Medical official path

Chapter 604 I want revenge on

Fan Siqi opened the door and found that the public security was standing outside the door, led by Zhang Defang, the representative director of the Nanxi Public Security Bureau. She was a little surprised and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Defang said blankly, "Miss Fan, we suspect that you are related to a hostage-taking case. Please go back to the police station to assist us in the investigation."

Lin Peipei rushed up and said, "Hey! Did you make a mistake?" Fan Siqi was much calmer than Lin Peipei. She looked at Zhang Defang calmly and said, "Mr. Zhang, I don't understand what you mean."

Zhang Defang is not interested in getting around the bush." He said bluntly, "Miss Fan, Mayor Gong's daughter was kidnapped after school this afternoon. I think you should know something about it."

Fan Siqi's eyes were rounded with surprise. She said in a shocked voice, "Do you think Mayor Gong's daughter is missing? How can you suspect that I have something to do with this matter?" Zhang Defang said, "Miss Fan, please cooperate with our investigation!" Fan Siqi said, "I have nothing to do with this matter.

Zhang Defang made an invitation: "Miss Fan" I don't think this is the place to explain." Fan Siqi quickly accepted the reality in front of her. She said to Lin Peipei, "Pepei, call Ron" and let him come over immediately." Ron is her lawyer.

Lin Peipei seemed to be a little panicked. He didn't know what to do. He seemed to be stunned by what was happening in front of him.

Fan Siqi shouted, "Do you hear me?"

Lin Peipei nodded as if he had just woken up.


In the first conference room of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee, an emergency standing committee is being held. The Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran patted the bank and said angrily, "It's lawless! How dare you take the daughter of Vice Mayor Gong in broad daylight? If you catch these gangsters, you must be severely punished!"

Xia Boda, the mayor of Nancy, sighed and said, "This fact is sad!" He just expressed his feelings, but did not say any opinions. Most of the members of the Standing Committee were used to Shaberda's way and knew that he could not say any constructive opinions.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Li Peiyuan said, "Who is so bold" how dares to do this? What's the enemy of Mayor Gong?" The Municipal Propaganda Minister of the Municipal Party Committee, said, "Is the robbery of Mayor Gong's daughter related to the matter of Shenshui Port? Is it because Mayor Gong violated the interests of some people that they used this method to retaliate against him?

Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu said, "Whoever it is? No matter what the reason is, it is extremely shameful to attack a huāji girl. We must take decisive action to find Gong Yaxin in the shortest time. We can't let our comrades shed blood and sweat for the Party's cause while worrying about their families. I hope it will be Nancy. It's the first and last time in my life.

Xu Guangran nodded and said, "Comrade Changyu said it well." I decided to set up a task force immediately, and Comrade Boda will be in charge of it. "Focus all the forces that can be concentrated. Even if I find Nancy, I will find Mayor Gong's daughter."

In the handling of this matter, all the members of the Standing Committee are holding the same hatred. Since this matter can happen to Gong Qiwei, it is impossible to say that the same thing will happen to them in the future. We must resolutely crack down on this kind of criminal behavior and never tolerate it.

Xia Boda is a little depressed. Why did Xu Guangran give this matter to him? This is obviously making things difficult for yourself. This kind of case is not easy to investigate. Although everyone has mobilized, if the other party really wants to retaliate against Gong Qiwei, then Gong Yaxin is likely to encounter misfortune. If he can't successfully rescue Gong Yaxin, will Xu Guangran take the opportunity to blame himself? Shabert is too cautious. Even at this time, the first thing that comes to mind is how to shirk responsibility.

Xu Guangran decided to let Xia Boda take charge of it. "It's not intentional to make things difficult for him." Although Li Changyu is the executive vice mayor, Li Changyu has just come to Nancy after all and is not familiar with all departments in Nancy. This time, it was the daughter of Deputy Mayor Gong Qiwei, who was robbed. Pay attention to this matter.

Xia Boda has to take over this task now," he said in a low voice, "Xu [Shu] Don't worry, members of the Standing Committee can rest assured." I will try to find Mayor Gong's daughter as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang still knew about Gong Qiwei's daughter's robbery from Li Changyu. He wanted to call Gong Qiwei to say hello, but on turn, Gong Qiwei's mood will definitely not be better now. He'd better not disturb him. He is going to go to Zhang De's place to learn about Gong Yaxin's disappearance. What's more, you can make use of your relationship in national security or be able to help.

