Medical official path

Chapter 566 Variable 8,000 words

Zhang Yang sent Gong Qiwei downstairs to his house. He saw Yang Zhong's mother and daughter coming out together. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Go back quickly. My sister-in-law has come out to find you."

Gong Qiwei smiled and looked at his wife and daughter in the distance. A trace of guilt rose in his heart. He was in a bad mood and went out to relax, but he did not consider the feelings of his family. Presumably, his family would not be at ease during the period when he left. Gong Qiwei pushed the door and walked down.

Zhang Yang also got out of the car and smiled at Yang Ning and said, "Sister-in-law, come out and pick up Mayor Gong.

Yang Ning smiled gently and said, "No, I'll take Yaxin out for a walk."

As soon as Zhang Yang heard that this was an excuse, he didn't have to break it. He smiled, said goodbye to Gong Qiwei's family, turned around and drove away.

Gong Qiwei came to his wife and daughter's side. His daughter Yaxin came forward and took his arm. Both mother and daughter smelled the smell of alcohol on his body. Yang Ning said, "Drinking hurts your body. You are no longer young." Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "I'm still young in the cadre."

Gong Yaxin's eyes were a little red: "Dad, don't go out without saying a word in the future. My mother and I are very worried about you."

Gong Qiwei reached out and pinched his daughter's pink face, opened his arms, held his wife's slender waist with one hand, and put his daughter's shoulder in the other hand. Yang Ning was a little embarrassed and gently broke free and said, "You are not afraid of being seen by others."

Gong Qiwei laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, as long as you sit straight, I'm not afraid of anything!"


In Xia Boda's memory, Xu Guangran rarely talked to himself alone. Today, Xu Guangran found himself early in the morning. Not only that, Xu Shuji showed rare modesty: "Lao Xia, what do you think of the development of Shenshui Port?"

Xia Boda smiled and said, "It's good!" I can't help but doubt Xu Guangran's motivation." Xu Guangran has always excluded him from the deep-water port project, for fear that he would interfere in the deep-water port and dilute his political achievements. But today, he actually took the initiative to talk to him about the deep-water port. Shebert suddenly smelled a trace of unusual air. Is Xu Has it been detected by the province?

Xu Guangran's next words gradually confirmed Xia Boda's speculation. Xu Guangran sighed and said, "From the establishment of the project to the start of the project, Chang Lingkong has always been in charge. At such a critical time, the province transferred him to Lanshan as mayor. It's not easy to clean up such a big stall."

Xia Boda smiled indifferently and said, "Isn't Chen Hao doing a good job?"

Xu Guangran said, "There are only the two of us here. To be said from the bottom of the word, Chen Hao's ability is a little different from that of Chang Lingkong."

Although Xia Boda is very disgusted with Xu Guangran, he also agrees with this sentence. Chang Lingkong's ability is very strong. Because of this, after he came to Nancy, he was not even as powerful as Chang Lingkong, the executive deputy mayor, in all aspects. On the one hand, he has Xu Guangran's support. Another important reason Personal ability.

Xia Boda said, "Chen Hao has just accepted the management of the deep-water port, and there must be an adaptation process. We leaders should be more patient."

Xu Guangran said, "How do you think of Gong Qiwei?

Xia Boda became more and more alert to Xu Guangran. Yesterday, Xu Guangran only taught Gong Qiwei a lesson. Today, he came here to consult his opinion. What is his purpose? Don't you think it's not hard enough to step on Gong Qiwei? Are you going to add a kick? Xia Boda said, "Comrade Qiwei's enthusiasm for work is still very high."

Xu Guangran said, "I plan to let Chen Hao be in charge of sports work. Gong Qiwei is younger and more energetic than Chen Hao. Lao Xia, is it more appropriate to put him in the deep-water port?"

Xia Boda didn't say anything and made a thoughtful look. In fact, he was waiting for Xu Guangran's next sentence.

Xu Guangran secretly scolded Xia Boda, the old fox, and he didn't even bother to express his opinions.

