Medical official path

Chapter 458 Evening Festival is not guaranteed

Ge Youbi Xu Zhentang said with a smile, "Because it's the first time to come here, I have to press the array. This moaning shows the support of our engineering machinery factory for the construction of the new airport!" He came to Zhang Yang and stood, looking up at the huge three-dimensional billboards: "Mayor Zhang, have these billboards gone out?"

Zhang Yang said, "Half of them have been set out, and six have been stabbed!"

Xu Zhentang said, "How much is Zu Jin?"

Zhang Yang said, "Fifteen Su every year!"

Xu Zhentang's eyes lit up and immediately said, "We all want the next six!"

Zhang Yang looked at Xu Zhentang in surprise: "You are a local enterprise. Do you need to advertise locally?" In his opinion, Jiangkeng Construction Machinery Factory is well-known in the local area, and there is no need to advertise any more.

Xu Zhentang said, "I saw these billboards just now when I came from the garden road. They are very eye-catching. When vehicles from other places pass here, we can see that we want to establish the image of Jiangkeng Construction Machinery Factory. There are 900,000 yuan a year, and we come out!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "You are bolder than Cao Zhengyang. If it were him, you would be reluctant to spend this advertising fee."

Xu Zhentang said, "Only when you invest can you be rewarded." In fact, what he wants is not only the advertising effect. In terms of the bidding of construction machinery, they have lost a pit first. Lanshan Construction Machinery Factory accounts for more than half of the share. As a local enterprise, although he finally got a piece of the pie through the government, after all, he has completely fallen into the wind. Xu Zhentang wants these billboards It is to make a name for themselves. I hope that the first thing all people who come to the new airport construction site will see is their billboards. This is to establish the corporate image and to announce to everyone that Jiangkeng Engineering Machinery Factory will fully participate in the construction of the new airport.

Zhang Yang nodded with the same feeling. He asked, "Has Cao Zhengyang's matter been solved?"

Xu Zhentang said, "The game has been played, because of his affairs, the mood of the workers has fluctuated a little, and I am trying to eliminate the adverse effects.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The best thing for us Chinese is forgetfulness. After waiting for a while, we can't remember this matter."

Xu Zhentang said, "It's not because of good forgetfulness, but because we Chinese people are too kind. We only think about the benefits of others and don't pay attention to other people's bad things. How can there be the word to repay grievances with virtue?"

Zhang Yang said, "I feel that there are more avenging for kindness in the world, and less complaining about virtue."

Xu Zhentang couldn't help laughing: "Mayor Zhang is too pessimistic. I think there are still many good people in the world!"

Zhang Yang pointed to the finger sample in the distance: "Let's go, let's go back!" It's not too far from the finger sample department. Zhang Yang just came here. Xu Zhentang followed him back to the finger sample department.

As soon as he entered the gate of the fingering department, he saw Fu Changzheng coming in a hurry and said with a panic on his face, "Mayor Zhang, it's not good. Dr. Turtle's peace construction is making trouble again?"

Zhang Yang was also a little nervous when he heard it. Koji Kameda was beaten up by the construction workers in Pingzhong again the other day. This time, he should not be beaten again. He didn't have time to explain to Xu Zhentang. He drove a pickup truck in the yard and rushed straight to the construction site of Pingzhong.


Koji Kameda was not collectively beaten by Pingzhong construction workers this time. The reason for the contradiction is that he is not satisfied with the construction process of Pingzhong construction, and there are differences in the laying of roads on the site. The construction party in Pingzhong acts in accordance with the contract, and the roadbed is strictly built in accordance with the contract, but Kam The thickness of the roadbed and the number of buried steel bars in some sections have increased. A 100-meter section that has been built should also be repaired. In this way, the construction cost of Pingzhong construction will increase. Li Donghai, the project manager in charge of the warehouse site of the new airport, believes that the Japanese are deliberately targeting them and insisting on following the contract.

Kameda asked them to change the construction process, otherwise they would be shut down, resulting in a dispute between the two sides.

