Medical official path

Chapter 552 Deep and shallow above

"The official Zhang circled He Xinyan's slender waist, and said with a smile: ... My wife is not as good as my concubine, and my concubine is better than stealing. It's right to have this sense of being a thief!"

"Wow! You are so shameless!" He Xinyan grabbed Zhang Yang's ear, opened the door, and pulled He Xinyan up. He Xinyan put his ear, wrapped his arm around his neck, climbed on him and bowed his head to kiss his lips.

The official Zhang was almost out of breath by her. He whispered in the dark, "Dear, you want to murder your own husband!" When he spoke, he felt a few tears on his face. He Xinyan cried, "Big bad guy, big bastard, I miss you..."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but be a little moved. He held He Xinyan's beautiful face and said, "I miss you too." He Xinyan said, "I don't believe it!"

Zhang Yang said, "The conscience of heaven and earth!" "Do you still have a conscience?" He Xinyan climbed over from Zhang Yang's body and did it on the co-driver. She turned on the small light on the makeup mirror and saw the tears on her face. She smiled shyly: "It's all you that made me cry."

Zhang Yang said, "Are you hungry?"

He Xinyan nodded, leaned over obediently, hugged Zhang Yang's waist, and whispered, "Just now, the plane was turning in the sky. I'm so worried. I'm afraid that I can't get off again and I can't see you." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. At first glance, "

He Xinyan said, "If something really happens to me, will you be sad?"

Zhang Yang deliberately raised his face and said, "Isn't it sick? What's the matter today? You always curse yourself?" He Xinyan said coquettishly, "I want you to say it, you have to say it."

Zhang Yang said, "You can't do anything. I won't let you do anything, because I can't lose you." When Zhang Daguan said this, his true feelings were revealed.

He Xinyan nodded and said, "For your words, I will protect myself well. I have nothing to do. I just don't want you to be sad."

Zhang Yang kissed her again on her smooth forehead.

He Xinyan said, "Look how good I am to you." You conscienceless thing, you still say in front of me that your wife is not as good as a concubine, and concubine is not as good as stealing. Do I have to sneak with you?"

The official Zhang was a little ashamed. He didn't expect to touch He Xinyan's nerves. He coughed dryly and said, "What?" I don't mean that. I think it's so sentimental. Do you think I'm a little petty?" He Xinyan couldn't help laughing and stretched out and hit Zhang Yang' "Fny petty bourgeoisie, you are a feudal big landlord. All day long, I think of my mind about a group of wives and concubines, and the big red lanterns hanging high."

Zhang Yang nodded happily and said, "Dyan, you are the asari in my stomach. You know everything I think. I am very emotional and easy to be emotional."

He Xinyan said, "Come on, don't blow. I'm so hungry that my chest is almost close to my spine. Can you take me to dinner?" Zhang Daguan actually stretched out his hand and touched He Xinyan's chest: "It's very big. If they can stick to the spine, I'll swallow them all in one bite

"R hooligan!" Zhang Yang took He Xinyan to the water street in the east of Nancy. This is a food place that was only built in Nancy last year. The purpose is to build the Fengyan Lake scenic area. Unfortunately, the project did not achieve the expected results. Tourism did not rise, and the popularity is not good. The concept of high-end The framework has been set up, and it can't be abandoned. Later, the district changed its mind and opened it into a night market. A large number of local snacks poured in here. Unexpectedly, the business became popular, but there are many negative effects, such as domestic sewage discharge and noise nuisance. The development of this area in the city is also very good. It hurts.

The reason why Zhang Yang chose this place is that there are local snacks here, and that it is close to Yunxi Villa, so they can go back to the villa to rest after dinner.

Come to the Water Street" It started to rain again. In winter, the rain was cold and wet. Zhang Yang held an umbrella and hugged He Xinyan. The two walked to the brightly lit Water Street.

Because of the rain, the business in Shuijie is not very good tonight. Zhang Yang has been here several times before and said to He Xinyan, "Let's eat casserole!"

