Medical official path

Chapter 390 Under Disaster Relief

The charity performance of drought relief came to an end in Mao Wenying's generous singing. With the sound of the song, the stone in the heart of Shen Qinghua, Secretary of Fengze Municipal Party Committee, also landed. Everything went so smoothly and was so perfect. There were still two days left for the Summer Economic and Trade Conference, but it achieved unprecedented success on the 29 million donations have been raised, which is extremely amazing. With this money, Fengze's drought relief work will be much smoother. And all this was facilitated by Zhang Yang. Shen Qinghua looked at Zhang Yang not far away. Zhang Yang was talking to the Japanese business group accompanied by Chang Lingfeng. The two sides talked happily. This boy's ability is really immeasurable." Secretary Shen, a total of 29.6 million donations have been collected this time!" After verifying the amount of donations, Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor, excitedly came to Shen Qinghua to report.

Shen Qinghua nodded. He suddenly realized that Zhang Yang was constantly increasing his influence in Fengze through this series of activities. After this economic trade meeting and fundraising, Zhang Yang's influence in Fengze will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

There was thunderous applause and cheers in the audience. Mao Wenying's singing voice won unanimous applause from the audience present. She kept thanking her. All the staff who participated in the disaster relief performance also appeared on the central stage to thank everyone.

Hailan said in a fluctuating voice: "This is the end of this charity performance. I believe that under the correct guidance of the Party, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, with the joint efforts of all the people of Fengze City, and with the support of enthusiastic people from all aspects of society, we will definitely be able to Let's sing "Tomorrow will be better" together and welcome a better tomorrow!"

The music of "Tomorrow Will Be Better" sounded on the scene. Qi Guoyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, quietly approached Shen Qinghua and reminded him to meet all the performers participating in the disaster relief with Li Changyu, the executive vice mayor of Jiangcheng.

Shen Qinghua and Li Changyu modestly walked to the stage. Li Changyu said, "The disaster relief performance is very successful. Now Fengze's drought relief work should be much smoother."

Shen Qinghua was in a good mood and nodded and said, "Thank you for your support. Our Fengze Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will definitely put the drought relief work into practice and win this war with nature as soon as possible!" "

They walked up to the stage while talking and laughing. Although the summer night was hot, Shen Qinghua's heart was as happy as eating ice cream at this time. Boldly using Zhang Yang is his skill, but he also understands that he must be cautious about Zhang Yang's appointment. This boy is like a double-edged sword. If he uses it well Thorns, if you don't use it well, you are likely to hurt yourself.

When Shen Qinghua was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a trace of coolness on his face. He subconsciously reached out and touched the water one by one. There were drops of water on his face. He thought who accidentally threw out the sweat, but immediately another drop of water fell on his forehead. Shen Qinghua was a little stunned.

Li Changyu looked up at the sky. After a while, he said, "Is it going to rain?" As soon as his words fell, a dazzling lightning tore the dark world, shining the whole stadium as bright as day in an instant, and then a series of dull thunder rolled into the low sky.

When no one responded, a torrential rain suddenly came, and Li Changyu, Shen Qinghua and the actors who had not had time to leave on the stage suddenly fell into the storm.

Shen Qinghua's smiling face was full of incredible expressions. He couldn't imagine why the rain suddenly came without warning. Before that, the weather station clearly predicted that there would be no precipitation in the near future. It seemed that the weather forecast of this weather station was not accurate.

People began to leave the field and began to look for the place of Diyu. Only Shen Qinghua was still standing in the rain. He seemed to be in a daze. He couldn't believe that what happened in front of him would be true. Qi Guoyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, trotted to him. Somehow he got He said, "Secretary Shen, let's take shelter from the rain!" Shen Qinghua muttered, "It's raining, it's really raining!" Qi Guoyuan nodded while smiling.

Shen Qinghua said, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to watch how long this rain can last!" Shen Qinghua was worried that it was a rain of rut, for fear that the time was too short, which would not have much effect on alleviating the drought. It turned out that his worries were superfluous. The heavy rain kept coming, and there was no sign of stopping for the time being.

