Medical official path

Chapter 426 Blood is always hot

Zhang Guanren has long been a hooligan. His spiritual discussion with He Xinyan finally came to the essence. Facts have proved that He Xinyan's infatuation with Zhang Yang is also double and all-round. When Zhang Guanren pressed on her to attack the city and the ground bravely, He Xinyan's snow-white and slender legs He bit his ear and whispered, "I'm addicted to you..."

"Me too!"

Zhang Yang was not able to continue his vacation. When he saw off He Xinyan at the airport, his second brother Zhao Liwu called. His mother, Xu Lihua, was ill and had a high fever. Now he has been sent to Jiangcheng People's Hospital. Zhang Yang is most concerned about his mother. Hearing about this matter, he immediately contacted his sister Zhao Unexpectedly, my sister and Ding Bin went on a trip to Huangshan. Zhang Yang could only give up the idea of taking her back with him, and didn't tell her about it. Anyway, Zhao Jing couldn't help much when she went back. Why should she worry about her? After forcing He Xinyan, he hurried back to Chunyang.

When Zhang Yang returned to Chunyang, his mother had been sent to Chunyang County People's Hospital to spread the disease

The room is isolated.

Zhang Yang wanted to visit his mother, but he was stopped by the nurse at the gate of the ward. "Where are you from?" Have you gone through the formalities?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm coming to see my mother!"

"Everyone has to go through the formalities. This is the infectious disease area." The little nurse's tone is very raw

Hard, looks like a business.

Zhang Yang was too lazy to have the same experience as her. He nodded and said, "qu; just tell me what you need to do!"

At this time, his eldest brother Zhao Lijun came out with Yuan Wenli, the head of the science and education department of the hospital. The two families were old neighbors, so after hearing that Xu Lihua was sick, Yuan Wenli also came to visit.

Seeing Zhang Yang, Zhao Lijun said happily, "The third brother is back so soon!" The three of them are waiting in the hospital in shifts. Since the development of publicity, the mother's status in this family has also risen, which is often said that the mother's son is expensive.

Yuan Wenli also laughed and said, "Mayor Zhang, have you just come back from other places?" Yuan Wenli was very polite to Zhang Yang. Thinking that this boy was only a health school student who was an intern in the county people's hospital at the beginning. Unexpectedly, he had become the deputy mayor of Fengze in just over two years. His current level has far exceeded his own. Yuan Wenli naturally has to show some respect for him.

Zhang Yang nodded. When the little nurse saw that the head of science and education met Zhang Yang, she forgot to let him register the stubble and did other things.

Zhang Yang came to Yuan Wenli and said with concern, "Sister Yuan, how's my mother?" The reason why he didn't ask his eldest brother Zhao Lijun was that he knew that Zhao Lijun was confused. Even if he asked, he couldn't ask for any result.

Yuan Wenli sighed and said, "The cause has not been found out yet, but it has been confirmed that it is an infectious disease. Today, seven of the same cases have been sent.

At present, the hospital is also symptomatic treatment, isolating infected patients. From Yuan Wenli's expression, it can be seen that Zhang Yang's mother's condition is not serious.

Zhang Yang said, "Would you like me to go in and have a look?"

Yuan Wenli said, "Look outside the isolation room. This disease is very contagious. Don't be infected."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm in good health. It doesn't matter, Sister Yuan, please tell me, just let me in!"

Yuan Wenli first gossiped that he came to the isolation room. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, she could see three patients lying in the room. Xu Lihua was lying by the window and was having an infusion. Zhang Yang gently knocked on the window. She turned around and saw her son coming back. Hua Lihua's eyes turned red, She is afraid of her son's worries.

Zhang Yang saw that his mother was obviously haggard, his eye sockets sank, and his lips were a little dry. He squeezed his lips and said to Yuan Wenli, "I have to go in and have a look!"

Yuan Wenli said, "Don't worry, I'll ask for you."