When Zhang Yang saw that there was no fight at the scene, he was first relieved and said to Kameda and Li Donghai, who were deadlocked there: "If you have anything to talk about in the office, why are you standing outside? The influence of Xingshi and the crowd is not good!"

Li Donghai said: "How many projects have we done in Pingzhong Construction in the park? It is the first time we have seen such a difficult supervisor to serve. We all work in accordance with the predetermined regulations, and there is no violation of the contract. Why do you let us change the process at will?"

Kameda said: "The geology is different. The soil layers in this area are complex, and different soil layers need to use different processes. The contract is a contract, and the specific construction should be based on the actual situation."

Li Donghai Dao: "You are simply revenge for private, deliberately targeting our Pingzhong Construction. There are so many construction teams entering. Why don't you let others go back to work?"

Koji Kameda said, "I'm talking about the matter, not against anyone!" He is very principled and unyed.

Zhang Yang said, "Manager Li, we have communicated before. When the opinions of both sides sweep the left, we should respect our opinions."

Li Donghai said, "I will be different if what you say is reasonable, but we can't just obey what doesn't make sense!" He pointed to the 100-meter section in front of him: "This road is not an airway, but a roadway. We built it in strict accordance with your regulations, and there is no unqualified place. Now the Japanese want us to smash all the road and rework, which makes no reason at all."

Koji Kameda said, "I have emphasized to you that the soil layer is different. It is no problem to lay such a road under our feet, but the soil layer over there is soft. If the same process is used, there will be a problem, so we must start over again!"

Li Donghai said angrily, "Since you know, why don't you bring it up early in the morning?" If we have to wait for the road to be repaired before raising this question, it is simply making things difficult for us!"

Kameda said, "This is my mistake in my work. I am responsible for the quality supervision of the whole new airport construction site. I have to take care of every place. When I find the soil problem, you have already paved it."

Zhang Yang doesn't know anything about craftsmanship. Anyway, since Guitian said that there is a problem, there must be a problem. He said to Li Donghai, "That's it. Rework. Now it's better to rework than to rework after it's built in the future!" The old Li Donghai had not spoken yet, and the construction workers around him shouted: "Yujia! These Japanese devils deliberately molesed us. Why? Is there any quality problem with the road? Is there such a playful person?"

Li Donghai said to Zhang Yang, "Mayor Zhang, I don't think you have any ve come to our Pingzhong Construction."

Zhang Yang frowned and said, "Manager Li, what you said is wrong. We always strive for justice, right things, not people. Where do these two people start?"

Li Donghai said, "I don't understand. With the same process and the same construction quality, other construction companies can pass the test. When we arrive here, we have to rework. I have been working in the construction industry for many years. I can clearly distinguish whether it is deliberately ugly or difficult."

Zhang Yang said, "You are the construction party, and you should meet our requirements unconditionally

Li Donghai said: "What do you say about the loss and increased cost of rework?"

Koji Kameda said: "According to the contract, the quality of your project does not meet our requirements, and these increased costs should be borne by yourself. ,,

Li Donghai said, "I'm sorry, I can't make the decision. These things need to be shown to the superior leaders."

Zhang Yang has always been very unhappy with the construction of Pinghai. Now when he hears Li Donghai say this, he can't help but be a little angry: "I said, how can you have so many things? He is known as the leader of the Pinghai construction industry, but I think that's the case. If you don't have a diamond, don't take porcelain work. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can leave. There is so much nonsense! After saying that, Zhang Yang turned around and left.

Li Donghai was so angry that his face turned pale. Zhang Yang's words were not only an insult to him, but also an insult to their entire Pingzhong Construction Group.


Li Donghai is just a project manager. He can't make the decision on many things. After Zhang Yang left, he immediately contacted the boss Wu Zhongyuan. Wu Zhongyuan heard that there was another conflict in a few days, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Li Donghai said, "Mr. Wu, this job can't be done. We all work according to the standard, but today I have repeatedly looked for faults. The 100-meter section repaired by the state made us to smash the Ministry of Gold and rework. They also said that we should bear the losses. It's simply making things difficult for Let's go!"

