Medical official path

Chapter 465 Take a Risk

Zhang Yang and An Yuchen stood side by side on the empty construction site. The moon was bright and the stars were thin, and the gentle moonlight dyed the earth with a layer of silver. An Yuchen looked at the vast ground and whispered, "When I come to Jiangcheng from Hong Kong in a few years, I will get off the plane here."

Zhang said with a smile, "There will be a direct flight to Hong Kong at that time, and it will be closer if you come to our Jiangcheng."

An Yuchen said, "Is Jiuqi built well?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It must be okay."

An Yuchen sighed softly, "I don't know if I have a chance to see it." The words are full of loneliness.

Zhang Yang's heart trembled. Of course, he understood why An Yuchen sighed like this. Zhang Yang said, "There must be a chance."

An Yuchen said, "Grandpa agreed with me when he was alive. When he returned, we would go to the scene to attend the flag-raising ceremony together, but after all, he left first."

Thinking of Mr. An, who has passed away, Zhang Yang can't help but feel a little sad. If it hadn't been for the bloody case caused by Andeheng, Mr. An might still be alive. After the heavy blow, the An family has not fully recovered. Now the person at the helm has been replaced by Andavin.

Zhang Yang said, "How's your home recently?"

An Yuchen said, "Awen is very capable. The family's business has begun to pick up. In terms of economy, he and I have completely drawn a clear line. I won't go to the company, and I don't know the specific things."

Zhang Yang nodded. He did not have a good impression on Andavin. Although he admitted that this boy was a business talent, Andavin had already lost the narrow meaning and blood of his grandfather An Zhiyuan, and turned into cold-blooded and reality. The only thing that remained unchanged was the () breath left by An Dahu.

Zhang Yang said, "How's your health recently?"

"Very good..." Before An Yuchen finished his words, Zhang Yang's warm hand had already held her bright wrist, and a soft and warm breath was sent from her pulse. An Yuchen's delicate body couldn't help trembling. Zhang Yang whispered, "Close your eyes and relax yourself."

In An Yuchen's heart, Zhang Yang is the most trustworthy person in the world. She closed her eyes and fell into darkness in front of her eyes. After a while, she felt light all over her body, as if flying in the wind. There seemed to be a starry scene in front of her. Under the quiet night sky, Zhang Yang and she flew hand Under the light, fly in the night sky. An Yuchen's heart is quiet and peaceful, and this feeling can only be felt by Zhang Yang's side.

Zhang Yang's mood was not calm. The result of his internal breath to explore the pulse of An Yuchen was not optimistic. The true qi in An Yuchen's body was disordered, and the disorder of the meridians became more and more serious. Zhang Yang could conclude that what An Yuchen said was very good, but he was afraid of what he

Zhang Yang let go of An Yuchen's wrist. He whispered, "Will there be pain in the chest and lower abdomen recently?"

An Yuchen did not deny it and whispered, "I can stand it!"

Zhang Yang's heart tightened because of her words. He whispered, "After the opening ceremony, let's go to Qingtai Mountain to visit Taoist priest Li!"

An Yuchen nodded: "I also want to see him."

The opening ceremony of Fengze No. 1 Middle School is a grand event in Fengze education. This school is the first private capital injection. Fengze Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have shown enough attention, because the school's funder is An Yuchen, and it is also an important project for Zhang Yang when Fengze focuses on education, so Zhang Daguan is also He posted invitations everywhere. The guests attending the opening ceremony on the same day were Li Changyu, Executive Vice Mayor of Jiangcheng City, He Fangxu, Director of Jiangcheng Education Bureau, Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Fengze Municipal Party Committee, Sun Dongqiang, Mayor of Fengze City, Chen Jianian, Executive Vice Mayor of Fengze City, Qi Guoyuan, Secretary Zhao Yicheng, the new president of No. 1 Middle School, Chang Lingfeng, the former president of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, and Fang Mingyuan, the president of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, are well-known figures in the education field. In the past, he used to be the vice president of Dongjiang Normal Affiliated Middle School. After retirement, he

On that day, it can be said that the leading cadres were gathered together, and the Jiangcheng education industry was full of heroes.

After Li Changyu and Shen Qinghua cut the ribbon together, they announced the official opening of Fengze No. 1 Middle School.

In front of thousands of teachers and students' parents, several leaders made enthusiastic speeches. Originally, Zhang Daguan's speech was arranged, but Zhang Yang declined. He said to Zhao Yicheng, the new principal of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, "I'm used to behind-the-scenes work and don't like to show up."

I'm afraid no one will believe it except him.

