Medical official path

Chapter 267 Resurrection

"At the Standing Committee of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee, Executive Vice Mayor Li Changyu first reported on the construction of the new sports center, highlighting that the construction of the main stadium has been completed, and the internal and external decoration and installation of facilities are being carried out intensively." According to the feedback of the current quality supervision department, the construction quality of the main stadium project Hard, on the basis of ensuring quality, the supporting facilities of the stadium will reach the first-class level in China.

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran quietly listened to Li Changyu's report. His mood was not high, and the case of Hui Jingmin was about to be tried. His brother Xu Guangli's bribery must be established. Recently, Zhang Yang from the Sports Committee shouted that he wanted to investigate the new century. People with discerning eyes can see that At the beginning of memorizing words, even a small department-level cadre dared to openly provoke him, but Xu Guangran also understood that his relatives were really too disappointing. He made mistakes one after another. It was inevitable that the matter of the new sports center would be pointed out by others." Behind the scenes, he said that he pretended to be public for personal gain In a word, Xu Guangli, the third brother, really failed to live up to his expectations. If he can do a good job in this project, make money in a bright place, and make money in the open place, there is nothing to be afraid of." Others are willing to gossip, so let them say. He has been in politics for so many years, and I don' I care, but his brother is so disappointing that he has made so many troubles behind his back.

After talking about the sports center, Li Changyu reported on the recent progress of the project in the deep-water port. He was a doer. When he first arrived in Nancy, he did not really understand the power structure of Nancy. He chose to do more and talk less, which also had a considerable effect, at least in the leadership of Nancy. The new executive vice mayor has been established as a practical person.

At this point, Mayor Xia Boda is exactly the opposite of Li Changyu. "After he came to Nancy, he was squeezed out by Xu Guangran" all about some face projects, and Xia Boda's temperament of not daring to take responsibility made him lack his opinion in some major decisions. Since Li Changyu came, Xia Boda also felt When it came to the crisis, he tried to change this point, but once there were some impressions, it was difficult to make a change. Xia Boda said, "After listening to Comrade Changyu's report, I feel very gratified." For a long time, what I can't rest assured is that the construction of the new sports center in Nancy is "tight The construction of the education center is not only the concern of Nancy, but also the concern of the whole Pinghai. Therefore, the New Sports Center is a signboard displayed by Nancy and one of the most important image projects of Nancy. The reason why one should be added is that there is also a deep-water port, which exceeds the new sports center in terms of investment and forward income.

Xu Guangran frowned. "He found that Xia Boda was suspected of grabbing the limelight. This kind of summary speech should have been made by him, but Xia Boda said it first." Xu Guangran's brewed speech had to be changed.

Xia Boda: "We should see" that there are still many shortcomings in actual work. Our cadres should be aware of these shortcomings and correct them in time. Only in this way can our grass reform be carried out smoothly and our economic construction can continue to develop steadily. This old habit of talking nonsense has been committed again.

Xu Guangran coughed gently after Xia Boda finished speaking: "I'll also say a few words." Today's Standing Committee is the first time we have entered the year of injury. I remember that the last time we held the Standing Committee was last year. "Our theme is to summarize the past, and the theme of my conversation today Looking forward to the future, the most important thing for us in Nancy this year is also a grand event that the province pays attention to is the convening of the Provincial Games. The main stadium project is capped, and the construction of the new sports center is smooth, which gives us greater confidence and can make the Provincial Games well. The development of today's society has made the activities in every field more social. We can't look at this provincial sports meeting with a simple [luck] meeting. We need to see the huge economic and social effects that the holding of the provincial sports meeting may bring. This is an opportunity for Nancy to take off and develop. We should Seize this opportunity to show the best side of our Nancy to the people of the whole province, and even to the whole society of the whole country.

Xia Boda said to himself, you, Xu Guangran, can only speak empty words. How much effect can a provincial [luck] move bring? It's really bragging without drafting.

