm afraid that she will forget us as parents."

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry. Xiaoqing is a filial child, and she won't forget you wherever she goes!"

At this time, the host on the screen announced the list of the second batch of donations. The first was Qiao Meng prostitute who donated 3 million yuan. Jiang Xinhui exclaimed: "Qiao Mengyan is really a success!"

Zuo Yuan said with a smile, "It's rare that she can be so generous!" Secretary Qiao's daughter is really not simple!" C