Wu Zhongyuan asked the context of the matter. After the call, he called his brother-in-law Feng Keyong in again.

When Feng Keyong heard that something happened again at the construction site of Jiangkeng New Airport, he couldn't help sneering and said, "See, brother-in-law, I've said that Zhang Yang is not a good thing. He is very greedy. He made a little devil to work as a supervisor in order to find faults. Why It's not because we didn't give him benefits, brother-in-law, I'm really rude to such people.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "The quality of our Pingzhong construction project has always been well-known. Why are there so many problems in Jiangkeng this time? The management mode that the management has gone through, and the construction workers who have gone through, it is reasonable that there will not be so many problems.

Feng Keyong said, "Do you still need to ask? They want to find fault with us."

Wu Zhongyuan said, "Now the bidding is for some peripheral projects. The apron and airport terminal have not been tendered yet. The reason why I sacrificed my profit to take over the warehouse project is to prepare for the latter's bidding, but now it seems to be a little counterproductive."

Feng Keyong said, "Bro-in-law, you haven't come into contact with Zhang Yang. I have never seen such an arrogant person. He pointed to my nose and asked me to get out of the construction site, and said that he would let the police drag me away, otherwise I would drive out of our Pingzhong Construction. He." "

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a moment, picked up the phone and dialed Li Donghai's mobile phone, and whispered, "Stop work! I'll wait until I get to Jiangkeng."


Zhao Yanglin was quite helpless about the construction of Pingzhong, and he did not understand the specific construction problems, but as a bystander, on the surface, there was no problem with the road. He found Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, do you feel that we seem to be a little harsh on the construction of Pingzhong?"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't think so! The project does not meet our quality requirements, and it is the most normal for them to rework.

Zhao Yanglin said, "I also saw that road when it was built. It seems that there is no problem."

Zhang Yang said, "We don't know the specific process. Dr. Turtle is an expert in this regard."

Zhao Yanglin said, "But after all, he is Japanese. Last time he was beaten by the workers of Pingzhong Construction, don't you think he hates at all?"

Zhang Yang understood what Zhao Yanglin meant and smiled and said, "Dr. Turtle is not so narrow-minded, is he?"

Zhao Yanglin said, "Don't think he is so perfect. If he really deliberately targets Pingzhong Construction because of what happened last time, then are we a little blind on his side?"

Zhang Yang said, "The group of people in Pingzhong Construction always pretend to be the boss of Pinghai construction industry. When they come to our construction site, they should act in accordance with our rules and requirements."

Zhao Yanglin said, "Everyone is cooperation, not an enemy. If it goes on like this, the relationship will become more and more rigid, which is not conducive to the construction progress!"

Zhang Yang said, "Let's talk about today. It's nothing more than the road to let them go back to work. What are they doing? Why don't other engineering teams have so many things to do? Are they more durable than others in Pingzhong Construction?"

Zhao Yanglin said, "Pingzhong Construction can achieve today's achievements, which is directly related to their excellent engineering quality. I think the two sides still lack communication. If you have time, you'd better communicate well."

Zhang Yang said, "If they dare to stop working, I will drive out all Pingzhong Construction. If you don't cooperate, don't occupy a seat. There are many companies that want to participate in the construction of the new airport."

Zhao Yanglin said, "Don't tell me about this matter. I will have a lot of trouble in our new airport project, but don't make any more trouble. The province has allocated so much money to us, just to build the airport smoothly. If the noise continues, not only the city leaders will be angry. The province will definitely be unhappy. Old and old

Zhang Yang said, "Well, this matter is to Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yanglin said, "Wu Zhongyuan, the boss of Pingzhong Construction, will come to Jiangkeng tomorrow. Do you want me to arrange for you to hatch?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Well, let's sit together and talk and try to reach a consensus. I don't want to affect the progress of the project." From this sentence, he has heard that there must have been a connection between Zhao Yanglin and Wu Zhongyuan. Recently, his cooperation with Zhao Yanglin is still quick, and this face still needs to be given to him.

