Medical official path

Chapter 515 Kill the Horse

After Qiao Zhenliang of the book of the Provincial Party Committee was decided, Chang Song's appointment as the book of the Lanshan Municipal Party Committee has been decided. At the Standing Committee of Lanshan City, Zhou Wuyang of the Municipal Party Committee announced the appointment of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in public. He smiled and said, "Dear members of Notice, I will be transferred to work in the province!" Speaking of this, he paused for a moment. It was not his intention to pause, but the applause of the members of the Standing Committee interrupted him.

Zhou Wuyang couldn't help but start the joke: "Do you want me to leave or do you want me to leave at this time?"

The members of the Standing Committee all laughed. Zhou Wuyang on the whole felt very easy-going, and his words were very humorous. Compared with the angular Chang Song, he was able to get along with his comrades. But it was for this reason that he lacked too much spirit in the process of Lanshan's administration.

It is very common for these members of the Standing Committee to send Zhou Wuyang today, and they may send themselves away tomorrow. It is normal for people to go ups and downs in the eunuch sea. What they really care about is who will take over Zhou Wuyang's position and who will become the new helmsman in Lanshan.

Zhou Wuyang said: "The organization has decided that Comrade Chang Song will take over my work. As for Comrade Chang Song's original work, it will be represented by Comrade Chang Lingkong, the former deputy mayor of Nancy City, and a week-long public announcement will be made next week!"

There was a round of applause at the scene, and Wu Ming, deputy calligrapher of the Party Committee, was also applauding. Although he tried his best to pretend to be calm, the deep loneliness in his heart was still inadvertently revealed, and the dust was settled. This dispute of the calligraphy of the municipal party committee ended completely with his This time, Chang Song is so actively competing for the position of the Municipal Party Committee. It is impossible for Chang Song not to hear about it. After Chang Song became the leader of Lanshan City, will he forget this matter? Wu Ming's answer to the case was obviously negative. He thought that his political prospects in Lanshan were quite bleak.

Zhou Wuyang smiled and said, "Now let's ask Chang Shuji to say a few words!"

Chang Song waved his hand: "There's nothing to say!"

Zhou Wuyang smiled and said, "I forgot, come on, Changshu Ji, you come here to sit down!" He was about to stand up.

Chang Song stretched out his hand on his shoulder with a smile. Chang Song said, "It's the same wherever you sit. In my opinion, we are all public servants of the common people wherever we sit. We must work for the common people in a down-to-earth manner. We must make every effort to build Lanshan better. Lanshan has become a pearl Now that we have been pushed to this position, we will keep this position and let Lanshan become the eternal star of Pinghai!"

There was a round of applause at the scene.


Zhang Yang originally wanted to stay in Dongjiang for two more days, but Du Tianye called him back urgently.

Zhang Yang hurried back to Jiangcheng and went straight to Du Tianye's office without taking a rest. Du Tianye's face looked a little ugly. When he saw Zhang Yang coming in, he was obviously a little angry: "Do you know your responsibility? It's been so many days as soon as I go out. What about the project of the new airport?

Zhang Yang heard that Du Shuji's tone was not good, and said with a smile, "I asked for leave. Didn't I go to Dongjiang to attend Wang Huazhao and Zeng Liping's wedding! I have explained the work of the new airport. With the command of Chang Lingfeng and Director Zhao in charge, it must be absolutely safe!"

Du Tianye sneered and said, "No mistake? Is this what you said to be ins fault? He threw a piece of material in his hand to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang fixed his eyes on it, but he saw the red letter above. The notice department of "Notice on the Illegal Rectification of Jiangcheng New Airport Project" is the General Office of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

Du Tianye said, "A total of 12 shortcomings of our new airport construction have been pointed out. Let's suspend all the construction projects under way for the new airport. After rectification, we will wait for inspection."

Zhang Yang said, "What's going on? Hasn't it been approved? They can't slap themselves in the face. We also have documents. The original plan was also submitted for approval. I don't believe it. I'll go to the capital later?

