Medical official path

Chapter 621 Weird Principal Next

The next day, in a rapid knock on the door, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, and it was still dark outside the window. Jiang Liang curled up in a ball wrapped in a quilt. He did not have a strong physique. I heard Zhou Shanhu's voice in the hall: "Who? This is in the middle of the night!"

A rapid voice said, "Huzi, come out, I have to ask you something."

Zhou Shanhu was stunned. From his voice, he heard that it was Chen Aiguo, the principal of Shiwa Primary School. He got up and opened the door. Chen Aiguo stood outside the door in wind and snow, and his eyebrows and beard were all stained with snowflakes.

Zhou Shanhu said in a hurry, "Principal Chen, please sit inside!"

When Zhang Yang heard that Chen Aiguo was coming, he also got up from ** and went out to see what had happened. Chen Aiguo suddenly changed his mind and came to tell him about the past, but he also knew that this possibility did not exist at all, and Chen Aiguo should not change.

Chen Aiguo didn't mean to enter the door. He stood at the door and said, "Huzi, Master Jishan is injured and lying in the temple. The situation is very serious. I want you to help me and take him to the hospital."

Zhou Shanhu immediately remembered the collision with someone on the mountain road in the afternoon. He was a little annoyed and said, "I should have thought that those thieves have stolen so many things. I should have thought of going to the temple."

Chen Aiguo said in surprise, "Do you know about this?"

Zhou Shanhu said, "It's a long story, Principal Chen, wait for me, I'll go and have a look with you." He turned around to get his clothes.

Chen Aiguo nodded.

Zhang Yang also dressed: "I'll go there with you."

Chen Aiguo took a look at him, didn't say anything, and whispered, "We have to hurry up. The mountain road is difficult to walk, and we have to walk for more than an hour."

Jiang Liang also heard the noise, but he was so tired that he could not say powerlessly in it, "Zhang Yang, I'm not going. I really can't walk."

Zhang Yang said, "You wait here. Let's go and have a look."

Chen Aiguo led the way in front, and Zhou Shanhu walked behind. He was afraid that Zhang Yang was not familiar with the road, and there was a problem on the way, but he soon found that Zhang Yang walked vigorously. Compared with his native of the mountains, he had to adapt to the mountain road. Zhou Shanhu laughed and said, "Brother,

Zhang Yang said, "I have worked in Heishan for a period of time, and it is also in this Qingtai Mountain, but I am in Shandong and you are in Shanxi."

Zhou Shanhu said, "Look at you walking, you will know that it is impossible to walk so fast without the experience of living in the mountains."

Zhang Guan laughed secretly in his heart. He hasn't shown his real strength yet. If he shows his traceless skill, he is afraid that these people will be stunned.

Chen Aiguo didn't say anything and strode ahead with a flashlight.

Zhang Yang deliberately pulled closer to him and followed his footsteps: "Principal Chen, is Master Jishan seriously injured?"

Chen Aiguo whispered, "My head was smashed, and I shed a lot of blood. I fell down the steps in resistance, and my right leg seems to be broken. I think I have to take him to the hospital today. I can't get him alone, so I can only ask you for help." He remembered Zhou Shanhu's words just now and turned to Zhou Shanhu and said, "Huzi, what's going on with what you just said?"

Zhou Shanhu just talked about his experience of meeting thieves in the afternoon. He regretted and said, "I thought the police who sent out of the office would go to Xishan Temple to investigate, but I didn't expect that they didn't go."

Zhang Yang said, "They must have seen too much snow, and their car didn't dare to enter the mountain." He has a long-standing understanding of the efficiency of police cases. In fact, he also saw the situation today. They drove to Xiaoshiwa and relied on two people to take turns to lead the way all the way. If it were other people, they really didn't dare to drive into the mountain.

Chen Aiguo said angrily, "Don't investigate such a big thing. These people are all useless!"

Zhou Shanhu said, "Why did Principal Chen go to Xishan Temple?"

Chen Aiguo said, "I took some sweet potatoes and sent them to him. I didn't expect to see him fall into a pool of blood. Fortunately, I had a breath. I got a quilt to cover him and made a fire beside him, so I came to ask you for help."

As they walked, the snow was much smaller, from a big snowfall to a small powder, just like a white face rising up in the sky. It seems that the snowfall will not last long.

Xishan Temple is located on the peak directly north of Shiwa Primary School. The peak is not high, but the road is very difficult. They walked for more than an hour to reach the temple gate of Xishan Temple. Master Jishan lay in the hall, wrapped in two quilts. When Chen Aiguo left, he made a fire for him. Now it's almost burned, and it's about to go out.

When Zhang Yang saw Master Jishan, he understood why Chen Aiguo couldn't get him down the mountain. The old monk was tall and fat, at least more than 180 catties. He really couldn't figure out how he could grow so much fat after eating fasting and reciting Buddha.

Half of Master Jishan's face was stained with blood, and his head was smashed, but now the blood has stopped. What's really serious is his right leg. Seeing Chen Aiguo coming with two young people, Jishan's face showed a smile: "Here... The temple was stolen."