Zhao Yanglin said, "Kameda can't be trusted blindly. After all, he is Japanese. Our middle garden has China's national conditions. His way of doing things is different from ours, and it is still a little difficult to communicate."

Zhang Yang said, "I will pay attention!"

..................................................................................................." Wu Zhongyuan still attaches great importance to the Jiangkeng new airport project. Pingzhong Construction Group bid for the new airport capital project. Although he did not appear in Jiangkeng in person, he has also done a lot of work behind Wu Zhongyuan. His personal habit prefers to live behind the scenes, but he did not expect that the project would encounter so many troubles after the official launch, which prompted Wu Zhongyuan to come to Jiangkeng in person.

Wu Zhongyuan became the boss of Pingzhong Construction not through his second brother Wu Zhongliang. In the eyes of outsiders, he has a second brother who is the director of the Construction Department of Pinghai Province, and an elder brother of the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Supervision. These relationships have been used up to him. But Wu Zhongyuan can have today's position, which is really done by his personal ability.

He has a wide range of friends. According to the ancient times, he has a lot of friends from the royal palace to the merchant. Wu Zhongyuan's business is to do business first. Only by managing his own interpersonal relationships well can he spread his social network.

Wu Zhongyuan is a person who likes to rely on experience to do things. He has learned about Zhang Yang's background and knows that today's young people have a certain amount of energy to stand firm in Pinghai. To deal with people in the officialdom, Wu Zhongyuan believes that it is better to put the above pressure. If you want Zhang Yang to build better Therefore, Wu Zhongyuan did not come to Jiangkeng alone. He also invited a friend. Qiao Pengju, the son of Qiao Zhenliang, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Qiao Pengju did not know the festival between Wu Zhongyuan and Zhang Yang. He had long wanted to come to Jiangkeng to visit his sister. At the same time, he also wanted to see Jiangkeng New Airport. Since the province allocated 500 million yuan to Jiangkeng New Airport, Qiao Peng has moved to invest in Jiangkeng. This is not his greed. Qiao Pengju always believes in a principle and never invests all his money in the same place. He wants to invest in Nanci Deep Water Port, but Jiangkeng New Airport is a key project in Pinghai. In his opinion, this project is more secure

That night, Wu Zhongyuan said to some officials in Jiangkeng at the Xindihao banquet. Mayor Zuo Yuanchao, Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, and Mayor Sun Dongqiang of Fengze were all among his invitations. Of course, Zhang Yang was also his guests.

Wu Zhongyuan's purpose is obvious. He wants to show his strength to Zhang Yang. Although he is skeptical about the words of his brother-in-law Feng Keyong, after all, he still believes a little, especially in the business field. The other party uses all kinds of names to make things difficult for himself. He just wants to get some Tonight's banquet is to show Zhang Yang's strength. He wants Zhang Yang to know that I can not only talk to the secretary of the provincial party committee, but also talk to all your immediate bosses. It's unwise for you to blackmail me. Experience can solve most problems, but experience can also make a person make mistakes.

Wu Zhongyuan's motivation tonight is so obvious that it can be seen at a sight.

Before Zhang Yang came to the banquet, he didn't expect such a big scene tonight. When Zhao Yanglin invited him to come over, he just said that in addition to Wu Zhongyuan, he also had his own son-in-law to bid on Dongqiang tonight, but when Zhang Yang came to the new emperor, he found that not Mayor Zuo Yuanchao also came. Not only that, but also Wu Zhongyuan came to Qiao Pengju. Zhang Yang immediately understood that Wu Zhongyuan didn't really communicate with him when he called him to come over for dinner. He wanted to show his strength to himself through this opportunity and let Zhang Yang know his strength in this way.