An Yuchen also spoke on behalf of her grandfather. Although he was a branch of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, he was listed as Zhiyuan Middle School. An Yuchen said, "I invested in Jiangcheng Education in order to fulfill my grandfather's wish. He left Jiangcheng since he was a child. Over the years, he has never forgotten his hometown or After many years of hard work, he has finally achieved success in his career. The old man's greatest hope is to repay his hometown. Unfortunately, he died before he could fulfill his wish. As his granddaughter, I will help him fulfill this wish. Zhiyuan Middle School is only the first step for me to invest in Jiangcheng education. In the next few years, I will run schools one after another. I will run Zhiyuan Middle School and Zhiyuan Primary School in various cities and counties in Jiangcheng, so that as many children as possible in Jiangcheng can get

An Yuchen's sincere speech won unanimous applause at the scene.

Li Changyu inspected the new campus accompanied by Shen Qinghua and expressed satisfaction with the hardware facilities of the campus. He turned to Zhang Yang, who followed him, "It's a good job. Fengze No. 1 Middle School is the golden signboard of our Jiangcheng education industry. We must do a good job in the branch school and carry it forward on the original

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "The hardware facilities are first-class in Jiangcheng. Next, it depends on the overall education level, but it has nothing to do with me." He said to Qiu Shengli, director of Fengze Education Bureau, "JiWu, I'll help set up the stage. You have to sing well."

Qiu Shengli nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, leaders, we will fully support the work of Zhiyuan Middle School and build a new signboard of Zhiyuan Middle School."

Shen Qinghua said, "We need to talk less and do more. What we need is a doer!" Recently, Shen Qinghua has also become much more low-key. He has smelled the smell of political transformation. Today's Fengze is no longer the time when he covered the sky with his hands. With the rise of young cadres such as Zhang Yang and Sun Dongqiang, he

I can't see it below!

He felt that the pressure was increasing, and his influence was unconsciously weakened, and many cadres began to plan for their own future.

Li Changyu stopped in the open space in front of the school gate. He pointed and said, "I think I can set up a statue for Mr. An here, as a respect for the old man's enthusiastic hometown education, and so that our children can always remember this enthusiastic old gentleman."

Zhang Yang is not interested in this formalism, but a large number of officials, including Li Changyu, are not tired of this superficial kung fu.

Li Changyu's proposal was unanimously approved. Shen Qinghua said excitedly, "Mayor Li's proposal really won my heart. From the moment I knew about this matter, I have been thinking about how to commemorate Mr. An. In this way, we can promote Mr. An's kindness and let more and more people Join the charity and let our students remember the kindness of Mr. An.

Zhang Yang, who fell at the end of the team, couldn't help laughing when he heard these words. He whispered to Chang Lingfeng, "Isn't this forcing An Yuchen to donate all the money? Just invest and don't ask for anything in return!"

Chang Lingfeng was also happy: "Don't take the leaders' words seriously. They said that Miss An is an investment in running a school, not a charitable donation. It is clearly written in the contract. The leaders' publicity like this is only good for her. Both fame and fortune!"

Zhang Ruirong, who was walking beside Chang Lingfeng, said, "Mayor Zhang, my work has been officially completed today, and the financial work has also been handed over."

Zhang said, "Very good?" Then there is no follow-up.

Zhang Ruirong couldn't help but be a little anxious: "What does it mean to be good?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Very good is very good. It's an affirmation of your work."

Zhang Ruirong said, "Have you forgotten what you said in the past?"

Zhang Yang said, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Ruirong said, "Didn't you say that you would transfer me after school started?"

Zhang Yang looked at Chang Lingfeng and couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Ruirong said angrily, "What are you laughing at? Are you going to go back on your word?"

Zhang Yang said, "You can discuss this matter with Chang Lingfeng. As long as he agrees, I have no objection."

As soon as Chang Lingfeng heard that the player kicked the ball on his head, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Mayor Zhang, I don't have that power."

Zhang Ruirong stared at him fiercely, and Chang Lingfeng immediately stopped talking.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You two discuss it slowly. I have to entertain the leader. Let's talk about Xiao Zhang later."

Zhang Yang quickly followed Li Changyu's pace and said with a smile, "Mayor Li, it's time to eat. Let's go to the Bailu Hotel!"

Li Changyu stopped and said, "Forget it, it's only eleven o'clock. I'd better go back to the city. Today is to attend the start of school, not to the dinner." Several cadres around him laughed.

