Medical official path

Chapter 525 Make the Fakes come true

Cui Guozhu lay sick**, and his whole body was sore and soft without any strength. He originally planned to pretend to be ill, but as soon as he came to the hospital, he felt that he really had something wrong. His wife Xu Min sat by the bed and helped him peel apples. The couple had a good relationship. Xu Min was also a Go major. Chess school, because of the popularity of Go in the past two years, the school has also made a lot of color. Xu Min handed the cut apple to Cui Guozhu and said, "You are such an adult, why are you arguing with others? What about the Qingshui government of the Sports Commission, even if he became a director?" Cui Guozhu smiled and said, "I'm fine. He thought he could make me angry, but it's a pity that the road is far away." This sentence meant to put gold on his face more or less. Zhang Yang successfully made him angry. He was dizzy on the spot today,

Xu Min sighed. She always felt that it was not a good thing for her husband to be overly obsessed with officialdom. The salary income in the Sports Committee was not as real as her Go school. If only Cui Guozhu's salary, the cost of his son's study abroad in Japan can't be solved at all, and it is not supported by her side. Xu Min was about to persuade her husband. At this time, the door of the ward was knocked. Mayor Xia Boda and the city's Minister of Organization He Yingpei came over together. Such a lineup of condolences was strong enough. As a member of the party group of the Sports Committee, Cui Guozhu was quite flattered. He struggled to sit up I can't finish this simple action.

Xia Boda took a step forward and held Cui Guozhu's hand with great concern and said, "Comrade Guozhu, lie down, lie down *..."

When He Yingpei saw Cui Guozhu's appearance, he felt a little funny. This man was so pretendable that he really planned to lie down in the hospital all the time?

Xu Min was busy saying, "Mayor Xia, please sit down, Minister He, please sit down." Seeing the two members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee coming to visit her husband together, Xu Min also felt a light on her face.

Xia Boda and He Yingpei did it by the bedside, and Xu Min brought them two bottles of mineral water.

Xia Boda smiled and said, "Don't be so polite." Today, we made a special trip to visit Comrade Guozhu. Recently, the work of the Sports Committee has been too hard. Comrade Guozhu has devoted himself to his work and is tired and sick. This is a dedication to our sports career!" Xu Min said, "He is like this." Don' Life."

He Yingpei smiled and coughed. Xu Min learned something from her husband's cough and whispered, "The two leaders are sitting. I'm going to turn on the water.

Shaboda and Ran Yingpei both nodded with a smile.

After Xu Min left, he casually closed the door. Cui Guozhu's face brewed an aggrieved expression. He was full of grief and indignation, "Mayor Xia" Minister He, this party group book * I can't do it!" Of course, Xia Boda knew what it was for, but he still deliberately pretended to What about *..."

Cui Guozhu said, "Zhang Yang and I can't continue to work together. We are all colleagues, and running-in is inevitable, but he doesn't even have the least respect for others."

He Yingpei said, "Comrade Guozhu, today is your first day as the party group secretary." What happened?" Cui Guozhu said, "Since the organization has appointed me as the party group secretary, I will take on this responsibility. When the party group meeting was held, he kept singing against me, exceeding my personal rights. Li, I want to put power above everyone..." After saying so much in one breath, Cui Guozhu suddenly felt a little breathless, and he had to pause. He gasped violently and then said, "I don't want to fight for any power with him, but I feel that the leadership of the Jianjing Party is unquestionable. He is at the party group meeting He openly talked nonsense and questioned the leadership of the party... He also said... and said that I was a psychopath... to me... It has constituted a personal insult to me..." When Cui Guozhu said this, he felt that he was about to collapse and gasped violently.

Xia Boda and He Yingpei were a little worried when they saw him. Cui Guozhu seemed to be really sick.

At this time, people are coming again. This time, several members of the party group of the Sports Committee came, and the leader was Zhang Yang. This person walked in the front and came to the ward. Seeing Xia Boda and He Yingpei, he looked a little surprised and said with a smile, "The two leaders are in front of us." Xia Bo Comrade Guozhu." Zhang Yang said, "Comrade Cui is really a good comrade. He works hard and has to do everything himself. Finally, he is tired on his job. I am ready to call on the whole sports system to carry out activities to learn from Comrade Cui Guozhu. Inspired by the spirit of Comrade Cui Guozhu, our vast number of sports workers I will definitely work hard and take out a beautiful report card at next year's provincial sports meeting.

Xiao Yumin walked over and put a bunch of fresh huā in her hand at the head of Cui Guozhu's bed.

Zhang Yang put a red envelope at the head of Cui Guozhu's bed on behalf of everyone: "This is a little bit of our intention. Now the nutrition products are too fake, and I'm afraid that it's not appropriate to buy anything else, so each of us took 100 yuan. You can buy something by yourself!" Cui Guozhu's face was Xi, give me money in front of the two city leaders. Pretend it. Just pretend. Cui Guozhu said, "I've got it. I don't want the money!"