Wu Zhongyuan thought that he knew the way of doing business very well, but he did not understand Zhang Yang, which made Wu Zhongyuan enter the misunderstanding from the beginning.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming in, Zuo Yuanchao couldn't help laughing and said, "Zhang Yang, why are you here so late? Everyone is waiting for you!"

Zhang Daguanren couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. If he knew that Zuo Yuanchao and Qiao Peng would lift it up, he would be a little earlier. Zhang Daguan's mind turned quickly and immediately understood the purpose of Wu Zhongyuan's banquet tonight. He smiled and said, "The new airport Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam, so I was late. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Qiao Peng said with a smile, "Zhang Yang, I'm going to call you."

Zhang Yangle walked over and shook hands with Qiao Peng enthusiastically: "Mr. Qiao came over and didn't say anything in advance, so that I could be prepared."

Qiao Peng raised, "You have everything now, and I dare not delay your business." He introduced Wu Zhongyuan around him to Zhang Yang and said, "Let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Wu Zhongyuan, the boss of our Pingzhong Construction Group."

Wu Zhongyuan is 42 years old. Although he is not young, his hair is already white, medium-sized, and a little fat. He shook hands with Zhang Yang with a smile, "I have admired Mayor Zhang for a long time, and I have never had a chance to learn about it. Let's have a few drinks when we meet today.

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile and said hello to Zhao Yanglin and Sun Dongqiang and Weng's son-in-law. Zhang Yang sat at the entrance of the banquet. It is no wonder that all those present tonight have extraordinary identities. From the perspective of host and guest, Zhang Yang is the main, Wu Zhongyuan and Qiao Peng are the guest. In terms of status, Zuo Yuanchao and Zhao Yanglin are at the level, let's talk about Sun Dongqiang. He is also Zhang Yang Therefore, it is natural for Zhang Yang to sit at the entrance of the banquet, and he has no objection in his heart.

After the wine and dishes were served, Wu Zhongyuan raised his glass and said, "I'm bringing everyone together today just to make friends and deepen our relationship. I have nothing else to do, so let's not talk about business tonight, but about friendship!"

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and said, "Mr. Wu's fluoride is a good guide. Don't talk about business, just friendship. Come on! Let's drink together!"

Old four

Zhang Yang understood that it was not his turn to speak in this kind of scene today. He followed everyone to dry the wine in the glass.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "It's the first time that Mayor Zhang and I have met, but Mayor Zuo and Director Zhao and I are old friends. It can be said that I have long been old friends of the people of Jiangkeng!"

Zuo Yuanchao laughed and said, "I remember that when I was still in the Finance Bureau, the building of our bureau was built by you in Pingzhong."

Wu Zhongyuan smiled and said, "Mayor Zuo and I met at that time. At that time, I remember that I was working on the project of Jiangkeng TV Tower and bid for the Finance Bureau Building by the way. At that time, you were the director of the Finance Bureau. For five years, You have been the mayor Many representative buildings are built by us in Pingzhong.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Mr. Wu hasn't come to Jiangkeng much in recent years."

Wu Zhongyuan said, "I have focused on the south. Compared with our Pinghai, the development speed of southern provinces and cities has been much faster in the past two years, and the requirements for construction have also been swept more, so I will concentrate my funds and focus on the development of the south."

Zhao Yanglin said, "Then why are you focusing on our project at Jiangkeng New Airport?"

Wu Zhongyuan said, "It's not easy to do business now. I owe money in advance. It's beautiful on the surface, but it's full of tears behind my back!"

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and said, "Don't cry poor, and we won't borrow money from you." One sentence made everyone laugh.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "I'm telling the truth. In the past, I wanted to go to the southern coastal pit city for development, but now I find that the reform and opening-up of Pinghai is not slow at all. I can't let others earn the money at my door, so I came back."

Zhao Yanglin smiled and said, "I didn't talk about business. After going around, I still talked about business."

Wu Zhongyuan laughed and said, "It's not true that these three sentences are inseparable from my job. You see, I violated the regulations first. Well, I'd better punish myself."