When Zhang Yang was about to leave the office, Gao Lianming came to him.

Zhang Yang said, "Let's talk about it later. I have something urgent to do."

Gao Lianming said, "Where are you going?"

"Public Security Bureau!"

Gao Lianming said, "It just so happens that I'm going there too!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, nodded and said, "Okay, then, let's go together."

Gao Lianming got on Zhang Yang's pickup lane: "Fan Siqi was taken away by the police!" Zhang Yang said, "What does it have to do with you?" Gao Lianming said, "Her lawyer Ron is my brother. I just received a phone call from Ron." He is on his way from Singapore." He will not arrive in Nancy until tomorrow at the Let me find out the situation first."

Zhang Yang nodded and started the car engine.

Gao Lianming said, "Do you think Fan Siqi will be the real culprit who planned to kidnap Gong Yaxin?" Zhang Yang asked, "Why did she do this?" Gao Lianming said: "Shenshui Port Project" Mayor Gong kicked her out of the Shenshui Port Project, causing Xingyue to suffer heavy losses. As a result, she To retaliate against Mayor Gong," Zhang Yang said, "If she did this, why don't you wait for her to return to Singapore to do it? Is it to wait for others to suspect her and arrest her? By the way, one thing, I want to remind you that she has just paid a one million bid deposit.

Gao Lianming said, "Maybe she is acting for her son. She made this series of illusions just to confuse the people around her."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "Do you want to defend her, or do you want to send her to prison?" Gao Lianming said, "My principle of doing things has always considered the worst side first. Only by thinking of all this can I find the [answer] case." After saying that, he smiled and said, "This matter There are really a lot of doubts, but Fan Siqi is indeed suspicious. Before Gong Yaxin disappeared, she met Mayor Gong and said a cruel word that Mayor Gong would regret it." Zhang Yang said, "No matter who did this, it is despicable. If this kind of person falls into my hands, I will definitely let him live and die. .


Zhang Yang specially contacted Zhang Defang before he came to the Public Security Bureau. "Zhang Defang is still in the emergency deployment of the Public Security Bureau until now. Since the Haitian storm, Zhang Defang has rarely contacted Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang made him lose a large amount of money. Although Zhang Defang did not say anything, he was missing in his heart. However, he also knew that with the arrival of Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu, Zhang Yang's position in Nancy became more and more stable. In the face of such a celebrity, he did not dare to offend or offend.

Zhang Yang and Gao Lianming first came to Zhang Defang's office and learned some details about Gong Yaxin's disappearance. Zhang Defang did not reserve this. In fact, he did not know much information. It had been two hours since the last contact between the kidnappers and Gong Qiwei, and now the kidnappers have not taken the initiative Yes.

Zhang Defang said, "This should not be a simple kidnapping. The kidnappers don't put any conditions at all." His purpose is to retaliate, so the case is difficult to investigate."

Gao Lianming said, "I want to see Fan Siqi!"

Zhang Defang said, "Yes, we didn't embarrass her." After all, so far there is still no solid evidence to prove that she is related to the kidnapping case."

Gao Lianming said, "According to the relevant laws, you can detain her at most when she is divination."

Zhang Defang said, "She is absolutely safe here, but Gong Yaxin is outside." Even a minute is extremely dangerous, I'm worried." Zhang Defang did not finish his words. His meaning is obvious, and Gong Yaxin is very likely to be torn up.

Fan Siqi sat quietly in the isolation room. Just now, the public security had questioned her. Fan Siqi told everything she knew and what happened in Gong Qiwei's office.

With Zhang Defang's permission, Zhang Yang accompanied Gao Lianming to the isolation room.

Fan Siqi was a little surprised to see them. She didn't understand why Zhang Yang came to see her at this time. Fan Siqi said, "I haven't done it. I didn't find anyone to retaliate against Mayor Gong." Zhang Yang pointed to Gao Lianming beside her and said, "This is Gao Lianming, the legal adviser

Gao Lianming stretched out his hand to Fan Siqi: "Miss Fan, Ron entrusted me to come here." I'm his fellow apprentice, because he can't come in time now, so he entrusted me to come here to find out some information."

Fan Siqi said, "I have told the [police] what should be said. I haven't done it. Yes, I did say something to make him regret it, but I just said that I didn't do it!"