Medical official path

Chapter 567 Windward

The Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Li Peiyuan praised: "Well said, we not only safeguard the dignity of the government, but also the interests of thousands of people." Several members of the Standing Committee also nodded.

Executive Vice Mayor Chen Hao said: "Politally, it is still necessary to adopt a certain strategy. In the matter of the Star and Moon Group, I still adhere to the original view. Our concession is not a sign of weakness, but a necessary strategy to be adopted under special circumstances. Now the deep-water port is troubled by financial problems. Once the work is stopped The consequences are unimaginable. We keep defending the interests of the people. Don't the interests of Sham Shui Port represent the interests of the people? I admit that the conditions put forward by Xingyue are a little rude and excessive, but they can now provide us with the funds we need most. Is it worth it to risk the whole deep-water port to stop work for a momentary spirit?

Gong Qiwei said, "Mayor Chen, this is not a battle of spirit, and we have no other choice but Xingyue Group."

Chen Hao said, "Comrade Qiwei, I have accepted the deep-water port for some time." I think I am still clear about the situation of the deep-water port, and I still have a say." His extraneous meaning is that you, Gong Qiwei, have just taken over the deep-water port. What he is saying now is just for grandstanding. In order to show off, he did not consider the actual situation of the deep-water port at all.

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran said at the right time, "Comrade Qiwei, if you say so, is there a way to solve the dilemma of the deep-water port? Can you find the funds? Xu Guangran's intention is to force Gong Qiwei step by step without a way out. Aren't you Gong Qiwei capable? Isn't the province optimistic about you? In a few days, I will let you appear in its original form. No matter how nice you say, it is useless if the capital problem of Shenshui Port is not solved. Once the capital chain of Shenshui Port is broken and the project is stopped, I will ask you, "Even if the province protects you again, they can't say anything? I can only blame myself for not knowing people well.

Xia Boda didn't say anything. Many members of the Standing Committee, including him, have seen that although Gong Qiwei is now placed in the important position of Deepwater Port, his situation is not so optimistic. Maybe he will become the first scapegoat of the Deepwater Port Project. The relationship between Xingyue Group and the Nancy Municipal Government has been reduced to the freezing point because of the matter of the stadium plot. If Nancy insists on not giving in, Xingyue is very likely to stop investing in anger, then the deep-water port will face the dilemma of shutdown. Once such a large project is stopped, the loss is immeasurable. Someone must bear the responsibility for this matter. The person who is most likely to bear this matter is Gong Qiwei. Who put him in this unlucky position at this time?

Gong Qiwei said, "Give me a week, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Xia Boda finally said, "Comrade Qiwei seems to be very confident to solve this matter. Although the funds in Shenshui Port are insufficient, there will be no problems in ten days and half a month. We will be more patient and wait for Comrade Qiwei to give us a satisfactory answer."

Ji Peiyuan said, "Even if there is no other way," it is not so easy to send out the stadium plot with both hands."

He Yingpei, Minister of Organization, nodded in agreement and said, "Actually, we are in a hurry. Xingyue Group may not be better. I'm afraid they are more anxious than us."

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran nodded with a smile, but he was extremely unhappy. He could hear that Li Peiyuan and He Yingpei were paving the way for what might happen in the future. He was to help Gong Qiwei leave a way out. If he had to, he could continue to sit down and negotiate with Xing Yue. He found that What a sign of disharmony, the Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] remembers that Li Peiyuan has always been clear on the issue of the stadium plot. He Yingpei, the head of the organization, has been blindly followed from the beginning, and now stands on Li Peiyuan's side, which is related to the irreversible friendship between the two of them. He has been waiting for the opportunity. Maybe he will stab him in the back when.

After the meeting" Xu Guangran was the first to leave the conference room. Executive Vice Mayor Chen Hao followed closely. After leaving the conference room, he saw that there was no one around. Chen Hao whispered, "Xu [Book] Remember, are you really going to let him go on like this?"

Xu Guangran said, "Tell me what I should do?"

Chen Hao was speech-clogged for a moment.

Xu Guangran sighed and secretly said in his heart that if you, Chen Hao, had some ability, you would not have reached the point. Looking at Chen Hao's appearance, he couldn't bear to be deeply blamed.

Chen Hao whispered, "Except for Xingyue Group, I really can't think of anyone else who has the ability to take out such a large amount of money."

Xu Guangran whispered, "Alan Mountain!"

Chen Hao looked at him with surprise. He didn't know why Xu Guangran suddenly mentioned Lanshan's name.

Xu Guangran said, "He wants to jointly develop a deep-water port with Lanshan."

Chen Hao was stunned and said, "This is unrealistic." Deep-water port is our project in Nancy. How can Lanshan join in the middle? How to distribute the profits in the future?

