Medical official path

Chapter 430 Political Interests

Threat! **Naked threat, a small deputy department-level cadre dared to threaten himself at the department level. Zuo Yuanchao was a little angry. On the surface, Zhang Yang was talking about Pang Bin, but in fact, he was insinuating. The main target of the insinuation was himself. Zuo Yuanchao still had some scrup With Song Huaiming's double backer, now Pinghai's leader has been replaced by Qiao Zhenliang, and Zuo Yuan's court is deeply appreciated by Qiao Zhenliang, which gives him the confidence to compete with Du Tianye. No one wants to live under others for a long time. After Du Yaoye adapted to the situation of Jiangcheng, his political skills have begun to become stronger and stronger. There was a period of harmony between Zuo Yuanchao and him, but everything changed with Qiao Zhenliang's entry into Pinghai.

Zhang Yang went to visit Li Changyu. Recently, Li Changyu, the executive deputy mayor of Jiangcheng, has kept a quite low profile. He neither fell to Du Tianye nor chose Li Changyu. He is him, who devotes most of his energy to the work in charge. He rarely inquires about other things, and he is also concerred. He had long been aware of the increasingly sharp contradictions between Zuo Yuanchao and Du Tianye, but Li Changyu had no interest in the struggle between the two. The contradictions between the party and the government are common, just like the natural contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The difference is that the main reason for the contradiction between the latter is It's power.

When Zhang Yang came to Li Changyu's office, he was reading the newspaper. What made Zhang Yang curious was that Li Changyu put on his reading glasses.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming in, Li Changyu removed his glasses, rubbed the bridge of his nose, smiled at Zhang Yang and said, "Why do you have time to come to see me today?"

Zhang Yang said, "I just went to Mayor Zuo to collect debts. I passed by your office, so I came to see Li Changyu pointing to the opposite side and motioning Zhang Yang to sit down. Zhang Yang looked at the presbyopia mirror on the table and said, "When did you arm the presbyopia mirror?" Li Changyu said, "I'm dazzled. I'm getting old. I can't accept it." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Three or eighty flowers and one flower, flowers are also normal." Li Changyu recognized the complicated meaning of this sentence and couldn't help laughing and said, "I've already passed that age

." I can't help thinking of the scene when I met Zhang Yang at the beginning. If it hadn't been for the fact that he couldn't help being in love with Ge Chunli by the Chunshui River, he wouldn't have been hit by the horse, let alone meet Zhang Yang. Unexpectedly, in just over two years, Zhang Yang had changed from the young health school Now Du Tianye is entrusted with the important task of being responsible for the organization and preparation of Jiangcheng New Airport. My fate has gone through several ups and downs, and now he is still the executive deputy mayor of Jiangcheng. Recently, he could feel that Du Tianye was consciously strengthening his power and entrusted a lot of important work to him. Li Changyu also understood that Du Tianye did this in order to use himself to counterbalance the left to aid the dynasty. There was a fierce struggle between Li Changyu and Zuo Yuanchao. At that time, both of them were deputy mayors of Jiangcheng. In order to compete for the position of mayor of Jiangcheng, they showed their abilities. In the end, Li Changyu made a move and ended up with the victory of Zuo Yuanchao. Now Li Changyu has already read all the winds and waves. He knows his current situation and how he should do it. Do your own affairs well and try not to get into other people's political struggles.

Li Changyu smiled and said, "How about it? What was the result of the debt collection?

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Secretary Du gave me a total of one million yuan. When I went to the Finance Bureau, Pang Bin returned the unfavorable request, 500,000 yuan was received, 500,000 yuan was deducted, paralyzed, what is it? According to my past temper, I have been going to beat this bastard for a long time.

Li Changyu said, "You are also a deputy department-level cadre L. Don't open your mouth and close your mouth with rude words. What's the style of making people hear?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's annoying! I just went to Mayor Zuo. I told him clearly that if Pang Bin dares to make things difficult for me again, don't blame me for turning against others. However, Mayor Zuo is still wise. He promised the remaining 500,000 yuan to be allocated to me immediately on the spot, and another 500,000 yuan, which is the support of the municipal government for the new

Li Changyu smiled and said, "It's 1.5 million. Although it's just a drop in the bucket compared with the huge project of the whole airport, it's better than nothing."

Zhang Yang said, "Is the financial situation in the city really so tight?"

Li Changyu said: "There are many projects in the development zone at the same time. The urban roads are renovated in batches, and the railway station is rebuilt. Which project is free of charge? It is impossible to rely on municipal funding alone.

Zhang Yang said, "Let's go on such a big project, the country has to give it to each other, and Pinghai also has to show

Li Changyu said, "Don't worry, as long as the superior can win it, I will definitely give you all the money. The new airport project is the most important government project in our past five years. Secretary Du and all the members of the Standing Committee attach great importance to it."

Zhang Yang said, "There should be no big problem with the initial start-up. After all, there are banks at the bottom of 200 million. I'm afraid that there will be problems with the follow-up funds. Now I'm trying to raise more funds."

Li Changyu said, "Zhang Yang, Secretary Du gave you such an important project because he valued your ability. You must treat it carefully. The new airport project should not be lost. Please remember my words."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you don't say it, I understand. Jiangcheng is staring at me up and down. Most people think I have a fat deficiency, but who knows my pain, Uncle Li, do you think many people flatter me for my bad luck?"

Li Changyu laughed and said, "Don't care what others think, do yourself well, do the work you should be responsible for, and take on the responsibilities you should deal with. Everything else is not important. What others are willing to say is their business, and how others are willing to fight has nothing to do with you. You devote your energy to political struggle In the midst of fraud, how can you still have time to do something?" Li Changyu's words are more like a portrayal of his mentality at this time.