After Yuan Wenli's negotiation, the hospital finally agreed to Zhang Yang to visit his mother, but there is a premise to wear isolation clothes and a mask, which is also a consideration to protect the visiting person.

Zhang Yang did not cause trouble for the hospital, and his performance was very cooperative. He knew that the hospital also followed the rules. He changed his isolation clothes, cut off his mask and walked into the ward. He came to his mother's bedside, held his mother's hand and said, "Mom! The child is unfilial, which makes you suffer!"

Xu Lihua smiled weakly and said, "Silly child, what does it have to do with you? Get out quickly. I'm fine. The doctor said that I have an infectious disease. In case of infection, it won't be good for you.

Zhang Yang reached out and touched his mother's forehead, which was frighteningly hot, and his body temperature was at least 39 degrees.

The doctor beside him introduced "Since yesterday, there have suddenly been many patients with high fever. Their initial symptoms were upper respiratory tract infection, and then they had a high fever. One thing in common is that they all had a history of contact with cold patients..." Before he finished his words, a little nurse hurried over and said nervously, "Dr. Liu Raw, 6 beds are critically ill!"

The doctor didn't have time to talk much, so he turned around and ran to the ward next door.

Xu Lihua's hand trembled obviously. Zhang Yang sensed his mother's nervousness and smiled, "Mom, don't worry, I'm here, you must be fine."

He diagnosed his mother's pulse and found that her mother's pulse was very powerful, which was very different from the past. He said, "I'll decoct some traditional Chinese medicine and bring it to you later. Mom, what else do you want to eat?"

Xu Lihua shook her head, and now she was a little dizzy. The nurse came over to give her an alcohol bath, got up and left the isolation ward.

Zhao Lijun sat at the door waiting for Zhang Yang. He didn't look good. When he saw Zhang Yang coming, he whispered, "Third brother. It's quite scary. Three of our neighbors fell ill..."

Suddenly, there was a sad cry at the end of the corridor, but the patient in 6 beds died due to ineffective rescue. Zhao Lijun's face was like earth. He said, "The 6th bed is our neighbor Aunt Han, that is our mother's one by one"

Zhang Yang frowned. How could an ordinary cold be so serious?

It's actually more serious than Zhang Yangyi. That night, the number of patients hospitalized in Chunyang because of a high fever had reached 32, and even his eldest brother Zhao Lijun fell ill. Chunyang Town dreamed of a thick cloud because of this sudden disaster.

A rumor spread all over the streets and alleys in Chunyang. This is a plague. The people's talk has changed, and there is no sign of stopping. That night, such a thing also happened in Jiangcheng, not far away. Three cases of high fever were found and isolated.

Jiangcheng Health Bureau held an emergency meeting and issued countermeasures for immediate isolation of high fever cases and suspected cases.

At night, the Chunyang County Party Committee and County Government Compound is still brightly lit, and the conference room is filled with smoke. The Chunyang County Party Committee Secretary Sha Puyuan, the county magistrate Xu Zhaobin, several county standing members, and the county health director Gao Zhanyuan were all present. Gao Zhanyuan first reported the current epidemic situation: "At All 31 suspected cases have been admitted to the hospital. A quarantine area has been set up in the County People's Hospital and the County Chuanqi Hospital to register all medical workers and people entering and leaving the ward. According to the current treatment situation, 1 person died and 5 people are seriously ill. At present, the number of infected cases is still increasing.

Shapuyuan frowned. Although according to the news just received, thinness has occurred in all cities and counties in Jiangcheng, the most serious situation is their Chunyang, and the only death case in the city also appeared here. Shapuyuan said, "Have you found out what this disease is?"

Gao Zhanyuan shook his head and said, "We have taken the biochemical specimens of the patient and sent them to Jiangcheng People's Hospital and the Infectious Disease Hospital. I hope the experts there can help us."