Xia Boda secretly paid in his heart, Xu Guangran, Xu Guangran, you must have been in trouble. At this time, if you want to pull me into the muddy water, it's strange for me to talk to you.

Xu Guangran said, "Lao Xia, what do you think of such a division of labor?"

Xia Boda said, "Aren't you talking about the second-phase investment of Xingyue Group at present? It doesn't seem to be very good to change the general.

Xu Guangran said, "Yesterday, Gong Qiwei came to me to talk about Shenshui Port. I feel that his ideas are very creative. We should give some support to such enthusiastic and thoughtful cadres."

Xia Boda said secretly, it's you who threw him, and it's you who praised him. God knows that the purpose of holding him now is not to throw him harder? Does this have anything to do with me? I'm engaged in my municipal construction. The deep-water port is simply a muddy-water port. Now it's messed up by you. Earlier, you were afraid that I would share your political achievements and won't let me touch it. Now that you are in trouble, come to ask for my advice again? I'm too lazy to care about you.

Xia Boda said, "I agree with Xu Shuji's decision."

The main reason why Xu Guangran came to Xia Boda is that he suspects that Xia Boda has played a certain driving role in the Gong Qiwei incident. Although Xia Boda is superficially peaceful, this person has always been an old deep-fried dough stick in political control. After so many years of training around Gu Yunzhi, he has learned more or less. When it came to some of the essence of Gu Shuji's political governance, Xu Guangran had long known that Xia Boda was dissatisfied with him, but in Nancy, he occupied the right time, place and people. Even if Xia Boda crossed the river dragon, he had to bow his head and retreat here. If anyone was in the position of Xia Boda, he would not He can do superficial work. Every time he meets Xu Guangran, he is smiling. When facing him, he is like an old friend who has been with him for many years. People who don't know can never guess Xia Boda's deep hatred for Xu Guangran. Everything started when Zhang Yang came to Nancy. The boy seemed to come here to fight against himself. At first, Xu Guangran thought that Zhang Yang was a pawn of Xia Boda, but with the passage of time, he found that Xia Boda could not control Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang's performance on the main board in Nancy was more frank.

After Gong Qiwei's incident shocked the province, Xu Guangran has seen a lot of things clearly. What is really dissatisfied with him is the province. Qiao Shuji, the provincial party committee, is dissatisfied with the current situation in Nancy City, so he has the transfer of Chang Lingkong, so he has the strength to support Gong Qiwei, but now Xu Guangran He didn't want to think about who was supporting anyone. No one could imagine that Qiao Shuji, the provincial party committee, would deliberately let Anna's deputy department-level cadre come to Nancy to make waves. .......................................................................................

Xu Guangran returned to the office. Executive Vice Mayor Chen Hao was already waiting for him in it. Chen Hao did not know the reason why Xu Shuji called him early in the morning. He thought that Xu Shuji was going to emphasize the signing of the contract with Xingyue Group today.

Xu Guangran did not deliberately hide anything in front of Chen Hao. He came straight to the point: "Chen Hao, after the research of our leadership, we believe that Nancy's top priority is to welcome the upcoming Provincial Games, so he decided to let you be in charge of Nancy's sports well from today on."

Chen Hao was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't fully understand Xu Guangran's meaning. He said with a bitter face, "Xu Shuji, a deep-water port makes me exhausted. Now you also give me the sports work. It's not that I want to shirk responsibility, but I'm really powerless." He wondered that Xu Guangran planned to hand over the sports work to Wang Haibo yesterday. Why did it change overnight?

Xu Guangran said, "Chen Hao, you don't understand. I mean that your main task in the future is to be responsible for your sports work." Be responsible for running the Provincial Games. "Leave the matter of the deep-water port to others."

Chen Hao was completely stunned and stared at a pair of eyes. He didn't understand. What's wrong with Xu Shuji? Why did he turn around and get it on his head? It was not easy for him to improve the deep water port a little. He raised his foot and kicked himself out. Chen Hao said, "Who to give it to?"

Xu Guangran said, "After the research of the leadership, everyone has always thought that Comrade Gong Qiwei is more suitable."

