Medical official path

Chapter 419 Match on

The rain was so heavy that Zhu Qiaoyun had to slow down the car. She turned on the radio and tried

The picture relieves the tension at this time through music.

Zhang Yang sensed her nervousness and couldn't help laughing and said, "When it comes to Lanshan_cut, it will

Get better.

Zhu Qiaoyun nodded, and she whispered, "Can Tang Xingsheng really be punished with that evidence?"

Zhang Yang said, "There is no doubt about Tang Xingsheng's corruption, but it is impossible to prove that he is the murderer who killed your sister." He felt that his lips were a little dry, so he took out a bottle of mineral water and drank a few

Zhu Qiaoyun said sadly, "Emotionally, my sister has been walking a tightrope. I know she will end

I will fall down one day, but I didn't expect the ending to be so painful.

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone has their own values, and so does your sister.

Zhu Xiyun said, "My sister couldn't turn back when she realized this.

Zhang Yang said, "The deceased has passed away. What we should do is to live better. I think your sister has a spirit in heaven, and I hope you can live a happy life."

Zhu Qiaoyun said, "If my sister's affairs can't be solved in a day, I can't be happy for a day


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's almost time!" While talking, a passenger truck hit from behind at high speed. Zhu Qiaoyun was unprepared. The passenger truck hit the tow of the pickup truck and made a bang! With a loud noise, Zhang Yang did not wear a seat belt, and his body lost control and hit the front seat. The wound on his left shoulder was accidentally touched, the wound burst again, and blood gushed out again.

Zhu Qiaoyun held the steering wheel. After the pickup truck detoured forward, it marched in a straight line again. Zhu Qiaoyun said in horror, "They are following again!"

Zhang Yang smiled disdainfully and said, "So what? If he had known that he would jump over the wall in a hurry, he forgot that this is in a socialist country. No matter how powerful it is, it is not as big as the law.

The throttle of the passenger and truck in the rear has stepped on the maximum, and Zhu Qiaoyun has also increased the throttle. This modified pickup truck far exceeds the passenger and cargo in the rear in performance. With the acceleration of the pickup truck, the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at the passenger truck and whispered: qu; Is there something wrong with Tang Xingsheng's brain? I'm afraid he sent such a broken car to play the car chase with us. I'm afraid he can only eat ashes."

Zhu Qiaoyun looked at the speedometer. It is now l2D kilometers per hour. The excellent control of the pickup truck makes her feel that everything is under control. But just when her nerves were a little relaxed, a heavy truck slowly drove out of the T-junction ahead.

Zhu Qiaoyun screamed loudly. She subconsciously stepped on the brakes, the car tires rubbed on the asphalt road in the rain and made a sharp and harsh sound, and the heavy truck accelerated and crashed into the pickup truck.

Zhang Yang shouted, "Reversing!"

Zhu Qiaoyun hung the wave rod into the reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator, and the pickup truck fell backward at high speed.

The passenger truck did not slow down and continued to crash towards the pickup truck. Just as the distance between the two cars was less than 20 meters, Zhu Qiaoyun slammed in the direction, and the pickup truck shook its tail in place and changed the direction of travel. Then she cut the wave rod back into the forward gear. The driver's pickup truck rushed down the road at high speed, broke the protective barrier on the side of the road, and drove

The passenger truck driver suddenly lost his target and hurriedly stepped on the brakes. Although his reaction was still a little too slow. Four tires were suddenly hugged to death on the slippery road. The passenger truck hit the heavy truck in front of him because of inertia, and the whole cab was seriously deformed in the impact.

Zhang Yang looked back at the two cars that collided and said angrily, "Stop, I'm going to kill those

Son of a bastard."

Zhu Qiaoyun said, "The most important thing now is to take you to the hospital first." From Zhang Yang's pale face, she realized that his current situation was not very good.

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that the blood had wet half of his body. He nodded and said tiredly, "Let them be proud for a while."

Zhu Qiaoyun switched the pickup truck to four-wheel drive mode, drove away from this muddy land, and went back from the path to the provincial road. They have entered the territory of Lanshan.

Zhang Yang called Qin Qing, but Chang Haixin answered the phone. Qin Qing was attending the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and the mobile phone was temporarily handed over to her.