County magistrate Xu Zhaobin said, "This kind of disease is very contagion. According to me, everyone who has been sent to the hospital now has a history of disease. It is not a way to spread like this. We must take decisive measures to cut off the transmission of the disease and fundamentally prevent the further aggravation of the epidemic."

Gao Zhanyuan, director of the Health Bureau, said: "According to the current situation, this disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract. We can't isolate the air. It is impossible to eliminate it fundamentally. We can only do our best to do a good job in disease prevention, wake up the people's epidemic prevention, and wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently Do a good job in personal hygiene. Try to clean and disinfect as often as possible in public. People should try their best to avoid going to public places. If suspected cases are found, they should be quarantined as soon as possible, so as to achieve early isolation, early diagnosis and early treatment.

Sha Puyuan said, "Our Chunyang County is facing an unprecedented severe test. From now on, all the cadres in Chunyang County should have a twelve-point spirit, be fully prepared, win this battle, and ensure the health and safety of the people." He said to Gao Zhanyuan, "It is necessary to increase welfare benefits to the medical staff fighting on the front line. They are the soldiers who charge on the front line. The key to whether they can win the return battle is on them."

This sudden disease made the people of Chunyang panic. According to his mother's pulse, Zhang Yang grabbed the traditional Chinese medicine in the traditional Chinese medicine shop, fried it at home, and then sent it to the hospital.

The hospital's preventive isolation measures are getting stricter and stricter. According to the latest regulations, all personnel are prohibited from visiting the isolation ward, and it is not easy for Zhang Yang to violate the hospital's regulations. He asked people to send traditional Chinese medicine to his mother and watched his mother drink the medicine through the window, so he was relieved.

Xu Lihua's body control is not bad. Now it has dropped to 375, and her spirit has recovered a lot. She waved to her son through the window with a smile on her face.

Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone from the window, and he also left a mobile phone for his mother. Xu Lihua picked up his mobile phone and turned on the phone. Zhang Yang said, "Mom, you can rest assured here to recuperate. I will come to see you every day! Xu Lihua said, "San'er, you are busy with your work, so don't come over. I'm much better.

Zhang Ge said, "You are not well for a day, and I am not in the mood to work for a day. If you want me to be good, you can recover quickly."

Xu Lihua nodded, and his heart was warm because of his son's filial piety. She whispered, "Go back. You should also pay attention to your health. This disease is contagious. Don't run to the hospital if you have nothing to do. "There are doctors and nurses here to take care of me. Don't worry. I'm much better now. I'll be discharged from the hospital in a couple of days. I'll go home and cook for you.

Zhang Yang said, "Mom, when you're ready, I'll take you on a trip."

Xu Lihua smiled and said, "Okay, go back quickly!" She hung up the phone and waved to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang just left. Few people in the isolation ward of the hospital were willing to come except for doctors and nurses. When Zhang Yang walked out of the inpatient department, he heard someone shouting, "Mayor Zhang!"

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at Xu Zhaobin, the county magistrate of Chunyang County, and several cadres of the Health Bureau.

There are few people in the F Department of Chunyang County who don't know Zhang Yang. Xu Zhaobin and Zhang Yang are old acquaintances. He came over with a smile, shook hands with Zhang Yang enthusiastically, and said with concern, "When did Mayor Zhang come back?" Why did you come to the hospital?"

Zhang Tong didn't hide it from him: "My mother is sick and hospitalized and is isolated in the infectious disease area."

Xu Zhaobin was slightly stunned. Gao Zhanyuan, the director of the Health Bureau, also came to say hello to Zhang Yang. "In the past, Zhang Yang worked under him for a few days and served as the secretary of the party branch of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital. But for a moment, now Zhang Yang is already a deputy department-level cadre, or the deputy mayor of Fengze, and he still can't move forward.

Gao Zhanyuan said, "I'll go back and say hello to the hospital and let them take care of it. Zhang Yang said, "No, you can see it as you want. Don't specialize it." Gao Zhanyuan nodded.