Zhang Yang first sent Qiao Mengyuan, An Yuchen, Shi Wei and Hu Yinru into the car, and then drove his pickup truck directly to the back door of the lounge, where he picked up Hailan and He Xinyan. When they came to the car, they were all dumped. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's really miserable. I'm drenched all over!"

Hailan wiped her hair with a towel and smiled, "The dance of Xinyan is so good that it moved God. It's really raining."

He Xinyan is also wiping the rain-water on his body with a towel: "Investment, drought resistance and rain are all successful. Zhang Yang, you are three happy this time!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I told you a long time ago that when you come, the drought will be resolved!"

Hailan and He Xinyan's faces were hot, and their beautiful faces hung down. Fang was a little ashamed in her heart, and she secretly blamed him for saying anything. Zhang Yang has his own logic: "One surname is He and the other is surnamed Hai, and any drought must be in front of you!"

He Xinyan couldn't help giggling when he heard him say this: "It really makes some sense. Sister Yinru's surnamed Hu!" Hailan's face is burning more and more. Is it doomed in the dark?

It rained so hard that Qiao Mengjiao's car was still parked there. When Zhang Yang's pickup truck drove in front of him, Qiao Mengjiao flashed the light to him. Zhang Yang picked up the phone and dialed Qiao Mengjiao's phone and said, "You're behind me!"

He Xinyan suddenly snorted. She pointed to the room on the right side, but it was Feng Lu and Feng Hu who stood there to take shelter from the rain. Zhang Yang leaned over the car and greeted her sister's two man-made cars.

It took a lot of time to send the Feng Lu sisters home. It was almost eleven o'clock when they returned to the Bailu Hotel. When they got off the bus, their bodies were wet by the rain. Lv Zhao, the manager of the hotel department, was busy welcoming the returning guests. Seeing Zhang Yang coming back, she quietly invited Zhang Yang aside and whispered, "That guy who is not a man or a woman is making trouble again. He pushed down the vase in our hall. It's really difficult to serve."

Knowing that she was talking about George, Xi Ruolin's assistant, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow. Forget it. Write down the loss. I'll pay the bill for you later." Lv Zao whispered, "I haven't eaten yet. I've prepared a table of meals in the Fugui Hall." Zhang Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll be right there."

When Qiao Mengjiao and He Xinyan, the girls changed their clothes and delayed for more than half an hour, Zhang Yang took six beautiful women to the rich hall to sit down. He smiled and said to the waiter, "Don't care about hot dishes and cold dishes. Come up together!" Everyone is hungry!"

Qiao Meng prostitute and Shi Wei also felt that the rain was coming suddenly. An Yuchen said, "Fortunately, the shelter rain fell after the disaster relief charity performance, otherwise there would be no reason for fundraising."

It's still raining outside. Shi Wei looked out of the window and said, "The drought has eased. There is no need to raise money!"

Qiao Meng prostitute laughed and said, "Si Wei, don't say that. You scared Mayor Zhang and thought we were going to repudiate the debt!" The table was full of laughter.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Qiao, it's unkind of you to say that. Am I that kind of person? Didn't you say that these donations are not in my personal pocket? Take it from the people, use it for the people, and use it all for the people, which is also to help you rich people accumulate some merit.

An Yuchen said, "The amount of donations raised this time is not small, close to 30 million. We must ensure the use of donations. I heard that misappropriation of donations often occurs in the mainland. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will focus on this matter later!"

Hu Yinru said, "It's hard to rest assured. I remember that the flood in Yun'an Province caused the year before last that officials embezzled donations, and the final treatment was not painful, which also triggered a verbal attack by the media." Zhang Yang said, "I find that you lack trust in the cadres of the Party and the country!" He Xinyan said, "It's because you cadres lack integrity!"

Shi Wei nodded and said, "I agree with Miss He's point of view. Now many grassroots cadres are very corrupt and irresponsible!"

Zhang Yang raised his hand and surrendered, "Well, I won't argue with you. Let's eat!"

At this time, there was a noise outside, and Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning. At this late hour, the sharp voice of a man outside was particularly harsh. There were not many people who could make such a tone, so Zhang Guanren easily locked on George's body.