Chen Hao's heart was so wronged that he almost burst into tears. Isn't this fucking a playful person? Xu Shuji, Xu Shuji, we don't bring this. You've been messing with me for so long! Leadership research? Am I not a fucking leader? Who did you study with? I have a downfall in the Standing Committee. Why haven't I heard you mention it? After Chang Lingkong left, you gave me the deep-water port. I did my best. For the sake of the deep-water port, I haven't slept well. I have no contribution and hard work. At this time, you have dried me up with a word of leadership research. Isn't it too ruthless?

Of course, Xu Guangran could see Chen Hao's grievance. He also knew what Chen Hao was thinking and sighed. He said angrily, "Xiao Chen, the province called. Qiao Shuji is very concerned about Comrade Gong Qiwei." This sentence is equivalent to pushing all the responsibilities to the top, intending to go to Chen Hao to confess, and speaking to the province, there is nothing I can do.

Only then did Chen Hao understand that he lowered his head, like a defeated rooster. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Xu Shuji, I'm not convinced!" Xu Guangran walked over, came to Chen Hao's side, and patted him on the shoulder: "No one's feet are smooth, and the official career is In fact, the significance of this Provincial Games is no less than that of the deep-water port, and this burden is not light.

Can Chen Haoxin compare? The Provincial Games is a national entertainment event, with at most a little political significance. If it is done well, it may not increase much political achievements. If it is done, I'm afraid it will become the reference of a thousand people in Pinghai Province. The deep-water port will be different. After it is built, it may be used for the political and political benefits brought by Then he remembered one thing: "Xu Shuji, I heard that Gong Qiwei went to the province two days ago and was also received by Qiao Shuji of the provincial party committee." Xu Guangran sighed. Chen Hao's words were too late. It seemed that Gong Qiwei was a restless guy. He actually bypassed himself and went directly to Qiao Zhenliang to report I buried the foreshadowing of today. What made him helpless was that Gong Qiwei, who didn't know what he used to attract Qiao Zhenliang, actually won the appreciation of the Provincial Party Committee's calligraphy.

Chen Hao said, "I didn't expect this man to be so despicable that he made some small moves."

Xu Guangran patted him on the shoulder again and said, "Comrades should cooperate well and never have conflicts for some small things. You are the executive deputy mayor. Many jobs in Nancy City should be arrested in person.

This sentence is equivalent to giving Chen Hao a reassurance. He is still the executive vice mayor. He is the first among the deputy mayors, but only adjusts the division of labor. He did not demote him. Chen Hao said, "Xu Shuji, don't worry, no matter what I do, I will do my best. I am We should do as much for the people as possible, do more practical things, and do more good deeds.

Xu Guangran nodded happily. Although Chen Hao's ability was a little lower, this person was very obedient. For him, an obedient subordinate was more attractive than a capable subordinate.

When the two talked, Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei also arrived. Because Xu Guangran had told him in advance that as long as Gong Qiwei came, he would let him in, so Gong Qiwei and Chen Hao met him. Chen Hao felt uncomfortable when he saw Gong Qiwei. Although Gong Qiwei greeted him with a smile, he felt Gong Qiwei's smile. Rong Zhong was full of sarcasm against him. He hummed coldly and got up and said goodbye to Xu Guangran: "Xu Shuqi, I'm leaving!"

Xu Guangran knew that Chen Hao was uncomfortable and did not keep him. Originally, he wanted Chen Hao and Gong Qiwei to hand over the work in person.

After Chen Hao left, Xu Guangran nodded to Gong Qiwei, turned around and sat back at his desk. Gong Qiwei subconsciously looked at the ground. Yesterday, Xu Shuji threw the cup in front of him. Now everything has returned to normal, and Xu Guangran's face did not see any anger, but Gong Qiwei could still clearly feel Xu Guangran's indifference from the bottom of his heart. He also understood that Xu Guangran had completely drawn him to the opposite side when Qiao Shuji interfered in the political affairs of Nancy this time, but Gong Qiwei was ready to meet any wind and rain from the moment he made a suggestion to Xu Guangran.

