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Chapter 619 Small Town Story Next

Chapter 619 Small Town Story (Part 2)

The winter in the spring sun is much colder than that in Nancy. He Xinyan and Zhang Yang came to the corner of the air conditioner and sat down. Zhang Yang helped He Xinyan take off her coat and put it on the back of the chair. Looking at He Xinyan's beautiful face, Zhang Daguan smiled happily.

He Xinyan said, "You are smiling very lustful!"

Zhang Yang said, "Yes, I can't change it!" He picked up the menu and ordered a few dishes, and ordered a bottle of Qingjiang special offering. He said to He Xinyan, "Do you drink white or beer?"

"White bar, it's too cold today. Drink some white wine to warm up."

He Xinyan took the opened liquor from the waiter, poured a full glass for Zhang Yang, and then poured half a glass of wine by herself. She sighed, "I was still shooting advertisements in Hainan in the morning, and I came to the cold Jiangcheng at night. After such a long life, my physiology will be disordered."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I won't be disturbed. I'll help you adjust it later."

He Xinyan stared at him charmingly, raised her feet and kicked him gently under the table. Zhang Daguan's legs stretched out, and their legs were entangled under the table.

He Xinyan said, "When I called you the day before yesterday, you didn't say you wanted to come to Jiangcheng. Why is it so sudden?"

Zhang Yang said, "If something happens, I have to come back. I won't stay long, and I have to rush back the day after tomorrow. On New Year's Day, there were tens of thousands of people running around the city in Nancy. I didn't want to participate, but I called to go back and muddled in the officialdom. The time was not my own.

He Xinyan said, "You are the director of the Sports Committee. Of course you have to come forward for such an important thing. Comrade Zhang, behave well. I'm very optimistic about you!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Thank you for your attention. In the future, I will perform well with practical actions and will definitely satisfy the leader."

He Xinyan felt that her flamboyant legs were getting tighter and tighter. She picked up the glass and said, "Drink, do you still want me to have a good meal?"

Only then did Zhang Yang let her go and drank a glass of wine with He Xinyan.

He Xinyan said, "Wang Zhun contacted me two days ago and asked me if I wanted to release an album."

Zhang Yang said, "What album?"

He Xinyan said, "He introduced me to Liangzheng, a gold medal music producer in Hong Kong. Liangzheng has seen my dance and heard me sing an advertising theme song. He intends to help me release a dance album."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a good thing. Always shooting advertisements to improve your popularity is quite limited. If you can release a dance album, it will be very helpful to improve your popularity."

He Xinyan said, "Actually, I don't want to be very famous. Now I have no worries about food and clothing. I am very satisfied. If I choose, I would rather be a housewife who teaches my husband and children than become a star!" He Xinyan's words were plain, but she gently showed her heart to Zhang Yang.

Of course, Zhang Yang understood what He Xinyan meant. He laughed and said, "You are still young. While you are young, you should do a good job and take care of your husband and children. In two years, I will try my best to let you have more children."

He Xinyan blushed and said, "Who said he was going to give birth to you?"

Zhang Yang said with a hippie smile, "If you don't give birth to me, who will you give birth to?"

He Xinyan kicked him again. Zhang Yang was indeed very good to her, but as soon as the bastard mentioned the marriage, he began to avoid the topic. He Xinyan knew what kind of person Zhang Yang was. It was difficult for any woman to hold his unruly heart, but He Xinyan really loved him deeply, and she also wanted to marry him one day She also looks forward to a bright future, but if she falls in love with such a person, she must bear the price of happiness. What is the price? He Xinyan didn't know, and she didn't want to know. He Xinyan squeezed her lips, picked up her glass and said, "I've decided. I'll try to make an album."

Zhang Yang raised his glass and said, "I wish your album a hot sale and will be popular in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan! No! It should be popular all over Asia and the whole world!"

The reason why He Xinyan suddenly made such a decision is that she was a little disappointed with Zhang Yang's attitude. She has a strong personality and is not an obsession girl. Emotionally, she wants to afford to let it go. Although she knows that she can't let Zhang Yang go, Zhang Yang is right. She should Do something, do more while you are young. If fate is destined for her to wait, then she will wait like this...

Du Tianye received a letter without a signature, and there was only one photo in it. This was a group photo taken in 66. Du Tianye found Xu Changde when he was young. He immediately understood that this was the photo Zhang Yang said, and it must have been sent to him by Su Yuanyuan. Du Tianye is not very interested in this photo. The relationship between Xu Changde and Wang Junyao and Shen Jingxian is not particularly important to him. The reason why he went to Su Yuanyuan was mainly because Zhang Yang asked for help. As a friend, he should help him.

