Medical official path

Chapter 603 Faith

When He He Chang'an heard Gong Qiwei say this, he has understood that the Nancy Municipal Government did not kick out all investors. The matter of Xingyue Group is that the Nancy Municipal Government is killing chickens and monkeys. As far as He Chang'an is concerned, if he were in the position of the Nancy Municipal Government, he would have done the same, More amazing than them, the Star Moon Group made a big taboo in this incident. They tried to make money and blackmail the Nancy Municipal Government to give them the right to develop the old stadium. It seems that these Singaporean businessmen do not know the national conditions of the [China] country. He Chang'an remembered the four words and settled the account after the autumn! Only native Chinese people can feel the true taste of these four words.

Gong Qiwei didn't want to settle accounts after autumn, but his way of dealing with the stars and moon this time can't be led to the idea of accounting after autumn. Gong Qiwei said, "Why don't you always feel uneasy because of the things of the stars and moon?"

He Chang'an smiled and said, "I'm not uneasy. Mayor Gong forgot that there is the word Chang'an in my name. I will maintain peace of mind and stability at any time."

Zhang Yang listened and said in his heart, it's strange that you can rest assured. If you can do it in Chang'an, you won't run to Nancy, and you won't invite Gong Qiwei to have an interview by yourself.

Gong Qiwei said, "Whether you are in politics or doing business, you must maintain this mentality. If you can't feel at ease, how can you do good deeds? It's no accident that He always has today's achievements!"

He Chang'an said, "He is really a little ashamed to hear what Mayor Gong said."

Dung Qiwei said, "In the development of Nancy, you investors have played an important role. I believe that you will still play an important role in the future of Nancy's reform and open vision. Our Nancy municipal government's policy towards investors will not change, and their attitude will not change. We deal with Xingyue not in retaliation, but to emphasize the importance of the word "integrity" in the process of cooperation between the two sides. The government should be honest to investors, the people, and to our party and our country. I think it is not difficult for Mr. He to understand that honesty is a merchant. Based on the foundation, if you really want to do business for a long time, you must pay attention to integrity. I have never done business, and I hope Mr. He can correct what is wrong.

He Chang'an did not really pay attention to Gong Qiwei's people in the past. It was Gong Qiwei's kicking out of Xingyue Group that attracted his attention. Through the conversation with Gong Qiwei tonight, he began to realize the power of Gong Qiwei. He Chang'an said, "Mayor Gong's words make me full of hope for the future of Nancy and strengthen my confidence in continuing to invest in Nancy."

Gong Qiwei raised his glass and said, "Mr. He, don't worry, our door to Nancy will always be open to patriotic businessmen!"

Zhang Yang noticed that Gong Qiwei used the four words patriotic businessman and couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere of the meal that night was still very harmonious. Gong Qiwei's explanation also gave He Chang'an a reassurance. The Nancy Municipal Government did not sweep a lot this time. The purpose of kicking Xingyue out was to set an example.

Dung Qiwei left after staying for an hour and a half. Although He Chang'an wanted to keep him to sit for a while, Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "No, my daughter is still watching the final exam at home. I come home so late all day, and my daughter has a problem."

Hearing what He Chang'an said, it was naturally not easy to continue to force him. He said respectfully, "I'll send Mayor Gong!"

Gong Qiwei shook his head and said, "No, I told the driver that he was waiting for me outside." He waved his hand and said, "Go back. You don't have to send it. Let others see that the impact is not good."


Zhang Yang and He Chang'an didn't send him far away. Zhang Yang, who saw Gong Qiwei go far away, said to He Chang'an, "I should go, too!"

He Chang'an smiled and said, "What's your hurry? Do you also have a daughter?

Zhang Yang said, "No now does not mean no in the future."

He Chang'an said, "Let's go and have two more drinks."

It's rare that he was so interested to accompany him back to the room today. He Chang'an picked up his glass and said, "Gong Qiwei is not simple!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How can there suddenly be such an emotion?" He Chang'an, who has a little understanding of He Chang'an, is very popular. He has a good relationship with many senior officials. Gong Qiwei is just the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city. Normally, He Chang'an will not look at him so highly, but today He Chang'an is a little abnormal. Is it really the problem of deep-water port

He Chang'an said, "I admire people with faith. I have been in business for so many years, and I have contacted countless large and small officials, but there are not many people who really have faith. Gong Zhe is one of them."