Xu Guangran said, "Only when idealists encounter nails in reality can they understand the cruelty of reality and understand that there is always a gap between reality and ideal."

Gong Qiwei decided to go to Lanshan. If it hadn't been for the pressure, Xu Guangran would not have handed over the project of the deep-water port to him. In this case, Xu Guangran would not have given him too much support in his work. Gong Qiwei's idea of jointly developing the deep-water port by Lanshan and Nancy He is a very confident person. He thinks that the method he thought of is practical. Only in this way can it best meet the interests of Nancy and the interests of Pinghai. Although this will divide the political interests of Nancy's leaders, it can protect the interests of the people to the greatest extent.

Zhang Yang also went to Lanshan with Gong Qiwei. He went to Lanshan not only because he had a good personal relationship with Lanshan Municipal Party Committee [Book] Chang Song, but also an important reason was that he wanted to see Qin Qing and visit his de facto father-in-law Qin Chuanliang. It has been a while since he came to Nan He hasn't visited the old man yet." It's a little indebable in terms of etiquette.

Lanshan is not far away. Although the two went together, they had their own things there. In order to improve their efficiency, they drove two cars there.

On the way to Lanshan" Gong Qiwei was sitting in Zhang Yang's pickup truck. His red flag followed the pickup truck. Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, are you going to Lanshan this time to persuade them to invest in the deep-water port?"

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "It's not that easy. The main reason is that I want to visit several city leaders in Lanshan City and describe my intentions."

Zhang Yang said, "Alanshan Municipal Party Committee [Book] is a very courageous person. He is much more cheerful than Lao Xu." The words showed dissatisfaction with Xu Guangran.

Gong Qiwei laughed. He smiled relaxedly, but his mood was very heavy. Everything in the Standing Committee has shown that Xu Guangran does not agree with his views at all. Now he is just under the pressure of the superiors, so he let him go of the deep water port. If he can't solve the information that plagues the deep water port in a Jin, the Standing Committee headed by Xu Guangran will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. Gong Qiwei had to convince Lanshan that the competition between Lanshan and Nancy was extremely fierce on the issue of who would fall in the deep-water port at the beginning. In the end, Nancy won. Now that Nancy is in trouble and asks Lanshan for help, will things go well? Will Lanshan join in halfway? Everything is still unknown. Gong Qiwei said, "Different leaders decide different political means, and their ideas and eyes will be different. Although Xu [Book] gave me the construction and management power of the deep-water port was temporarily released to me, he did not believe that I have this ability. In the eyes of many people, the deep-water port belongs to the political interests of Nancy." I proposed The proposal of the same development itself touches the political interests of many people.

Zhang Yang said, "The different heights of leaders stand, which determines that their hearts are also different. Now Xu Guangran is standing in Nancy's position. He can't wait to leave all his political interests in Nancy, and even don't hesitate to sell Nancy's economic interests to Xingyue Group. He doesn't know that cession of the stadium land to Xingyue will harm Nancy's interests, but he still insists on doing so. The fundamental reason is to To protect your own political interests.

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, the pattern of Xu [book] is not as low as you think."

Zhang Yang said, "I thought so in the past," but now I find that there are really some problems with this person. The new sports center is such an important project. He can give it to his brother..."

Gong Qiwei stopped Zhang Yang from continuing to say: "Zhang Yang, let's not talk about the right and wrong of the leader behind his back. What you just said is right. The height of the leader standing is different, which determines that their mind is different. You don't understand Xu [Shu]. It may be because you stand lower than him Maybe he will understand his difficulties.


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you put him at the height of the provincial party committee [book], he will definitely not insist that Nancy eats the deep-water port project alone. Lanshan and Nancy jointly develop and build. As long as it is built in Pinghai Province, what's the difference between one development or two development?"

Gong Qiwei said, "I really hope that all the humble committee in Lanshan City think so."


After arriving at Lanshan, Zhang Yang and Gong Qiwei broke up. He drove directly to Qin Qing's house. Qin Qing went to work. Qin Chuanliang was the only one at home. When Zhang Yang came, Qin Chuanliang was sitting in the yard playing with the stumps he had just bought from the Huā Bird Qin Chuanliang was very surprised by Zhang Yang's arrival. He greeted Zhang Yang and sat down in the yard: "Xiao Zhang, come and see how about the elm stump I just bought?"

Zhang Yang leaned over and looked at it and said with a smile, "Uncle Qin, this seems to be an old birthday star."

Qin Chuanliang nodded proudly: "I have been wandering in Huā Bird City for so many days, and I finally met such a treasure."

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Qin's eyesight is really great. If it were someone else's treasure, he might miss it."

Qin Chuanliang smiled and said, "Don't wear a high hat for me. Didn't you see it at a glance?"