Zhang Yang is very vigilant. Wu Zhongyuan is a typical businessman. He has learned from He Chang'an and Cha Jinbei before.

Qiao Peng took the initiative to find Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, the new airport project is doing well."

Zhang Yang said thank you and drank a glass of wine with Qiao Pengju.

Qiao Peng said, "At the beginning, I also thought that the province would focus on planting the Nancy deep-water port project, but I didn't expect that it would end up in the river pit.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "Mr. He and I have talked about this matter before. Mr. He's biggest ** touch is that Secretary Qiao is far-sighted and resourceful!" Mr. He in his mouth is He Chang'an, and Wu Zhongyuan and He Chang'an also have some friendship.

Qiao Peng smiled and said, "If my father hears you saying that behind your back, I will definitely settle accounts with you."

Wu Zhongyuan smiled and said, "I don't mean to slander Secretary Qiao. We all admire Secretary Qiao very much. Mingxiu nuclear road secretly crossed Chencang and attracted private investment to Lanshan. The government's investment focuses on supporting Jiangkeng. Such a wonderful plan to kill two birds with one stone can't be achieved without superhuman vision. "."

Both Zuo Yuanchao and Zhao Yanglin nodded with the same feeling. Zuo Yuanchao said, "I went to Dongjiang to work as a provincial leader and wanted to win the key support of the provincial finance. When Secretary Qiao saw me, he did not show any talk at all. I thought that there was basically no hope for the Jiangkeng new airport In the end, it turned out to be Liu Anhuaming. Secretary Qiao is really admirable.

Zhang Yang looked at this group of people with a smile. In front of Qiao Pengju, this group of people kept singing praises, only knowing what the real thoughts in their hearts are? People in the world like to disguise themselves, especially in education and officialdom.

Sun Dongqiang seldom speaks. After all, on such occasions, he is a junior. His father-in-law is here, and the mayor is also here. Naturally, there is no room for him to speak. It is often that people take the initiative to find him before he answers with a smile.

Wu Zhongyuan said, "In the past, I only heard from the news that cadres should be younger. Today, I didn't know until I saw Mayor Kui and Mayor Zhang. Our country's cadre policy is really not just talk. Both of them are young and promising, and their future is bound to be unlimited.

When Zhao Yanglin heard him praise his son-in-law, he also smiled: "Young people have vitality and momentum, but after all, there is a lack of work experience, and they need more training."

Wu Zhongyuan said, " Under the leadership of Mayor Zuo, Jiangkeng has developed rapidly. I came here this time and found that Jiangkeng was very different from five years ago."

Zuo Yuanchao smiled and was somewhat embarrassed in his heart. After all, he was not the first leader of Jiangkeng. Wu Zhongyuan's words were a little inappropriate. Zuo Yuanchao said, "Jiangkeng can't sweep the pit city in the south of the Pinghai Sea, but with the efforts of successive leaders, the economic gap between us and the southern region is narrowing little by little. I believe that in a long time, we can catch up with the development of the southern pit city, or even surpass them."

Wu Zhongyuan said, "I am very concerned about this, otherwise our Pingzhong Construction Group will not choose to develop in Jiangkeng. I believe that with the completion of Jiangkeng's new airport, Jiangkeng's regional advantages in the north of Pinghai will become more and more obvious, highlighting the important role of the central pit city."

Zuo Yuanchao said: "The Jiangkeng new airport project is the top priority of our Jiangkeng's work in recent years. The city has handed over the new airport project to Director Zhao and Xiao Zhang. The purpose is to lead the old with the new. This team has Director Zhao's experience as guidance, as well as Xiao Zhang's vitality Very good!"

Zhao Yanglin laughed and said, "I'm old. It's still publicity that plays a major role in construction."

Zhang Yang said modestly, "If it hadn't been for you to help me check, I wouldn't have been able to find the north. I'm a boater, and you are at the helm. In terms of sweeping, your role is more important."

Although Zhao Yanglin knew that Zhang Yang was flattering, he was still extremely comfortable when he heard it in his ears. E