Medical official path

Chapter 493 Reincarnation 2

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "She accompanied your godmother to Beiyuan and will be back in two days. Don't worry..."

Qin Huan carefully entered the pool: "Dad, you didn't lie to me..."

Zhang Yang said, "When did Dad lie to you?" He took off his clothes, and Qin Huan saw the wound on his shoulder: "Dad, you're hurt..."

Zhang Yang looked at the wound on his shoulder. This was caused by Qin Zhentang's shot just now. Qin Zhentang just wanted to deter him. The shot did not hurt his bones. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay, the skin injury is like being bitten by a mosquito. It doesn't hurt at all..." Although the wound of this Burning pain.

He Chang'an's voice sounded from behind: "The wound should be treated in time. In case of infection, it will be troublesome!" He put aside the medicine box, took off his bathrobe, walked into the pool, and soaked it in the pool. Looking at Qin Huan opposite him, he smiled kindly and said, "Children, what's your name..." In fact, he knew it for a long time, but he just deliberately asked to tease Qin Huan.

Qin Huan blinked his bright big eyes, and his thin body shrank in the water, revealing only a big head. He Chang'an felt a little strange and full of vigilance.

He Chang'an smiled and said, "You're afraid of me. Don't be afraid. Your father and I are your best friends..."

Chunhuan looked at Zhang Yang and seemed to be asking for his opinion. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes, your grandpa He has a good relationship with me." Good friend..." As he said, he took care of the wound.

Qin Huan whispered, "Qin Huan! Qin in the Qin Dynasty, the joy of joy..."

"Good name! How old are you?" He Chang'an took the opportunity to get closer to Qin Huan.

Qin Huan squeezed her lips and said, "Six years old! I'm about to go to school..."

Looking at Chunhuan's simple little face, He Chang'an suddenly felt a kind of hidden feeling. The child was innocent. He stretched out his hand and gently touched the top of Qin Huan's head, but Qin Huan was a little scared. He shrank back, dodged He Chang'an's truding, and then stood up.

He Chang'an smiled, but when he saw the Ping'an Buddha hanging on Qin Huan's neck, his smile suddenly condensed on his face. He blinked hard and approached Qin Huan to see the little jade Buddha.

Qin Huan was scared by He Chang'an's expression and retreated in horror: "Tea...tea..."

Zhang Yang was also stunned. He came over in a hurry and saw He Chang'an's eyes staring at the Ping'an Buddha on Qin Huan's neck. He stretched out his hand and his fingers kept trembling: "Little alas... You... Can you show me... Look at this jade Buddha..."

Zhang Yangxin said that He Chang'an was greedy enough. When he saw a piece of jade, he was excited to look like this.

Qin Huan hesitated for a moment and nodded. He took off the jade Buddha and handed it to He Chang'an.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle He, don't just look at the jade and scare the child..." He knew that He Chang'an likes to collect. Is the Ping'an Buddha worn by Chunhuan also a treasure?

He Chang'an looked at the jade Buddha, and his whole body seemed to be stupid. He slowly shook his head, and his eyes turned red. He was so excited and said, "Little alas... Little alas... Who gave you this jade Buddha..."

Qin Huan was a little scared. He held Zhang Yang's hand and calmed down a little. Then he whispered, "My mother, my mother said that she had been wearing it since she was a child, saying that this Buddha could bless me..."

He Chang'an held the jade Buddha and walked out of the pool in a daze. After putting on the bathrobe, I left the bathroom.

Zhang Yang looked at it inexplicably and said to himself, what kind of help did Chang'an get? Why did it behave so abnormally after seeing this jade Buddha?

Qin Huan whispered, "Dad, Grandpa He took my jade Buddha away..."

Zhang Yang had never seen He Chang'an so gaffe. He vaguely realized what must have happened in it, and comforted Chunhuan and said, "It's okay!" Helping Qin Huan wash his body, the two put on the bathrobe prepared by He Chang'an for them and came out.

He Chang'an sat in the living room. His expression had regained his calmness just now, but Zhang Yang still sensed some abnormalities in his eyes. When He Chang'an saw them coming out, he stood up with a smile: "The meal is ready. Xiaohuan is hungry..."

Chunhuan nodded. In fact, the poor child has been hungry for a day.