Zhang Yang said, "Let's have a simple meal. The food is ready. If we don't eat it, it's a waste. Besides, if you don't eat it, so many comrades who came here today have nothing to eat. It's always bad to go back hungry."

Shen Qinghua also said rarely: "Let's have a simple meal. Mayor Li can rest assured that we have always advocated economy and will not be extravagant and wasteful."

Li Changyu saw that everyone was holding him with him, so he nodded and followed everyone to the Bailu Hotel.

During dinner, Li Changyu specially called Zhang Yang to sit down at his table. Since his son Li Xiangjun made a scene, Li Changyu always felt ashamed of Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang didn't feel anything. Jin Sha's matter began with losing the bag. With Li Xiangjun's IQ, he could not have set off such a big storm, but After giving it to Ma Yiliang, this matter caused an uproar.

Li Changyu said, "Fengze's education has been at the forefront of Jiangcheng, and Xiao Zhang has made a lot of achievements in his work."

Before Shen Qinghua could speak, Sun Dongqiang had already taken over the words, "We can see Zhang Yang's working ability. Now the city has transferred him to command the construction of the new airport, which is equivalent to poaching one of our capable generals."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The two mayors praise me too much. Fengze Education can achieve the current achievements, mainly the result of the joint efforts of all educators. I just happened to appear in this position when I made achievements. I dare not make contributions alone. Mayor Sun, don't complain. I'm still Feng now. Cadres of Ze City, I am also in charge of investment promotion work.

Sun Dongqiang smiled and said, "I hope you can achieve the same excellent results in investment promotion and education."

Zhang Yang said, "I try my best, I try my best!"

Li Changyu said, "In the future, you young cadres will be the main force of reform, and you should have the courage to take responsibility!"

Shen Qinghua was very uncomfortable when he listened to it. He always felt that Li Changyu's words alluded to him, but he couldn't show it. He picked up the teacup and said, "Let's wish Jiangcheng a better and better future."

Everyone present laughed at the old secretary for being creative, and this kind of bad street words can be said as a toast.

Li Changyu said, "I believe that Jiangcheng's tomorrow will get better and better, Fengze's tomorrow will get better and better, and the people's life will get better and better!"

After lunch, Li Changyu did not go back to Jiangcheng directly. He changed his mind and decided to go to the site of the new airport. Zhang Yang accompanied him to inspect the construction site of the new airport, and Li Changyu was satisfied with what he saw.

When Li Changyu came to the headquarters office to see the planning sand table, only Zhang Yang introduced it to him. Li Changyu asked a few key questions and said, "Xiangjun went to work in the Garden Bureau."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Li Changyu's topic changed so much that he almost couldn't keep up with his mind.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Can his temper adapt to office work?"

Li Changyu said, "I can't do anything about him. He is not a business material. If you let him hang out, I'm afraid he will make a bigger leak sooner or later. His mind is too simple and easy to be used."

Zhang Yang said, "If you eat a lot, grow a lot of wisdom, and suffer losses outside, you may understand a little in your heart."

Li Changyu said, "Although my two sons don't have much ability, they are down-to-earth at work. This big one has no ability to cause trouble all day long. I don't know what I did wrong in my last life. I actually have such a bastard son."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Actually, he didn't make a big mistake. Give him more restraints, and it will be better in the future."

Li Changyu said, "This boy has brought you a lot of trouble."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Actually, I have always been disgusted with Ma Yiliang. If Xiangjun hadn't provoked this matter, I really had no reason to deal with Ma Yiliang. From this point of view, I would thank him more."

Li Changyu said, "I heard that Ma Yiliang has been officially prosecuted. If he is convicted, he may be sentenced to less than three years in prison."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not interested in how to deal with him. This person is just a clown. I just can't understand why Wang Junyao opened a nightclub in Jiangcheng and asked Ma Yiliang to be the manager.

Li Changyu said, "It's not surprising. In the face of interests, anyone will be moved. She wants to make money, and Ma Yiliang has the experience of opening a nightclub."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I have seen this woman, and I feel that she is not simple. As far as I know, she is not short of money. Is it just because she opened a nightclub in Jiangcheng?"

Li Changyu said, I have never seen her, but I know that she is the sister of the fifth director, and she is very rich. Maybe her original purpose of investing in Jinsha is simple, but Ma Yiliang has deviated in the process of specific management.

Zhang Yang said, "People like Ma Yiliang can only act as a pawn and be used by others. Once the utilization value is lost, it will be abandoned.

Li Changyu couldn't help thinking of Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The situation of the two brothers is so similar, but Ma Yimin still has the value of use for many people. The dark tide is surging in Jiangcheng's political world, and the forces led by Zuo's aid to the DP There will be a struggle, never stop, never stop.