Zhang Yang held Cui Guozhu's hand with a smile: "In front of the two leaders, I have to apologize to Secretary Cui. At today's party group meeting, Cui Shu* and I had some small disputes because of work problems. I am young, inexperienced and have a bad temper, but my starting point is good, yes I want to do a good job in the work of the sports committee. Cui Shu*ji is also for the sake of sports. Cui Shu*ji, don't have the same knowledge as me. Take care of yourself as soon as possible. I'm still waiting to fight side by side with you." As he said, he shook Cui Guozhu's arm. Cui Guozhu wished to shake his hand away, but unfortunately he had no strength.

When Zang Jintang saw Cui Guozhu's appearance at this time, he expected that he was pretending to be ill. At the beginning of today, his sympathy for him disappeared without a trace. Zang Jintang said, "Cui Shu* Ji, Director Zhang is also for work. Don't take the disputes at work to heart. Today, Director Zhang It was Director Zhang who carried you to the car in person*..." What does it mean to fall into the well? Zang Jintang is now saying this in front of the two members of the Standing Committee, just to support Zhang Yang. Why is he support Zhang Yang? The purpose is to crack down on Cui Guozhu. Why do you, Cui Guozhu, become the party secretary? It's no one's turn for you. One day, the party group will be in the hospital. Leaders should take a good look. That's all your stomach.

Cui Guozhu's face was pale. He couldn't be angry. Originally, he wanted to use hospitalization to attract the attention of leaders and use this method to force Zhang Yang into difficulties, but he didn't expect that he became a party group book * Ji actually aroused Zang Jintang's hatred. This is what it is like in officialdom. You .

Liu Gang, deputy director of the Sports Committee, also said, "Cui Shu * remember, you can rest assured and take this opportunity to have a full-body physical examination. Now many people are in a sub-healthy state. If you don't pay attention, it will cause serious problems."

Duan Jianzhong, the head of the discipline inspection team, also said, "The body is the capital of life, take good care of your illness." Don't take it lightly. There is Director Zhang and us in the work of the Sports Committee. Don't worry." Li Hongyang didn't say anything. He was looking at I can't see what's wrong with Cui Guozhu.

Xia Boda and He Yingpei, the two municipal standing committee members, looked at each other. They were both He Xu's characters. From the words of the members of the party group of the sports committee, they could hear that "Cui Guozhu is unpopular. Xia Boda wants to laugh. Cui Guozhu may have pretended a little too much

Cui Guozhu suppressed the anger in his heart and whispered, "Thank you for your concern. I don't have a big problem with my health. Take a break." I will go back to work soon." Zhang Yang said, "We also hope that Cui Shu * will go back to work on the q day. The Sports Commission still has so much work waiting for The main heart.

Cui Guozhu is so awkward to listen to it. This is simply sarcastic to himself.

Xia Boda and He Yingpei stood up and said goodbye. Cui Guozhu wanted to send it. Unfortunately, he didn't have much strength. Even he muttered in his heart at this moment. Shouldn't I be sick?

As the director of the Sports Committee, Zhang Yang naturally wanted to send the two leaders outside. Xia Boda looked at Zhang Yang and couldn't help sighing, "Xiao Zhang, I didn't say that you want to be united with your comrades!" Zhang Yang said, "We are united, but there are some small misunderstandings at work. Don't It's in my heart."

Xia Boda is angry and funny. You don't take it to heart. Now Cui Guozhu is so angry with you that he is hospitalized. What else do you want to do?

He Yingpei said, "Zhang Yang, do you have any ideas? The appointment of Comrade Cui Guozhu as the party group is the result of the discussion in the organization." Zhang Yang said, "I have no opinion, but Comrade Cui Guozhu said something at the party group meeting today, and I feel a little confused."

Xia Boda and He Yingpei looked at Zhang Yang curiously. He Yingpei said, "What did he say?"

Zhang Yang said, "He said he wanted to lead me!" Xia Boda and He Yingpei looked at each other. If Cui Guozhu really said so, the level of this product was too ordinary.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm a little confused. Who is in charge of who is in charge of the director of the Sports Committee and the party group of the Sports Committee? Or are the parties and the government responsible separately? If he wants to lead me, does it mean that he will have the final say in the affairs of the sports committee in the future. I am just a deaf person's ear and decoration?

Xia Boda said, "How do you talk? Who said that he led you? You are the director of the Sports Committee, and you are the top leader of the Sports Committee!" Xia Boda felt uncomfortable when he heard that the party regime was confused. At least for him, he was the mayor of the book in Nancy.

He Yingpei said, "Xiao Zhang, the organization has not explained this matter clearly. Let you be in charge of the daily administrative work of the Sports Committee. Comrade Cui Guozhu is responsible for the party affairs of the Sports Committee.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm usually confused. When you say this, I really can't figure out the specific boundaries of the party and government. I'm not complaining. Originally, there were no contradictions within our sports committee. You leaders are deliberately creating contradictions." Xia Boda and He Yingpei looked at each other, two No one said anything. Zhang Yang's words can be regarded as an idea. Let Cui Guozhu be the secretary of the party group * remember the meaning of the municipal party committee * remember Xu Guangran, which is simply deliberately creating contradictions.