Zhang Yang remembered what happened today and asked He Chang'an to take Qin Huan to dinner first. He came to the huā garden outside and dialed Xing Chaohui's phone number. There is a reason why Zhang Yang came to Xing Chaohui. Cheng Zhiwei is in charge of Qin Mengmeng's case. If he wants to get the specific progress of the case from his mouth, he must go through his old comrade-in-arms Xing Chaohui. Another reason is Xie Chaohui's national security identity. If Guoan can help him investigate this matter After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Xing Chaohui complained, "You are really troublesome. What kind of person is Commander Qin? You dare to get in his family's affairs!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's too late to say this now. Not only have I been mixed up, but I also went to his house to snatch Qin Huan out..."

Xie Chaohui said, "Zhang Yang, I don't care what you have done, but now if you are smart, stop as soon as possible and send the child back to the Qin family. He is the grandson of Commander Chun. He will not embarrass a child. What do you do with it..."

Zhang Yang said angrily, "You didn't see that family. They didn't treat Chunhuan as a farewell at all." The reason why he was to take him back was to use Qin Huan to attract Qin Mengmeng out..."

Xie Chaohui said, "This matter is very troublesome. In the case of Chun Zhendong's death, Qin Mengmeng is the biggest suspect." Don't get in it. It's not good for you..."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't plan to be in it, but anyone who wants to bully my son can't..."

"You'd better think about it..."

He Chang'an looked at Qin Huan kindly." He whispered, "Eat it..."

Qin Huan looked at He Chang'an timidly and felt that he was still a little strange to this person. He was so hungry that he couldn't stand the seductive aroma of the food. Finally, he picked up the rice bowl and ate it.

He Chang'an looked at Qin Huan's devouring, and suddenly there was an indescribable sourness in his heart. Seeing a grain of rice stained on Qin Huan's little face, He Chang'an stretched out his hand to erase it for him.

Qin Huan quickly shrank back warily. He Chang'an looked at the frightened child. Tears almost didn't come out. He squeezed out a smile and said, "Xiao Huan, don't be afraid... Take your time..."

Qin Huan accidentally choked, and He Chang'an hurried to pour water for him.

Zhang Yang returned to the living room and saw He Chang'an's nervous and concerned appearance from afar. He was stunned again. In his impression, He Chang'an had never shown such warmth. Could it be that Chunhuan's misfortune aroused his deep pity?


After Zhang Yang coaxed Qin Huan to sleep, He Chang'an crept in. He carefully put the Ping'an Buddha on Qin Huan's pillow and stared at Qin Huan's little face for a long time. Zhang Yang made a gesture to him, and the two quietly retreated.

He Chang'an pointed to his study.

Zhang Yang came to the study with He Chang'an. He Chang'an's performance tonight was quite strange, but it was not convenient for Zhang Yang to ask.

The two sat down in front of the tea sea. He Chang'an poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yang, picked up the tea cup and took a sip and said, "Zhang Yang, is there any news about Qin Mengmeng..."

Zhang Yang shook his head and quietly observed He Chang'an's expression. It can be seen that He Chang'an is trying his best to disguise his calmness. However, his tangled and complicated eyes still exposed his tension and concern. Zhang Yang deliberately sighed and said, "The evidence currently available to the police is very unfavorable to her. The pistol that killed Qin Zhendong is covered with her fingerprints, and her vegetable basket is still in the room. Someone also saw that she and Qin Zhendong had a quarrel downstairs, and then they entered the unit where the accident happened.

He Chang'an said, "Do you really believe that Qin Mengmeng killed Qin Zhendong? Kill her big brother..."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Qin Mengmeng was going to buy vegetables at that time, and Xiaohuan had not eaten at home. Her encounter with Qin Zhendong must have been unexpected. According to my analysis, it should be that Zuo Zhendong found her. As for why the brother and sister quarreled, I don't know. Maybe I can only ask the person concerned..."

He Chang'an said, "Even if the two brothers and sisters quarrel, they won't make it to the point of killing people. Qin Mengmeng has any reason to shoot her eldest brother. Why does she hate her brother so much..."

Zhang Yang looked at He Chang'an with deep meaning and said, "Uncle He, there are only two of us here. I don't want to beat around the bush..."

He Chang'an nodded and said, "I don't like to beat around the bush either, you say it!"

Zhang Yang said, "When you told me about Wen Haonan and Qin Mengmeng, you didn't go out for a certain purpose..."

He Chang'an didn't say anything. He pulled out a cigar and lit it. He took two mouthfuls. His face was shrouded in the smoke.

Zhang Yang said, "You deliberately revealed to me that Chun Mengmeng has an illegitimate child. You want to tell the Wen family through me, because you want to destroy the relationship between Wen Haonan and Qin Mengmeng..."