Medical official path

Chapter 506 It's Good to be alive Next

Gu Yunzhi wore a blue sun hat on his head, a dark blue moving suit, holding fishing gear in his hand and a plastic bucket in the other hand. He went out to go fishing and saw Zhang Yang lying here. Gu Guangzhi smiled and said, "I came all the way from Jiangcheng to bask in the sun. You are so leisurely."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm actually here to see you!"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Okay, I've been at home alone these two days. I'm very lonely. Let's go fishing with me!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll drive you there!"

Gu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "No, walk over there. It's not far ahead. Life lies in transportation. For my age, I can't move even if I want to move now."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Uncle Gu, you are old and strong. I feel that you are much younger than the last time I saw you."

Gu Yun knew: "After staying in the officialdom for a long time, your true temperament has also begun to change. You didn't say a few words, so you flattered. You can't help it!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Uncle Gu has been in this dyeing vat for a long time, and his behavior has unconsciously stained with the habits of officialdom. Do you have a sense of intimacy when you see me like this and hear me talking like this? Do you feel a little nostalgic?

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said nothing. His stride was very large. Although Gu Yunzhi had retired, Zhang Yang still maintained considerable respect, fell about half a step behind him, and followed him step by step. Although there is not much communication between Zhang Yang and Gu Yunzhi, he has always had an indescribable admiration and respect for Gu Yunzhi, which even surpasses Song Huaiming. Compared with Qiao Zhenliang, the current secretary of the provincial party committee, Gu Guangzhi gives people the feeling that it is not so easy to approach, but Zhang Yang still feels that Gu Yunzhi is closer.

The two walked more than a mile to a small river covered by the forest. The autumn woods were colorful, and the river was also rendered colorful. Gu Yunzhi chose a good place, put down the bucket, took out his fishing gear, and began to bolt the line.

Zhang Yang squatted aside to help him.

Gu Yun knows: "There is also a hand pole, you can also play for a while!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll watch you fish. I'm impatient and can't sit still!"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "It's very safe to sit in Fengze. It feels good to be the county magistrate!"

Zhang Guanren smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Gu, don't be humbled. I can't even rank in the top five in Fengze."

Gu Yunzhi tied the thread, threw the bait into the river, sat on the pony, and stared at the river with his eyes focused.

Zhang Yang sat down on the grass beside him, with his feet coiled together.

Gu Yun knew, "What's the matter with coming to Dongjiang?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Tomorrow, Zeng Liping, the daughter of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, will get married. I will come to the wedding specially."

Gu Yunzhi said, "If you don't say it, I almost forgot. Lao Zeng also called me. If you help me bring the gift money later, I won't go."

Zhang Yang said, "Why don't you go? Do you really want to be isolated from the world?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "That's not true. I often go to the calligraphy and painting academy chess academy, and I often have contact with these colleagues, but I don't want to go to such a busy occasion. When I go there, I have to spare time to receive me. Many old colleagues and subordinates in the past have to think about how The leader makes others flatter me hypocritically. I'm uncomfortable, and they are also uncomfortable. Why do you make yourself unhappy and make it difficult for others to do it?

Zhang Yang secretly admired Gu Yunzhi's wisdom. He smiled and said, "Why do I listen to you insinuating me? I really can't change it now. I'm used to it." He pretended to be surprised and said, "In the past, when you didn't retreat, in fact, I often patted my horse in front of you." Why didn't you say it? Now it's about me instead."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "In the past, when I was in the position of the Book of the Provincial Party Committee, I heard flattery all day long. You may have said some flattery, but my ears were numb and I couldn't hear it at all. Now I have retreated, and there are fewer people flattering, and

The two laughed together, and Zhang Yang laughed loudly.

Gu Yunzhi stared at him and said, "Be quiet, don't scare my fish away!"

Zhang Yang closed his mouth, and after a while, he couldn't help saying, "Uncle Gu, do you remember Xu Changde's case?"

Gu Yunzhi nodded. Of course, he remembered that it was Zhang Yang who gathered the criminal evidence of Xu Changde. In order to destroy the evidence, Xu Changde instructed Fang Dexin, the director of the Dongjiang Public Security Bureau at that time, to stop Zhang Yang. On the way to send the evidence to himself, Zhang Yang also encountered an explosion in the tea Thinking of the past, Gu Yunzhi's calm heart lake couldn't help fluctuating a little. At this time, the scum floated and sank, and finally pulled it down. Gu Yunzhi shook the pole, and a two-inch-long scale fish left the river.

Zhang Yang went over to help remove the fish from the hook. Looking at the little fish, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Gu Shuji, your fishing line is long enough, but the fish you caught is too small.

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "There are few big fish in this little Hanoi. The biggest fish I caught is only a python weighing eight taels, but these small fish are wild and there is no pollution. Whether it is fried or soup, it tastes delicious. At noon, I will cook it for you in person!" When he said this, Gu Yunzhi suddenly remembered that before Xu Changde had an accident, he had gone to his house for dinner. At that time, he once thought of the words that governing a big country was like cooking a small dish. Although he was a frighteous chef, he had always mastered the political heat quite accurately, and Xu Changde, on the contrary, although "Descary disease suddenly" But if it hadn't been for this accident, his political career would have come to an end, and his end would be even more bleak.

Zhang Yang put the little fish in the iron tube and watched the little fish swim around. He whispered, "Xu Jiayong is dead!"

Gu Yunzhi was tucking the bait on the hook. Hearing the news, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Then he continued to tie the bait and put the bait into the heart of the river again. His eyes returned to the usual ancient well. He whispered, "It's a pity that he is

Zhang Yang said, "He blamed my father's death on me and has been pestering me all the time. He wants me to spend my life in pain."