Zhang Yangye, without going around with Chang Haixin, said bluntly, "I was shot. Contact the hospital to help me with the operation as soon as possible!"

When Chang Haixin heard this, she suddenly lost her face. She said with concern, "Where are you hurt? Want

It doesn't matter?"

"It's okay. I may have broken a fierce blood vessel, and I have to sew my hand..." Because of the blood loss, Zhang Yang felt a little weak. If it was a skin injury, he would have taken out the warhead long ago, but this time it's different. If he has the ability, he can't connect the broken blood vessels

Chang Haixin said, "Where are you?"

Zhang Yang said, "I just arrived in Lanshan. By the way, you'd better contact the police. The gunshot wound is not small


Chang Haixin said, "I'll go to Lanshan First People's Hospital immediately. You can go there directly, Dean

Yang Hong is my father's old friend and the best surgeon in Lanshan.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There is no need to be so grand. If you can do needlework, help me sew it


Chang Haixin put down the phone, and her heart was in a mess. She knew that Zhang Yang was willing to be injured this time

Light, otherwise with his medical skills, he doesn't need to go to the hospital at all.

She hurried to Lanshan First People's Hospital.

On the way, Chang Haixin called her second brother Chang Hailong again. In fact, she is not so independent, but today I don't know what happened today. I heard that Zhang Yang was injured. She was obviously in a mess. If there is a way to care, it will be chaotic. Chang Haixin reminds herself from time to time that she must be Isn't it troublesome in your eyes?

Chang Haixin arrived at the First People's Hospital of Lanshan City. Zhu Qiaoyun drove the pickup truck and followed in. Zhang Yang pushed the door and walked down. Although his expression was as firm as ever, his pale face had shown that his situation was not good at this time.

Chang Haixin originally thought well, but he could see that half of Zhang Yang's T-shirt had been wet with blood, and his beautiful eyes suddenly became hot, eyes

After the circle, she bit the cherry lips and forced her eyes not to fall off. She walked quickly, held Zhang Yang's arm, and said in a trembling voice: qu; Zhang Yang... What's wrong with you...

Zhang Yang looked at Chang Haixin's concerned appearance, and his heart couldn't help warming up. He smiled and said, "It's okay. Let the bullet sting...

Zhu Qiaoyun parked her car and rushed over. She and Chang Haixin didn't know each other. At this time, she naturally didn't care to introduce each other. Zhu Qiaoyun said, "Send him to the doctor first."

Yang Hongzheng, president of the First People's Hospital of Lanshan City, also arrived in a hurry with the expert group. He dared not neglect the matter of Chang Haixin.

When Zhang Yang saw seven or eight experts coming up with four nurses, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "I don't need such a big battle!"

Zhu Zuyun and Changhai#039;. Zhang Yang sat down in a wheelchair and gathered around the crowd to the emergency room


Dean Yang Hongzheng was stunned when he learned that Zhang Yang was a gunshot wound. In order to be cautious, he asked someone to report the case immediately, so he began to prepare for Zhang Yang's operation.

Zhang Yang's consciousness was very clear. He personally signed the operation responsibility letter and said to Yang Hongzheng, "Yang Yuan, you can save all the anesthesia when you go back, and you don't need to give me a blood transfusion. Just help me debridement and disinfect, take out the bullet, and anassss

Yang Hongzheng was a little curious and couldn't help saying, "Have you studied medicine?"

Chang Haixin has completely calmed down at this time. She whispered, "It's not just that I have learned. My father's gout is cured by him."

Yang Hongzheng and Chang Song have a very close relationship. Of course, when he heard about this, he smiled and said, "The doctor can't heal himself. If you fall into my hands, you have to listen to me obediently. The necessary procedures still need to be done. Now I'm ready to enter the operating room."

Zhang picked up and said, "I have no problem with going into the operating room, but I still insisted on it before. Don't

Anesthesia, second, don't have a blood transfusion, I can bear it!"

Yang Hongzheng looked at this stubborn young man and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Chang Haixin said, "Uncle Yang

Uncle, you listen to him. If he can't stand the pain, it's not too late to anesthetize him.

