Medical official path

Chapter 539 Moonlight on the Flyover

From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Yang has had too many indistinguishable thoughts about Shi Wei. He has always regarded her as a friend. At that time, Shi Wei drank too much and hugged him to reveal his heart. Only then did Zhang Yang know that Shi Wei liked him, but he never broke up with this matter and did not take it seriously. There is a lack of ** between men and women between him and Shi Wei. Shi Wei's rectum is not the type of special cold. Zhang Yang also knew that Qiao Mengyuan did not break this matter for no reason. She should take this opportunity to tell herself the news.

Qiao Mengyuan of course knew that Shi Wei liked Zhang Yang, but she could also see that Zhang Yang never had any feelings for Shi Wei. She couldn't bear to watch Shi Wei continue to indulge in this kind of unrequited love.

What did Zhang Guanren want to ask, but the close sound of gongs and drums interrupted his words. Several people turned their eyes to the stage and began to change their faces on the small stage. With the wonderful performance of Sichuan Opera Wusheng, the diners applauded one after another. Wusheng was very good at mobilizing everyone's emotions After coming, he stepped off the small stage and came to the guest's table to perform.

He came to Qiao Mengyuan and changed three faces in a row. Zhang Yang noticed that although Qiao Mengyuan smiled, she had a faint worry in her eyes. What made Qiao Mengyuan lose interest in everything? Is it because of Xu Jiayong's death? Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Shi Wei spent a long time on the phone. She didn't return to everyone until the end of the performance. She smiled and said, "Xiao Guo asked me to go to the concert. I forgot about it. At 7:30, I asked him to prepare more tickets. Let's go there after dinner."

Gao Lianming said, "Okay!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Go ahead. I want to go back and rest first."

Zhang Yang said, "I have something else to do, and I won't go."

Shi Wei said, "It's really disappointing. I don't want to pay attention to you. Hurry up and eat. Come on, Zhang Yang, send my sister home later."

Zhang Yang nodded, and Shi Wei said he could do it without Shi Wei.

Shi Wei, Gao Lianming and Tan Yueming left first. Zhang Yang rushed to settle the bill before Qiao Mengyuan. Qiao Mengyuan said, "It was agreed that I would treat you, but you spent money."

Zhang Yang said, "I can reimburse you!"

Qiao Mengyuan sighed and said, "Then I'd rather not let you pay the bill."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "When did you see me take advantage of the public? I'm kidding."

The two walked out of the door side by side. Only then did Qiao Mengyuan know that Zhang Yang was not driving. When Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to stop the car, Qiao Mengyuan said, "This is not far from the quiet road. Walk with me back."

Zhang Yang nodded and accompanied Qiao Mengyuan to the overpass in front of him. On the overpass, a brother with sunglasses played a song "The Love of the Slender" that is currently popular all over the country in the cold wind.

Zhang Yang passed by him, and the brother reached out and took the broken bowl. This is different from foreign street performers. They put the broken bowl there. Do you like it? Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to touch the steel worm. Unfortunately, there was no. The smallest one in his pocket was ten yuan. Since the action was done, he was embarrassed not to give it in front of Qiao Mengyuan. He threw ten yuan into the broken bowl, but when he took out the money, he accidentally brought out a piece of one hundred yuan. Zhang really didn There are accidents in everything. Although the elder brother is wearing sunglasses, he is not blind. His eyes are very thief. When he saw the hundred banknotes falling, he reached out and grabbed it tightly: "Thank you! I wish you two eternal love and a happy life. He also knew that this hundred was accidentally dropped by others, but it fell out in front of me. You can't take it back. I'll block your way first.

Zhang Yang is not a stingy person in the first place. Seeing that this has come to this point, of course, it is difficult to ask others for the 100 yuan.

Qiao Mengyuan has been watching, seeing the subtlety in it, and can't help laughing.

