Medical official path

Chapter 616 Fireworks Life

An Yuchen also came and went in a hurry. The next day, she took the opportunity to return to Hong Kong, but she would soon return to Nancy and prepare to build Hongqi Primary School in Nancy. She said that in order to fulfill her grandfather's last wish and make the poor children in the mainland go to primary school as much as possible, the real driving her Her feelings for Zhang Yang are by no means as simple as masters and apprentices. In her heart, Zhang Yang is already an inseparable part of her life.

At the end of the year, it is often the busiest time, but Zhang Yang is very leisurely. The affairs of the new sports center have been straightened out, the land of the old stadium has been auctioned as scheduled, and the long-distance running around the city has also been left to Li Hongyang. Zhang Guanren has always been an idle person. He wanted to go to Lanshan to meet Qin Qing, but Qin Qing was very busy and couldn't find time to accompany him. When he was bored, he began to think about what he should do but had not been done. B. He went to the hospital to visit Chen Hao, the former executive vice mayor. He visited him and Sheng Jintang in the middle, these people are very moved, although they have not had much good impression on Zhang Yang in the past. They even hated him once, but now they are all in trouble, and they have tasted the coldness of the world. At this time, Zhang Yang, who is proud of the officialdom, can come to see them, which has moved them. Chen Hao held Zhang Yang's hand for a long time. He said to himself that as long as I can return to work in the Treat you.

Chen Hao's expression was very implicit. Sheng Jintang obviously did not have Chen Hao's psychological quality. He also held Zhang Yang's hand and his eyes turned red. He was very wronged. When he sent money to Hui Jingmin, he drew one and gave 9,9,000, not 10,000, but the procuratorate still held him back. He thought he The standard for the crime of bribery is enough, but the procuratorate has received 10,000 confessions from Hui Jingmin. Sheng Jintang has now become Xianglin's sister-in-law, repeating the sentence repeatedly: "I only sent 9,9, and I swear by my party spirit principle. I really only sent 9,000."

Zhang Yangxin said that the procuratorate has found you, and you still have the principle of party spirit, but you can't hit him like this. He comforts him to believe in the party and the government, and will definitely give him a fair treatment.

Of course, Zhang Yang will not forget Fan Siqi. Fan Siqi is obviously much stronger than Sheng Jintang. She fired the lawyer Ron and was very uncooperative in the public security organ's review process.

Fan Siqi's hair has grown a lot, and she looks a little more feminine than before. Because of the lack of sunshine, her skin looks very pale, which makes Zhang Yang a little worried about her health. Zhang Yang said, "How are you recently?"

Fan Siqi looked around the wall and said, "What else can I do if I'm trapped here?"

Zhang Yang said, "Why did you fire the lawyer?"

Van Siqi said, "As a lawyer, I should serve his client, and Ron serves not me, but the company." She paused for a moment and said, "No one cares about my life or death. Now Singapore's large and small newspapers have published those photos of me and Lin Peipei. I have humiliated the whole family. They wish I could die."

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Be open-minded. These things will gradually fade over time."

Fan Siqi smiled and said, "You're not me. You won't understand. Even if I can forget, my family won't forget. They will nail me to the pillar of shame forever."

Zhang Yang said, "The most important thing now is to prove yourself and prove your innocence."

Fan Siqi shook her head and said, "I'm in a much calm state of mind now. At the beginning, I always felt that God was unfair to me. I obviously didn't do it. Why did I put this matter on me? But then I thought that this might be my retribution, which was the retribution that I abandoned Aishiwaya It was the place where I should stay, so I refused bail.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Have you ever thought that since you didn't do this, who would it be? Who is laying out? Who is targeting you like this?"

Van Siqi said, "I don't care..."

Zhang Yang said, "I believe you haven't done it. Have you ever thought that the real goal of this matter is you! What kind of enemy do you have?

Fan Siqi said, "I don't care..." But her eyes clearly showed unwillingness.

Zhang Yang said, "Zhou Binggui, who kidnapped Gong Yaxin, was killed in Thailand. I found some photos with you from his luggage. You have met in the past and these photos have been taken.

Fan Siqi said, "This is a well-designed game. Now I have completely fallen in and can't get out. I don't have the energy and I'm not in the mood to think about breaking the situation. Just let me die by myself.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you suspect that this matter has something to do with Aishwaya?"