Xu Zhaobin came to the hospital to learn about the situation. He and Zhang Yang walked side by side to the parking lot. Xu Zhaobin sighed and said, "So far, I haven't figured out what the disease is. It has been only 36 hours since the discovery of the epidemic. More than 20 people have fallen ill, more than 30 suspicious cases, and

Zhang Yang said, "I heard from the doctor that the disease was treated according to the common cold at the beginning."

Xu Zhaobin said, "I just asked the expert group, saying that the Suction channel virus infection is transmitted by air, not only in Chunyang, but also in other places in Jiangcheng. If it is not controlled in time, the epidemic will definitely spread further.

Zhang Yang

said, "Hasn't a cure yet?" Gao Zhanyuan said, "At present, it's all symptomatic treatment. No specific medicine has been found. Three of our medical staff have been infected and fell ill."

Xu Zhaobin said: "At present, it is to call on the whole people to improve their awareness of prevention and try to achieve ventilation


Zhang Yang said, "There has been panic in society. I just went to the pharmacy and found that the thermometer and Banlangen were out of stock."

Xu Zhaobin said, "I heard that someone died of illness. Who is not afraid? It is inevitable for the common people to have some panic.

Zhang Yang was not sure about his prescription. He prescribed the prescription according to his mother's symptoms. His mother had just taken the medicine. As for the effect, it still took time to verify the effect. After he broke up with Xu Zhaobin, he returned to his home. After the excess herbs were fried, he let his stepfather Zhao Tiesheng and his second brother It's a preventive measure. After all, the boss Zhao Lijun has now been hospitalized.

Zhao Tiesheng complained, "It's all because of that Korean loudspeaker. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the west. If you are sick, you will infect others."

Zhao Liwu Dao: "Dad, don't talk about it,!! The aunt is dead."

School student Zhao closed and sang.

Zhang Yang said, "Go to bed early and go to public places as little as possible after two days!" He went back to his room and called Chang Haitian. As the director of the pharmaceutical factory, Chang Haitian, of course, also heard about the Chunyang epidemic, but he did not know that Zhang Yang was back. Hearing that Zhang Yang had come back, Chang Haitian said, "Today, there is an endless stream of pharmacists coming to the pharmaceutical factory to pick up goods, and all the It's over. At present, workers are asked to work overtime for production.

Zhang Yang said, "You must have made a fortune."

Chang Haitian said, "You can't say that. We don't want to make such a disaster. No one wants the people to be healthy. I heard that the Chunyang epidemic is very serious, and now all places are strictly guarding the vehicles coming out of Chunyang."

Zhang Yang didn't expect that things would be so serious. He couldn't help frowning and said, "Is it so exaggerated?"

Chang Haitian said, "Jiangcheng is not optimistic. I just got the news that the number of hospitalization cases with high fever in Jiangcheng has increased to 13, and the members of the Standing Committee are all in a meeting. I think if the epidemic continues to develop, not to mention antiviral agents, even indiscriminate measures, masks and white vinegar will be out of stock.

After talking on the phone with Chang Haitian, Zhang Yang's mood couldn't help but feel a little heavy. If he can't find a way to treat the epidemic as soon as possible, the panic in society will definitely intensify, which will cause damage to the stability and unity of the whole city.

Du Tianye, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, called at ten o'clock in the evening. His first sentence was: "Zhang Yang, come back immediately!" At the critical moment, he immediately thought of his old friend. He was clear about Zhang Yang's medical skills. When the medical experts in Jiangcheng were helpless, Du Tianye first thought of Zhang Yang. He believed in Zhang Yang's medical skills and believed that Zhang Yang could find ways to restrain diseases and save the people of Jiangcheng from water and fire.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm back, just in Chunyang. My mother is sick!

Du Tianye sighed and whispered, "How is your aunt's condition?

Zhang Yang said, "I have a fever and cough, and I'm being treated."

Du Yaoye said, "Do you have a way to treat this disease?"

