Medical official path

Chapter 622 So That's it.

That night, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to leave. Li Xinyi, an old Taoist priest, cooked in person and entertained this little friend who had not seen him for a long time. Li Xinyi was most concerned about An Yuchen's condition. When he talked to Zhang Yang about this matter, Li Xinyi couldn't help sighing: " When the demon recovered, Zhang Yang could understand the old Taoist priest's mind. After all, he was An Yuchen's uncle. Zhang Yang said, "Master, don't worry, I promised Mr. An, and I will take good care of the little demon."

Li Xinyi said, "Have you seen the things I gave you?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I saw it, but I didn't understand it." In fact, Zhang Yang already had some understanding of the inner power method given to him by Li Xinyi, but after trying to combine with Qin Qing last time, because of the great disparity in each other's skills, Zhang Yang became much more cautious because of their great disparity.

Li Xinyi said, "The Taoist practice of qi can be passed down by word of mouth for so many years, which is by no means nothing. I believe that the meridian should be reshaped through qi practice."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you can really do it, then you can live for a long time."

Li Xinyi said, "It's not that exaggerated."

Zhang Yang said, "Since the meridians can be reshaped, it means that the meridians are endless, can't we live immortal?"

Li Xinyi said, "At least I can't do it."

Chen Chongshan looked at Li Xinyi with a smile. Although the old Taoist priest had been in the empty door for many years, it was still difficult for him to give up his family affection in his heart. In fact, it was not just him. He lived in seclusion in Qingtai Mountain for many years and fell in love with the mountains and rivers. He thought In his heart, forgetfulness, it's easy to say, and how many can he really do?

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Chen, you must write a letter for me this time."

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "Write in front of you always makes me feel a bit of a trick."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Chen is too modest. He is diligent and playful. There are very few times when I can calm down and write. Now my hands are very strange and my eyesight is still there. As the saying goes, my eyes are low. When I saw the words that Uncle Chen wrote for Secretary Du, I really couldn't put It's a pity that Secretary Du refused to give up his love.

Chen Chongshan knew that the boy was flattering himself, but it sounded very useful. He nodded and said, "With the help of wine, I'll give you two words."

Li Xinyi said, "Go and write, go and write, Zhang Yang and I will continue to drink."

Chen Chongshan shook his head with a smile and said, "You are not like a monk."

Li Xinyi's nose turned a little red as soon as he drank, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. He picked up the wine bowl and took a big sip. With a little wine, he whispered, "Do you think if the little demon gets married, will there be a turnaround?"

Zhang Yang said, "What do you mean?"

Li Xinyi said, "The spirit of that book should have some uses. If she doesn't get married, how can she practice?

Although Zhang Daguan was very thick-skinned, Li Xinyi said so clearly in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little hot. This was the intention of the old Taoist priest to give himself the picture of the Spring Palace. Zhang Qiqi coughed awkwardly and pretended not to understand Li Xinyi. He picked up the wine bowl and said, "Taoist priest, I'll give you a drink."

Li Xinyi did not give up this topic. He whispered, "Zhang Yang, what do you think of my granddaughter?"

Zhang's scalp is a little tight: "Uh...very good!"

Li Xinyi said, "I can see that she likes you very much!"

Zhang Yang really convinced Li Xinyi. Is this old Taoist priest still a monk? He laughed and said, "I'm her master. Of course she likes me."

Li Xinyi said, "Don't pretend to be stupid to me. She likes you very unusually. It's that kind of thing. You should know."

Zhang Daguan didn't want to continue to discuss with the old Taoist priest on this topic. The man said awe-inspiringly, "Taoist priest, I have always respected you so much. How can you say such a thing? I am the master of the little demon. One day, I will be the master for life. You actually misinterpret I'm so disappointed!"

Not to mention, Zhang's righteous and awe-inspiring words really shocked the old Taoist priest. Li Xinyi looked at him and couldn't tell whether he was true or not for a moment. Now it's the old Taoist priest's turn to be embarrassed. It seems that the relationship between Zhang Yang and Xiaoyao is really a pure master-apprentice relationship. After thinking too much, Li Xinyi blushed with shame and felt that he had never been so ashamed in his life: "That...that...hahaha..." The old Taoist priest hesitated a few I was stunned. Zhang Yang said, "What are you laughing at?"