Yang Hongzheng shook his head helplessly. It was the first time he had met such a patient in his life. However, Yang Hongzheng still followed Zhang Yang's opinion. There was no anesthesia and no blood transfusion for Zhang Yang. For the sake of safety, he arranged an anesthesiologist to wait, and the plasma was ready. As long as there was an accident during the operation, he would take action immediately.

Everyone who participated in the operation that day witnessed the reproduction of the legend of bone scraping healing. Zhang Yang lay there with his upper body, with a smile on his face, and the scalpel cut open his skin and muscles. The man was still nothing.

Yang Hongzheng asked from time to time out of worry, "Does it hurt?"

Zhang Daguan said with a firm face, "For a Communist Party member, this pain is nothing."

Yang Hong is sighing to himself that this is definitely a good material for underground party members before liberation.

Carefully took out the bullet embedded in Zhang Yang's shoulder and anastomised the broken blood vessels. The bullet rubbed Zhang Yang's collarbone and hit it in. If it was lower, it would be troublesome. I'm afraid it would hurt the lungs and heart.

The operation went smoothly. Yang Hongzheng completed the final suture in more than half an hour. Although Zhang Daguan was tenacious, his forehead was also covered with cold sweat at this time.

Yang Hongzheng secretly admired his strong will and whispered, "The bullet has been taken out. There should be no problem, but there may be a scar on the shoulder in the future."

Zhang Yang squeezed out a smile and said, "I have a strong recovery ability and will not leave scars...

His voice sounds weak.

Yang Hongzheng walked aside and said to Chen Yijun, the director of assistant surgery, "When you stay in the hospital for observation, the bullet stays in the body for too long. Give anti-inflammatory treatment to avoid postoperative infection."

There was another scene outside the operating room. First, Chang Hailong arrived, and then Qin Qing also came. After she finished the Standing Committee, she heard that Zhang Yang was shot and couldn't care about anything. She quickly came here to visit the situation, but Qin Qing was much better than Chang Haixin. She defined her role well. You can only appear here as a good friend. You must not lose control, and emotional fluctuations cannot be noticed by others.

Qin Qing asked Chang Haixin about Zhang Yang's situation, and her eyes fell on Zhu Qiaoyun. She vaguely speculated that this girl with extraordinary temperament was Zhu Qiaoyun. Zhang Yang's injury was probably related to her this time. Qin Qing took the initiative to come to Zhu Qiaoyun and stretched out his hand and said: qu; Hello, I' Vice Mayor Zhang's good friend, thank you for sending Vice Mayor Zhang in time.

Zhu Qiaoyun shook hands with Qin Qing and only said, "I'm Zhu Qiaoyun!" Then she stopped talking. In her opinion, the only one she could trust was Zhang Yang, and the others didn't know what the motive was.

Qin Qing whispered, "How did Vice Mayor Zhang get hurt?"

Zhu Qiaoyun said, "I don't know the specific situation. You'd better ask him directly when he comes out!"

Qin Qing nodded and could see that Zhu Qiaoyun was very wary. She waved to Chang Haixin. Chang Haixin followed her to the place where there was no one. Qin Qing whispered, "Is there anyone from the Public Security Bureau?"

Chang Haixin said, "It has been notified that Qian Huailiang, the director of the Mingyuan District Public Security Bureau, has just come. Knowing that it was a matter of publicity, he left two criminal policemen and left." Qian Huailiang's two sons were beaten by Zhang Yang because of the conflict between the Rolling Stones and Chang Haixin brothers and sisters. Since then, Qian Huailiang has offended Mayor Chang Song, and the former secretary of the political and legal committee was also dismissed by Chang Song. Now he is only the director of the Mingyuan District Public Security Bureau. Qian Huailiang He doesn't want to cause any more trouble.

Qin Qing said, "Where is the criminal policeman he left behind?"

Chang Haixin said, "I was still there just now. I guess I saw you coming over and was afraid that you would blame them, so I dodged."

The two were talking when the lights in the operating room went out.

[The weather has been capricious in the past two days. The octopus unfortunately caught a cold, very heavy, sore throat, and dizziness. I can't guarantee that there will be an update tonight. I just took the medicine. If it gets better, the octopus will continue to code. Please forgive me!] U