George also accompanied Xi Ruolin to have supper. The reason why he was angry was that the food was not good. He not only dropped the cup on the spot, but also slapped the waiter in the face. The beaten waitress covered her face and cried silently, because the Ere Hotel attached great importance to this reception and asked every waiter She scolded and didn't return the word, so she could only swallow her anger. Lv Yan apologized to George with a smile. When he heard the sound, he went out and looked at Xi Ruolin and said, "What's going on?" Xi Ruolin said coldly, "Don't ask me, your service is really bad!"

George said in a shrill voice, "I've shouted three cuts - pour water. Can't she hear me? Deaf?? If we were in Hong Kong, this kind of low-quality waiter would have been fired long ago! The service industry in your mainland is really backward. Lv Yan said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to give you a slut!" Zhang Yang said, "Because of this, you beat people?"

George crossed his waist and stared at him and said, "The purpose of beating her is to give her a memory and let her improve the quality of service!"

Xi Ruolin said, "Forget it, don't be like them. Let's go!" In fact, Xi Ruolin is the culprit in this matter. Although she came to Fengze because of Wang Zhun's face, she was very dissatisfied with the appearance fee. In this way, she vented her dissatisfaction with the organizer.

George was about to leave, but He Xinyan, who heard the news, stopped him. He Xinyan said, "You must apologize!"

Seeing that He Xinyan and An Yuchen were both coming, Zhang Yang looked on the sidelines and took a step back. He said to An Yuchen, "Little demon, what should you do by yourself!"

George screamed, "Get out of here! Believe it or not, I'll call the police to arrest you..." Before he finished speaking, He Xinyan had already taken action. A loud slap in the face, and George was beaten there. He quickly reacted: "Three eight... How dare you hit me!" He rushed to He Xinyan desperately. An Yuchen had been ready for a long time. Before George rushed up, he kicked his lower abdomen. An Yuchen's force was the best of the girls. Her side kick could kick a cow, not to mention George, who was not a man or a woman. George screamed and flew backwards and hit the floor-to-ceiling window of the restaurant. Only the sound of broken glass kept ringing. The man lay on the broken glass window, his body was scratched in many places, and a lot of blood flowed out, which was really terrible.

Xi Ruolin was shocked when she saw the scene in front of her. She got up and said, "You've went too much!"

An Yuchen said coldly, "Don't show off your power in the name of Hong Kong. You can't represent Hong Kong. Apologize!"

When Lv Yan saw that she was really fighting, she was afraid that things would be big. She hurriedly advised, "Forget it, forget it, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Can you hit someone casually if you misunderstand? There is no difference between high and low. "If you don't respect others, you just don't respect yourself! Miss Xi, as a public figure, what you have done just now is to discredit your image. You should apologize for what you just did!" Xi Ruolin cried: "You are all a group of scoundrels. I want to complain about you!"

At this time, Qiu Jinzhu of the criminal police brigade also came when he heard the news. During the Economic and Trade Conference, he was stationed in the Ere Hotel and was responsible for the personal safety of the distinguished guests, so he arrived in time when he heard the news.

When Cypsoulin saw the police coming, she was much bolder. She screamed, "I'm going to call the police. They threatened my personal safety and beat my assistant!"

When Qiu Jinzhu saw Zhang Yang, he suddenly understood in his heart that Zhang was making trouble. He didn't want to take care of it, and he couldn't control it. He just thought he didn't see it or hear it. He smiled and said, "Mayor Zhang, are you in trouble?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand and said, "It's your business here! Take someone to guard the gate, and don't let the idle people come in casually.

Ci Ruolin was scared as soon as she heard this. Instead of standing on her side, the policeman wanted to open the door. She trembled and said in a trembling voice, "What do you want to do..."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Zi Ruolin, we are old acquaintances. I'm very grateful to you for coming to Fengze to help with the disaster relief charity performance, but you are still unwilling to come. I put up with it all day long, but it's fucking wrong for you to find an excuse to bully my class sisters!"

Xi Ruolin was really scared at this time. At this time, Wang Zhun and Liu Dezheng arrived. Unfortunately, Qiu Jinzhu held the door and didn't let them in. Wang Zhun shouted in his voice, "Vice Mayor Zhang, for my face, forget it..."

