Medical official path

Chapter 560 Communication on

"Zhang Yang smiled and said: ... I am also a member of the Communist Party. Director Liao can do that to class enemies, and he will definitely not do that to his comrades."

Luan Shengwen said, "Don't be so profound. Can we eat first?"

After the waiter served the food, Zhang Yang ordered a bottle of Longshan aging wine. Luan Shengwen said, "I can't drink it. I have to have a meeting in the afternoon. You two drink it."

Qu Shengming drank very happily. He nodded and said, "Xiao Zhang, let's eat half a catty each. Don't drink too much at noon." Zhang Yang already knew when he heard his tone that the boss was also a good drinker.

Even Luan Shengwen also found that Qu Shengming and Zhang Yang have a lot in common. They all like to drink. They all believe that fists are the absolute truth, and they all serve in the Sports Committee.

Qu Shengming drank a few glasses of wine and talked a lot. He said to Luan Shengwen, "I have no problem with your nephew's job transfer. You have completed the formalities, and I will definitely accept it."

Luan Shengwen said, "With your words, I will help him go through the formalities."

Zhang Yang said, "Director Qu, I'm not only here to report to you, but also to formally invite you to participate in the star football game at Nancy Stadium on the 8th of next month. I'll save you the opportunity to kick off."

Qu Shengming squeezed slowly and naturally. The wine said, "You seem to have spent a lot of trouble."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I hope Director Qu won't let my mind go to waste."

Qu Shengming said, "Since we have talked about business, there are no outsiders here. Let's talk openly. Xiao Zhang, it's a good idea to come up with this torch relay. Our Provincial Sports Committee is very supportive of you. When your application was handed over, I signed it without hesitation."

Zhang Yang said, "I know that Director Qu has always been very supportive of our work."

Qu Shengming said, "For our provincial party committee, we still do everything possible to support your work. It is not easy to hold a provincial sports meeting." The success of the 12th provincial sports meeting is not only your honor, but also the honor of all our sports workers in Pinghai. I have no problem with you auctioning the right torch relay, but you not only auctioned Nancy's, but also auctioned other cities. Who gave you this right?

Luan Shengwen has nothing to do with this matter. He looked at the two of them with a smile, and now he finally knows the root cause of the conflict between the two.

Zhang Yang said, "Director Qu, since the province has selected Nancy as the host city of the 12th Provincial Games, everything should be delegated to us. How to market this Provincial Games should be decided by us."

Qu Shengming said, "You make decisions, but you can't make decisions from other cities."

Zhang Yang said, "Director Qu, since there are no outsiders here, I would like to tell you from the bottom of my heart that the provincial and city's allocation for the Provincial Games is pitifully small. It's a drop in the bucket. If we rely on financial allocation to set up the Provincial Games, there is no possibility at all, so we "The purpose of hiring an image ambassador is to enhance the popularity of the Provincial Games. When the popularity is high, our advertising and marketing rights will be valuable. The torch relay is also to make money. I personally can't get any benefits from it. The Sports Committee has set up a special account, and all the money will be transferred into this account to be supervised by the pro It's not to set up the Provincial Games. As you said, the Provincial Games is not Nancy's own business, and the funds I raised are not all on the Nancy people.

Qu Shengming said, "I have no objection to your auction of the right torch relay, but you can't even auction off the right of the torch relay in other cities."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as any city wants to participate in the torch relay, it must give me this right, otherwise I can redeve the torch relay route." At worst, I will only pass in Nancy, so I have the right to shoot all the torches.


Qu Shengming was stunned. "This boy can really think that if he really did so," Qu Shengming really couldn't do anything about him.

Luan Shengwen couldn't help laughing. He saw that Qu Shengming couldn't control the publicity.

Qu Shengming said, "Xiao Zhang, the opinions of the municipal sports committees in various places have been very large recently. They think it is inappropriate for you to auction off all the relay rights."