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that the first mayor of Zuo proposed Xiao Ming to take my position."

Li Changyu said, "This is a small matter. It doesn't have much to do with you. The official career is the same as the road we take. Every time we walk a distance, you will encounter a fork. If you hesitate at every fork and struggle, it is impossible for you to speed up your progress. Only by recognizing the main Wrong, go on smoothly."

Zhang Yang said, "What is the main road?"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "You are still a member of the Communist Party. Adhere to socialism

The road is the main road, and adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party is the general trend. If you do these two points, you will make fewer mistakes.

Zhang Yang said loudly, "Uncle Li, I find that you seem to have changed recently." Where did I change the committee?" Zhang Yang said, "It's getting deeper. Isn't your low profile now for the sake of accumulation, right?"

Li Changyu laughed and said, "I remember what Mr. An said before his death. Don't care how big an official you are. It depends on how much you do. I have achieved the position of executive vice mayor of Jiangcheng at this age. I have nothing to be dissatisfied with, let alone regrets. If I want to do it in the future, Stand here honestly, stare at the place under my feet and see what I can do? Look at what I can do but not do!

Zhang Yang nodded as if he had something to do.

Li Changyu said, "What you should do is the new airport. It's your job to do a good job in this project!"

Zhang Yang said, "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. When you say this, the knots in my heart have been untied."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "Don't pat the horse layer, I'm not so smart." He lit a cigarette and picked up the fire engine. Suddenly, he remembered that the fire engine was given to him by Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "The fire engine is good!"

Zhang Yang said, "If you like it, I will give you more in the future."

Li Changyu said, "Why do you want so much? How many fire engines can a person use? He took a sip, spit out a thick smoke, and whispered, "I went to Dongjiang on a business trip a few times to meet Xiaojing."

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't see her when I came back through Dongjiang this time. She and Ding Bin went on a trip to Huangshan, and I didn't tell her about my mother's illness."

Li Changyu said, "Ding Bin's bitter period; Zi is too frivolous, I don't like it!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Li Changyu, as Zhao Jing's godfather, naturally had the right to say something about this matter, but Li Changyu's point of view was the same as his. Zhang Yang sighed, "I don't like it either, but what era is it now? I can't control Xiaojing's thoughts. She Hands."

Li Changyu said, "Ding Bin's father is the secretary of the provincial political and legal secretary. He is also young and has been arrogant since he was a child. I invited Xiaojing to have dinner with him in Dongjiang this time. He made me feel bad."

Zhang Yang said, "Be specific!"

Li Changyu said, "It's just a feeling. I hope this is my illusion."

Zhang Yang said, "With his courage, he doesn't dare to be sorry to Xiaojing. If you let me know that the vulgar has done something wrong to my sister, I will abolish him!"

Li Changyu smiled bitterly and said, "You, if that's the case, even if you abandon him, can Xiaojing be happy? As Xiaojing's own brother, you should guide her correctly, let her establish a correct view of emotion, and mature early, instead of taking an extreme approach.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not good at doing ideological work. Come on, you are her godfather, and you are duty-bound."

Li Changyu sighed and said, "When Xiaojing comes back in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, I will have a good talk with her


Li Changyu's words made Zhang Yang worry out of thin air, but he had no right to intervene in Zhao Jing's feelings. Zhang Yang left the municipal party committee and municipal government building sullenly and met Xiao Ming, the deputy mayor, in the parking lot.

Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang's personal relationship has always been okay in the past, but since Xiao Ming turned to Zuo Yuanchao and Zhao Yanglin Group, the relationship between Zhang Yang and him has also become much more strange. As the saying goes: different paths do not seek each other! The two now have different positions and conflict with political interests. Xiao Ming was extremely eager for the construction project of the new airport, but his capricious political position offended Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Du Tianye resolutely denied him, and proposed to choose a person who surprised everyone. Zhang Yang is just a deputy department-level cadre, less than 23 years old. Can such a young man afford such a huge project? Du Tianye's strength and firmness in this matter were vividly demonstrated. He tried his best to exclude public discussion and use the combination of Zhao Yanglin and Zhang Yang, a young man.

Zhao Yanglin was one of Du Yaoye's main opposition forces in the past, but this time his attitude was very ambiguous and showed enough cooperation in the affairs of the new airport, which made Yuan Chengxi, Ma Yimin, Zuo Yuanchao Yuanchao and Xiao Ming feel quite unhappy, but these People soon figured it out. Zhao Yanglin was about to leave. His greatest wish was to hold up his son-in-law Sun Dongqiang and let Sun Dongqiang take the throne smoothly. Du Tianye could play a decisive role in this matter. Allowing Zhang Yang to be the commander of the airport construction site is an important weight for Du Yaoye to keep his personal achievements. Therefore, Du Tianye, the leader of Jiangcheng, and Zhao Yanglin, a political old man, have achieved a tacit understanding. Although they are not clear about it, it is undoubtedly an exchange of political benefits.

Xiao Ming is the most depressed one of all. He thinks that he has been betrayed. Zhao Yanglin used himself, and now he has left himself behind. The most important thing in an alliance is unity, and Zhao Yanglin, the founder and organizer of the alliance, first chose to leave the alliance. Xiao Ming feels very cowardly. He has not yet obtained the political benefits he wants. He has paid a lot, but he has not been rewarded. What he has gained now is only a few strong political opponents.

There is no direct conflict between Xiao Wu and Zhang Yang. He smiled and walked over to Zhang Yang: "Brother Zhang, I haven't seen you recently,"

Zhang Yang smiled hypocritically: "Busy! The city has put such a heavy burden on me. As a young cadre, I am under a lot of pressure!"

[First update 4,000, ask for a monthly ticket!] Y