Gu Yunzhi smiled indifferently and said, "In fact, death is not the most terrible!"

Zhang Yang nodded: "His madness scares me. I'm not afraid that he will deal with me. I'm afraid that he will deal with my relatives, my friend!"

Gu Yun knew, "Are you telling me that his death has something to do with you?" Zhang Yang was silent. After a while, he said, "I forced him to take action. I angered him step by step, forced him to lose his composure, and forced him to take action against me. He finally couldn't stand it and hired a killer to kill me... So..."

Gu Yun knew: "You have raised the deadline for his hate attack!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I'm wondering if I should give him another chance to repent."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "This sentence makes me believe that you are a kind person!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm a contradictory person!"

obscurity is very contradictory. You are like this, I am like this, and everyone is like this. Even when the most heroic martyrs go to the execution ground, their hearts are full of contradictions, and people face choices all the time in their lives.

Zhang Yang asked for advice: "Gu Shuji, what will you do when you face a choice in your life?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Before I leave, when I face a choice, the first thing that comes to mind is the interests of the country. Anything that violates the interests of the country and the interests of the people is something I can't tolerate and won't do. Don't laugh at what I said with a high-sounding view." In fact Contradiction and hesitation, living itself is a nose of happiness. What else can I complain about?

Zhang Yang looked at Gu Yunzhi silently. Gu Yunzhi raised his pole and complained, "I just care about talking to you, and I don't even know if the fish bites the hook!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Aren't you no longer complaining?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "It's a kind of happiness that someone can complain!" He tied the bait again: "If you look at the problem from another angle, there will always be something to gain."

Gu Guangzhi had a good harvest this morning. Although he didn't catch any big fish, the small fish added up to more than three catties. It's just that it's obviously not enough to eat fish. Zhang's official is not idle. He caught a few pebbles and practiced his finger magic skills and hit two pheasants.

At noon, Gu Yunzhi and Zhang Yang returned to the villa. Although Gu Yunzhi refused the provincial care and did not want to live in the family home of the provincial party committee, Gu Jiatong specially hired a chef and a nanny for the convenience of his father's life. Gu Yunzhi recently learned cooking skills, but he also made rapid progress and was a master It's natural to cook fresh food.

The lunch that day was made by Gu Yunzhi himself. Some of the fish were fried, some were made into soup, and a pheasant from Zhang Yang was stewed.

Gu Jiatong has a lot of wine. In the past, this villa was the place where she and Zhang Yang often rendezvoused. Zhang's official was easy to drink, and Jiatong naturally did what he liked. Later, Gu Yunzhi moved here and hid a lot of wine. Gu Yunzhi opened a bottle of Maotai and drank it with Zhang Yang

Although he retired, Gu Yunzhi is still concerned about the development of Jiangcheng. He asked several questions of interest, including the construction of Jiangcheng New Airport. I heard that all the funds for the construction of Jiangcheng New Airport have been in place, and the infrastructure project is in full swing. Gu Yunzhi expressed his gratifying that he said to Zhang Yang: " Only by building roads from the airport to nearby provinces and cities and establishing fast lanes can we give full play to the greatest regional advantages and make Jiangcheng the real core of the northern part of Pinghai.

Zhang Yang said, "When I go back, I will definitely convey it to Du Shuji."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "You and Du Tianye really have nothing to do with each other. With such a big project as the new airport, he dares to press the treasure on you. There must be a lot of pressure."

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Gu, this new airport is not a good job. When I decided to build the new airport, the capital problem was not implemented at all, and the province did not state that it would take Jiangcheng New Airport as a key project. Du Shuji wanted to build me up with empty gloves and white wolves, but I didn't If you want to take the call, there's nothing you can do. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Politically, it's not just about daring to fight. Those who open up the territory may not be able to govern this territory well. Your fire is still lacking. You need people like you to start the construction of a new airport, but if you want to build a new airport well, it

Zhang Yang nodded sincerely and said, "You still know me. I'm really not a management material, so I invited Chang Lingfeng and hired a Japanese supervisor. Now the management of the new airport construction is a complete team, and the division of labor and cooperation is very tacit. I am much more relaxed now."

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Once things are on track, it will be easy to deal with. As long as it works normally, whoever sits in your position will be the same."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned when he heard this. What does Gu Shuqi mean by this? He drank it. Jiu said, "Uncle Gu, how can I listen to your words to save the dead dog from cooking birds?"

Gu Yunzhi laughed and said, "I'm talking about the matter. You can't bear to hide your bow Du Tianye. He is not mature enough politically, but judging from some of the recent things he has dealt with, he should have made progress compared with the past."

Zhang Yang said, "He is not in a good mood now. The wind and clouds are surging in the new province. Zhou Wuyang is going to be the deputy governor of the province. In fact, Du Shuji also has hope."

Gu Yun knew: "Compared with Zhou Wuyang and Du Tianye's political experience, it is much worse. Even if I am in office, I will choose the former between the two." Gu Yunzhi has rarely commented on things in Pinghai's political arena since his divorce. Today, he was happy, drank some wine, and said something without scruples in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "I don't have such a deep political literacy. It's just a small deputy now, but I can also feel that there should be a big change in the province this time.

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "What's the big change? It's nothing more than a matter of standing in line!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you mean to stand on the side of Qiao Shuji or on the side of Governor Song?"

Gu Yunzhi pointed to Zhang Yang with chopsticks and said, "Your question is very subsidious and boring!"