Zhang Yang said, "According to my mother's pulse, I gave her a prescription, and the curative effect is still hard to say

Du Tianye couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he heard Zhang Yang's words. He whispered, "If there is nothing we can do, this time it will be a big trouble."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What did you say? I'm not the director of the health department, and I'm not an unparalleled magic doctor. You can't pin all your hopes on me.

Du Yaoye said, "Zhang Yang, I know that your bean skill is really different this time. You must find a way to find a way to treat the disease as soon as possible and promote it in the society. The spread of the epidemic is very fast, and the situation in the spring sun is not optimistic, but the development of the epidemic in Jiangcheng is faster So far, 21 people have been admitted to the hospital for quarantine.

Zhang Yang was shocked. The data just provided by Chang Haitian is not the latest.

Du Tianye said: "I have held a mobilization meeting for all the members of the Standing Committee to improve the early warning level of Jiangcheng, and carry out key monitoring in stations, airports and other public places. Relevant experts have put forward suggestions to isolate suspicious cases on the spot and publicize them. This time, the matter will inevitably The industrial and agricultural production in the city has caused a serious impact. If you want to mitigate the impact, you must find a cure for the disease as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, even if you don't come to me, I will do my best. I just contacted Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory. As long as Rong can find a way to treat this disease, I will let the pharmaceutical factory promote it immediately. Anyway, it is traditional Chinese medicine, and I don't need the approval of the Food and It's in the virus granules.

Du Tianye's heart was heavy. At this time, he didn't even want to laugh. He told Zhang Yang, "_We must pay attention to this matter and help me solve this problem. I'll give you a great contribution."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't mind, I'm not demanding. If you solve this matter, just help me get the right place."

Du Tianye said, "Let's solve the problem first!" He doesn't bargain with Zhang Yang now

state of mind.

Zhang Yang decocted the medicine the next morning and sent it to the hospital. Although his mother's condition did not improve much, it did not get worse, and his body nirvana was slightly higher. At present, C, Zhang Yang watched his mother finish the medicine and went to send a payment to his eldest brother Zhao Lijun. As soon as the medicine

Zhang Yang heard the sound and walked over, but saw dozens of people standing downstairs in the ward. Someone put two flowers at the gate of the ward and cried loudly.

A nurse went up to persuade them to go to the medical office to report the situation. As soon as she walked over, she was trummaged by a big man's cheek. The nurse covered her face and cried aggrievedly.

Several medical staff rushed to the scene.

The big man shouted, "I'm paralyzed, what hospital are you in? My mother sent it in well. She was treated to death by you quack doctors, beat you rubbish to death, and harm people!" As soon as he shouted, more than a dozen men rushed up with him and waved their sticks to the medical staff in turn, so that several doctors and nurses turned around and fled.

Zhao Tiesheng, who came with Zhang Yang, knew them. He was Han Dali, the son of his neighbor Aunt Han, and a group of friends in his society.

Zhao Tiesheng walked over and said, "Dao Dali, Dali, what are you doing?"

Han Dali said with red eyes, "Uncle Zhao, they killed my mother. I came to ask them for justice. It has nothing to do with you. You are busy with your work.

A man hit a nurse on the shoulder with a wooden stick. The little nurse squatted on the ground with pain. The man raised the stick to give the little nurse a second stick. Zhang Yang rushed up in time and snatched the stick. The man stared and roared, "Damn it, you want to die..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yang's stick hit the top of his head. Zhang's power was properly controlled. This stick made the man's head bleed, his eyes swayed, and his buttocks sat on the ground.

Han Dali didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway. Looking carefully, it was Zhang Yang, the third brother of the neighbor's family. Zhang Yang's family had just moved there. Zhang Yang usually did not live at home, so Han Dali was not familiar with him, but he also knew that Zhang Yang was doing well. It seemed to be the deputy mayor It doesn't matter to you. Don't mind your own business, otherwise, I will be rude to you.