Xi Ruolin shouted, "You mainlanders are all liars. They tricked me into performing, but they didn't pay the performance fee one by one, one, one by one." Qiao Meng prostitute suddenly said, "How much?" Celine was slightly stunned and didn't know what she meant. Shi Wei looked at her contemptuously and said, "My cousin asked you how much the appearance fee is?"

George, who was covered in blood, got up from the ground. He was scared by An Yuchen's kick and limped to Xi Ruolin's side: "Miss Xi's appearance in the outer port is all 100,000...

Qiao Mengyuan has taken out the checkbook, wrote 100,000 yuan on it, and gave it to Shi Wei. Shi Wei took it and threw it to George: "Open your dog's eyes and see it clearly, 100,000 yuan!" George grabbed the check and stood there for a moment, not knowing whether he was worried or happy. Qiao Meng said coldly, "Now you can apologize!"

Xi Ruolin bit her lip and burst into tears in her eyes. This was not because she was good at acting, but because she was really scared. George walked to the waitress who had just been slapped by him and whispered = "Yes, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one." The man's house has to bow his head) This guy who is not a man or a woman also knows this truth.

The waiter looked at George with red eyes. Suddenly, he slapped his palm and hit him back, so that the five fingerprints on George's face were raised. She sobbed, "You beat you to let you know that we Chinese are not so easy to bully!"

Everyone has their own dignity. No matter what the social status is, no matter how much wealth there is, the dignity of people is not allowed to be trampled on. After apologizing, she fled with George.

During the whole process, Zhang Yang did not take action at all. He looked at these female generals with appreciation. How could he have a word of love in his heart? He Xinyan slapped well, and An Yuchen kicked well. "Qiao Meng's check is well written, and the paralyzed mother is a good woman who is hard to I had an idea. If such a good woman can't have it herself, won't she regret it for the rest of her life?

Qiao Mengyan naturally won't guess Zhang Yang's idea at this moment. She smiled apologetically to Zhang Yang and said, "I'm sorry, tonight's things may annoy you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. I also want to throw 100,000 yuan on her face, but it's a pity that I can't bring it out!"

Qiao Meng prostitute smiled indifferently. The smile was as intoxicating as the breeze, and Zhang Daguan Ren didn't feel a little crazy.

Qiao Meng prostitute realized something from his eyes and whispered, "It's too late. Let's go back to rest!"

After Qiao Mengjiao and the others left, Wang Zhun came over. He also looked helpless. Xi Ruolin was invited by him from Hong Kong. This kind of thing happened, and his face was very ugly. Annoying! War. Yan Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, this woman is too arrogant!" Wang Zhun smiled bitterly and said, "She still has something to do with her. I'm afraid that this matter will attract some slang in the future: "The little energy on the spot can't turn over the waves to kill her!" Wang Zhun still knew Zhang Yang's means very well. Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but sneer and said, "Don't be afraid, I can't be like a third-rate star!" Wang Zhun said, "There are no weak soldiers under the strong general. Your confidants are really strong! Zhang Yang corrected, "That's called a sense of justice!" The rain in Fengze did not stop overnight. When the Standing Committee was held the next day, the rain was still on, and every member of the Standing Committee was happy. They all knew that this rain meant that the drought in Fengze would be alleviated to a large extent.

Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, first summarized the achievements of the Economic and Trade Commission so far, and fully affirmed the conclusion. The members of the Standing Committee are also quite optimistic.

After the Standing Committee was completed, Sun Dongqiang stayed specially. He solemnly reported to Shen Qinghua what happened in the Baidong Hotel last night. His version was that the Hong Kong Star was beaten, and Cielen had said that she would investigate the follow-up responsibility of the relevant people.

Shen Qinghua couldn't help frowning. It seems that there is really no perfect thing in the world. "The joy brought by the economic and trade conference can't help but be diluted a little. He said to Sun Dongqiang, "You can deal with this matter. With the attitude of criticism and education, try not to make things bigger."

Shen Qinghua has had a lot of things recently. He really didn't have the energy to ask about such a small matter. When he returned to the office, his wife Zhao Guohua's phone number was chased after him again. Since Zhao Guodong was taken away by Jiangcheng City, his wife kept quarreling with him, saying that he had no ability I have a headache, and I finally comforted my wife.

Shen Qinghua thought about it calmly and still called the city. Shen Qinghua and Jiangcheng rushed to the committee. Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was an old friend. He wanted to know Zhao Guodong's situation through Ma Yimin.

