Medical official path

Chapter 492 Can't afford to hurt 2

Qin Zhenyuan went out with his father. As soon as they came out, they heard an exclamation. A short figure rushed out of Chun Zhenyuan's room, followed by his wife Li Hongmei, covering her wrists and chasing them out. A bloody mouth was bitten on her wrists.

Seeing Qin Zhenyuan and Qin Hongjiang coming out, Qin Huan trembled with fear and tripped out of balance and fell to the ground. Qin Hongjiang rushed up with an arrow and picked up Qin Huan, but unexpectedly bit him on his arm. Qin Hongjiang seemed not to feel pain. He hugged Qin Huan tightly, and his eyes actually It's a little wet: "Little er... Xiaohuan, don't be afraid, I'm you... Grandpa..."

Qin Huan was stunned by his grandfather's words and finally loosened his mouth, but Qin Hongjiang's arm had been bitten and bleeding by him.

Li Hongmei followed and said angrily, "This child is really ung upbred. Is he born in the year of the dog..." Before he finished speaking, he saw his father-in-law Qin Hongjiang looking at her angrily and shouted, "Get out of here..."

Li Hongmei didn't understand how her words provoked him, but she knew her husband's father's temper. Her aggrieved eyes turned red, and she turned back to the room with tears.

Qin Huan said angrily, "You lied to me. You are not my grandfather. You are all bad people..."

Qin Zhenyuan said, "Xiaohuan" We didn't lie to you. I'm your uncle. "This is your grandfather..."

Qin Huan shook his head hard. Although he was young, he remembered what his mother said. He couldn't trust anyone except his godfather. He tried his best to get rid of Qin Hongjiang's hands: "Let go of me..."

Qin Hongjiang looked at the child who was full of resistance to himself in front of him, and his heart was really complicated. In fact, Qin Huan was his grandson, and the only grandson "Qin Hongjiang had always wanted to have a son", but the rest of the three sons were all daughters, which made Chun Hongjiang, who favored sons over daughters, always Zi Qin Zhendong raped Qin Mengmeng because of drunkenness. Qin Mengmeng ran away from home. Qin Hongjiang did not know the existence of Qin Huan at the beginning. It was not until later that he knew that Qin Mengmeng was pregnant and gave birth to a son. Life is always sad and moody. Even Qin Hongjiang, a veteran who has been In the face of this family storm, his son died. Was he killed by Qin Mengmeng? If the murderer is really cute, how will he face it? Looking at Qin Huan's simple and clear tears and the child's frightened expression like an injured bird, Qin Hongjiang's heart tightened. No matter what, they should not let Qin Huan suffer too much damage, nor should they let Qin Huan's young heart be hurt.

Qin Hongjiang whispered, "Xiaohuan, we are all your relatives." We are not bad people. Don't worry, your mother will come to see you soon..."

Zou Huan shook his head hard, but his stomach purred because of hunger.

Qin Hongjiang sighed and said to Qin Zhenyuan, "Get something delicious for Xiaohuan..."


When Zhang Yang rode the small pedal to Qin Mengmeng's community, there were still a lot of people around the scene. Zhang Yang stopped the small pedal, separated the crowd and squeezed in. He was stopped by a police inspector head-on: "Comrade" We are handling the case. Please lean back and don't hinder your official business!"

Zhang Yang said, "My son is in it." I have to see him!"


Zhang's official is in a hurry now. How can he have so much patience to explain to this little police inspector. He pushed the police inspector and strode to the door of the unit. Several police inspectors saw that the momentum was not good and surrounded them one by one.

Cheng Zhiwei, the director of the sub-bureau, was at the scene. When he saw Zhang Yang coming out, he couldn't help screaming for trouble. Cheng Zhiwei had a deep understanding of this man's ability to cause trouble. He hurried over and stopped his men." He came to Zhang Yang and said, "What's wrong? What are you doing here..."

Zhang Yang said, "You handle your case, I'm looking for my people!" He didn't have time to explain with Cheng Zhiwei. He strode to Chun Mengmeng's house. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be stunned when he came to Chun Mengmeng's door. The door was wide open. Judging from the situation of the door lock, the door was forced to open. Zhang Yang's heart suddenly sank. He

No one responded to him in the room.

Cheng Zhiwei and Liang United followed in. Cheng Zhiwei said, "Zhang Yang, you look for that child..."

Zhang Yang nodded: "You've seen..."