Xu Guangran said, "Qiwei, Qiao Shuji of the Provincial Party Committee appreciates your advice very much!" When he said this, his lips seemed to be smiling, but on his face, he was cold. Gong Qiwei said bluntly, "I went to the province two days ago and happened to meet Qiao Shuji. He asked about the situation of Shenshui Port, so I told him my point of view.

Xu Guangran nodded: "Very good, if all our cadres can be like you, the communication between us and the leaders will become easier. Gong Qiwei heard the mockery of himself in his words. He smiled: "Xu Shuji, in fact, it is as important as communication between leaders and the masses. To gain the understanding of the people and the support of the leaders, only in this way can we do things well.

Xu Guangran was secretly angry. Gong Qiwei was really rampant. He actually taught himself a lesson in turn. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Gong Qiwei. He said indifferently, "Comrade Qiwei, after organizational poetry theory, we think it is more realistic to give you the construction command of Shenshui Port to you in the current complex Do you want to accept this burden?

"I do!" Gong Qiwei only said three words, but he was resolute. Wei Xuguangran looked at Gong Qiwei, who was full of confidence, and couldn't help sneering in his heart. The ideal and reality are always full of gaps. While accepting this heavy burden, it means accepting the same responsibility of the same weight. If you survive, you are a meritor Overwhelm by this burden, not only that, you will be defeated in your official career from now on, and you will never turn over. Qiao Shuji is full of hope for you. But when his hope turns into disappointment, I don't believe that he will support you as he does now?


The change in the division of labor of the leadership of Nancy City is so sudden that there is no sign of it, which makes the members of the Standing Committee feel caught off guard, let alone others. On the morning of the same day, it was originally scheduled to sign the transfer agreement of the old stadium plot in Conference Room 3 of Nancy Municipal Government. Fan Siqi, president of Xingyue Group, and her assistant Lin Peipei, had come here five minutes in advance. Fan Siqi did not know that the person in charge of the construction of the deep-water port project had changed A good day, taking the stadium plot without spending a penny, not only reduces the investment risk of Xingyue in Nancy, but also this beautiful blow can block the mouth of the old ministers of the board of directors, and her trust crisis within Xingyue can also be temporarily relieved. Business is business. Whether it is an individual or a government, we should seize all opportunities, do not miss any bargaining, and get the greatest benefits as much as possible. This is a real businessman.

Two minutes have passed." In Fan Siqi's impression, Chen Hao is rarely late. Lin Peipei beside him looked at his watch and whispered to Fan Siqi, "Mr. Fan, it's already two minutes late."

Fan Siqi smiled and didn't say anything. She picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip of tea. She could imagine the frustration of the city leaders of Nancy at this time. In the negotiations around Sham Shui Port, she had completely gained the upper hand. She felt like a winner waiting for the surrender letter.

Two minutes have passed." In Fan Siqi's impression, Chen Hao is rarely late. Lin Peipei beside him looked at his watch and whispered to Fan Siqi, "Mr. Fan, it's already two minutes late."

Fan Siqi smiled and didn't say anything. She picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip of tea. She could imagine the frustration of the city leaders of Nancy at this time. In the negotiations around Sham Shui Port, she had completely gained the upper hand. She felt like a winner waiting for the surrender letter. Time passed minute by minute by minute. Ten minutes had passed, and no one was still coming. Fan Siqi began to feel something was wrong in her heart. It was reasonable that she would not be so late for so long. What on earth is going on?

Lin Peipei took the lead in calming down and whispered, "They are so rude." Fan Siqi whispered, "Wait a minute!"

As soon as her voice fell, the door of the conference room opened. Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei came in with a smile on his face.

Fan Siqi feels a little strange. "She is not familiar with Gong Qiwei. She has always had the most contact with Chen Hao, the executive vice mayor, but she doesn't know why Chen Hao didn't come? Gong Qiwei came to sit down opposite Fan Siqi and introduced himself with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Fan, I'm Gong Qiwei, deputy mayor of Nancy. From today on, I will take over Mayor Chen and be fully responsible for the work of Deepwater Harbor."