Ma Yimin still helped Shen Qinghua find out a lot of inside information. He said to Shen Qinghua, "Guodong has admitted to taking bribes during the construction of the office building of the Public Security Bureau. At present, the Procuratorate of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has intervened and is in the process of determining the amount of corruption. However, Guodong's confession attitude is better. As long as the embezzlement money can be handed over in time, the court will deal with it at its discretion.

Shen Qinghua said, "Lao Ma, I grew up watching Guodong. This child's nature is not bad!

Ma Yimin said, "Don't worry, our friends for so many years, I will try my best to help him, Lao Shen, your economic and trade conference in Fengze has been very sensational recently, and the whole Pinghai has been shocked!"

When it comes to the Economic and Trade Conference, Shen Qinghua is still a little gratified: "It's not bad. It has achieved great results!"

Ma Yimin said, "There is a sentence I want to remind you that you can't dig your own corner!" Shen Qinghua's heart was stunned, and Ma Yimin's words mean something: "Lao Ma, if you have anything to say directly!" Ma Yimin said, "Japan Millennium Group was originally ready to settle down in Jiangcheng Development Zone. This time you can take away a big investment in Jiangcheng!"

When Shen Qinghua heard that this was the case, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fengze is also a part of Jiangcheng. Fertility does not flow to outsiders, and the investment of Millennium Group has not fallen to other families."

Ma Yimin said, "From the overall point of view, this is the case, but in the view of some departments, this is not the case. I heard that Secretary Du and Mayor Zuo are very unhappy." He paused and said, "Zhang Yang is too popular. It's good for you to use him. He does have some ability, but you should be careful not to be dragged into the water by him!"

Shen Qinghua warned secretly in his heart and whispered, "Lao Ma, why are your words a little unpredictable today?"

Ma Yimin said, "Lao Shen, I'm not hiding it from you. I heard that Zhao Guodong came down because someone reported it from the Fengze Public Security Bureau. The current director and deputy director of the Fengze Public Security Bureau are all strongly recommended by Zhang Yang to Rong Pengfei. Today's young people are very good at it." Shen Qinghua said, "Guo Dong did something wrong and can't blame others!"

Ma Yimin reminded Shen Qinghua: "Before Zhang Yang went to Fengze as the deputy mayor, he was seconded by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for a period of time. Zhu Heng, the secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, was taken off the stage by him. The lesson of the front car can't help but be

Shen Qinghua's heart suddenly sank. Ma Yimin's words couldn't make him think too much. Isn't it so simple for Zhang Yang to come to Fengze as a deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health?

Ma Yimin said, "Our old friends for so many years, I have told you what we should say and what we should not say. In the future, you should be more careful and work hard for the party and the country for a lifetime. Don't overturn in the gutter."

Hanging up the phone, Shen Qinghua fell into a long period of meditation. There are various signs that Zhao Guodong's fall has an extremely close relationship with Zhang Yang. Since Zhang Yang's arrival, Fengze under his leadership has been torn open a gap, and Zhang Yang is also constantly demanding and expanding his power. Although he has time Soon, the internal pattern of the Public Security Bureau and the Education Bureau has quietly changed. Today's young people will not be satisfied with this. Where will he choose next?

Zhang Yang did not take Xi Ruolin's complaint seriously. In his opinion, Xi Ruolin is just a third-rate star who lacks quality. Although he has the aura of the so-called movie queen, it is really far from the four words Deyi Shuangxin. She may have a little energy in Hong Kong, but the motherland of our big thing IC is lucky, and she doesn't have a share in talking.

The 500,000 conference fee approved by Shen Qinghua is obviously not enough. According to the preliminary estimate, there are still 870,000 yuan for a detour. Therefore, after the end of the economic and trade cooperation, Zhang Yang immediately asked Fu Changzheng to draft an application for funds. After signing with Mayor Sun Dongqiang, he sent it to Shen Qinghua.

Shen Yuhua; He promised very well, but the funding application was submitted for a week, and there was still no news like a stone sinking into the sea. Zhang Yang finally couldn't help going to Shen Qinghua's office to find him. Shen Qinghua saw that Feng Zhangyang was still very kind: "Xiao Zhang, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Secretary Shen, the funding application I handed you last time, you said you would take it to the Standing Committee to go through the process. Have you approved it?"

