Medical official path

Chapter 494 Family Ugliness 2

He Chang'an, who has always been calm, can't help but lose his calmness now. He has always been worried about chaos. After knowing that Qin Mengmeng is his daughter, He Chang'an is also obviously in a mess.

Compared with He Chang'an, Zhang Yang is much calmer. Judging from the evidence now, as long as Qin Mengmeng falls into the hands of the police, it will be difficult for her to get out of the predicament. All the evidence is unfavorable to her. She is the biggest suspect in the murder of Qin Zhendong. It is impossible for the Qin family to ignore Qin Zhendong's death, and they will definitely pursue this matter.

He Chang'an said, "I will mobilize everyone to find Mengmeng. I must stop her before she surrenders!"

Zhang Yang said, "The capital is so big, where are you going to find her? Now no one else knows about your relationship with her. I think it's better not to expose this matter first. If the Qin family knows about it, it will be more troublesome.

He Chang'an said angrily, "Other people are afraid of the Qin family. I'm not afraid. At worst, both sides will be defeated. What's wrong with my daughter? I'll let all the people of the old Chun family be buried with them!" He Chang'an, who had always been calm, was also full of violence when he started his fire.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Fly with the military, no matter how rich you are, you have no chance of winning. The biggest advantage now is that they are in the light and you are in the dark. They don't know the relationship between you and Mengmeng. Mengmeng hasn't been arrested yet. We still hope to find her before the police investigation.

He Chang'an said, "Zhang Yang, I only have one daughter. I owe her too much. You must help me. No matter how much it is, I don't care. Even if I exchange my life for it, I won't frown!"

Zhang Yang whispered, "Poor parents in the world." Meng Meng entrusted Qin Huan to me. She thought that I would take good care of Qin Huan, so she was relieved to turn herself in and go to the police station to make this matter clear. We must find a way for her to take the initiative to contact me."

He Chang'an blinked his eyes. He was so shrewd that he immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Yang's words and whispered, "You mean to let Mengmeng know that something happened to Xiaohuan?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "We will spread the news of Xiaohuan's disappearance. It should not be difficult to do this with your ability."

He Chang'an's face showed a trace of joy, and Zhang Yang's mind was really flexible. If Qin Mengmeng knew the news of her son's disappearance, she would be nervous and worried. She would change the idea of surrendering herself. Qin Mengmeng would definitely take the initiative to ask Zhang Yang about Qin Huan's whereabouts.

He Chang'an said, "I will broadcast the news immediately. Guangbo, TV, newspapers, leaflets, and all the advertising screens in the capital will be full of Xiaohuan's missing information." He thought of another thing: "The sailing update group provides text, and the medical official road bar is the first release. Mengmeng will look for you, but in this way, the police inspector and the Qin family will also keep an eye on you.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Then let's see who is smarter!"

Qin Mengmeng sat in the taxi. She looked at the rain outside the window of the car and fell on the window. She let the silk autumn rain fall on her beautiful face and took a breath of air. Maybe after entering the police station, there was no such opportunity again.

A message was suddenly interrupted on the radio - now an emergency revelation is interrupted. This morning, a six-year-old boy was lost in Jinheyuan Community, wearing a green coat, blue trousers, gray travel shoes, about one meter tall, thin, named Qin Huan. If citizens see a boy who meets the characteristics Please make a weak call...

When Qin Mengmeng heard her son's name, her face suddenly changed. She said sharply, "Stop!"

The driver was so scared that he stepped on the brake. Qin Mengmeng hurriedly took out the fare from his wallet and gave it to the driver, and then pushed the door and rushed down in the rain. She never thought that she had entrusted Qin Huan to Zhang Yang. Within a few hours, Zhang Yang lost him. Qin Mengmeng was extremely nervous, and she regarded her son as more important than her own life.

She had seen the golden policeman Wei Chun Mengmeng shaking her head in front of the public security bureau opposite. She gave up the idea of surrender. If there was no news of her son, she could not surrender at ease in any case.

Qin Mengmeng ran to the nearest public phone booth in the rain. She picked up the phone and found that the phone was damaged. Qin Mengmeng angrily dropped the receiver on the phone, left the public phone booth and ran to the phone booth across the road. Maybe she was too anxious to walk, and her wallet fell to the ground.

Qin Mengmeng didn't notice it and still walked into the phone booth. She dialed Zhang Yang's mobile phone, and Zhang Yang answered the phone as soon as possible.