Zhang Yang said, "There is nothing suitable or inappropriate. I also know why everyone made comments. Seeing that I only auctioned two sticks and raised 5,300,000 yuan. Why didn't they see how much work I did behind my back? The torch relay is what I came up with, and the auction is also what I came up with. Everyone wants to share the money. I'm sorry. There is no such cheap thing in the world. Besides, this year, we in Nancy, are the host. In the future, Dongjiang, Jiangcheng and Lanshan will not be able to see that if they have the No matter how much money I have, I won't be jealous. Director Qu, do you think this is the reason?

When Qu Shengming heard this, he felt that what Zhang Yang said was also very reasonable. The opportunity was equal for every city. Zhang Yang just started this. If the torch auction could not be so high, it would become unno one to pay attention to it. At the beginning, when Zhang Yang just proposed the torch relay, the internal meeting of the Provincial Sports It was rumored to be a joke, but now they are making a lot of work, and someone has come up with the idea of getting a piece of the pie.

When Zhang Yang saw that Qu Shengming was silent, he picked up his glass and touched him and said, "Director Qu, what are you going to do about this matter?"

Qu Shengming said, "You've finished your words. What should I say? What's the attitude? As you said, all the proceeds from the auction are used for sports. If I find any violations, I will withdraw you. He spoke harshly, but with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yangxin said that you really didn't have the power to withdraw me. He picked up his glass and said, "Director Qu, you are really like his name, sage!"

Qu Shengming and Luan Shengwen looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Luan Shengwen left early because of a meeting in the afternoon. Qu Shengming and Zhang Yang finished a catty of wine. Zhang Yang saw that he was in high spirits and suggested another bottle. Qu Shengming said, "I don't drink. I have to go to work in the afternoon. I can't be too late."

Zhang Yang was not reluctant. He smiled and said, "Then when you go to Nancy next month, I'll treat you to a drink."

Qu Shengming smiled and said, "I haven't promised you yet."

Zhang Yang said, "This star football match represents the full start of the preparations for the Provincial Games. The countdown to the grand market has entered. How can you be so meaningful?"

Qu Shengming said, "Okay, I'll go and take a look at the construction progress of your new sports center. I hope it won't disappoint me."

Zhang Yang said, "Only by going there first can you really feel the gratifying changes in October next year." He kept his backhand in his words.

Qu Shengming also thought from his words that the progress of the project must be unsatisfactory. He got up and said, "It's time to go to work."

Zhang Yang sent him to the gate of the Sports Commission. Qu Shengming stopped and looked at Zhang Yang and said, "You are good at kung fu. Who are you teaching?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's ancestral."

Qu Shengming said, "I don't see which boxing method you use."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There is a little bit of miscellaneous everything. When it comes to routines, I'm far worse than Director Qu."

Qu Shengming's old face is hot, and he has practiced martial arts for half his life, which is not as good as today's young man. It seems that there is an old saying that practicing boxing without practicing kung fu to nothing.


Zhang Yang took time to go to Dongjiang Normal University in the afternoon. He didn't see his sister. Zhao Jing received his call and sneaked out of the school to see Zhang Yang next to the pickup truck. He shouted happily and jumped over.

Zhang Yang greeted her and reached out to rub her hair, but Zhao Jing dodged her. Zhao Jing laughed and said, "I had expected you to do this again. It's annoying. I messed up her hair every time."

Zhang Yang looked at his sister and smiled, "It's dark, I'm thin!"

Zhao Jing said, "I've been playing tennis a lot recently, so I'm tanned."

Zhang Yang said, "Where's Ding Bin?"

Zhao Jing said, "Where's the class? What's wrong?" She knew very well that the little brother had always didn't like Ding Bin very much.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There's nothing, just ask casually."

Zhao Jing said, "I know you are biased against him. In fact, he is much better now and is good to me."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "As long as it's good to you, I don't have any prejudice against him."

Zhao Jing said, "Brother, I called my mother the other day. She is very thinking about you. You haven't been home since you went to Nancy."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Didn't I just take office? Things over there have not been straightened out. I was about to wait until everything was arranged and take my mother over for a while. By the way, let's all go to Nancy for the Spring Festival next year. Let's get together for the Spring Festival.