Li Xinyi laughed so much that his tears were about to fall out. He patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and said, "Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang, it's not in vain for me to have a relationship with you. I just deliberately made a word to test you. I'm relieved to hear your words. You know, I love the little demon the The cunning of the old Taoist priest can be seen.

Zhang Yangxin said to pull it down. You old slippery man must have been blocked by me, and I was afraid that I couldn't hang it on my face, so I found a step down. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Taoist priest, you are really unkind. You can't even trust me?"

Li Xinyi nodded and said, "Now I believe it, Zhang Yang, don't be surprised. If you care, it will be chaotic. I talk nonsense. Don't take it seriously, and don't be angry with me."

Zhang Yang said, "How dare you, Taoist priest? Although I am young, I still know that I have always done something and not. After such a test, I should try not to be talented. I have nothing, but if you let the little demon know, how can you get along with our masters and apprentices in the future?"

Li Xinyi was really blindfolded by Zhang Yang, and he felt quite ashamed. It seemed that Zhang Yang really had no evil thoughts about the little demon, but he thought too much.

Zhang Guan was a little nervous in his heart. It was false to say that he had no idea about An Yuchen, but every time he met An Yuchen, the first thing he considered was that An Yuchen had little life, and naturally he couldn't think about other things. Recently, when they met, they even had few funny words. But deep in Zhang Yang's heart, An Yuchen is very important. He will do his best to save her life.

Li Xinyi sighed, "Zhang Yang, the life of the little demon is very hard. I'm afraid that I will also walk in front of her. At that time, who else in the world cares about her and loves her?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Gaoist priest, you are six unclean. It seems that there is no hope of becoming an immortal."

Li Xinyi whispered, "I don't care about what makes me immortal. I just want this child to be safe." Looking at Li Xinyi's sincere expression, Zhang Yang can no longer laugh. Family affection is indeed the most precious thing in the world.

Chen Chongshan gave Zhang Yang a word on the book - the two big words of forget love. This word became powerful in one go. Zhang Yang also loves this word. In fact, these two words can never be done. It is more like a portrayal of Chen Chongshan's own heart.

Li Xinyi recited in a low voice, "Forget love? Ask what love in the world is, and it is called a promise of life and death! How many people in the world can really forget love?

Chen Chongshan said meaningfully, "Forgetfulness is not ruthless. I send you these two words, just to remind you not to be troubled by emotions, take advantage of the good time of youth, do more things and do great things!"

Zhang Yangle said, "These two words are my motto in the future!"

Zhang Daguan can't forget his feelings, so these two words definitely can't be his motto, but Du Tianye has already taken the four words "rightness and light" as the principle to guide his life. Du Tianye smiled at the two words his father gave to Zhang Yang and whispered, "I think he must have seen that you are too Too much affection and promiscuous, that's why I gave you these two words, so that you can restrain yourself in terms of feelings.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I have always been serious about my feelings. Secretary Du and Uncle Chen said that forgetfulness is not ruthless. He sent me these two words to let me eliminate the troubles of feelings and do more meaningful things for the party and the country when I am young."

Du Tianye said, "Then you must live up to his expectations!"

Zhang Yang carefully put away the word. Du Tianye said, "Brother, I have to have a meeting in the morning. I can't talk with you more."

Zhang Yang said, "You're busy with yours. I'm here to tell you something about that photo..." The one deliberately paused for a moment.

Du Tianye said, "Did you find out the result when you went to Xiaoshiwa Village this time?"

Zhang Yang said, "I found out part of it, and it has a considerable relationship with you."

Du Tianye was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this matter would have something to do with him anyway. He whispered, "Tell me, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know that you have a big brother named Chen Tianzhong?"

Du Tianye said, "I heard the old man say, what's wrong? Is he also in the photo? Du Tianye immediately thought of something.

Zhang Yang nodded, took out the photo, and pointed to Chen Tianzhong in it to show Du Tianye: "This is your eldest brother."

Du Tianye was really shocked. He had always known the existence of the eldest brother, but because the eldest brother had passed away for many years and did not leave any photos. Although he was curious, he had never mentioned it in front of his father. He was afraid that this would evoke his father's painful memories. He really didn't expect the eldest brother. It will also be related to this matter.