Medical official path

Chapter 526 Special Gifts on

In a strict sense, Xu Hongyan is not Zhang Yang's colleague. He used to be a cook in the canteen of Nanxi Coal Mine Machinery Factory. Later, he left his job without pay and has been engaged in the catering industry. Five years ago, I came to the Sports Commission to contract a guest house. Because he has a good relationship, he got along well with several leaders of the Sports Commission and got a lot of preferential policies. Zhou Danian, the former director of the Sports Committee, gave Xu Hongyan a lot of help in the past, so after Zhou Danian's accident, Xu Hongyan has been very nervous. Seeing that the contract period is approaching at the end of this year, there are many people staring at the fat meat of the hostel. Xu Hongyan has done the work of several deputy directors The final case is final.

Zhang Yang was not interested and Xu Hongyan spent a lot of time, but Xu Hongyan was a little smart. He knew that a new leader was coming. What did he want to hear most? Through these two days of observation, he faintly saw some of the movements of the Sports Committee, and also heard about the dispute between Zhang Yang and Cui Guozhu. If he wanted to arouse people's interest, he must do what he liked.

Xu Hongyan said, "Director Zhang, I heard that Deputy Director Cui is in the hospital."

Zhang Yang nodded and buried his head in the soup without saying anything.

Xu Hongyan said, "Deputy Director Cui is a good player in chess, but he is an official..." He shook his head. He deliberately interrupted at a critical time to arouse Zhang Yang's interest.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It seems that you know him very well." Xu Hongyan said, "Director Zhang, don't underestimate me. I've been working in the Sports Committee for five years. The leaders of the Sports Committee came to me for dinner and couldn't find out at all. I know what everyone's temperament, temper, and foundation are This is not my bragging, Director Zhang. "If you are interested, I will officially talk to you tonight..."

Zhang's official suddenly realized that Xu Hongyan wanted to please himself. Zhang Yang came to Nancy for the first time. Most of these cadres and masses within the Sports Committee looked at him with skeptical eyes. They were extremely cautious about him. He didn't know others, and others didn't know him. It took a process to understand each other. This Completed.

Xu Hongyan can undoubtedly greatly accelerate Zhang Yang's understanding of the Sports Committee and shorten his time to get started. Xu Hongyan has no other editors. He is on the edge of the Sports Committee and has a great understanding of the Sports Committee. Such a figure is willing to take the initiative to disclose the news, and Zhang's official is naturally very welcome. Zhang Yang pretended to be insipid: "Tay it!",..............................

Xu Hongyan knew that what he had just said had aroused Zhang Yang's curiosity, and gift-giving also needed tricks. Gifts are not necessarily money and property. Now it is the 1990s, and information is highly developed. Whether it is business or officialdom, information has become extremely important. The gift he gave to Zhang Yang is Information, Xu Hongyan said, "Deputy Director Cui is a Go major. He and Xu Shu* of our municipal party committee are the best chess friends. They will play chess together every three times, and the two will win or lose each other." Zhang Yang poured a glass of beer." He listened carefully. Xu Hongyan's first sentence successfully attracted his attention. No wonder Cui Guozhu will be promoted to the Party Group of the Sports Committee. It turns out that there is such a relationship between him and Xu Guangran. Therefore, it is inferred that Xu Guangran is behind the scenes in this matter. If it is really true, Xu Guangran is not kind enough. I think that I cured your gout and I am kind to you You can't take revenge, can you?

Xu Hongyan said, "Deputy Cui's son is in Japan, and his wife Xu Min opened a Go school, and the business is good. In the past, Deputy Director Cui's Go level was higher than his wife's." But later, Deputy Director Cui was single-minded in politics, and it was inevitable that he would be sidelines, so his Go level stopped. Now he plays chess with his wife, but he loses more and wins less. *......”

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He and Xu Shu * also lose more and win less when playing chess *..."