Zhang Yang regards political struggle as a kind of enjoyment, but he also understands that political struggle must not occupy all his life. He has friends, relatives, lovers, and a beautiful female apprentice who needs him to save.

After the opening ceremony of Zhiyuan Middle School, the first thing Zhang Yang did was to accompany An Yuchen to Qingtai Mountain. The result of exploring the meridian of An Yuchen made him worried. An Yuchen's meridian was different, and there were occlusion in many places. If he wanted to delay the onset of the disease, he . When no way to cure the disease is found, this is the only choice.

The process of practice is extremely dangerous. Someone must be around to protect the law to ensure that there is no interference from outsiders. The most suitable person can only be Li Xinyi. Li Xinyi is superb in martial arts, and he is also An Yuchen's uncle and grandfather, and he is also extremely concerned about this granddaughter.

The arrival of An Yuchen made Li Xinyi extremely happy. The old Taoist priest was as happy as a naughty boy. He said that he was happy because of Zhang Yang, but in fact it was because of his granddaughter.

An Yuchen went to her grandfather's tomb alone to lay flowers, but Zhang Yangcha did not accompany her.

The old Taoist priest originally wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Zhang Yang, and the two came to his room.

Li Xinyi couldn't help saying, "If you have something to say, I'm worried about letting a girl go there."

Zhang Yang said solemnly, "The reason why I brought her here this time is that the little demon's condition has worsened again."

When Li Xinyi heard this, he suddenly panicked. Although he had become a monk, he still failed to give up this family relationship. What's more, his eldest brother An Zhiyuan specifically told him to take good care of his only granddaughter before his death. Li Xinyi had already regarded An Yuchen as a pearl in his heart, and thought of With the unfortunate fate, the old Taoist priest couldn't help trembling, "What should I do? What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "Over the years, I have been thinking about how to treat her, but I haven't found a way to cure her completely."

Li Xinyi said, "All the girls of our generation can't live to be more than 20 years old, and now there is only one little demon left."

In front of Zhang Yang, he did not hide his relationship with his family.

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Li, the purpose of bringing her here this time is to help her open up the meridians and delay for a period of time."

Li Xinyi said, "Using internal force to open up her blocked meridians is a way to consume Zhenyuan. It's really hard for your hard work."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't forget, I'm her master. I once promised An Lao to take good care of the little demon and cure the little demon. As long as there is a glimmer of opportunity, I will do my best."

Li Xinyi said, "There is a cave behind my Zixia Temple, and it is the place where I usually practice. You can heal her there. At that time, I will protect her outside the cave."

The cave where Li Xinyi practiced is behind the Zixia View. The cave is only more than ten meters deep, and there is a hole above. The sunlight can shine directly from the hole, and the light in the cave is very good.

Zhang Yang and An Yuchen came to the cave. Zhang Yang pointed to the smooth boulder in the middle and said, "Mr. Li usually sits there to practice, right?"

Li Xinyi nodded with a smile and said, "For decades, I've been sitting for a long time, and the stone is not slippery. Be careful when you sit on it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "They sit through the bottom of the prison, and the Taoist priest sits through the cave!" He pointed to the hole above and said, "Is this also related to the Taoist priest?"

Li Xinyi said, "I don't have that kind of ability. This hole is formed naturally. From my time in Zixia View, there is this hole. There is a wonderful place in its existence. The sun can be projected in from here. When it rains, the rain will also flow down from here!" Li Xinyi pointed to a stone tuck under his feet: "This stone tuckle is alluvial from the rain over the years."

Zhang Yang didn't come here to enjoy the scenery. He smiled and said, "I helped the little demon open the acupuncture point, and I'm sorry to bother the Taoist priest to protect us outside."

Li Xinyi nodded. He looked at An Yuchen with concern and then retreated.

Of course, An Yuchen remembers the scene of Zhang Yang using his inner breath to heal his wounds. Every time Zhang Yang heals his wounds, he will consume a lot of Zhenyuan. Like a disease, An Yuchen really can't bear to let him take risks for himself. She whispered, "Actually, I'm very satisfied. "

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are really selfish. You have no regrets, but I have regrets. You advertise everywhere that you are my apprentice. I can't even save my own apprentice. How can I have the face to meet people in the future?"

An Yuchen said sadly, "I know my situation. Every time you take a huge risk to heal my wounds, all you can do is to prolong my life for a few days. It's not worth the risk for me."

Zhang Yang said, "If you die like this, I will be very faceless."

