Medical official path

Chapter 466 On the Mystery of Taoism

After all the eight veins of the strange meridians were stabbed, Zhang Yang turned to An Yuchen's body, and a palm that condensed all the internal forces slowly fell on An Yuchen's Dantian. His internal force was injected into An Yuchen's Dantian like the Yangtze River. From An Yuchen's Dantian, he The dangerous moment is also the most painful moment for An Yuchen. An Yuchen's beautiful eyes are wide open, his lips have been biting and bleeding, and his lovely nose keeps moving because of the pain.

Zhang Yang's right palm was close to An Yuchen's soft and smooth lower abdomen, but there was no romantic idea in his mind. He felt that his internal force was rapidly declining. He pulled out the golden needle with his left hand and pierced into the Baihui acupoint, and the weakened internal force soared again.

An Yuchen felt as if her body had been torn into countless parts, and the pain was so painful that she almost fainted. But when the pain was extreme, she began to feel a trace of long-lost relaxation and pleasure.

Zhang Yang slowly withdrew his internal strength, put his hands weakly on the ground, and said weakly, "Come on, meditrate and adjust your breath according to the method I taught you..."

An Yuchen nodded, closed her beautiful eyes, and adjusted her breath according to the method given to her by Zhang Yang. The inner breath ran in Zhang Yang's hard-opened meridians, and the pain of running for a week slowed down a little. Three weeks later, An Yuchen was relieved and slowly opened his eyes. But he saw Zhang Yang leaning against the stone wall and looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

An Yuchen just realized that his upper body was still **. His face couldn't help blushing, and he said shyly and angrily, "Turn your face..."

Zhang Yang's eyes turned over at this time, ph! The ground spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell softly to the ground.

An Yuchen screamed when she saw the scene in front of her. She grabbed her clothes and put them on.

When Li Xinyi heard his granddaughter scream, he didn't care about the responsibility of protecting the law. He rushed in with an arrow step and said with concern, "What's wrong with you?" An Yuchen just put on his shirt, came to Zhang Yang in tears, picked him up from the ground, and sobbed, "Zhang Yang... Zhang Yang, wake up..."

Li Xinyi said in a hurry, "Don't touch him!" He came to Zhang Yang's side and touched Zhang Yang's vein. The two white eyebrows couldn't help condensing together. He pulled out the golden needle from Zhang Yang's chest, pulled out three golden needles above his head, and whispered, "The golden needle acupuncture point? I didn't expect this boy to do this?"

An Yuchen said with tears, "Taoist priest, how is he?"

Li Xinyi said, "Life should be fine, but..."

"But what?"

Li Xinyi said, "It should be a serious illness!" He asked An Yuchen to help Zhang Yang up, sat cross-legged behind Zhang Yang, latent internal force, and put his palms on Zhang Yang's back, trying to inject the internal force into Zhang Yang's body to help him guide the return to the source. However, as soon as his internal force was injected, he felt a cold breath poured into his merid He hurriedly turned back his hands, and his lips were already blue. He sighed strangely. At present, he did not dare to act rashly to Zhang Yang. After secretly adjusting his breath and dispelling the cold air on his body, he picked up Zhang Yang and put him on the soft mattress.

An Yuchen was extremely worried: "What should I do? What should I do? Otherwise, I will carry him down the mountain and go to the hospital for treatment.

Li Xinyi shook his head and said, "Only he can save him."

An Yuchen bit the cherry lips and couldn't stop crying: "Are we watching like this and doing nothing?"

Li Xinyi said, "Don't worry, he won't die. It's just that he's really angry. He should wake up after a break."

Zhang Yang slept for 15 hours. He didn't wake up until after two o'clock in the morning. He opened his eyes and found that he was still lying in the cave. A bonfire rose by the bud. An Yuchen looked at him with red and swollen eyes. Seeing Zhang Yang wake up, An Yuchen was surprised and said, "Wake He woke up!" Maybe he was too excited to recover and fainted.