Xu Hongyan laughed and said, "The victory or defeat is mixed. If you lose more and win less, I'm afraid Xu Shu* won't believe it." Then people laughed at the same time, and they both understood each other's meaning.

Xu Hongyan and Zhang Yang touched the wine glass and swallowed. Beer said, "Zhou Danian, the former director of the Sports Commission, is now in the terminal stage of lung cancer and is hospitalized in the radiotherapy department of the second hospital. I heard from the doctor that he has not much time left. Director Zhou is a cautious person. He did not have any brilliant achievements during his tenure, and there is nothing wrong. A few days He misappropriated a sum of public funds and said that he would be double-regulated. In fact, there is only a little money in the account of the Sports Commission. He also misappropriated public funds to help his friend. I heard that 300,000 yuan was moved, and his friend also made an IOU, saying that it would be returned in two months, but just one month later, someone arrested this matter. Director Zhou was shocked and afraid of this matter, so *..." Speaking of this, Xu Hongyan smiled and said, "I've heard that there is no evidence for these things." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Let's drink and chat. I don't remember anything after tonight. Who invented this matter?"

Xu Hongyan said with a smile: "I've heard some. There are several versions. Some people say that it is a deputy director who is eager to take office. Some people say that Liu Ke of the Finance Department arrested this matter. Others say that Director Zhou and an assistant have an affair. This assistant has just divorced, so he forced Director Zhou to divorce. Director Well, as a result, because of love and hatred, she poked out Director Zhou's affairs. These are all rumors. There are some things I know. That is to say, Director Zhou should be a good person, very family-friendly, and very responsible for his work. There is nothing wrong with his style. Just say about the embezzlement of public funds this After the friend knew that the matter had been poked out, he immediately sent back 300,000 yuan*..."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "If the rumors are true, Director Zhou is still very good." Xu Hongyan said, "I don't know what others think, but I think Director Zhou is a good person. In this world, there are many corrupt officials. Director Zhou is still clean and good. He usually doesn't smoke or drink. Really How can such a person get lung cancer?" Zhang Yang said, "Although the number of people in the Sports Committee is not large, there are many officials." Xu Hongyan said, "Well, among the current deputy directors, the old man should count the deputy director Zang. Before you came, his voice to replace Director Zhou has always been very high." Director Zang's wife is According to the Senior Management Committee, the family conditions are not bad. There is a Nizi who is in college. Speaking of his son, "he suffered from congenital heart disease when he was a child". Later, Zhong Lin, the president of the second hospital, personally treated him with a knife, so Deputy Director Zang has always regarded President Zhong as a benefactor." Zhang Yang thought of Zhong Lin's phone call tonight and called Zang Jintang from home. "It turns out that there is The court will buy Zhong Lin like this. Looking at Xu Guangran in the book of the Municipal Party Committee, it means to repay virtue with resentment. However, Zhang Yang can also understand that in his opinion, he is an official transferred from Shaberda. Maybe there is a bad relationship between Xu Guangran and Shaberda, so he even has some ideas about himself. He should not target himself.

Xu Hongyan became more and more interested: "Deputy Director Li Hongyang's achievements in the sports industry are very high, and he has won the badminton Asian championship in the past." He has won the domestic championship many times. However, when he was in the best condition, he was accidentally injured and interrupted his career, which The biggest regret." As for Liu Gang and Duan Jianzhong, Xu Hongyan did not mention much. These two people have always been low-key in the Sports Committee and are not key figures. On the contrary, it is Xiao Yumin, the assistant director. Xu Hongyan said, "Many of the specific things of the entity committee are what Director Xiao has been doing. She is Li, it is easy for a woman to ignore her family if she is too focused on her work, so last year, her relationship with her husband finally broke down, and the two divorced. It is rumored that she has an affair with a certain leader. This led to the breakdown of the marriage. In fact, it's all bullshit. "Director Xiao doesn't have those things

Of course, Zhang Yang understood that the leader in Xu Hongyan's mouth was Zhou Danian, the former director of the Sports Committee.

