Medical official path

Chapter 406 Sharing Firepower

Everyone saw Shen Qinghua's displeasure and realized that today is the first time since the mayor took office to openly challenge the authority of the secretary, and this matter is also closely related to publicity.

Sun Dongqiang said, "Everyone should know about the drought relief fund-raising a few days ago. Through the charity performance, we have raised a drought-fighting fund from many parties. After discussion by our Standing Committee, in addition to using this fund for the purchase of drought-fighting equipment, some funds are also allocated for subsidies in the hard-hit areas. Our policy This disaster subsidy will be distributed to every disaster victim in the hardest-hit area, and no one will pay 20 yuan according to the head.

Shen Qinghua's face became more and more gloomy. He did not know that in addition to the problem of drought relief funds, Sun Dongqiang did not communicate with him about its value. Today, he openly mentioned it at the Standing Committee, which caught him a little unprepared.

Sun Dongqiang continued: "In Liuji Town, the town pays 15 yuan, leaving 5 yuan as a drought relief fund. The registered population of Liuji Town is 64,000 yuan, leaving 5 yuan per person. You can calculate that the disaster relief money was intercepted by the town with 320,000 yuan. The rest of the money was distributed to 18 administrative villages. I don't know all the situation, but the situation in Chezihe Village has been investigated. How did Yao Jianshe, the party secretary of Chezihe Village, implement the policy? He distributed 20 yuan to each family. There were more than 3,600 people in Chezihe Village, nearly 700 households. As soon as Yao Jianshe went in and out, he intercepted more than 40,000 yuan from it, and there was not even 15,000 yuan distributed to the villagers!"

The Standing Committee of the meeting was in an uproar. A village secretary dared to do so. He was too bold. What's more, what's more, he is not greedy for ordinary funds. Twenty disaster relief funds are the disaster relief funds raised by Fengze. If such a thing spread out, it will be bad in nature and bad influence. It

Shen Qinghua said with a pale face, "Comrade Dongqiang, have you investigated it clearly?"

Sun Dongqiang said, "The evidence is conclusive. In order to prevent Yao Jianshe from fleeing, the public security organs have controlled him. The follow-up investigation of this matter is still in progress. According to our preliminary information, it is not only Chezihe Village that is greedy for disaster relief funds, and Yao Jian is not the only one such worm He turned to Zhao Jinfen and said, "Secretary Zhao, have you received a report from Chezihe Village? Are there any letters from the people from Liuji Town? You didn't take this seriously? Did you send someone to understand the situation?

Zhao Jinfen is speechless.

Sun Dongqiang suddenly found a long-lost feeling today, no! It should be said that it is a state, which is the attitude that the mayor of a city should have. Above the Standing Committee, there should have been his opportunity to speak, but he has been wasted in the past.

Shen Qinghua said, "The matter of drought relief will be handled by Comrade Jin Fen. This matter must be clarified in the shortest time. All cadres who embezzle and intercept disaster relief funds must be strictly investigated and dealt with, and will never be tolerated!" On the one hand, Shen Qinghua made it clear that he wanted to strictly investigate corruption, and on the other hand, he gave Sun Dongqiang a nail in public. What did you do about this matter? I also leave this matter to others. If you want to use this matter to show off, I just won't give you this opportunity.

Sun Dongqiang certainly understood that his behavior made Shen Qinghua unhappy, but now that he had made it clear that he wanted to go against Shen Qinghua, he had to hold on. He suggested, "I think this matter is too involved. Secretary Zhao is afraid that he will not be too busy, so he set up a special case team, which will be transferred by the Members form a special working group to work together.

Shen Qinghua said coldly, "Is that necessary? I believe that the vast number of cadres in Fengze are good comrades. Chezihe Village is just an isolated phenomenon. Comrade Dongqiang, now is the 1990s, not the time of the Cultural Revolution. Our main energy should be on reform and opening up, not on sports.