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "You're welcome. I'd like to see why you're rude to me!"

Zhao's school student knew that Han Dali was a hoodlum and a famous and cruel character. He hurriedly pulled his hand: "San'er, you'd better leave this matter alone!"

Zhang Yang shook off Zhao Tiesheng's hand and strode over: "I don't fucking believe it. The rule of law society still tolerates you gangsters."

Han Dali was about to get angry. At this time, Sheng Yijun, the old director of the respiratory department, came out. Seeing the situation in front of him, he trembled with anger. He shouted, "Han Jufen is my patient. If you want revenge, come to me. Don't hurt the innocent!"

Han Dali said, "Okay!" He stepped forward and pointed to Sheng Yijun's nose and said, "My mother was sent to the hospital alive. How did you treat her to death? I want you to give me an explanation."

Sheng Yijun said, "What do you want to say? Do you want money or life?"

Han Dali said, "I won't do anything illegal. I want money! Make up for our psychological loss." This man is a scoundrel who wants to blackmail some money in this name.

Sheng Yijun said, "I don't have money. I have a life. Your mother is sick and hospitalized. It's my responsibility that we haven't been cured. I'm also infected now. I may die of illness like your mother at any time. I'll give you my life. You take it!"

Hearing that Sheng Yijun was also infected with the disease, Han Dali was shocked.

Sheng Yijun took a step forward, which scared Han Dali to chase back the factory two steps; "You... don't come"

Sheng Yijun roared, "Isn't it justice? OK, come and hit me and take my life away!"

When this group of ostentatuous gangsters heard that Sheng Yijun had also been infected, they were so scared that they retreated. The epidemic in Chunyang has long become a vicious tiger in the hearts of the people. Everyone is afraid of being infected. Sheng Yijun just said something to intimidate them, but the effectiveness of this move proves that

At this time, the hospital security department and the district police station arrived. The county has clearly stipulated to ensure the normal order of the hospital. It is obviously unwise for Han Dali to lead these people to come to the hospital to make trouble in such an extraordinary period. The group of people dispersed, but the leader Han Dali did not run and was caught by the police station This time is at least a detention.

Sheng Yijun bowed and picked up the little nurse who was beaten in a low voice, and his eyes turned red. The little nurse was full of grievances and said, "Director Sheng. I'm done. I resigned...

Sheng Yijun shook his head and looked at his subordinates beside him. He whispered, "Comrades, I won't say anything high-sounding. As the director of the department, it's my responsibility that I failed to protect you well. I'm sorry for you. I know you are wronged, but I'm not wronged, Lying patient, we resigned and we quit. What should they do? ≦≧≦≧≦≧≦≧≦W≧≦.≧≦n≧≦è≧≦≦≧≦≧≦≧ Should we leave the At present, we have no effective treatment method, but we can treat the symptoms, alleviate their symptoms, and delay the development of the disease. I am not a Communist Party member, but I am a doctor. I have my own morality and I have my principles. Who is not afraid of death? Who is not afraid of being infected? But if we choose this profession, we will be worthy of this profession, white warrior, the sacredness of these four words, do you understand? If you didn't understand in the past, now you can really understand that our profession is sacred, and there are heroes among us. It doesn't matter what others think of me. The most important thing is that we look up to ourselves and our conscience!"

The eyes of the doctors and nurses present flashed with tears of excitement.

Sheng Yijun said, "I believe that our profession is pure. I believe that our team is the bravest. Let's prove to everyone what a real doctor is!"

Zhang Yang took the lead in applause. This is the real doctor! Although there are one kind of prejudices against doctors in society, there are still many people in this team who pay attention to medical ethics and conscience. People's hearts are long, and blood is always hot.

[The monthly ticket is in an emergency. At the end of the month, I have to fall out of the top ten if I can't stand it. Octopus begged my brothers and sisters to support me and fire at me with your monthly ticket!] Y