He Xinyan nodded: "It's cold and hungry. Hurry up and find a place to sit down."

The two sat down in Zhu Laosan's casserole house next to Gongyue Bridge. There were few guests in the store. The boss warmly greeted them to the hall and sat down. Zhang Yang ordered four casseroles and brought a bottle of Qingjiang special supply from the car. He Xinyan asked for two bottles of Carlsbo, and

In addition to the casserole, Zhu Laosan's braised beef and dried bean curd are all unique. The hot beef dried bean curd is cut and put in a plate.

He Xinyan was really hungry and ate a piece of dried bean: "It smells so good!"

Boss Zhu Laosan is a fat man. He said happily, "I'm not bragging. Walking all over this water street, there is nothing more delicious than me." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Business is not good today."

Zhu Laosan nodded and said, "It's raining. Who will come to the lake on this cold day?" After saying that, he hurried to the kitchen to work. The shop was not big, and there was only his wife and one man inside and outside.

He Xinyan helped Zhang Yang pour the liquor on it and said with a smile, "The wine meets a confidant. Isn't he regard me as a confidant? Let's not get drunk tonight!" Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Drinking can be messy. If I drink too much, you won't be afraid of me..."

He Xinyan said, "If you want to drink too much, I will drink too much first." Zhang Yang laughed. "He Xinyan picked up a glass of beer" and touched Zhang Yang: "You have one cup and one cup."

Zhang Yang protested, "I'm white wine." It's not fair!"

He Xinyan said, "I'm a woman, you have to let me!"

Zhang's official was completely speechless.


The night rain was crisp, moistening things silently. He Xinyan drank two bottles of beer, and Zhang Yang drank the bottle of white wine. The two hugged each other and walked into the night rain, warming each other's bodies.

He Xinyan was actually interested to see Fengyan Lake at this time. When she came to the lake, she found that Fengyan Lake was very small. He Xinyan was very disappointed: "What Fengyan Lake is just a small pond."

Zhang Yang said, "That's right!"

When the two were about to leave, they suddenly heard a woman's cry. He Xinyan was creepy and grabbed Zhang Yang's arm tightly. Zhang Yang raised his eyes to look at the sound of crying, but he saw a vague figure standing by the lake. An ominous thought appeared in Zhang Yang's heart. Before he could make a sound, he The figure suddenly jumped into the lake.

He Xinyan exclaimed, "It's broken! Someone jumped into the lake!"

Zhang Yang gave the umbrella to He Xinyan, and didn't have time to explain more." He strode to the direction of the woman jumping into the lake and jumped down from the shore for the first time. He Xinyan chased after him out of concern. While running, many people rushed to this way for help.

Zhang Yang caught the diving woman without much effort. He dragged the woman up, and now several people rushed over to help Zhang Yang fish the woman out of the lake.

Through the light of the street lamp by the lake, you can see that the woman is in her fifties, with white hair, lying by the lake and coughing constantly, coughing out a lot of water. Someone went up and wrapped her in a cotton coat. Zhang Yangshui got wet and climbed up the shore. He Xinyan went there with concern and took off his coat and put it on him. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No!"

Zhu Laosan said, "Go to my store quickly. I'll find a dress for you and change it."

A group of people escorted them to Zhu Laosan's casserole house. Zhu Laosan found Zhang Yang to replace his clothes. Zhang Yang changed his clothes and came out. The middle-aged woman had also changed into dry clothes and was shivering and sitting by the stove to make a fire. He Xinyan was standing aside. There were many people The old man hurried in and saw the woman. He came forward and grabbed her hand and said, "Suqin, why are you so stupid? What are you doing in the cold weather?

Zhu Laosan said, "Lao Zhuang, why did you come here?"

The man named Lao Zhuang said, "I'm serving my mother. Who knows that she sneaks out by herself."

Zhu Laosan said, "Lao Zhuang, it's this little comrade who saved your wife. Hurry up and thank her..." Lao Zhuang is also an honest man. He came forward and shook Zhang Yang's hand a few times: "Thank you, thank you..." Lao Zhuang couldn't speak. There were no words except these two words, but tears fell down Coming.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If it weren't for anyone to sit idly by, you should take care of your wife quickly." Zhang Yang saw that Lao Zhuang's wife seemed to be out of his mind.