Zhang Yang said, "I can see it, but I don't like these things, and naturally I won't regard them as treasures."

Qin Chuanliang thought that there was indeed some truth in what Zhang Yang said. He smiled and said: ... Look, I only care about talking to you, and I even forgot to make tea. You sit down first. "I'll make you a pot of tea, and we will drink and chat."

Zhang Yang was not polite to him and nodded happily.

In a while, Qin Chuanliang brewed a pot of Longjing. Although it was autumn tea, the tea quality was still very good. There were many tree stumps in the yard, and they found a suitable one to put on it. Zhang Yang and Qin Chuanliang moved a small bench and sat around the tree stump and put it up. Tea ceremony: "Uncle Qin, you have collected a lot of treasures recently."

Qin Chuanliang smiled and said, "You're right. It's just that I regard myself as a treasure. When I come to Lanshan, I don't have any acquaintances. I usually have nothing to do, either go to Qingmu Mountain for a walk, or go to the Huā Bird Market. Some of these stumps are dug Qin Chuanliang's original intention was that he didn't want to come to Lanshan. He had deep feelings for Jiangcheng, but his son Qin Bai's incident made him feel ashamed and shameless to stay in Jiangcheng. So he came to Lanshan with his daughter. However, with the passage of time, Qin Bai's incident also began to fade away, and It is increasing day by day.

Zhang Yang said, "Are you homesick?"

Qin Chuanliang nodded: "Mayor Li called me recently and wanted me to go back." The old government repair project has reached a critical stage, and he also wants me to go back to be a consultant. I've been hesitating these two days." After saying that, he said, "I haven't said it yet in Xiaoqing's place."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sister Qing won't interfere with your choice. You can do whatever you want.

Qin Chuanliang said, "I heard from Mayor Li that Xiaobai has been doing well at the airport recently." The work is very active."

Zhang Yang said, "He has always been working actively.

Qin Chuanliang sighed and said, "This child is the most stubborn in his bones, and he has everything in his heart."

Zhang Yang said, "It's been so long, and he has thought about it. Don't worry about him."

Qin Chuanliang nodded and said, "I heard Xiaoqing say, you have been transferred to Nancy" How about it? Is your work going well?"

"It's okay, I just came here for a short time" is mainly to be familiar with the work. The city asked me to be in charge of the provincial sports meeting, which is not an important job. It's much easier than in the past.

Qin Chuanliang said: "Recently, Xiaoqing has been very busy with his work, and he has lost weight. He goes out early and comes back late every day. I advise her not to listen. Please tell me about her later." Qin Chuanliang had long seen the relationship between his daughter and Zhang Yang. Although both of them showed respect for each other, Qin Chuanliang still saw the inexplicable relationship between them from the details. Qin Chuanliang did not want to ask about his daughter's emotional life. Since the matter of Qin Bai, Qin Chuanliang has even confirmed that his children and grandchildren Sun Fu, whether it is a son or a daughter, how they choose is their own business. They don't need to be involved. In fact, even if he wants to interfere, he can't interfere. At this point, Qin Chuanliang is undoubtedly open-minded.


Qin Qing's recent work has been very busy. At the end of the year, Li Wen Guoquan, deputy of the State Council, is coming to Lanshan Development Zone for inspection. Some superficial work must be done. Mayor Chang Lingkong gave her the task of creating a civilized health city. For a while, Qin Qing was quite lack of skills.

In the morning, she finished her work in the development zone and went to the city to participate in the Standing Committee.

At the Standing Committee meeting on the same day, the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Chang Song put forward a thing that shocked everyone. Nancy City intends to seek cooperation with Lanshan in the deep-water port project. Before the opening of the Standing Committee, Chang Song had met Gong Qiwei, deputy mayor of Nancy City, and Gong Qiwei had detailed the purpose of his visit Detailed description.'s description.

Chang Song said it at the beginning of the Standing Committee. It seemed that he would focus on this matter. After saying that, he smiled and said, "What do you think about this?"

Everyone's eyes are on the new mayor, Chang Lingkong. Before coming to Lanshan, he was the executive deputy mayor of Nancy. At the time of Nancy, he was personally responsible for the deep-water port, so no one has a more say than him.

Chang Lingkong smiled and said, "Everyone looked at me and wanted me to speak first, because in the past, I presided over the deep-water port project. Although I am most familiar with the project, it is inevitable that there will be too many personal factors involved in my comments on this matter. I think it's better to keep silent first. I don' Everyone."

Chang Song nodded with a smile and said, "Since Comrade Lingkong said so, his opinion will be left to the end. What's the other people's opinion?" His eyes turned around, and finally fell on Wu Ming's face, deputy of the Municipal Party Committee: "Comrade Wu Ming, tell me your point of view."