Fan Siqi frowned. "All the attacks were so sudden that she had a feeling of being caught off guard. Nancy City is about to change generals at this juncture. What is their purpose? Is there a variable in the matter of the stadium plot? Fan Siqi quickly adjusted her inner mood and stretched out her hand to Gong Qiwei with a smile: "Hello, Mayor Gong, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Miss Fan is an investor. On behalf of the Nancy Municipal Government, as long as we are mutually beneficial, mutual understanding and cooperation, there must be no problem."

Fan Siqi said, "Since Mayor Gong has taken over the work of Shenshui Port, I will sign a contract with you today."

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "I just took over the work of Sham Shui Port. The signing of the contract may be postponed for a few days. Mr. Fan won't have any objection, will he?"

Fan Siqi said, "Isn't this matter decided by the city? Why did you postpone it?

Gong Qiwei asked with a smile, "Xingyue's second-phase investment has been clearly written in the contract for a long time. Why is it postponed?"

Fan Siqi said, "There have been some problems within our group, and we have informed you in advance. After solving the internal problems, we will come to Nancy to discuss the investment of the second phase as soon as possible. We will bear all the losses caused by the delay of funds. Is Mayor Gong satisfied with my explanation? 9"

Gong Qiwei's smile remains unchanged: "Mr. Fan, today is just an agreement to sign the contract, not the contract has been signed. I am now coming to explain it to you in person. I have shown our sincerity. I hope Mr. Fan can give me a few days."

Lin Peipei couldn't help saying, "But our time is precious. We can't waste it endlessly because of you."

Gong Qiwei looked at Lin Peipei with a smile and said, "This one..."

Van Siki said, "She is my assistant!" When she said this, she looked at Lin Peipei with some complaints and blamed her for not talking at this time.

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "I have seen the people of Singapore." He stood up and obviously did not continue to explain his interest to Fan Siqi: "Mr. Fan, I'm going to hold a meeting. I'm going to be there."

Fan Siqi and Lin Peipei returned to their car. Lin Peipei said angrily, "This Gong Qiwei is so arrogant. He seems to be specially opposed to us. I really don't know what confidence he has? If we stop investing, their deep-water port will have to become a stinky water port.

Fan Siqi said, "Looking at his appearance, he seems to be confident. He is very sure."

Lin Pepe said, "Have you found another source of funding?"

Fan Siqi shook her head and said, "I don't know!" She thought for a moment and said, "Drive to the Nancy Sports Committee." ..................................................................................

The purpose of Fan Siqi's visit to the Sports Committee is to see Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang has just listened to the project progress report of the new sports center. Now he is calling home. Every few days, he has to report that he is safe at home. By the way, he invites his mother to come and have a look. Xu Lihua is a person "After all, there are so many people in the family, she can't leave." When Zhang Yang heard that his mother was unwilling to come, he could only say that he would go back to Jiangcheng during the Spring Festival.

Fan Siqi knocked on Zhang's door. Zhang put down the phone and looked up to see Fan Siqi and couldn't help laughing: "Miss Fan!" Not only Fan Siqi, but also Lin Peipei followed her. Fan Siqi smiled and said, "Director Zhang!" Seeing the scars on Zhang Yang's face, she was a little surprised and said, "What's the matter? Who beat you like this?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The person who dares to hit me hasn't appeared yet. I drank too much yesterday and fell!" This man would find Shan Lin Peipei to see Zhang Yang's blue nose and swollen face and felt funny. He couldn't help laughing out loud and laughing like huā. Zhang Guanren couldn't help but be stunned. This Singaporean girl is also good-looking!

When Fan Siqi saw Zhang Yang staring at Lin Peipei, she felt a little uncomfortable. She coughed twice. Only then did the official Zhang realize his gaffe and hurriedly said, "Please sit down" Please sit down!"