Zhao Jing nodded happily and said, "Okay, the family will not be reunited one day."

Zhang Yang gave her the gift and said, "Let's have dinner together in the evening. Yuan Bo arranged a table of meals in Wangjiang Tower."

Zhao Jing shook her head and said, "No, I made an appointment with Ding Bin to have a barbecue. Brother, with so many of you, it's not convenient for me to go."

Zhang Yang nodded. When he was about to say goodbye to Zhao Jing, he saw a BMW coming. From the school gate, a well-dressed female student greeted the BMW with a delicate smile. Zhao Jing looked at the female student contemptuously. The female student and her classmate was called Zhuo Ting, which was a famous communication in the school. I just got a big deal recently.

Zhang Yang also looked over there curiously, but he didn't expect to see an acquaintance. Zhou Yunfan, dressed in a leather coat, showed his head from the window of the car, waved to Zhuo Ting with a smile, signaling her to get in the car.

Zhuo Ting shouted angrily, "Mr. Raz, you're late!"

Zhou Yunfan smiled and said, "I'm busy with my business. I finally pulled it out. Isn't it coming right away?"

Zhang Yangxin said that Zhou Yunfan was also an old man. He actually went to Dongjiang Normal University to seduce female students. He shouted, "Raz!"

When Zhou Yunfan heard someone calling him, he followed the sound and couldn't help frowning when he saw Zhang Yang standing in front of the pickup truck. He knew Zhang Yang very well. He knew that it was difficult to deal with, but when he met him, he had to say hello. He pushed the door open and walked to Zhang Yang happily.

Zhao Jing took something and whispered to Zhang Yang, "Brother, I'll go first!"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Zhou Yunfan came to Zhang Yang and stretched out his hand enthusiastically: "Director Zhang, what brings you to Dongjiang?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There is no wind. I came to Dongjiang to borrow your east wind.

Zhou Yunfan laughed. He has shares in Hu Yinru's advertising company. He knows that Hu Yinru recently contracted the advertising of the Provincial Games. Zhou Yunfan is a shrewd businessman. He is not optimistic about Hu Yinru's business, but he is only responsible for investment and does not participate in the business of the advertising company. Zhou Yunfan waved to Zhuo Ting behind him, and Zhuo Tingting curled over.

Zhang Yang doesn't have much good impression on this girl. A female student is dressed up, and it may not be a good thing to mix with Zhou Yunfan.

Zhou Yunfan said, "My girlfriend!"

When Zhuo Ting heard him introduce herself like this, her face still turned a little red. After all, she was still a student.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Raz and I are old friends. My name is Zhang Yang."

Zhuo Ting blinked her eyes with thick mascara and said, "I've heard of you. You are Zhao Jing's brother."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Zhou Yunfan said, "I heard that Director Zhang is holding the Provincial Games recently!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to contact you to see if you are interested in investing."

Zhou Yunfan smiled and said, "I'm still more interested in movies. Recently, I invested in a high-tech film and television base in Qingtai Mountain, Chunyang with Mrs. Heather. How can I have spare money to do other projects?"

Hearing Mrs. Heather's name, Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yunfan actually mixed up with her.

Zhou Yunfan said, "Recently, it has been rumored that you are auctioning the right of the torch relay in Nancy. It is said that the two torches have been auctioned for 5,300,000 yuan. I don't know if this is true?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Really, set? Do you also give up your interest?

Zhou Yunfan said, "Dongjiang torch relay auction, I'll buy one." He turned to Zhuo Ting and said, "Can you take a picture and let you run?"

Zhuo Ting's eyes were bright with excitement. Although the girl's vanity didn't seem to have seen many big scenes, she nodded happily.

Zhang Yang scolded in his heart and was paralyzed. You think he was buying torch ice cream. A good girl was harmed by Zhou Yunfan, an old hooligan.