Xu Hongyan commented on the members of the party group of the Sports Committee, then picked up the glass and touched the glass with Zhang Yang and said, "Director Zhang, I'm drinking too much tonight. I'm talking a little too much. Don't take it to heart..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's just a chat. I like chatting with you very much.", ..........................................

Xu Hongyan was secretly happy. Zhang Yang's words have shown that his words are very valuable to him. Xu Hongyan simply revealed the news again to deepen the new leader's impression of him. Xu Hongyan said, "Director Zhang, say something you shouldn't have said. It's not time for you to take over the work of the Sports Committee now

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How can I see it?"

Xu Hongyan said, "I don't know about other cities. But in Nancy, units such as the Sports Committee and Cultural Federation have always been Qingshui government office. There is a level, but there is not much real power. It's not easy to make achievements in these places, but it's easy to fool around. Director Zhang is so young and has It should be just a transition. If in the past, it would be a good choice to make adjustments here. But next year, when Nancy is going to hold the Provincial Games, the sports committee will naturally have more things to do.

Although there are no clear indicators to measure, at this time, the leader will have a standard. How many gold medals are there? How many medals? What is the total score? Not only the leaders care, but also the people care, and the status of the Sports Committee will rise to unprecedented importance. Thousands of honors and disgraces are focused on the Sports Committee. No matter how much work you have done before, you can't get good results at the provincial sports meeting, which is equivalent to doing nothing. The people will think that you don't do Li." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "When you say so, I really feel that it's not the right time to come." Xu Hongyan didn't want to say so much, but he drank some wine tonight. In addition, he wanted to be close to Zhang Yang, which deepened Zhang Yang's impression of him and caused Zhang Yang to pay attention to him. If It doesn't work. Xu Hongyan said and forgot the scale he set at the beginning. He whispered, "I'm a bystander. I can see that the city's task for the sports committee is to get cards and rankings, but the city doesn't give the sports committee any real power. The funds are not in place, and the construction of the It doesn't matter. I want the horse to run and the horse doesn't eat grass. It's hard!"

Zhang Yang laughed. Xu Hongyan's words tonight are very useful to him. Generally speaking, he has cleared up the clues of the management of the Sports Commission. Zhou Danian is greedy and has nothing to do with him. After all, it has become a thing of the past. As for the party group book held by Xu Guang Cui Guozhu, don't want to come out of the hospital for a while. If you want to compete with me for power and profit, stay where it's cool. The other deputy directors didn't pay attention to it at all.

Xu Hongyan said, "Director Zhang, I heard something. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Zhang Yang said, "Say it!"

Xu Hongyan said, "I heard that you patted your chest at the conference and said that we would win the first place in the Provincial Games!" The top of the gold medal list and the medal list?" Zhang Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I said so." Xu Hongyan sighed, "Director Zhang, maybe you don't know the sports situation of Nancy. Nancy can't rank at all in the Pinghai sports industry. This time, the city's goal of entering the top three in the gold It's unrealistic." Although he drank, his words were still very euphemistic, and he did not directly say that it was unrealistic.

Zhang Yang said, "Manager Xu, you don't know me either. As long as you know me, everyone knows that I can do what I can!"

Xu Hongyan was stunned and looked at Zhang Yang in astonishment. He realized from Zhang Yang's strong confident eyes that Zhang Yang was by no means aimless, but Xu Hongyan still couldn't believe that Nancy won the gold medal and medal list of the Provincial Games. A city with such a weak sports foundation, it was impossible. Complete such a leap in just one year.

Zhang Yang said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. I feel that the beginning of the Nanxi Sports Committee is very good. I believe that the comrades around me will cooperate with my work more and more." Xu Hongyan did not say anything and looked at Zhang Yang silently. He couldn't figure out why. He always felt that the young director of the