Shen Qinghua's merciless beating made Sun Dongqiang extremely angry. He replied, "Only a fair and honest cadre team can better carry out the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and win the trust of the people. For the ** elements in the Party, we must dig deep into its roots and completely eliminate them!"

Shen Qinghua smiled and said, "Comrade Dongqiang's determination to fight corruption and promote integrity is worth learning. I hope that every cadre in our abundance should have the consciousness of Comrade Dongqiang. If each of us can be strict with ourselves, then our cadre team will not appear **." After saying that, he no longer gave anyone a chance to speak. He waved his hand and said, "The meeting is over!"

The standing committees dispersed quickly. Everyone saw that the standing committee was not harmonious this time, which contained too much information and content. They should leave as soon as possible and digest it well.

Shen Qinghua did not get up, and Sun Dongqiang was not in a hurry to leave.

When there were only two of them left in the conference room, Shen Qinghua said, "Xiao Sun, do you still have something to tell me?"

Sun Dongqiang nodded. Shen Qinghua changed his name from Comrade Dongqiang to Xiao Sun. This is by no means closer to him, but a kind of political contempt. Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen, maybe I didn't say it clearly just now. It's not only Chezihe Village, but also Yao Jianjian. Personally, there are many people involved, and there is a wide range of people involved.

Shen Qinghua asked, "Are you reminding me that all the grassroots cadres in Fengze have problems?"

Sun Dongqiang said, "That's not what I mean, but I think there are great problems in the process of disaster relief funds. There are many cadres involved, and we must thoroughly investigate this matter."

Shen Qinghua said, "Did I say I wouldn't check it? But things can't be too hasty! If the embezzlement of disaster relief funds is exposed, what kind of adverse impact will it cause in society? Didn't you think about it? What kind of damage should this be to our rich city image?

Sun Dongqiang said, "Is the image important or the purity within our party? Or is the interests of the people important?

Shen Qinghua looked at Sun Dongqiang coldly and felt that this man seemed to have hit chicken blood today. He suddenly radiated a strong fighting spirit. What made Shen Qinghua depressed was that this fighting spirit was caused by himself. Shen Qinghua said categorically, "This matter is still handed over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. We should trust the working ability of other comrades, and we believe that Comrade Jin Fen will soon give us a satisfactory answer:"

Sun Dongqiang also saw that Shen Qinghua was obviously crowding out himself. He got up and said, "I hope the Commission for Discipline Inspection can investigate this matter as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the worse the impact may be in the future."

Shen Qinghua looked at the back of Sun Dongqiang's departure, and he couldn't help but be nameless in his heart. What is this? A mediocre guy who only knows how to fool around, now dares to talk to himself in such a tough tone. When did the Fengze sky change?


Sun Dongqiang's heart was also full of anger. Shen Qinghua's desire for power was too strong. He had to intervene in everything. At least he was also the leader of the government, but Shen Qinghua didn't see him at all. Sun Dongqiang went to Zhang Yang after the meeting. People will suddenly become close in front of common interests and goals Sun Dongqiang and Zhang Yang are like this.

Sun Dongqiang told Zhang Yang about Shen Qinghua's performance as a member of the Standing Committee. He said angrily, "Secretary Shen insisted on leaving this matter to the Commission for Discipline Inspection!"

Zhang Yang expected this result. He smiled and said, "What does this matter have to do with the Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Sun Dongqiang was slightly stunned.

Seeing that he did not understand what he meant, Zhang Yang continued, "Yao Jianshe has violated the criminal law and is under the jurisdiction of the public security organ. The Commission for Discipline Inspection can't exceed its authority."

Sun Dongqiang said, "What do you mean..."

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone has their own bottom line, and I also have a bottom line. This kind of moth of greed for the ink disaster is a stain on our party. Secretary Shen is in the way of his face, and the board wants to fight gently. I can't accept it. At the beginning, it was me who organized drought relief. I Love, after collecting so much money, it was intercepted by these corrupt officials in the end. How can I explain it to them in the future? Afraid of influence? Take care of your image? What did you do earlier? The face is not given by others, but earned by yourself!"