Lao Zhuang said, "You are the great benefactor of our family. Can you give me your phone number, address and name? I will definitely come to the door to thank you some other day. Now he finally understood what to say.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's really not necessary. Go and take care of her quickly."

Lao Zhuang nodded and left with his wife. Before leaving, he said to Zhang Yang, "I'm selling smoked ducks in the water street. Whenever you come, you can basically find me."

After Lao Zhuang left, Zhu Laosan said, "Everyone has dispersed. Don't look at it."


Zhang Yang and He Xiyan are ready to leave. Zhu Laosan is a fastidious person. He will refund the money for tonight's meal to him. He immediately said that as long as Zhang Yang comes to dinner in the future, he will not charge him for a penny.

Zhang Yang said curiously, "Does that woman have some mental problems?"

Zhu Laosan sighed and said, "Poor, Lao Zhuang and his family are all honest people. In the past, we were all chefs in Jiangnanchun. Later, when something happened in the restaurant, we all lost our jobs."

When Zhang Yang heard the three words Jiang Nanchun, he was stunned. He whispered, "Jiangnan Chun? Was the boss Zhu Qiaoyue in the past?

Zhu Laosan nodded and said, "Yes, she was very famous in Nancy. Later, she died in Jinghai Villa. At that time, it was a major event that caused a sensation in Nancy. Fu Liansheng, deputy director of the Lianhu District Public Security Bureau, died with her, who all said that they were martyred. Later, it was found out that It was killed." Zhu Laosan also looked around when he said about this matter. After all, it was about things in the officialdom, and he also knew the truth of the disaster coming out of his mouth.

Zhang Yang said, "I've heard of some."

Zhu Laosan said, "Lao Zhuang's son's name is Zhuang Wei. He disappeared with a wonderful name. It took more than half a year to find the body. I heard that it was also related to Zhu Qiaoyue's case. A good young man disappeared like this. His mother couldn't stand the stimulation because of this, and he became crazy It's not easy for the hemiplegic mother to take care of this crazy wife. The whole family is counting on his braised vegetable stall.

It's really unpredictable." Zhang Yang did not expect to meet Zhuang Wei's parents here. Zhuang Wei's death was due to Zhu Qiaoyue. The affair between him and Zhu Qiaoyue was discovered by Tang Xingsheng. Tang Xingsheng was jealous, so he killed him. This incident was also the root cause of Zhu Qiaoyue and Tang Xingsheng's opposite purpose The death of the month. The case has faded from Zhang Yang's impression, but today it has become clear again. Tang Xingsheng is still afraid of sin and absconded. If he is not caught for a day, the case will not end for a day.

Back to Yunxi Villa, Zhang Yang took a hot bath and returned to the living room. He Xinyan had cooked ginger soup and asked him to drink some cold. Of course, there will be nothing wrong with Zhang Yang's body. There is no need to drink ginger soup at all, but he can't refuse He Enyan's intention. Zhang Daguan drank ginger soup with a big mouth, but saw He Xinyan holding her cheeks and looking at himself. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't look at me so admiringly. I can't stand this."

He Xinyan said, "I really worship you." When you see someone you don't know falling into the water, you can jump down without hesitation. If it were me, I believe you will be more attentive."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What's going on today? I always say bad things and talk nonsense again. I'll spank you.

He Xinyan took the empty bowl in his hand and put it on the coffee table: "Are you afraid when you jump down?" Zhang Yang said, "Don't be afraid, the water is shallow!"

He Xinyan said, "Are you really not afraid?" Zhang Yang held her shoulder and said, "I'm not afraid at all. There is too little water in Fengyan Lake!"

He Xinyan said, "The small river ditch can drown people."

Zhang Daguan said, "The water in Fengyan Lake is not as much as you. You can't drown me. How can it drown me?"