Fan Siqi said, "I don't know. The most sorry person in the world is her. The person I hate most is Xu Jiayong. He is dead. Maybe his family did it, or maybe someone in my family did it. Who knows? A gentleman is innocent and guilty. I am in charge of the management of the stars and moon. Many people are jealous and want to get rid of me quickly.

Zhang Yang felt that Fan Siqi had become negative and seemed to have accepted the fate. He whispered, "Sister Fan Xiaoyu, I hope you should summon up your courage. Even if you missed it in the past, you can't pay for your behavior in this way. Can you tell me Aishva's contact information? Maybe I can help her cure it."

Fan Siqi raised her head and looked at Zhang Yang with doubts.

Zhang Yang explained, "I know an old Chinese medicine doctor who is very good at this kind of disease. If you can cure Aishwarya, your debt to her will be solved. Fan Siqi bit her lip and said, "If I can be cured, I'm willing to exchange everything I have!"

Zhang Yang said, "I can help you, but I hope you shouldn't deal with it so passively. Since you are innocent, you have to prove yourself. You have to find out the real murderer behind the scenes, see who is dealing with you behind your back, bring him to justice, and let him be known!"

Van Siki said, "I need a lawyer." She looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Can you help me bring Lawyer Gao back?"

Zhang Yang said, "No problem!"

Gao Lianming was recalled to Nancy by Zhang Yang. Hearing that Zhang Yang wanted to defend Fan Siqi, Gao Lianming couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Big, are you mistaken? If you want to win her case, she has little chance of winning, and this person is difficult to serve. My brother has been fired by her."

Zhang Yang said, "Gao Lianming, I feel that there are too many doubts in this case. Just because the investment in Shenshui Port was blocked, she found someone to kidnap her. This reason is too much."

Gao Lianming said, "I have always felt that there is doubt in her case, but according to the evidence available so far, it is all unfavorable to her. The videos left by the kidnappers, the checks she issued, and even Zhou Binggui have met her. Now Zhou Binggui is dead, and Lin Peipei, who knows the It is very difficult to reverse this case.

Zhang Yang said, "Where is the motive?"

Gao Lianming nodded and said, "From the motive, it doesn't make sense. The obstruction of investment in Deep Water Port cannot be the reason for her to kidnap Gong Yaxin. What's more, it can't be decided by Gong Qiwei alone to kick Xingyue out. It is the decision made by the leadership of Nancy City after discussion Why did you choose Gong Qiwei alone? And all the evidence that points to her is attracted to the police to look for, and the direction is very clear.

Zhang Yang said, "I can see that Fan Siqi didn't lie."

Gao Lianming said, "Evidence, you believe, the judge will not believe it. What the court is looking at is evidence. Fan Siqi's affairs are more difficult. Those indecent photos of her and Lin Peipei have had a great impact in Singapore. Her family thought it was a great shame, so they forced her to give up the management of the company. Fan Siqi was quite determined in this regard, because she lost the support of the family in this matter.

Zhang Yang said, "You mean that her family wants her to die?"

Gao Lianming said, "If she is convicted this time, even if she does not sign the power transfer letter, the management of Xingyue will naturally fall into the hands of others."

Zhang Yang said, "Is it possible for her family to plan this matter and set this trap for the power of the stars and moon?"

Gao Lianming said, "It can't be ruled out, but the possibility is not too high. According to my brother Ron, Fan Siqi's matter has humiliated her family. Even if her family wants to get rid of her, she will not take the honor of the whole family as a bet." He paused and said, "Does she have any other enemies?"

Zhang Yang thought of Aishwarya. At the beginning, Fan Siqi abandoned her. It was very possible for this Indian girl to hate because of love, but a high paraplegic girl should not have so much energy. Is it Xu Jiayong? Zhang Yang remembered one thing that Fan Siqi mentioned. On the day Gong Yaxin was robbed, Mrs. Heather specially met her and mentioned Xu Jiayong's affairs. Her words were full of feelings for Xu Jiayong. Is there some kind of unknown relationship between Mrs. Heather and Xu Jiayong? Zhang Yang also remembered the photo of Mrs. Haise and Dong Dezhi, and also remembered a photo he saw at Su Yuyu's home when he was in Jiangcheng. He remembered that he saw Wang Junyao from the photo, and also saw Su Yuyu's mother Shen Jingxian, and Xu Changde in the back row. They should know each other. Shen Jingxian What do you say?