Li Xinyi, who closed his eyes and walked over, got up and came over. He first looked at his grandson's daughter and knew that she fainted because she was too tired and too excited. It shouldn't be a big deal. He casually ordered her sleeping hole and let An Yuchen sleep well for a while.

Zhang Yang slowly sat up and felt the bones around him as if they were broken.

Li Xinyi held his shoulder, helped him lean on the stone wall, and sighed, "In the past, I only saw the method of golden needle piercing acupuncture points in classics, but I didn't expect that anyone in the world really understood it."

Zhang Yang smiled and didn't say anything. It's not that he didn't want to say it, but that he didn't have the strength to say it. The golden acupuncture point stimulated his own potential and caused great damage to his body. Zhang Daguan found that whenever his skills were about to fully recover, he would encounter twists and turns, and I don't know how long it would take for this heavy damage to recover.

Li Xinyi poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang took the thick porcelain bowl and drank all the hot tea. He felt that his energy had recovered a little. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's a blessing to be alive.

Li Xinyi said, "I have explored the meridians of the little demon. You use your internal force to pour the golden needle and penetrate her meridians. This power is unmatched in the world."

Zhang Yang said, "It's a pity that this is a stopgap measure. It won't take long for her meridians to face closure. It's like digging out a river, but the mud keeps growing every year. In less than a long time, the river will accumulate again."

Li Xinyi said, "Without you, I'm afraid the little demon is dead."

Zhang Yang said, "It's a kind of fate for us to meet. As her master, it is my responsibility to save her. I have promised An Lao that I will do my best to save her."

Li Xinyi nodded. He whispered, "The golden acupuncture point is extremely harmful to the body. Your meridians are seriously damaged. It may take a long time to recover. If during this period of time, the little demon unfortunately falls ill..."

Zhang Yang said, "So we can only pray to God that her next attack will be later and give me enough time to recover."

Li Xinyi said, "I just wanted to help you guide your qi back to the yuan, but it was invaded by a strange cold airflow. The inner breath of your body is extremely disordered. If you use the method of golden needle sting acupuncture points again, I'm afraid there will be a fear of going crazy."

Zhang Yang understood that what Li Xinyi said was the truth. He had already damaged the meridians by using the golden needle to save Wen Ling. This time, the public security Yuchen saved his meridians even worse. Another huge hidden danger is the yinsha Shura palm. He can use the internal force to alternate the method of internal cold and hot to induce Meridian, but for him as a practitioner, the damage he suffered is huge. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'll take a good rest for a while, and I should be able to recover." Even he himself has no update. He believes that he has been seriously damaged this time, and he doesn't know how many years it will take to fully recover.

Li Xinyi said, "The meridian of the little demon is a congenital defect. All the girls of the An family have this problem. Except for the little demon who is lucky enough to meet you to help her open up the meridians, all the other girls are natural."

Zhang Yang nodded. He heard from Mr. An about this.

Li Xinyi said, "Since I know about this matter, I have also thought of many ways, hoping to find a solution." He paused and said, "At the beginning, I also thought that as long as I used internal force to break through her meridians, I could cure her stubborn disease, but I thought that no one in the world had such strength. Now it seems that although you have such strength, such a method cannot eradicate hidden dangers. I finally understand that it is difficult to recover the innate shortcomings with an acquired method.

Zhang Yang was quite puzzled by the old Taoist priest's words. According to his meaning, isn't An Yuchen without medicine?

Li Xinyi said, "You can use your internal force to break through her meridians, which can relieve her for a while and can't be completely eradicated. The only radical cure is to rebuild new meridians in her body."

Zhang Yang didn't understand what Li Xinyi meant. He whispered, "Can President Li say it in more detail?"

Li Xinyi said, "Do you remember an iron box we dug in Zixiaguan once?"

Zhang Yang nodded. He still remembered that incident vividly. At that time, he was deeply curious about the iron box, but the old Taoist priest collected it as a treasure. As a bystander, it was naturally difficult for him to get to the bottom.

