Medical official path

Chapter 541 Good Teachers and Friends

"Zhang Yang said: ... It's nothing. I was thinking of you, but I didn't expect you to come.

"Removal of lies..."

"Well, where are you? I'll pick you up." Gu Jiatong said, "No, I'm driving. You go straight to Shuyun Street. I want to eat snacks there..."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" Xia Boda's mood was extremely depressed. He felt that he had been tricked by the boy Zhang Yang. "A lot of fire wanted to vent well," but Zhang Yang did not give him this opportunity. Thinking of the word Zhang Yang, Xia Boda hated it so much that his teeth were itchy.

Since Xia Boda stepped into his career, he has rarely encountered such a depressing thing, and it is uncomfortable to be used by others. Xia Boda, who had nowhere to vent, wanted to find someone to pour out. At this time, he suddenly found that he didn't even have a friend in Nancy. Xia Boda remembered the past and remembered that when he followed Gu Yunzhi, he had never felt the pressure now.

Maybe God felt his depression. When Xia Boda was in the lowest mood, Gu Yunzhi took the initiative to call and received Gu Yunzhi's call. Xia Boda felt that his blood was about to boil: "Gu Shu*ji, how are you?"

Even Gu Yunzhi felt Xia Boda's strangeness and smiled and said, "Okay, you've been very busy recently. You can't come to Dongjiang to see me." The relationship between Xia Boda and Gu Yunzhi is beyond doubt. This is a kind of relationship that has been established for many years, and it is also a teacher and friend Xia Boda said, "Gu Shu*Ji, I'll come to see you this week." Gu Yunzhi smiled and did not blame Xia Boda: "Xiao Xia, I'm in Xiqiao. I will stay for a few days. If you are free these two days, come and chat with me..."

Xia Boda said excitedly, "I'm going..."

Gu Yunzhi was stunned. He didn't expect Xia Boda's reaction to be so fierce. He smiled and said, "No, it's too late today. Come back when you have time..."

Xia Boda said, "Gu Shu* Ji, I'm going right there. I want to tell you if I have a lot of words..."


An hour later, Xia Boda rushed to Xiqiao. After knowing that he was coming, Gu Yunzhi asked his son Gu Mingjian to go out to buy some wine and vegetables. Now he was preparing in the kitchen.

Although Xia Boda came in a hurry, he still brought a box of good Taidiao wine. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted affectionately, "Gu Shu * Ji!" Gu Yunzhi's voice sounded in the kitchen: "Xiaoxia, it's just right. Come in and help me bring out the dishes..."

Chabert put the wine in the yard, then went to the sink outside the kitchen to wash his hands, and then walked into the kitchen. Gu Yunzhi is taking a nap, and the fragrance is tempting. Recently, Gu Shu's enthusiasm for learning cooking has been high. He cooks in person almost every day, which also shows from another perspective that Gu Yunzhi is still empty after his divorce. He needs to rely on something to kill time.

Xiebert picked up the cold dishes on the small table, and Gu Yunzhi didn't look back and said, "You bring the cold dishes to the hall, and I'll go there right away..."

Xia Boda's heart was warm and cordial." Gu Yunzhi still walked over like that, without any sense of distance from himself. In front of Gu Yunzhi, Xia Boda felt that he had always been his secretary, and it was an indescribable happiness to be sent by him.

Xia Boda put four cold dishes on the small table. "Gu Mingjian also came back from the outside." He bought a local salted goose." There was also a girl with him. "His his assistant Liu Yan. This time, he came to Xiqiao to play with him. Gu Yunzhi was a little bit of this I like it, but I heard from Gu Mingjian that he and Liu Yan are just ordinary friends. Gu Yunzhi doesn't have to worry about his son's marriage affairs. In the past, Gu Mingjian never had a shortage of beautiful girls around him. After the turmoil in the capital, Gu Mingjian's whole body became much more dull. "Perhaps it should be said that he is more introverted than in the past, and social contacts are much less When I come to that outgoing son, people are really full of contradictions.

Gu Mingjian saw Xia Boda and called Uncle Xia with a smile.