Zhou Shanhu came forward and held Jishan's shoulder and said, "Master Jishan, don't worry, the thieves have been caught by the people sent out of the township, and the stolen goods will be captured. It won't be long before they will bring the lost property back."

Chen Aiguo said, "We have to take Master Jishan to the hospital quickly. Let's carry him down with the door panel."

Zhang Yang said, "Let me have a look first!" He came to Jishan, lifted the quilt, looked at Jishan's right leg, and said, "Huzi, help me find some straight wooden sticks and boards. I'll help Master Jishan reset it. It doesn't have to be as troublesome as going to the hospital." He pinched Jishan's right leg and smiled, "Master, do you have a headache?"

Ji Shan shook his head and didn't realize what was going on. He only felt a sharp pain in his right leg. He cried out in pain, but Zhang Yang helped him reset his right leg like lightning while his attention was diverted.

Although Chen Aiguo doesn't know medical skills, seeing Zhang Yang's skillful technique, he has guessed that this young man is a hidden doctor. Zhang Yang used the board brought by Zhou Shanhu as a splint to fix Jishan's right leg, and then took out his Jinchuang medicine to treat the wound on his head for Jishan.

After processing, several of them carried Jishan to the Zen room with door panels.

When Jishan heard that all the stolen things had been found, he also put down a big stone in his heart.

After settling down Master Jishan, it was already six o'clock in the morning. Before dawn, the snow outside had completely stopped. Zhang Yang came to Chen Aiguo and stopped talking.

Chen Aiguo knew what he wanted to ask and whispered, "That photo was taken in 66. At that time, a total of 27 people came to Lu Jialiang to jump the queue. The photo you saw was taken in front of the township government. There were eight people who came to Xiaoshiwa Village. I was one of them."

Zhang Yang suppressed the excitement in his heart. Chen Aiguo finally took the initiative to mention this matter. He whispered, "I found Principal Chen in the photo."

Chen Aiguo stretched out his hand: "Give me that photo!"

Zhang Yang gave him the photo. Chen Aiguo came to the bonfire and looked at the photo through the fire.

Zhang Yang looked at him and was still very nervous. He was afraid that Chen Aiguo would throw the photo into the fire. This photo was not easy to get.

Chen Aiguo seemed to see Zhang Yang's thoughts and sighed, "It's been almost 30 years. If you hadn't brought this photo, I would have almost forgotten it."

Zhang Yang said, "There are some things that can't be forgotten!"

Chen Aiguo returned the photo to Zhang Yang and said, "Yes, there are some things that can't be forgotten. Where did you get this photo?"

Zhang Yang did not hide it. He said truthfully, "Do you know Shen Jingxian? I found this photo from her house.

"Shen Jingxian?" Chen Aiguo chewed the name, and his expression seemed a little confused. After a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know. I've never heard of this name."

Zhang Yang pointed to Shen Jingxian, who was standing with Wang Junyao in the photo, and said, "It's her!"

Chen Aiguo whispered, "She is not Shen Jingxian. Her name is Shen Liangyu. If I remember correctly, she used this name when Lu Jialiang was 66 years old."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know the person with her? Her name is Wang Junyao.

There was a trace of imperceptible pain in Chen Aiguo's eyes. He whispered, "I know, this is the name."

Zhang Yang said, "Now everyone calls her Mrs. Heather. She went abroad in the 1960s, and now she is a rich woman with a lot of money."

Chen Aiguo said, "Mrs. Heather? Is she married?

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that I got married. Later, my husband died and became a widow. Now I'm still alone." He suddenly found that Chen Aiguo was very interested in Wang Junyao's news. Zhang Yang was secretly happy. As long as he provoked the topic he was interested in, it would be much easier for this matter to go deeper. Chen Aiguo said, "You know what you want to know. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Zhang Yang said, "Let's talk about Xu Changde!"

Chen Aiguo took a look at Zhang Yang, picked up a piece of wood and threw it into the fire: "You haven't told me who you are yet? Why are you so interested in these educated youths?

Zhang Yang said, "I'm investigating a case that has something to do with Xu Changde. This matter is related to the life of an innocent person. I hope President Chen can help me understand something about the past."

Chen Aiguo didn't say anything, and added another piece of wood in the fire. The flame burned, and the wood crackling sound: "What is Xu Changde doing now?" In this remote mountain village, Chen Aiguo knows nothing about the outside world. A big reason is that he has been avoiding the news of these people.

said: "He's dead!"

Chen Aiguo said in astonishment, "Is he dead?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It has been several years since I became the governor of Pinghai Province, and I died at home because of a heart attack."

Chen Aiguo said, "I didn't expect him to leave so early!"

Zhou Shanhu was not very interested in their conversation, so he ran to the yard alone to clean up the snow.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know him very well?"

Chen Aiguo was stunned when he looked at the burning flames.

Zhang Yang did not dare to disturb him, so he accompanied him silently. After five minutes, Chen Aiguo said, "He stayed in Xiaoshiwa Village for a year and a half, and then joined the army. After he left, there was no contact between us anymore."