Shen Qinghua pretended to be very hard to recall. After a while, he smiled and said, "Look at my memory. I've discussed it, I've discussed it!"

Zhang Yang said, "How's it going? Have you signed it?" In Zhang Yang's opinion, signing is a matter of course. He has made such a great contribution to Fengze. There must be no problem with the approval of the conference fee.

Shen Qinghua squeezed his lips and shook his head with regret: "The members of the Standing Committee agreed that the conference fee is very high, and you are required to issue a detailed list of conference affairs, and then re-examine it.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, we held a three-day meeting and held a charity performance with a gathering of stars. What and \} plus a total of 1.37 million yuan. This conference fee is not much. Do you think the conference fee is high? What do you mean by asking me to issue a list of meetings? Do you suspect that I am corrupt from it?"

Shen Qinghua smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't think too much. It's just a regular program, not for you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I owe the hospitality expenses of the Eroe Hotel. It's true that the actors are charity performances, but I have to reimburse them for their round-trip air tickets and tickets. These are cast! $ Business, leaders and so on, we also have free hospitality. Secretary Shen, didn't you say that it's a pleasure to have friends from afar. If you want all the guests who come to Fengze to be satisfied, I let them all be satisfied. The contract signed this investment is more than 1 billion yuan, and the donation has also raised 29 million yuan. How Is there something wrong with the fee? Isn't it just 870,000? What do the judges suspect? This man is a little angry. He is paralyzed. I helped you support the scene, and now it's making things difficult for me.

Shen Qinghua's smile remains unchanged: "Xiao Zhang, don't worry, I didn't say I won't give it, but there must be procedures for everything. We are party cadres. Every pennys of ruthenium must be checked. We will reimburse the plane ticket, but there must be a ticket stub Otherwise, where will we go to 7? How to explain it to the comrades in the future? How do the people of Fengze explain it?

Zhang Yang understood that this old thing is serious and false, and it is true to make things difficult for himself. He nodded and said, "Okay, the members of the Standing Committee want the list, and I will give you the list, but every guest who comes here may not send the ticket back the ticket. What about this money? Secretary Shen, are you going to let me pay for it myself?

Shen Qinghua said, "How can it be? You have made such a great contribution to Fengze this time. I'm going to reward you, Xiao Zhang. One thing is the same thing. The public is the public, and the private is private. We must distinguish it clearly!" [ The update of 8,000 words has been completed. It is estimated that the second monthly ticket in everyone's hand has come out. The monthly ticket group was originally ready to settle in Jiangcheng Development Zone. This time you can take away a large investment from Jiangcheng!"

When Shen Qinghua heard that this was the case, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fengze is also a part of Jiangcheng. Fertility does not flow to outsiders, and the investment of Millennium Group has not fallen to other families."

Ma Yimin said, "From the overall point of view, this is the case, but in the view of some departments, this is not the case. I heard that Secretary Du and Mayor Zuo are very unhappy." He paused and said, "Zhang Yang is too popular. It's good for you to use him. He does have some ability, but you should be careful not to be dragged into the water by him!"

Shen Qinghua warned secretly in his heart and whispered, "Lao Ma, why are your words a little unpredictable today?"

Ma Yimin said, "Lao Shen, I'm not hiding it from you. I heard that Zhao Guodong came down because someone reported it from the Fengze Public Security Bureau. The current director and deputy director of the Fengze Public Security Bureau are all strongly recommended by Zhang Yang to Rong Pengfei. Today's young people are very good at it." Shen Qinghua said, "Guo Dong did something wrong and can't blame others!"

Ma Yimin reminded Shen Qinghua, "Before Zhang Yang went to Fengze to serve as the deputy mayor, he was seconded by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for a period of time. Zhu Heng, the secretary of the Chunyang County Party Committee, was ousted by him. The lesson of the previous car can't help but be prevented!"

Shen Qinghua's heart suddenly sank. Ma Yimin's words couldn't make him think too much. Isn't it so simple for Zhang Yang to come to Fengze as a deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health?