Sun Dongqiang bit his lip. He whispered, "Have you ever thought about Secretary Shen's feelings?"

Zhang Yang said disdainfully, "What's wrong with Secretary Shen? It's just slaves. We are all slaves, the slaves of the common people. Now there are slaves who are greedy for the master's money. Do you think we should fight or protect it now? Mayor Sun, looking at the current city leaders of Fengze, we are only outsiders. Others do not regard us as our own people, but we can't do without the spirit of ownership. Our position is not given by him, Shen Qinghua, but by the party and the people. We can offend him, Shen Qinghua, and we can offend Fengze's We can't offend the rich people.

Sun Dongqiang's heart suddenly felt an unspeakable excitement. He nodded heavily. After knowing Zhang Yang for so long, it was the first time he saw the shining point from Zhang Yang. Sun Dongqiang said, "This matter must be investigated. If you do it, you won't be afraid to let people know. I will inform my superiors about this

Sun Dongqiang wants to put pressure on Shen Qinghua from his superiors.

Zhang Yang said, "Yao Jianshe bit a lot of people out. We have to be mentally prepared. Secretary Shen is going to get angry this time!"

Shen Qinghua soon received a phone call from Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. In the phone, Du Tianye asked Fengze about the drought relief in a stern tone. He ordered the application to investigate the matter within the deadline, and listed all the accounts of the disaster relief funds clearly. He reported it to the Jiangcheng City Audit Bureau for verification He was so angry that his hands and feet trembled a little. He knew that Sun Dongqiang and Zhang Yang must have bypassed him and stabbed the matter.

Qi Guoyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, knocked on the door gently. From Shen Qinghua's face, he could see that the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee was angry at this time and spoke very carefully: "Secretary Shen, I want to tell you about something."

Shen Qinghua closed his eyes and shook his head hard. He has no mood to listen to Qi Guoyuan now.

The State of Qi was far away and still stood where he was.

Shen Qinghua pondered for a long time before he found that Qi Guoyuan was still in the room. He couldn't help sighing and said, "If you have anything to say, say it quickly!"

Qi Guoyuan said: "I just got the news that the beating of Yang Wenyue, a female student in Chezihe Village, Liuji Town, was on the provincial platform!"

Shen Qinghua opened his eyes and said, "What did you say?" The anger and astonishment on his face were intertwined, and his expression was extremely complicated.

Qi Guoyuan said, "It has been confirmed that I have an old classmate in the news department of the provincial TV station. The program has been produced and will be broadcast in the news focus tonight!"

Shen Qinghua said angrily, "What's going on? Do you have to publicize all the scandals of Fengze? What's the benefit of this for them? Shen Qinghua was so angry that he patted the table hard.

Qi Guoyuan looked at Shen Qinghua silently. It was the first time he had seen the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in such a mess.

Shen Qinghua finally suppressed his anger and whispered, "Go to your classmates to find a way. Don't broadcast such news. The impact is too bad!"

Qi Guoyuan said, "My classmate is just an ordinary editor in the provincial station. He can't speak."

Secretary Shen had a headache. He rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Think of a way, what do those people in the Propaganda Department care about? Why didn't they notice such a big thing at all?

Qi Guoyuan said, "Vice Mayor Zhang may have this ability!"

When Shen Qinghua heard Qi Guoyuan say this, his face became more and more ugly. He thought about it for a while before saying, "Go find him and let him solve this matter!"

Qi Guoyuan was a little embarrassed. Zhang Yang may not be willing to give him this face. He wanted to say that Secretary Shen, you'd better talk to him in person, but when he saw Shen Qinghua's appearance, he really couldn't bear it. He nodded and withdrew.

Qi Guoyuan first went to Chen Jianian, the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. The two of them had a good relationship, and Chen Jianian could speak in front of Zhang Yang. Qi Guoyuan wanted to find Chen Jianian to find Zhang Yang together.

After Chen Jianian heard about this, he also had a headache. He sighed and said, "Guoyuan, I don't think Zhang Yang may be willing to show up in this matter!" H