The sunglasses brother picked up the saxophone again: "Dedicated to you the song "The Moon Represents My Heart"!" The melodious melody flowed out of the saxophone, making the autumn moonlight suddenly become much gentler.

Qiao Mengyuan turned around and walked forward, and Zhang Yang quickly followed. They walked slowly on the overpass with the moonlight side by side. Qiao Mengyuan's mood suddenly felt like flying.

Zhang Yang wanted to take off his coat and put it on Qiao Mengyuan, but as soon as he lifted the button, Qiao Mengyuan found his intention and whispered, "No, I'm not cold!"

Zhang Junren smiled awkwardly and laughed at himself, "I don't mean that, it's just that I'm a little hot!"

Qiao Mengyuan couldn't help laughing, and Zhang Yang also laughed. The two laughed for a long time before they stopped the sound. The sound of the saxophone sent by Ye Feng. It seemed that the effect of 100 yuan was really good. The brother blew it again.

Zhang Yang said, "It's pretty good."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It's very ordinary and amateur." A pair of beautiful eyes involuntarily looked at the bright moon in the air. The bright moon hung in the dark blue night sky like thin ice. Qiao Mengyuan looked at the moon, but Zhang Yang looked at Qiao Mengyuan. This meeting of Qiao Mengyuan gave him a strong sense of distance. Zhang Yang didn't like this feeling. He coughed gently: " Why did you suddenly quit drinking? Zhang Guanren's words have no words to say.

Qiao Mengyuan's eyes still looked at the bright moon and whispered, "Wine is a poison through the intestines. Why do you keep drinking it when you know it's poison?"

Zhang Yang said, "Many things can't be quit once they are addicted."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "There is nothing in the world that can't be quit." After saying this, she couldn't help sneezing. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to drag down the coat she had just taken off and put it on her. This time, Qiao Mengyuan did not refuse.

Zhang Yang said, "Are you still thinking about the past?"

Qiao Mengyuan shook her head: "Actually, I haven't been back since you sent me to Dongjiang."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned and whispered, "Can you go back?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Mr. Jin Shangyuan, the president of Blue Star Group, will go to Jiangcheng at the end of the year. I have to talk to him about the second phase of cooperation."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Now that Huitong is on track, there is not much difference between you and not."

Qiao Mengyuan said thoughtfully, "In fact, people are really small in this world. No matter who exists, the world will not change anything."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy for people to live. Because of this, you have to live a wonderful day. As for what will be left after death? I won't think about it, and it's not our turn to *** our hearts.

Qiao Mengyuan wrapped her Zhang Yang's coat tightly and continued to walk forward. The temperature dropped a lot. She swallowed a white cloud between her breaths: "My brother has been working with you recently?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It should be my help. Nancy Xu*** handed over the construction of the new sports center to me. I handed over the project to Liang Chenglong's Fengyu Group. Because of the issue of advance capital, Liang Chenglong was unable to take out so much money at one time, so he found your brother, thanks to your brother' I'm busy solving the financial problem.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "He borrowed 30 million yuan from me."

Zhang Yang laughed.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I believe you will succeed."

Zhang Yang stopped: "Why do you believe me?" He tried to catch Qiao Mengyuan's eyes, but Qiao Mengyuan continued to move forward. Zhang Yang had to continue to chase her footsteps. Qiao Mengyuan said, "A feeling."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not a feeling, it's based on your understanding of me."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I don't know you. I thought I was very smart and easy to see through everything around me, but now I finally understand that what I see through is my eyes, not my heart."

Zhang Yang carefully experienced Qiao Mengyuan's words. After a while, he said, "Your heart is always a pure land."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I hope it can be like this."

In front of her is the family home of the Provincial Party Committee. Qiao Mengyuan stopped and smiled indifferently at Zhang Yang, "Don't send me. I'll walk in by myself."

Zhang Yang said, "Send the Buddha to the west, and it has been delivered to the gate. It's not short of those two steps."