Du Tianye said, "Who are you talking to? Open your eyes and see clearly, what is the validity level of this notice? Do you understand the military administrative chapter?

Zhang Yang suddenly thought of Qin Hongjiang. Is this matter related to the capital? Is it because Qin Mengmeng's incident angered Qin Hongjiang, which led to the current situation?

Du Tianye knocked on the table angrily and said, "How many times have I told you that you want to keep a low profile? It's better for you to get into trouble wherever you go!"

Zhang Yang asked rhetorically, "How can you conclude that this matter is caused by me!"

Du Tianye said angrily, "Will I wrong you?" Du Tianye's military background is very deep. At the beginning, the Jiangcheng new airport project was submitted for approval, which greatly shortened the approval process because of his relationship. Now the military community has suddenly made an article on the new airport project, and it is easy to find out the reason behind it.

Zhang Yang said: "The design plan and master plan of the new airport are all submitted for approval in advance, and there are no violations in the construction process. There is no problem in my management. Even if there is something wrong, it is hard picked by these people."

"There is nothing wrong with yourself. Will others pick it out?"

Zhang Yang said, "Du Shuji, I don't have any mistakes in the construction of the new airport. I can't accept any criticism of me today!"

Du Tianye said, "What's your attitude?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm this kind of person. I can't change it. I will solve the things within the scope of my responsibilities by myself, and I won't cause trouble to the leader."

Du Tianye said, "Do you have less trouble? I value you so much that I give you the work of the new airport, but what have you done now? The new airport project was ordered to stop and rectify. Who will bear the responsibility?

Zhang Yang couldn't help but get angry when he heard Du Tianye say this. He shouted, "Don't you want me to be responsible for what you have said so much? Do you want to use me as a scapegoat to withstand the pressure of others?

Du Tianye said angrily, "Zhang Yang, what's your attitude?"

Zhang Yang has contradicted the municipal party committee's calligraphy more than once. He was not afraid and said, "That's my attitude. I'm this kind of person. I like to cause trouble. I feel uncomfortable if I don't cause trouble for a day."

Du Tianye was so angry that he slapped the table to his face: "Believe it or not, I'll withdraw you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Belie, how dare I not believe it. You are the Book of the Municipal Party Committee. Such a big hat is pressed on your head. It's majestic and evil. When you are an official, you must first not recognize your six relatives. Sooner or later, you have to take this step."

Du Tianye did not joke with Zhang Yang this time. He nodded and said, "From today on, you will no longer be the on-site commander of Jiangcheng New Airport!"

Zhang Yang looked at him coldly.

Du Tianye added, "From today on, you will no longer hold all administrative positions. Go back and reflect on yourself. What did you do wrong!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm fucking wrong to treat you as a friend!" After saying that, the swan turned around and went away.

Du Tianye looked at Zhang Yang's back, but a trace of guilt appeared. He sat down slowly, grabbed the document, and suddenly fell into the paper basket.


The atmosphere at the Standing Committee was extremely depressing. Everyone saw that Du Shuji was in a bad mood. Many of the new airport projects involved violations, and everyone knew the news that it was ordered to be rectified by the superior. Many people looked at this matter with a gloating attitude. Du Tianye's heavy use of Zhang Yang has already aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. At the beginning of his handing over the command of the new airport to Zhang Yang, it aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. How can a deputy department-level cadre take on such a great responsibility? Du Tianye is in order to achieve balance that Zhao Yanglin, the director of the Ming and Zhang Yang did not disappoint Du Tianye. In attracting investment, he performed quite well in the bidding process of the new airport. His performance blocked the mouth of many people and earned Du Tianye a lot of face. But just when the new airport project was gradually on the right track, such a thing happened. How could Du Tianye not be annoyed? He has made it clear that this matter did not appear inside Jiangcheng, but because Zhang Yang's some of Zhang Yang's behavior in the capital angered some heavyweights of the military, so he had this rectification notice.