Qin Mengmeng cried and questioned, "Why did you lose Xiaohuan?"

Zhang Yang said, "Xiao Huan is fine. If not, how can I contact you?"

"Really?" Qin Mengmeng's mood at this moment was full of ups and downs, and she asked with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why did I lie to you? Xiao Huan is really fine. I'll settle him in a very safe place. Don't worry!"

Qin Mengmeng was a little relieved and whispered, "Is it really okay?"

"It's okay! Where are you? There are some things I have to say to you face to face.

Qin Mengmeng said, "In the public chat booth outside the police station." While talking, she looked outside and saw a police inspector coming to her position. Qin Mengmeng suddenly became nervous. She said in a trembling voice, "A police inspector came towards me!"

Zhang Yang's heart sank and whispered, "Don't panic, don't look at him, and keep calling you."

Qin Mengmeng turned around, but soon there was a sound of knocking on the glass outside the public chat booth. The police inspector had come outside, and he knocked on the glass door of the public chat booth.

Qin Mengmeng said nervously, "What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "Is he the only one?"

Qin Mengmeng said, "He is the only one!"

Zhang Yang said, "You go out to him with a smile. Don't forget to lower your chest and make it bigger. While he looks at you, kick his lower yin fiercely. He will definitely bend down in pain. You hit his jaw with your knees when he bends!"

Qin Mengmeng hesitated and said, "But..."

Zhang Yang said, "Nothing, but if you still want to see Xiaohuan, you can't be caught by the police. Do you still want Xiaohuan?"

Qin Mengmeng nodded vigorously.

Zhang Yang said, "Remember my words, go out with a smile, and then give him a fierce blow. After getting rid of his entanglement, he fled all the way to the west and find a safe place to hide. I'll pick you up now!"

Qin Mengmeng hung up the phone, frowned with some embarrassment, unbuttoned the buttons on her chest, and exposed her snow-white and pink chest as much as possible. Then she turned around, with a faint smile on her face and pushed open the glass door of the public booth. The policeman's eyes were suddenly half exposed by Attracted, he seemed to forget the original purpose of his coming, and stared at Qin Mengmeng's pink neck and crisp chest.

Qin Mengmeng suddenly straightened his chest. While the policeman was out of his mind, he raised his right leg and kicked the lower yin of the policeman. The police inspector did not expect that the other party would suddenly attack him at all. He was kicked by Qin Mengmeng and screamed in pain. After bowing down, Qin Mengmeng bent her knees and put all her strength on his jaw. Qin Mengmeng is a female soldier. She has received some fighting training in the past. Now with the guidance of Zhang Daguan, a master, she is even more like a tiger adding wings.

The police inspector was hit twice in a row and suddenly lost his ability to resist. He fell softly on the wet ground, and a thing in his hand fell aside, but it was Qin Mengmeng's wallet. He kindly sent Qin Mengmeng's wallet.

After Qin Mengmeng knocked down the police inspector, she knew that she might be too nervous to walk. She picked up her wallet on the ground and didn't forget to say sorry, and then ran in the direction of the west.

It took a long time for the police to slow down and took out the walkie-talkie to call for rescue.

Perhaps because of the rainy day, the taxi business is particularly hot. Chunmeng recommended that he ran nearly 500 meters along the road without stopping a taxi.

At the same time, the police also received the news that the pursuit team led by Liang Union, the deputy director of the sub-bureau, quickly assembled and set out. According to the situation they knew, Chun Mengmeng had just appeared outside the sub-bureau. She actually knocked down a police inspector and fled under the eyes of the police inspector, which was simply The great irony of unification.


Qin Mengmeng heard the rapid siren in the distance. She stretched out her arm helplessly, but taxis flew past her. No car meant to stop, so Qin Mengmeng was almost desperate. She rushed into the roadside public phone booth and dialed Zhang Yang's phone again: "Brother, I can't escape..."

Zhang Yang heard the sound of the siren from the receiver of his mobile phone. He comforted in a low voice, "Don't be afraid! I will definitely be able to save you!"

Qin Mengmeng cried. There were too many things she couldn't let go of. She hadn't done her duty as a mother, and she hadn't seen her son grow up.

Hearing Qin Mengmeng's crying, Zhang Yang's heart was cut like a knife. He shouted, "Don't worry, I will definitely save you!"