Xia Boda said, "Mingjian, sit down and have two drinks together." Gu Mingjian shook his head and said, "No, there is a performance in the old theater tonight. I'll take Liu Yan to have a look. "You chat with my father..."

Gu Yunzhi came in with the cooked mushroom chicken. When he heard that his son was not eating at home, he nodded and said, "Well, accompany Xiaoliu around..."

After Gu Mingjian and Liu Yan left, Xia Boda asked carefully, "Mingjian's girlfriend..."

Gu Yunzhi laughed and said, "His assistant, not yet..."

Xia Boda followed by a thumbs-up: "Girls are very beautiful..."

Gu Yunzhi untied his apron and sat down at the table. Xia Boda was busy drinking. Gu Yun knew, "I'm going to cut some ginger slices and boil the yellow rice wine..."

Xieberda said, "Gu Shu* Remember to sit down, I'll go!",................................................................................................

Gu Yunzhi did not argue with him. Xia Boda went out and poured a few bottles of yellow wine into the teapot and took a nap together. He came in with the teapot. Gu Yun knew: "How did you get here..."

Xia Boda poured hot yellow wine into the blue and white porcelain teacup in front of Gu Yunzhi, and poured a glass of wine himself: "I drove here myself..."

Gu Yunzhi said with a laughs and said, "I didn't use the driver..."

Xia Boda smiled and said, "There is no need to be so excited to see the old leader..."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and remembered that the last time Xia Boda came to see him, he shocked the officials in this area. He should have seen that he did not like these things, so he knew that he kept a low profile, but he didn't know that Xia Boda came to see him today and wanted to pour out the depression in his heart.

The two of them had a glass of wine, and Shaberda ate it. Gu Yunzhi's mushroom chicken, the taste is not bad. It's just that the chicken is not too rotten, and it takes a lot of effort. Gu Yunzhi laughed: "I'm still a primary school student in cooking. You can make do with it..."

Xia Boda said, "It's my blessing to be able to eat Gu Shu*ji's hand-made dishes." It tastes very good." Gu Yun knew, "As much as I could say, I thought you had become the mayor. I was used to other people's flattery, but I wouldn't say it..."

Xia Boda said, "What I said in front of you is the real nose."

Gu Yunzhi slowly dropped his glass, and his deep eyes penetrated Xia Boda's eyes and looked directly into his heart." He whispered, "Your mood is not high. You hurriedly ran to see me. Did something bad happen to you?"

Xia Boda knew that he had been with Gu Yunzhi for too long and couldn't hide anything from his eyes. He sighed and said, "Gu Shu*Ji, I'm looking for you to help me get lost this time." He briefly talked about what happened after Zhang Yang went to Nancy. When Zhang Yang demolished the Jixing Supermarket by rectifying the illegal building of the sports center, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and sighed, "This boy actually did this kind of thing in my name. Isn't it to provoke the contradiction between me and Xu Guangran?"

Gu Yunzhi heard a smile on the corners of his lips, and he squeezed it. Yellow wine, although he did not experience these things in person, he still felt extremely cordial when he heard these political struggles. "He remembered the conversation he had with Zhang Yang not long ago, and remembered that he had advised him not to be an unlucky child." But it seemed that Zhang Yang was not obedient. Despite this, he lived a life. Still moisturizing.

Xia Boda said, "I really regret it. Why did I bring him to Nancy in the first place?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Who gave him so much courage" dare to openly fight against Xu Guangran?"

Xia Boda said, "It's not that you don't know." He was born with a fearless nature." Xia Boda is very clear about the relationship between Gu Yunzhi and Zhang Yang.

Gu Yunzhi laughed and said, "Do you think he is a fool? How can a stunned young man come to the present in officialdom? There are conflicts between him and many leaders in Chunyang and Jiangcheng, but he has also dealt with a group of people, and these people are precisely the people who hold real power, such as Li Changyu, Qin Qing, and Du Tianye, which proves that he does not go everywhere to make enemies, and he also has his political wisdom.

Xia Boda said, "Maybe he feels that the director of the Sports Committee has too much responsibility, so he wants to anger Xu Guangran to leave this position."

