Medical official path

Chapter 536 Rainy Night Rental

The two police officers saw that this was a foreign-related dispute and were afraid that the matter would be big, so they insisted on bringing the trouble to the police room.

The little glasses also came to testify together. He came to Zhang Yang all the way and danced happily: "Brother, your kung fu is too bright. It was Tai Chi who smoked him with roses just now. Four or two thousand catties. I think Jet Li has used it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's called Flying Fairy!"

The little glasses made him blindfolded: "Flying immortals outside the sky? On the full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and the immortals fly outside the sky. Isn't it the legendary trick used by Ye Gucheng?

Zhang Yang laughed and felt that the boy was a little interesting.

The little glasses now understand: "Brother, you fool me. I'm a loyal reader of Gu Long's novels."

Guan Zhijing was not so happy. Her face was covered with a layer of frost. Unexpectedly, her itinerary was exposed. Today, the young man came to greet her. Guan Zhiqing just remembered that two days ago, Hailan, the female anchor of Hong Kong Sky TV, contacted her. She played in Hong Kong last summer. At that time, I was interviewed by Hailan. It was that interview that made her and Hailan know each other, and the two appreciated each other. Hailan proposed that Nancy wanted to ask Guan Zhiqing to be the image ambassador of the Provincial Games. Guan Zhiqing declined without much consideration. She was a world-class transportation mobilization. The Pinghai Provincial Games could not attract any interest in her, but she did not think of It didn't end here.

Guan Zhiqing's cousin and agent Cao Mili was angry. As soon as she entered the police room, she shouted, "It's too much. This man ran savagely to harass my cousin. Stephen couldn't see it, so he argued with him. Unexpectedly, he would hurt people with his own skills."

The little glasses said, "How can you talk nonsense? As many of us have seen that the foreigner, who came over to offer huā to the young lady, stretched out his hand to push him, hurt people, and cursed a lot of unpleasant words in English. That's not to mention. He actually insulted all of us * Chinese people to see that you should be Chinese. How can you confuse black and white?

Cao Mi lì said angrily, "Your quality is too poor. I must pursue this matter. You just wait to go to prison!"

The little glasses laughed and said, "Go to prison? Do you need to go to prison for self-defense? According to the law of the United States, it is not illegal for someone to break into a private house and shoot. Now you Americans come to the territory of our Central * country to provoke trouble, and it is light to be beaten!"

Zhang Yang really didn't see that the little glasses were so sharp. He patted the little glasses on the shoulder to express encouragement.

The two police officers looked at each other, and the black-faced one coughed and said, "Don't make any noise! I don't care which country you are from. This is the People's Republic of China. If there is a dispute here, we have to solve it in accordance with the laws of our country. Take out all your ID cards and passports. We need regular registration.

Zhang Yang took out his ID card and work permit and handed it to the black-faced policeman* and said, "I'm the director of the Nancy Sports Committee!"

The black-faced policeman* checked his ID card and work permit: "Zhang Yang!" The name seems to be a little familiar.

Cao Mi lì shouted again: "It's actually a government official. Your officials in China are too arrogant."

The black-faced policeman was also a little tired of hearing: "What are your officials in China? Even if you become an American citizen, others may not treat you as an American.

Cao Mi's eyebrows stood upside down. She also wanted to be stopped by Guan Zhiqing. Guan Zhiqing said, "Forget it, we won't investigate. This matter should be a misunderstanding."

Zhang Yang took a look at Guan Zhiqing. Judging from her performance, Guan Zhijing did not want to make a big deal. It has always been her cousin who was making trouble. She always advised her cousin to calm down.

The black-faced police officer said to Guan Zhiqing, "Your passport!"

Cao Mi lì said angrily, "What's your attitude? I'll complain about you to the superior department!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, this fake foreign devil would also talk about the superior department.

Cao Mi lì stared fiercely and said, "My cousin is very influential in the United States and has been on Time!"