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't the relationship between Xu Changde and Wang Junyao very good?" What Zhang Daguan is really concerned about is this matter.

The muscles at the corners of Chen Aiguo's lips twitched. His expression was very painful and he did not answer Zhang Yang's question.

Zhang Yang saw that he was unwilling to answer directly, and then changed the topic and said, "Principal Chen, have you heard of the name of Dong Dezhi?"

Chen Aiguo nodded and said, "You're talking about Dong Erhei, that is, Dong Dezhi. In the past, we all called him like this. He is the youngest educated youth in the countryside. There is no him in the photo, but he also jumped in the queue in Xiaoshiwa Village!"

Zhang Yang was really surprised and happy. This was a huge discovery. After a long time, Xu Changde, Wang Junyao and Shen Jingxian should be said that Shen Liangyu and Dong Dezhi all worked as educated youths in the same village. Zhang Yang said, "Dong Dezhi later served as the deputy director of the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. Because he "

Chen Aiguo sighed and said, "Dong Erhei is very smart. At that time, we took good care of him, but he liked to stick to Wang Junyao and regarded Wang Junyao as his own sister." Chen Aiguo's words made Zhang Yang believe more that the woman in the photo was Wang Junyao.

Zhang Yang asked cautiously, "Is there something between Dong Dezhi and Wang Junyao..."

Chen Aiguo shook his head vigorously and said, "No, Wang Junyao just regards him as a younger brother, and there is absolutely no such feeling between him."

When Zhang Yang saw that Chen Aiguo was so sure, he said to himself, why did Chen Aiguo know so much about Wang Junyao? Does this lonely old headmaster also have an affair with Wang Junyao's wife? However, to be fair, Wang Junyao still belongs to the half-old Xu Niang, and she must have looked good when she was young. Zhang Yang remembered the scene when he saw the photo at Shen Jingxian's home. Shen Jingxian's performance was extremely indifferent, and he did not even admit that he knew Xu Changde and Wang Junyao. Zhang Yang said, "Since you are all educated youths who jumped the queue together, why doesn't Shen Jingxian admit that he knows Xu Changde and Wang What on earth happened at that time?

Chen Aiguo said, "Young man, your curiosity is too strong. You are inquisitive about other people's privacy."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not interested in other people's privacy, but this matter is related to a person's life, so I have to find out."

Chen Aiguo said, "Not long after I jumped the queue here, I was arrested and criticized by the countryside for making a mistake. I squatted in the small dark room for more than half a year. When I came back, Xu Changde had already joined the army, and Wang Junyao was not there. Shen Liangyu had some health problems, and I don't know much about what happened between them.

Zhang Yang was skeptical about Chen Aiguo's words. Maybe he really didn't know, or maybe he didn't want to say anything at all. Zhang Yang said, "There are a total of eight educated youths who came to Xiaoshiwa Village. Does President Chen have any news about the other three people?"

Chen Aiguo said, "I know a person. His name is Chen Tianzhong. He is our captain. He is very nice. He stayed in Xiaoshiwa Village for two years. Later, I heard that he went to Chunyang because of his family. It seems that he worked in the Chunyang Water Conservancy Bureau for a while. I don't know

Zhang Yang took out the photo and said, "Which one?"

Chen Aiguo pointed to one of the fronts of the back row. Chen Tianzhong stood in the crowd and was a beautiful man.

Chen Aiguo said, "That's all I know."

Zhang Yang said, "If there is a chance, do you still want to meet these old friends?"

Chen Aiguo sighed and said, "Forget it, the past is over. What's the point of getting together? It's just a sense of sadness."

After dawn, Zhang Yang and Zhou Shanhu left Xishan Temple together and came to Zhou Shanhu's house. Only then did they find that Jiang Liang was sick. He lay ** and trembled and touched his forehead hot. The small mountain village life that night made him freeze him sick.

Jiang Liang shivered and said, "How about... Do you have... Did you find anything?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm a little found."

Jiang Liang said, "Then can we go?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Liang said, "Laughing, again... I guess I'm going to stay here for another night."

Zhou Shanhu said, "Although the snow has stopped, the mountain road is difficult to walk."

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how difficult it is, we have to go. I have asked all the questions, Huzi, thank you for your help and hospitality. When you have the opportunity to go to Nancy in the future, you must come to the Sports Committee to me."

Seeing that they insisted on leaving, Zhou Shanhu decided to send them away. He said, "No, you sent us down the mountain. How can you come back?"

Zhou Shanhu laughed and said, "It's okay. Anyway, I have to go to the countryside to learn about the Xishan Temple and try to come back with the police car."

Zhang Yang was right to think about it, so the three of them left Xiaoshiwa Village together.

It was much more difficult to drive down the mountain than when they were going up the mountain. They drove carefully and left at seven o'clock in the morning. When Lu Jialiang was already 9:30 a.m., Zhou Shanhu broke up with them in Lu Jialiang, and Zhang Yang gave him a down jacket that he did not often wear. Zhou Shanhu was Enthusiastic, Zhang Yang likes it very much.