Gu Yun knew: "Do you think it's normal for a director of the sports committee to skip the level to challenge the municipal party committee? Although Zhang Yang is very bold, he is not a brainless boy. He will not make such a low-level political mistake.

Xia Boda said humbly, "Gu Shu*, I really don't know what he wants to do?"

Gu Yun knows: "Although you have become the mayor of Nancy, your vision cannot be limited to the scope of Nancy." You have to stand at a higher height, so that you can fully see the current situation." Gu Yunzhi was a little disappointed with Sherbert. "He found that Sherbert did not lack the skills of being an official, but lacked a kind of courage and courage." This was not a good thing for a government leader.

When Gu Yunzhi knew that Zhang Yang was transferred to Nancy as the director of the Sports Committee, he thought it was just an ordinary transfer, but now he suddenly realized that Zhang Yang's transfer was also an important part of this political layout. Gu Yunzhi whispered, "Chang Ling Air Conditioning has no enlightenment for you to be the mayor of Lanshan?"

Chaboda said, "Is the province dissatisfied with the political situation of Nancy?" He has always been suspicious.

Gu Yun knows: "Xiao Xia, it's your strengths to be smooth and watertight, but if you really want to be the leader of one side, no edges and corners means that there is no style, and it will be a disadvantage." The cooperation between the party and government does not mean blind obedience. Any official has special features. Their characteristics are not only It can be shown as advantages and disadvantages. A person who is too perfect can't be used by a leader. "It's not a bad thing to have shortcomings."

Shabert was vaguely aware of something.

Gu Yunzhi paused and said, "There is a heavenly son and a courtier. The change of leadership is not limited to one or two positions. With the same ingredients, different chefs will cook different flavors. Qiao Zhenliga is a very independent person. He will not go on according to my past political plan. He There is his idea that "he will change the grass when he sees what Pinghai is not happy about." This reform is not in a day, but it involves every level. Chang Lingkong's transfer has given a clear signal. Comrade Zhenliang is not satisfied with the current situation of the leadership in Nancy.

Xia Boda nodded. Since he came to Nancy, Xu Guangran has been polite to him on the surface, but in fact he has been rejecting him." Xia Boda is also quite annoyed by this.

Gu Yun knew: "Now think about it, why does Zhang Yang dare to sing against Xu Guangran?"

Xia Boda took a sip of wine, and he suddenly figured out that Zhang Yang was pressed by Yan Guotao, the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. "Yan Guotao's backstage is the Provincial Party Committee's letter * Qiao Zhenliang. Nine times out of ten, the people who planned this matter were Qiao Zhenliang? A provincial party committee secretary * actually asked about the wheres of a department-level cadre, and he couldn't help thinking about this matter. Xia Boda soon came up with an answer. Zhang Yang dared to sing the opposite drama with Xu Guangran. In the future, the station will be the provincial party committee secretary * Qiao Zhensang. Qiao Zhensang sent He is honestly the director of the Sports Committee. He wants Zhang Yang to stir it up. Thinking of this, Xia Boda realized that his political understanding was really not good. If it hadn't been for Gu Yunzhi's call on him, he hadn't seen it clearly from beginning to end. If he grasps it properly, he will completely become the biggest benefit in this layout, but his awareness and reaction are too slow. From the situation under Qiao Zhenli's cloth, it can be seen that he is dissatisfied with Xu Guangran. "The purpose of his sending Zhang Yang here is to disturb Nancy's calm. It was Xia Boda who did not seize this excellent opportunity. If he remained on the same position as Qiao Zhenliang, he would gain great political benefits this time.

Gu Yunzhi saw the whole thing very thoroughly." Qiao Zhenliang was dissatisfied with the current situation of Nancy's officialdom, and he intended to change Nancy's power distribution. As early as when Gu Yunzhi was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he knew something about Xu Guangran. Xu Guangran was a very mature official with ability and courage, but Xu Guangran was an official who focused on urban construction. Nancy's municipal construction was the largest in all cities. After Gu Yunzhi left the leadership position, he was very Don't comment on the political situation of Pinghai. If it hadn't been for Xia Boda's coming today, and if it hadn't been for the sake of Sha Boda's old subordinate, Gu Yunzhi wouldn't have said anything.