Guan Zhijing couldn't listen any more: " Ruth, that's enough!" She gave her passport to the police ghost black-faced policeman * inspector. Guan Zhiqing was very famous. The black-faced police officer * inspector also recognized from the passport that the girl in black in front of her was actually a well-known world champion in sports. Guan Zhiqing's black-faced policeman said, "Guan Zhiqing, you are the

Guan Zhiqing nodded and the matter has developed to such an point that she can't help but admit it. Guan Zhiqing said, "I'm sorry, I think it's because of the difference between Eastern and Western cultures that caused the misunderstanding just now. We will not investigate it. I hope this matter can be solved as soon as possible."

Cao Mi lì was still a little unforgiving, but Guan Zhiqing looked at her unhappily. Cao Mi lì was still a little afraid of this cousin and finally closed her mouth.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Miss Guan, it seems that I didn't recognize the wrong person!"

Guan Zhijing said, "Whether you admit your mistake or not, I don't know you, and I don't want to know you!"

The two police officers * didn't want to make a big deal. The black-faced police * inspector said, "If there is anything that can't be said, why make a big fight? It's wrong to scolding and beating people. Patriotism is understandable, but it's not good to act too much.

" He smiled at Zhang Yang and said, "You are the leader. When it comes to political awareness, it should be higher than ours. Well, since Miss Guan is not ready to pursue it, you pay some medical expenses to this... Stephen,... Black-faced policeman * spelling the name of the foreigner is a little awkward.

Cao Mi lì said, "No! Who doesn't know that you middle-aged countries are all protected by officials, and government officials are angry. If you lose money here, you may have to reimburse it with public funds.

Zhang's official was stunned. The fake foreign devil's idioms in front of him are also very familiar with some dark aspects of the country. It seems that I should have gone abroad for a few years. Why do you have one by one? It's really unpleasant to hear that.

The little glasses said, "Miss, don't you think that if you have a green card, you will be superior, and the American moon must be better than the Chinese * national circle? Must American law be sound? Oh, my ow!"

Cao Mi lì also pointed to the nose of the little glasses and scolded, "What are you? Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

The little glasses said, "Does it have anything to do with you? You may not even be able to read your own lies in the whole article, bitch!"

"Who are you scolding? I want to sue you!"

Little glasses are happy: "False me? You are much worse than me in lawsuits. You have been in the United States, and so have I! I'm a law student. I have a lawyer's license. Do you want to have a look?

Cao Mi was choked by the little glasses and couldn't speak.

Guan Zhiqing said, "Well, that's all for this matter, Mr. Zhang. I hope you can apologize to us for your behavior just now."

Zhang Yang said, "Miss Guan, it's a mistake for the Buddha to send Huā to the airport. I can apologize to you. As for this Stephen and your cousin, I will neither apologize nor compensate. I don't even recognize my ancestors, and I look down on him at all."

Cao Mi lì screamed, "You scold me, oh, you vulgar barbarian!"

The official Zhang rolled his eyes and suddenly roared, "The shrew" dares to be presumptuous again. Believe it or not, I'll slap you*..." His voice resounded like a thunderstorm in the room, which shocked everyone to be stunned.

Cao Mi lì was obviously a master who bullied the weak and afraid of the hard. He muttered for a moment and wanted to say something. Stephen, who had been scared for a long time, pulled her and actually enlightened her, "Forget it..." It seems that this foreigner is not stupid, and he also understands the reason why a good man

Guan Zhiqing stared at him with an angry face, picked up the passport on the table, turned around and left.

Zhang Yang didn't send her. After the three of them left, the two police officers * Cha Le returned Zhang Yang's documents to him. The black-faced police * inspector said, "Director Zhang, it's really a show of our country!"

Zhang Yang smiled indifferently: "Comrade, the policeman, the words are too big. I can't afford it."

Zhang Yang left the police room, and the little glasses followed him: "Dang!"

Zhang Yang smiled kindly at him and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Xiao Glasses said, "My name is Gao Lianming. This is my contact information. If you encounter any trouble and need to testify, just call me."