It can be said that the construction of the new airport suddenly stopped and rectified. The reason is still because of Zhang Yang. The matter is in front of him. It is impossible for Du Tianye to continue to maintain Zhang Yang. He must be held accountable.

Du Tianye said in a low voice, "Presumably everyone knows the news that the documents issued above and ordered the new airport project to be temporarily rectified!"

No one spoke, and his eyes looked at Du Tianye.

Du Tianye said, "The rectification notice pointed out a total of 12 of our shortcomings. Let's rectify immediately, and all projects have to be suspended."

Rong Pengfei said, "If there is a shortage of rectification, just leave. Why do you have to suspend all the projects?"

Guo Jian, the commander of the military sub-district, who rarely comes to the Standing Committee, said: "Building an airport is not a trivial matter. If there are drawbacks and not be managed in time, it will only cause greater hidden dangers in the future."

Mayor Zuo Yuanchao said, "I agree with Commander Guo's view. The dike of thousands of miles is destroyed in the ant nest, and the consequences of the accumulation of small drawbacks and deficiencies will be quite amazing. I have read the rectification notice. Twelve deficiencies are really shocking in the construction of the new airport. You should know that every deficiency It can cause huge hidden dangers in the future. We can't just focus on speeding up with the results, but also pay more attention to quality. The major cause of reform is not urgent.

Ma Yimin, the leader of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said: "It's too unstable for young people to do things. At the beginning, I objected to Zhang Yang as the commander of the airport construction site. Unfortunately, I didn't get approval. Now it's all right. Something big has happened.

Xu Biao, Minister of Organization, said: "You can't say that. At the beginning, Zhang Yang was ordered in the face of danger. The Jiangcheng New Airport Project is facing such a large funding gap. No one is sure to start such a large project. It is Zhang Yang who stepped forward, which not only solves the With the financial problem and the successful completion of the bidding task of the new airport, it is impossible for young cadres to have no shortcomings, but we can't deny everything about him because of a small thing, which is unfair to him.

Vice Mayor Yuan Chengxi said, "Lao Xu, now we are not discussing fairness or unfairness, but how to solve the problem."

Xu Biao said, "Since you are so clear, tell me, how to solve it?"

Yuan Chengxi said, "Of course, we should earnestly implement the rectification decision of the top, rectify the places where the new airport does not meet the requirements as soon as possible, and strive to get the re-acceptance as soon as possible."

Zuo Yuanchao said, "I agree with Lao Yuan's opinion. It's not too late to make up for the loss. It's not a bad thing to find the problem. As long as we can correct it in time, everything will develop in a good way. We should not only rectify the places that do not meet the requirements, but

As soon as Zuo Yuanchao's words fell, Zhao Yanglin, the director of the National People's Congress, said, "I am the deputy commander-in-chief of the new airport headquarters. I should bear the corresponding responsibility. If you want to investigate it, I will investigate first!" There is a reason why Zhao Yanglin stood up and dared to take responsibility at the critical moment. He knew the relationship between Zhang Yang and Du Tianye of the Municipal Party Committee. At this time, he came out to share the responsibility for Zhang Yang, which was to support Du Tianye. This is an unscrupulous person. What's more, he is only the deputy Ye, when it comes to investigation, we should also investigate Du Tianye's responsibility first. Zhao Yanglin is very clear that the responsibility of the Municipal Party Committee is not so easy to investigate. You are getting bolder and bolder, and now you dare to publicly challenge Du Tianye.

Du Tianye's thick eyebrows were twisted together. His voice was not loud but still resolute: "The responsibility should be implemented to the people. The twelve shortcomings pointed out in the rectification notice are all caused by the incomparity of the on-site command. The person who should be most responsible for this is the on-site command of the new airport. The reason for the light cadre, excessive love will become a kind of doting, a kind of indulgence. This time, no matter who he is, no matter what achievements he has made, the mistakes he has made must be investigated and cannot be offset. Therefore, I decided to remove all administrative positions of Comrade Zhang Yang and remove everything in his party. The position!"


There will be an update in the evening!