Fan Siqi and Lin Peipei came to the sofa and sat down. They got up and took two bottles of mineral water to them. They smiled and said, "Did you come to me today to talk about friendship or to talk about business?"

Fan Siqi said, "There is both." Zhang's official has heard that Gong Qiwei delayed the signing of the stadium plot, and he also guessed that Fan Siqi came here for this matter.

He deliberately said, "It's better to talk about business first, and then talk about friendship."

Fan Siqi said, "Director Zhang, are you familiar with Mayor Gong?"

Zhang Yang said, "The relationship between superiors and subordinates, he used to be my leader."

Fan Siqi sighed and said, "Now the city has handed over the command of the construction of Shenshui Port to him."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I heard about it, too." There was some gloating in her heart. Fan Siqi seemed to have hit a nail with Gong Qiwei, so she came to find herself.

Fan Siqi said, "Originally, the city has decided to give up the land of the stadium to us and decided to sign the contract today, but Mayor Gong suddenly changed his mind."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I can't be his home. He is a leader. I don't know what he thinks. I can't control what he does."

Fan Siqi said, "I haven't asked you for help yet, so I'm in a hurry to shit. Director Zhang, you didn't seem to be such a person in the past."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "People will change. In the past, we had the same goal, but now it's different. You came all the way from Singapore. I'm afraid of poor hospitality, but I didn't expect Miss Fan to come up with the idea of our sports committee and the stadium." Although he said it with a smile, his words already showed the meaning of blame.

Fan Siqi smiled and said, "It's my fault that I didn't make it clear, Director Zhang, this is my negligence."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Miss Fan, I don't blame you. You really don't do much about this. You keep saying that you regard me as a friend. Now you want to take away my land, but you don't even call me. It seems that you don't have me as a friend in your eyes." Zhang Yang value feelings. Whether it is family, love or friendship, he value it very much, but when others don't take his feelings seriously, Zhang Daguan will never be polite. If Fan Siqi can be in the first year of junior high school, he can be fifteen.

Fan Siqi said, "Actually, I also want to develop Nancy, to help develop Nancy's economy."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Miss Fan, don't make yourself so noble. Do you have any? Yes, that's in the Middle State, not in Singapore. Anyway, three or five of the more than a billion people in the Middle State can't find Lei Feng, let alone your little place. You are a businessman. What is the purpose of doing business? It's not for profit. You can't be selfless. Even if I believe it, can you believe it yourself?

Fan Siqi's beautiful face was a little feverish. This Zhang Yang was too merciless. She bit her lip and was about to speak. Lin Peipei beside her couldn't see it. She said angrily, "Zhang Yang, how do you talk? Do you know how to respect women?" Zhang Yang said, "Respect, I know how to respect women the most. I still regard you as friends, but you can separate friendship from business, and I should also separate friendship and work. In my work, I must be honest. If you feel uncomfortable, you can not listen to it, but there are some things I can't help but say.

Lin Peipei still wanted to talk. Fan Siqi said, "Peipei, you go out first and wait for me in the car." Lin Peipei bit his lip and left angrily.

After Lin Peipei left, Fan Siqi said, "Zhang Yang, I think you have a misunderstanding about me and the Star Moon Group."

Zhang Yang said, "There is no misunderstanding. Although Miss Fan is a Chinese with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin like us, but you are a Singaporean. We are from the People's Republic of China. You have not received the teachings of Master Mao. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people

Fan Siqi smiled and said, "You have a strong smell of gunpowder. Threaten me again."

Zhang Yang said, "I dare not!"

Fan Siqi said, "Don't forget that it was the Nancy Municipal Government that repeatedly invited me to come here. If not, I wouldn't have come to Nancy so early."

Zhang Yang said, "Seriously declare one thing. The matter of Shenshui Port has nothing to do with me, but all the places we stand belong to the Sports Commission. Whoever wants the right to use this land must first ask for my consent. Do you understand?" Fan Siqi sighed, "I have always regarded you as a friend. I really don' It looks like it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Is it a friend? It's all between Miss Fan's thoughts."