An Yuchen's bright and clear eyes rippled, and she suddenly said, "If I die, will you be sad?"

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment and nodded.

An Yuchen said, "How long? One day, one month or one year?

Zhang Yang whispered, "If I live a day, I will be sad. If I live for a month, I will be sad for a month. If I still have most of my life, I will be sad for most of my life."

When An Yuchen heard his words, he was suddenly moved, his eyes turned red, and crystal tears came out of his eyes.

Zhang Yang said, "You can't die. If you die, where can I find such a beautiful and filial female apprentice?"

An Yuchen spatted, "The most unformed master in the world is you. If you say such words, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others."

Zhang Yang said, "It doesn't matter what others think. The most important thing is that you don't think I'm your master." An Yuchen nodded with tears in his eyes. Zhang Yang stretched out his big hand, wiped the tears off her face, and whispered, "It may hurt a little later!"

"I can't stand it!"

"You can't wear too much when healing..." Although Zhang Daguan has the purpose of treating the sick and saving people, he can't help but feel a little embarrassed to say this in front of the female apprentice.

An Yuchen said, "I believe in your character!"

An Yuchen sat cross-legged on the boulder, sat behind her, slowly closed his eyes, and whispered, " understand..."

Although An Yuchen was open-minded, she wanted to take off her clothes all over her body in front of Zhang Yang, and her face was also blushing and her heartbeat. She bit the cherry lips and turned to Zhang Yang, but saw that his eyes began to slowly go to the clothes.

The cave was extremely quiet. Zhang Yang heard the sound of An Yuchen's tuo clothes. He found that sometimes it was not a good thing to hear too well, and some voices were obviously testing her will.

Dispelled a little distracting thoughts, Zhang Yang's mind was empty, and he released the operation. After more than ten minutes, after two weeks of running the true qi in his body, Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right palm, and slowly slapped the Baihui acupoint above An Yuchen's head. An Yuchen's delicate body was shocked, and she only felt an extremely cold airflow peneping into her body from the top of her head. Just like the luo body standing in the ice and snow, the blood vessels around the body seem to have coagulated in a moment. Zhang Yang's palm retracted, and the second palm still fell on the same part of An Yuchen's head.

The airflow from this palm was extremely hot, cold and hot, which made An Yuchen's blood shrink and rise. Her head seemed to crack inside, which made her face pale with pain. She bit her cherry lips tightly, and the cold sweat on her forehead had fallen.

Zhang Yang took out the golden needle very quickly. He inserted it into An Yuchen's back acupuncture point like lightning. When the golden needle pierced it, the inner breath was sent in at the same time. Then he used the golden needle to pierce into Qiangjian, Naohu, Fengfu, Dawei, Tao Dao, Body Column, Shinto The pulse is hundreds of times more difficult than that of ordinary people. An Yuchen is born with a unique vein. Zhang Yang wants to open the acupuncture point in her body, just like opening a mountain and drilling a rock. Taking advantage of the change of breath in the body, the alternation of cold and heat, he abruptly opens a temporary channel from her meridians. Before practicing the Yinsha Shura palm, it was impossible to use this method of alternating cold and hot to pierce the acupuncture point. When Zhang Yang healed the wounds of Chang Hai's heart, he had to pick up the Yinsha Shura palm that conflicted with his original internal strength of his practice, which was also dangerous in the process of healing. If he hadn't had to do so today, he wouldn't dare to take the risk.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang can only use this method of alternating cold and hot to introduce the inner breath into An Yuchen's internal acupuncture point, use the domineering internal force to impact her blocked meridians, and build a temporary meridian channel from it, so as to delay An Yuchen's life. For Zhang After Zhang Yang clicked the governor's vein, he alternately pierced An Yuchen's Renmai acupoint with a golden needle. The fourteen acupuncture points of the Yinwei vein, when the thirty-two acupuncture points of the Yangwei vein were pierced, the fog on the top of Zhang Yang's head steamed, and all the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat. Like a boulder pressing on his chest, he may fall down at any time.

Zhang Yang Shuang pulled out a golden needle. This time, he did not stab An Yuchen, but his backhand into his sandalwood acupuncture point. The light in his eyes soared. Zhang Yang roared, and his hands twisted three golden needles to pierce An Yuchen's veins. This is the second time since Zhang Yang's rebirth that he has used the method of golden acupuncture points to stimulate his potential. Although this method can effectively improve his internal strength in a short time, the damage to the meridians is the greatest. If it hadn't been for An Yuchen's life, Zhang Yang would never have taken risks again! X