Qiao Mengyuan shook her head, returned Zhang Yang's coat to him, waved her hand, turned around and walked into the door. Zhang Yang stood there and looked at Qiao Mengyuan's back disappearing, and then turned around and left.

Zhang Yang returned to Nancy early the next morning. This trip to the Dongjiang River did not achieve any results. Guan Zhiqing's attitude was very clear. He didn't take the competition at the level of the Provincial Games into his eyes. Since the words were clear, Zhang's official did not want to disturb her again. Ding Zhaoyong said that he was right There are many famous athletes, Guan Zhiqing is unwilling, and some of them are willing to. At the beginning, Guan Zhiqing chose not only because of her influence, but also because of her native place in Nancy. After Guan Zhiqing refused, Zhang Yang planned to relax his eyes and find image endorsement among famous domestic athletes. As long as the endorsement fee is enough, it should be done It's done.

The Sports Committee is divided into two factions in this matter. Several people, led by deputy director Zang Jintang, think that it is just to be used on the blade, and the money needs to be spent in key places. There is no need for endorsement. Some of them are led by Li Hongyang. Li Hongyang thinks that it is okay to ask for image Athletes, otherwise how can we talk about representing the city image of Nancy?

Zhang's official did not think so. At the party group meeting, he said his idea: "I think it's worth asking for an image endorsement to spend a sum of money. With an image endorsement, the popularity of our provincial sports meeting will increase, and some enterprises will come to the door to sponsor. We pay a small amount of the money in exchange. It's a return of several times or even dozens of times. I think it's a sure to make a profit.

Zang Jintang said, "Director Zhang, I think the party's work is different from doing business. We should not only consider the return, but also the impact of society. If the people know that we use high prices to hire spokespersons, what will they think?"

Zhang Yang said, "They will think it's normal. With the process of reform and opening up, everyone's thinking is changing with the times, and not everyone is complaant." His last words were obviously said to Zang Jintang.

Zang Jintang's expression was a little embarrassed, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence he was going to say. Although Zhang Yang didn't come for a long time, everyone in the Sports Committee learned his strong style. Zang Jintang understood that if he continued to talk, the result could only be to find himself ugly. He thought that he was also for the sake of the sports committee. Since he didn't appreciate it, he simply didn't say it.

Deputy Director Li Hongyang said, "I agree with Director Zhang's practice of finding an image ambassador for the Provincial Games, but I think it's better to find our Nancy athletes as much as possible. After all, they want to represent the city image of Nancy. Lao Zang is right. There is no need to spend money on the image ambassador. If it is It's right for us to make some efforts for our hometown. Even if we charge a little symbolically, we can't just open our mouths.

Zhang Yang also knows that these people are for the sake of the sports committee, but the current reality is that Nancy lacks athletes with great influence. Although there are two sports *** teams, it is far from a sensational effect, and what Zhang Yang needs is exactly sensational. For Zhang Yang, it must be better to choose an image ambassador. Don't be promiscuous. Or don't publicize it. Now that you have decided to publicize it, you must create momentum and influence. Zhang Yang said, "We will not discuss this topic for the time being. There is still a period of time before the opening of the Provincial Games. There is still time for the image ambassador to look for it, but one thing is imminent."

All the members of the party group looked at Zhang Yang. I don't know why he said it so seriously.

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone is an old man of the Sports Committee. You should know that the construction site of the new sports center is inconsistent with the earliest plan, right?"

Several people looked at each other, and Duan Jianzhong, the leader of the discipline inspection team, said: "The specific construction and planning are different, and some local changes are allowed."

Zhang Yang said, "That's not what I'm talking about. I've seen the original planning drawings and the current drawings. There are many changes on it. The park green space planned in the past has shrunk a lot. Some people have made a lot of illegal buildings where the park should have been built. Do you know this?"

Director's assistant Xiao Yumin said, "Director Zhang, you know, our sports committee has never participated in the actual construction, and we don't know the situation there."

Cui Guozhu said, "I know something about this."