After receiving the news, Zhang Yang immediately came to Du Tianye's office and took this photo. Jiang Liang also found some clues. Xu Changde went to the countryside to jump the queue in Lujialiang Xiaoshiwa Village, Xishan County, Jingshan City, Beiyuan Province.

Zhang Yang decided to go there in person. He and Jiang Liang set out from Jiangcheng to Jingshan together. Some of the information Jiang Liang got was put in the file bag. Because of the sudden cold current, he specially brought a police blue coat and came to Zhang Yang's pickup truck. He found that Zhang Yang's warm wind was very strong. He couldn't help complaining, "Wearing too much. If I had known that your air conditioner was so good, I would

Zhang Yang took the file bag in his hand: "What's in it?"

Jiang Liang said, "Of course, I will try my best to check the things you entrusted to me. The information of Wang Junyao and Shen Jingxian is not easy to check. We are not short of Xu Changde's information. After all, he is the former municipal party committee of Jiangcheng. He went to the countryside for two years in 66, and the

Zhang Yang said, "Xishan County is on the back of Qingtai Mountain, not far from Jiangcheng!"

Jiang Liang nodded and said, "Now the tunnel is open. Of course, it's not far. In the past, I had to bypass Qingtai Mountain. The road was also rugged and the traffic was very inconvenient. It will take a whole day to get to Xishan."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you mean that Xu Changde and others have all cut in line in Xiaoshiwa Village, Lujialiang, Xishan County?"

Jiang Liang said, "I don't know about the others, but Xu Changde must have come out of there. There is this record in his file. I checked it for a long time before I found this original document. Later, he just wrote about going to the countryside for the past two years and did not indicate where it was." Jiang Liang yawned, put the seat down, and said, "I was on the night shift last night. I didn't sleep well all night. I have to make up for a sleep. I'll wake me up when I get to Xishan County."

Before long, Jiang Liang snored slightly. It seemed that he was really tired. Zhang Yang looked at him and shook his head with a smile, and started the car to drive in the direction of Jingshan City.

From Jiangcheng to Jingshan, Chunyang is the only way. Zhang Yang sent He Xinyan to Jiangcheng in the morning, and now he has to go back. Almost all these two days in Jiangcheng have been spent in the rush.

When the car came to Qingtai Mountain, Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking of his work as the acting director of the family planning office in Heishanzi Township. He remembered the scene when he met Chu Yanran on the mountain road. Everything was so kind and familiar. Zhang Yang found that he had deep feelings for Qingtai Mountain. He Unconsciously, he has regarded Qingtai Mountain as his hometown, and his life begins here.

After just over an hour, Zhang Yang passed through the Qingtai Mountain Tunnel in Pinghai and Beiyuan provinces. Out of the tunnel, it was Xishan County. After walking along the county road, he drove into the winding mountain road leading to Lujialiang.

This is still Qingtai Mountain, but it is the west slope of Qingtai Mountain. Chunyang is in the east of Qingtai Mountain. The mountain road of Lujialiang is no less than that of Heishanzi. The road is rugged, the road conditions are complicated, and even more than that. Zhang Yang had to slow down the speed. When he was about After the accident, the road was blocked, and Zhang Yang secretly called bad luck. Jiang Liang also woke up now and rubbed his sleepy eyes: "Are you there?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "There seems to be something wrong in front of you."

Jiang Liang sat up and looked forward, but a passenger truck and a tractor collided. The road was already narrow, and most of the roads were blocked, and five people were clamoring there.

Zhang Yang secretly shouted unlucky, pushed the door and walked down, and Jiang Liang also put on a cotton-padded coat and followed him. When I came, I regretted bringing this burden out, but as soon as I entered the mountain, I suddenly felt the benefits of the cotton coat. The mountain was so windy that people could be blown and shaken when standing there. Although the sun was still hanging in the sky, there was no feeling of a sunny day at all. The sun was white without any warmth. Jiang Liang

Zhang Yang looked at the two cars and then at the five people. There were two people on the passenger truck, three people on the tractor, and they were not injured. However, the tractor was hit miserably, the front face of the passenger truck was also broken, and the water tank was leaked. The driver of the passenger truck was a tall and fat man. "Mom, I stopped the car. Why are you still stunned and crashing into my car?"

The tractor was driven by a seventeen- or eight-year-old poster, and the two of them were similar to him. The young man stared at the cow's eyes and argued loudly, "You don't open your eyes. This is the sheep's intestine. Whose car is parked in the middle of the road? Didn't you look for a collision?" RO