Zhang Yang said, "I have a straight temper and can't play any twists and turns. Today, I made it clear in front of you two leaders. Since the organization asked me to be the director of this sports committee, you have to trust me. If you don't trust me," please choose another smart one. I don' Stay *..."

He Yingpei said, "Who doesn't trust you? If you don't trust me, you still hand over such an important department as the Sports Commission to you. Zhang Yang said, "What department is this committee? We all know it. I didn't think about what to do when I went to the Sports Committee, but it's so difficult to calm down and do a good job honestly in these years." The two leaders, the Sports Committee is just a little place, and the party and government don't have much power. It's If you can't trust me, I'll find a way back from today. "At worst, I'll transfer back to Jiangcheng." Xia Boda's face is a little ugly. Zhang Yang is the cadre he transferred. Xu Guangran's practice of supporting Cui Guozhu is indeed a little excessive. Zhang Yang complained about this. Xia Boda has to Xiao Zhang, don't be angry with children. How can you be angry when working with hay? Nothing can be done overnight. "If you want the leader to trust you and agree with your ability, you must make some achievements to others in a down-to-earth way, so that everyone can believe that you have the ability to do a good job in the leadership of the sports committee*..."

He Yingpei nodded and said, "Mayor Xia is right, you have to prove yourself!" When several people were talking, a man in a white coat came over. It was Xu Guangsheng, Xu Guangran's younger brother of the Municipal Party Committee. Zhang Yang met Xu Guangsheng when he participated in the spiritual civilization class in Jinghai. At that time The relationship was due to Wang Guangzheng, deputy mayor of Jinghai City. Wang Guangzheng offended Zhang Yang and was teased by Zhang Yang. Xu Guangsheng is Wang Guangzheng's old classmate. Since then, Xu Guangsheng has highly respected Zhang Yang's medical skills. It is no accident that young people can cure his eldest brother's gout.

Xu Guangsheng usually doesn't pay attention to political matters." Zhang Yang came to Nancy for a few days, so Xu Guangsheng did not know that Zhang Yang was transferred here to serve as the director of the Municipal Sports Committee. Seeing Zhang Yang's considerable surprise, he first greeted Xia Boda and He Yingpei, and then enthusiastically held Zhang Yang's hand Did the wind blow you to Nancy?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I was transferred to Nancy to work in the Sports Committee. Well, I haven't settled down yet. I'm going to sort things out before visiting you." Xu Guangsheng smiled and said, "Don't leave when you meet me today. I'll treat you in the evening. I'll pick Are you free? Let's have dinner together!" Xia Boda smiled and said, "I've been too busy in the city recently. How can I have time?"

He Yingpei said the same thing.

Xia Boda and the others were going to leave, but Xia Boda remembered another thing. Xu Guangsheng is an expert in the Second Hospital of the city and the director of the urology department. He thought he should know something about Cui Guozhu's condition. Xia Boda said, "Is Cui Shu, the Sports Commission, serious?" Xu Guangsheng also heard about So I didn't know about Cui Guozhu's situation, but it happened that a neurologist passed by them, and Xu Guangsheng called him over.

When the doctor heard that it was about Cui Guozhu, he laughed unconsciously: "The examination results just came out. He is not sick. All physiological indicators are very good and healthy, but that is to say, he can't get out of bed." Xia Boda and He Yingpei didn't continue to ask. After saying goodbye, they got into the

When he came to the car, He Yingpei finally couldn't help saying, "Isn't Cui Guozhu pretending to be sick?" Xia Boda said, "It's not good for anyone to do this matter. I think it's better to settle it as soon as possible. The big things have turned into small Get you to the death of me*..."

He Yingpei sighed and said, "There is something wrong with Cui Guozhu's mind." Cui Guozhu's original intention was to pretend to be ill, but since he lay in the hospital **, he had no strength at all. Lying in **, he didn't even bother to say anything.

His wife Xu Min said, "Ok, okay, don't pretend. The leaders have left, and the people of the sports committee have also left. It's almost enough. Why are you always lying in the hospital?" Cui Guozhu said weakly, "I didn't pretend... I'm really sick... I don't have any strength all over Pretend to be sick and addicted, aren't you? Let me tell you, I still have a lot of work to do in my Go school. If you continue to pretend like this, I won't have time to serve you." Cui Guozhu said angrily, "Who the fuck? Can't you see that I'm uncomfortable?" Xu Min was stunned for a moment and reached out and touched Cui Guozhu's forehead. The temperature was normal.

Cui Guozhu was irritable for no reason in his heart: "What are you doing? Don't you believe me? Do you think I'm pretending? Why should I show it to you?"