Zhang Yang said, "What kind of faith are you talking about?"

He Chang'an said: Only those who have faith can ignore all kinds of **, work consistently in the established direction, and have the same code of conduct.

Zhang Yang said, "I have it too!"

He Chang'an laughed and said, "You are different from Mayor Gong." He didn't say the following words. Obviously, he has some reservations about Zhang Yang's beliefs.

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong has a sense of tenacity, and I also admire him for this."

He Chang'an said, "It is still difficult for an official to adhere to his position. Such a person will not go too far in his official career, but I firmly believe that such a person will be a good official."

Zhang Yang said, "What do you mean by not being too far away?"

He Chang'an said, "The bigger the official is, the more he should be deep and introverted, inclusive and not exposed. Mayor Gong is more angular. What he does is likely to cause him some unnecessary trouble. He is now reused because someone wants to achieve his political goals through him. Once the purpose Achieved, a person like Gong Qiwei is still an alien in officialdom..." He Chang'an paused for a moment, looked at Zhang Yang and smiled, "It's the same as you."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't realize that I'm getting more and more adapted to this system now."

He Chang'an said, "Not everyone has such good luck as you. I admire people with faith, but if you have faith, and you are surrounded by some people who have no faith or pseudo-believers, you will become a different kind, and your persistence and belief will affect others. Let's take the matter of Nancy's deep-water port as an example. In fact, as early as the beginning of the deep-water port project, Nancy and Lanshan launched a fierce competition because of the ownership of the deep-water port. The purpose of their competition is not just to invigorate the local economy. The construction of the deep-water port is the In the final analysis, they fought for political achievements.

Zhang Yang clicked on the beginning, which he also saw through.

He Chang'an said, "Shenshui Port has encountered unprecedented difficulties due to financial problems. These leaders in Nancy City find investors to pursue investment and the province for financial support, but they only do not ask Lanshan, a brother city, for help. Why? Because they are afraid that their achievements will be underreind. Maybe what I just said is not completely correct. These people also have faith, and their belief is the official position.

Zhang Yang said, "But after all, Lanshan and Nancy have successfully cooperated. Next week, Lanshan Chang [Book] will come to Nancy to discuss the deep-water port. If it goes well, we can finalize the cooperation this time."

He Chang'an said, "You forgot under what circumstances this cooperation took place. Vice President Wen said the words in person, and the province also gave instructions. Do you think anyone still dares to oppose it?"

Zhang Yang said, "The cooperation between Lanshan and Nancy is not good news for you investors."

He Chang'an nodded and said, "It's not just good news, it's simply bad news. Xingyue has been kicked out. It can be said that Xingyue's end is his own fault and deserve it, but my life will not be better."

Zhang Yang said, "How can it be? Mayor Gong has just said that the interests of you investors will not be affected.

He Chang'an said, "That's all. I know more about things in the mall than you. Lanshan joined the deep-water port development, Xingyue was kicked out, and the proportion of government investment increased significantly. The proportion of investors like us naturally decreased."

Zhang Yang said with some puzzlement, "Your investment amount has not changed!"

He Chang'an said, "This kind of commercial method is very common. Even if my investment amount remains unchanged, now that Lanshan has joined, the capital problem faced by Shenshui Port has been fundamentally solved. In the future, they can increase investment. Engineering investment must be the final say. The government's investment will increase, and I will invest. The proportion will be reduced, and the contract we signed will be divided according to the proportion, that is to say, the benefits I will continue to get from the deep-water port in the future. Although I believe that I can still get profits from the deep-water port, I am not as optimistic as at the beginning. After saying that, he sighed and said, "It's not easy for the government to take advantage!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "So Mayor Gong also harmed the benefits of the claim."

He Chang'an said, "The real damage to the interests should be the leaders of Nancy City. Xingyue can also be regarded as a heavy loss this time. Mayor Gong is really bold. If it were someone else, this kind of thing is bound to think twice."