Ma Yimin said, "Our old friends for so many years, I have told you what we should say and what we should not say. In the future, you should be more careful and work hard for the party and the country for a lifetime. Don't overturn in the gutter."

Hanging up the phone, Shen Qinghua fell into a long period of meditation. There are various signs that Zhao Guodong's fall has an extremely close relationship with Zhang Yang. Since Zhang Yang's arrival, Fengze under his leadership has been torn open a gap, and Zhang Yang is also constantly demanding and expanding his power. Although he has time Soon, the internal pattern of the Public Security Bureau and the Education Bureau has quietly changed. Today's young people will not be satisfied with this. Where will he choose next?

Zhang Yang did not take Xi Ruolin's complaint seriously. In his opinion, Xi Ruolin is just a third-rate star who lacks quality. Although he has the so-called halo of the shadow queen, it is too far from the word Deyi Shuangxin. She may have a little energy in Hong Kong, but the motherland of our big thing IC is lucky, and she doesn't have a share in talking.

The 500,000 conference fee approved by Shen Qinghua is obviously not enough. According to the preliminary estimate, there are still 870,000 yuan for a detour. Therefore, after the end of the economic and trade cooperation, Zhang Yang immediately asked Fu Changzheng to draft an application for funds. After signing with Mayor Sun Dongqiang, he sent it to Shen Qinghua.

Shen Yuhua; He promised very well, but the funding application was submitted for a week, and there was still no news like a stone sinking into the sea. Zhang Yang finally couldn't help going to Shen Qinghua's office to find him. Shen Qinghua saw that Feng Zhangyang was still very kind: "Xiao Zhang, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Secretary Shen, the funding application I handed you last time, you said you would take it to the Standing Committee to go through the process. Have you approved it?"

Shen Qinghua pretended to be very hard to recall. After a while, he smiled and said, "Look at my memory. I've discussed it, I've discussed it!"

Zhang Yang said, "How's it going? Have you signed it?" In Zhang Yang's opinion, signing is a matter of course. He has made such a great contribution to Fengze. There must be no problem with the approval of the conference fee.

Shen Qinghua squeezed his lips and shook his head with regret: "The members of the Standing Committee agreed that the conference fee is very high, and you are required to issue a detailed list of conference affairs, and then re-examine it.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, we held a three-day meeting and held a charity performance with a gathering of stars. What and \} plus a total of 1.37 million yuan. This conference fee is not much. Do you think the conference fee is high? What do you mean by asking me to issue a list of meetings? Do you suspect that I am corrupt from it?"

Shen Qinghua smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't think too much. It's just a regular program, not for you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I owe the hospitality expenses of the Eroe Hotel. It's true that the actors are charity performances, but I have to reimburse them for their round-trip air tickets and tickets. These are cast! $ Business, leaders and so on, we also have free hospitality. Secretary Shen, didn't you say that it's a pleasure to have friends from afar. If you want all the guests who come to Fengze to be satisfied, I let them all be satisfied. The contract signed this investment is more than 1 billion yuan, and the donation has also raised 29 million yuan. How Is there something wrong with the fee? Isn't it just 870,000? What do the judges suspect? This man is a little angry. He is paralyzed. I helped you support the scene, and now it's making things difficult for me.

Shen Qinghua's smile remains unchanged: "Xiao Zhang, don't worry, I didn't say I won't give it, but there must be procedures for everything. We are party cadres. Every ruthenium we spend must have evidence to check, and we will reimburse the plane ticket, but we must have a ticket stub, and every expenditure must Where? How to explain it to the comrades in the future? How do the people of Fengze explain it?

Zhang Yang understood that this old thing is serious and false, and it is true to make things difficult for himself. He nodded and said, "Okay, the members of the Standing Committee want the list, and I will give you the list, but every guest who comes here may not send the ticket back the ticket. What about this money? Secretary Shen, are you going to let me pay for it myself?

Shen Qinghua said, "How is it possible? You have made such a great contribution to Fengze this time. I'm going to reward you, Xiao Zhang. One thing is the same thing. The public is the public, and the private is private. We must distinguish it clearly!" [ The update of 8,000 words has been completed. It is estimated that the second monthly ticket in everyone's hand has come out. Please ask for the monthly ticket D