Li Xinyi said, "It is said that there is a kind of innate skill in our Taoism. Normal people must maintain the child's body when practicing innate skills. This skill is divided into nine layers. After practice, you can be appointed as the second vein of the governor, and you can reverse the meridians at will."

Zhang Yang said, "I have also heard of this kind of skill, but I don't seem to have heard of anyone who has practiced it."

Li Xinyi said, "I have never heard of those who practice innate skills in the Taoist sect! What is the reason for people's practice? I didn't understand the truth until I got the iron box.

Zhang Yang said curiously, "Is there a congenital skill in the iron box?"

Li Xinyi shook his head and said, "Although what is stored in the iron box is not innate kung fu, it has an extremely close relationship with innate kung fu."

Zhang Yang said, "What is it?"

Li Xinyi took out a roll of yellow map from his arms. The handwriting on the cover of the map was blurred. Li Xinyi said, "Heaven and earth, yin and yang, everything has a reason." He opened the first page, but it was a map of men and women.

Zhang's official was stunned. The old Taoist priest actually collected pictures of the Spring Palace, but immediately he felt that it was wrong. Li Xinyi should not be so boring.

Li Xinyi said: "Many Taoist sects practice innate skills, but few are successful. The reason is that most people are not that material. Those who practice innate heavenly skills must start to practice in their mother's body. That is to say, they began to practice from his mother, and his mother built a foundation from the time of pregnancy and was pregnant The blood is connected and the breath is connected. Others practice from childhood, while innate practitioners practice from pregnancy.

Zhang Yang nodded. The old Taoist priest talked about innate skills for a long time, but he didn't know what it had to do with An Yuchen's condition.

Li Xinyi said, "If you want to cure the little demon's condition, you must let her body rebuild the new bloodline. The only way is for her to be pregnant."

At first glance, Li Xinyi's words are a fantasy, but after careful consideration, his words are very reasonable. When a woman is pregnant, her blood is connected with the friend's dagger, and countless new bloodlines give birth to new life, which is very ordinary for others, but it is a natural peace language. For the morning, it is a great opportunity.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and whispered, "Do you mean that only when the little demon can get married and have children as soon as possible can there be a glimmer of vitality?"

Li Xinyi said, "Her physique is very different from others, so the marriage partner is also extremely harsh." He closed the scroll and said, "This is the double practice of Taoism. I hope it can help the little demon. You can give it to her for me."

Zhang Guanren smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't you give it to her by yourself?"

Li Xinyi said, "I'm not suitable."

Is it appropriate for Zhang Guan Ren Ren to say that I am suitable? At least I also have the title of a master.

Li Xinyi said, "If you can save her, you can only rely on fate!" He looked at his granddaughter's pale and fair face and sighed, "This child is so pitiful. I hope she can find her home!" After saying that, the old Taoist priest got up and left the cave.

Zhang Yang put the scroll aside, sat up cross-legged, began to adjust his breath, and straightened out the scattered internal forces in his body. This time, the damage of the meridians was much heavier than that of the rescue of Wen Ling. Zhang Yang complained secretly in his heart. It seems that there will be a period of time when he can't act recklessly.

An Yuchen woke up and saw the sun shining through the mouth of the cave at the top of the cave. It should have been noon the next day.

Zhang Yang sat cross-legged beside her, motionless. An Yuchen stretched out his hand worriedly, poked into his nose, and was sure that his breathing was even. Then he was relieved. His eyes fell on the map on Zhang Yang's knees. He stretched out and turned over. When he saw the content, he couldn't help blushing. In his heart, he secretly scolded Zhang Yang's thick-

Coincidentally, he opened his eyes at this time.

An Yuchen was scared to meet his eyes! The ground screamed.

When Zhang Yang saw the map in her hand, he also looked a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "The old Taoist priest gave it to you, which was a must-read for newlyweds in ancient times!"

An Yuchen blushed more and more fiercely, and whispered, "He is a monk. Why is he so old and dishonest? E