Zhang Yang took the business card he handed over and smiled. "Gao Lianming, a young man today, is really warm-hearted. The two walked out of the gate together. It was raining outside.

Gao Lianming waved to Zhang Yang and was about to rush to the taxi in the distance.

Zhang Yang said, "Are you going to Dongjiang? I can give you a ride!"

Gao Lianming was surprised and said, "That's the best." It's really hard to stop the car in such a heavy rain." He followed Zhang Yang to the parking lot not far away and got on the BMW borrowed by Zhang Yang. Gao Lianming put his luggage in his trunk and did it in the co-driver's drive. He smiled and said, "This car costs a lot of money*..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Where are you going to borrow your friends?"

"Quiet road!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned. Jingjing Road is the location of the provincial party committee compound. Is this Gao Lianming the child of a government official? After thinking about it, it seems that there is no senior official of the provincial party committee surnamed Gao.

Zhang Yang started the car. When he drove out of the parking lot, he happened to see that Guan Zhiqing and the other three people also got into a taxi. Zhang Yang slowed down and followed them.

Gao Lianming realized something and said to Zhang Yang, "You seem to be very interested in this Miss Guan!"

Zhang Yang laughed. He shook his head and said, "I'm for work. Didn't you see my work permit just now? I'm from the Nancy Municipal Sports Committee. Next year, we will hold the Provincial Games in Nancy, so I want to invite a famous mobilization of Nancy to be an image ambassador. After our comprehensive consideration, we finally decided Choose this Miss Guan Zhiqing, who knows..." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless.

Gao Lianming said, "I think Miss Guan should be reasonable. The main reason is that the two assistants around her are so annoying that they caused everything at the airport. What are your plans now? Are you ready to give up?

Zhang Yang said, "It's not good to be willing. If she doesn't want to, I can't force her to do it."

Gao Lianming smiled and said, "Then you still follow her? I haven't given up yet..."

Zhang Yang said, "This airport road is the only way to the Dongjiang River. No one stipulates that they can only go." After saying this, he also laughed. In fact, he could overtake. It was not easy for this BMW to overtake the Santana in front. Gao Lianming was right. Zhang Yang did not give up yet. He also found that although Guan Zhiqing was a little indifferent, it was not unreasonable, but the two assistants around her were too unreasonable. If you can have a separate conversation with Guan Zhiqing, this matter may not have a turning point. The more fundamental reason is that Zhang Yang is not a person who gives up easily. The things he recognizes will often not give up until the Yellow River and follow Guan Zhiqing. The purpose is to see where they stay tonight. .


Santana drove very slowly. When she entered the Third Ring Road, she suddenly tilted to the roadside. The car stalled, and the taxi driver turned around helplessly: "The car is broken!"

Guan Zhiqing didn't expect it to be so bad tonight. She encountered so many bad things as soon as she got off the plane. Guan Zhiqing said, "Sir, it's so heavy that we are still far from the hotel. Think of a way and let's stop the car!"

The driver said, "Let me call a taxi for you and let him take you there."

Cao Mi was so angry that he shouted, "It's so unlucky. We have encountered all kinds of bad luck!"

The driver pushed the door and got out of the car, ran to the roadside public phone booth to make a call.

Zhang Yang parked the car far behind, and Gao Lianming looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little strange. Gao Lianming whispered, "It seems that the taxi is broken!"

Zhang Yang sighed, "It's not a disaster!"

Gao Lianming said, "You go there quickly. It happens to be an opportunity to send them to the hotel and repay their grievances with virtue. Maybe Guan Zhiqing promised to be your image ambassador as soon as she was moved."

Zhang Yang said, "I always feel that something is wrong. Let's see!"

Gao Lianming said, "What's wrong? The car must be broken."

Zhang Yang was full of doubt and said, "Why didn't he repair the car first?"

Gao Lianming said, "It's raining heavily and it's so dark. How to repair it! Can you see it?"