Liang Lian said, "Zhang Yang, do you know the whereabouts of Chun Mengmeng?"

Zhang Yang's two sword eyebrows suddenly frowned. He was full of doubt and said, "So many police inspectors have come here to find Qin Mengmeng? What happened to her..." Qin Mengmeng said very vaguely on the phone just now, and Zhang Yang didn't know what had happened to her.

Cheng Zhiwei said, "Qin Zhendong is dead!" He pointed to the building opposite him: "In the room he rented, someone shot three times into his heart, and the gun was stained with Qin Mengmeng's fingerprints. In the afternoon, someone saw that their brother and sister had a quarrel..."

Thinking of the phone call Qin Mengmeng called her just now, Zhang Yang suddenly realized something. He whispered, "You suspect that Qin Mengmeng killed her own brother..."

Liang Union said, "From the current situation, she is indeed the biggest suspect..."

Zhang Yang said, "I haven't seen her!"

Cheng Zhiwei said, "Zhang Yang, please cooperate with our work. What is your relationship with Qin Mengmeng? Why did you come here..."

Zhang Yang said, "The problem with your police is to doubt everything," you know? Before there is no evidence, don't catch the wind. I don't know Qin Zhendong. My relationship with Qin Mengmeng is very simple. My friend, she is my mother's goddaughter, and Qin Huan is my goddaughter. It's that simple. Now it's your turn to tell me where you got my goddaughter

Cheng Zhiwei and Liang Union looked at each other. Cheng Zhiwei said, "Commander Qin's family has been here, and they took Qin Huan away..."

Zhang Yang pointed to the door and said, "This door was kicked open. Why don't you care..."

Liang Union said, "How can we take care of other people's housework..."

Zhang Yang nodded with hatred and turned around and walked out of the door.

In the evening, the capital was cloudy, and the sky finally couldn't stand the accumulation of more and more clouds, and the raindrops fell.

Luo Huining picked up a pig's trotter for his son and said with a smile, "Eat more, you've lost weight recently..."

Wen Haonan smiled. When he was about to eat, Luo Huining said, because she saw a drop of blood on the cuff of her son's shirt.

Wen Haonan realized something from his mother's eyes. He lowered his head and saw the drop of blood. He couldn't help but be shocked, but his expression did not show any panic, but frowned: "The weather has been too dry recently, and I have nosebleeds today..." He stood up and said, "Mom, I'm going

Luo Huining nodded.

After a while, Wen Haonan changed into a black T-shirt and walked down and threw the changed shirt directly into the trash can.

Luo Huining said, "If your father sees it, you have to say that you are wasted.

Wen Haonan said, "It's good that Dad is not at home..."

Luo Huining sighed and said, "Your child has had this problem since he was a child. He pursues perfection in everything he does. Even if there is a little flaw, you will not be satisfied..."

Wen Haonan said, "I accidentally fell into a stinky puddle when I was five years old. Since then, a shadow has fallen in my heart. I hate to see dirty things..."

Luo Huining said, "So as long as your clothes are a little tattered, you will throw them away. Your toy is just missing a part, and you will also throw it into the garbage. I remember I bought a fish tank for you and your sister, and your fish tank was empty." You broke the fish tank, and I beat you hard for that. Your father thought you were spoiled by me, but I know that you have left a shadow in your heart since you were a child. You pursue perfection too much, Haonan. In fact, there is a saying that I have long wanted to tell you that there is nothing perfect in the world..."

Wen Haonan nodded and said, "Mom, I used to believe that there would be two words perfect in the world, but now I don't believe it. In fact, incompleteness is also a kind of beauty."

Luo Huining laughed and said, "You child, like a philosopher today, your mouth is full of great truth..."

Wen Haonan said, "Mom, I don't want to stay in the army anymore..."

Luo Huining was slightly stunned: "Why..." My son has a bright future in the army. Why did he suddenly give up?

Wen Haonan said: "I have been in the army for so many years, and I feel boring about everything. I have completely lost interest in the career I am engaged in now. I want to change the environment..."

Luo Huining said, "You want to..."

Wen Haonan smiled and said, "I'm actually quite envious of Zhang Yang..."

When it comes to Zhang Yang and Luo Huining, she can't help laughing." She whispered, "You can't learn his nature. Re-entering to a place is a major event related to your future. Well, let's wait for me to discuss it with your father before making a decision..."