Xu Guangran said: "In the new year," I believe that our leadership team will unite closely as in the past. Under the leadership of the Party, we will dedicate our greatest strength to a better tomorrow in Nancy!"

Applause sounds. In fact, many people have listened to Xu Guangran's words countless times. The speeches at this time of the year are much the same, but Xu Guangran's speech is still ** full of applause and very encouraging, in this regard, he is much stronger than Xia Boda.


After the end of the Standing Committee, Li Changyu was stopped by Li Peiyuan by the Commission for Discipline Inspection: "Mayor Li!"

When Li Peiyuan called him, Xia Boda, who was walking in front of him, couldn't help looking back, which made Li Changyu a little embarrassed. He slowed down and fell behind with Li Peiyuan. He complained, "Li [Shu] Remember, next time when there are so many people, don't call me that, I can'

Li Peiyuan knew that he was afraid of Xia Boda's presence, so he couldn't help laughing: "Mayor Zheng and Deputy Fengchang are both mayors"

Li Changyu said, "There is a difference." Li Peiyuan doesn't think there is a difference. In addition to occupying a position and wasting more food, the mayor like Xia Boda really didn't see him do anything practical in Nancy. Of course, Li Peiyuan is not for Xia Boda's business. He asked Li Changyu for another purpose "Mayor Li" recently reported that Zhang Yang is checking the accounts of the company in the new century.

Li Changyu laughed and said, "It seems that this matter has caused a lot of trouble."

Li Peiyuan said, "This boy is really capable. He can do the public security affairs for him. Don't he also want to replace the work of our Commission for Discipline Inspection?" He said this without complaining, with a smile on his face.

Li Changyu said, "I talked to him," he said it was a self-examination, "not aimed at anyone."

Li Peiyuan smiled and said, "No wonder, was it annoyed by Xu Guangli's wife?" He wants to turn over Xu Guangli's old account?" Li Changyu said, "There should be no such purpose." Li Peiyuan said: Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. Some things are much more difficult than pulling out the rad I have stepped on the mud." Li Changyu heard his words and smiled deeply and said, "This boy has too much energy. As long as he does his job well, I won't bother to take care of other things."

Li Peiyuan said, "It's said that it's an eventful time. I think it's difficult to stop this year." Li Changyu said, "When you enter the officialdom and get a salary, you have to work for the country and the people. We all work hard-ear and can't change."

Li Peiyuan sighed, "For most of my life, even if I come down now, I'm still a little uncomfortable."

The two of them felt the same way and looked at each other and smiled.


Li Peiyuan still called Zhang Yang to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This matter must be reminded to Zhang Yang in person. This boy made such a big noise" made the Municipal Party Committee [book] Xu Guangran very unhappy. Originally, Li Peiyuan wanted to beat Zhang Yang a few times through Li Changyu, but Li Changyu protected Zhang Yang too much and refused to Li Peiyuan can only come forward in person.

The relationship between Li Peiyuan and Zhang Yang has always been good, so there is no need for him to go around the bush. He said bluntly, "Zhang Yang, are you investigating Xu Guangli?" Zhang Yang nodded and smiled, "Actually, it's not to check him, it's to check the accounts of the new century. Since the We can't live up to the trust of the leaders. Now the main building has been capped, it has entered the interior decoration and equipment installation work, and the project funds are also in place. You should have heard that Xu Guangli's wife came to make trouble two days ago. I thought about it. It makes sense for people to ask for money. When the project is completed, they have to calculate the accounts for others. If you want to figure it out, you have to check the accounts! You said that it is obviously a normal thing for these people now, but as soon as it comes to me, I want to check Xu Guangli. Mayor Li came to me two days ago. I worked hard to explain it. I didn't expect you to misunderstand like this. Li [Shu] Remember, do you think Xu [Shu] will remember this and misunderstand

Li Peiyuan looked at the boy and figured out the purpose of this man in his heart. He made such a big noise to let Xu Guangran know that it was disgusting Xu Guangran's thoughts. Li Peiyuan said, "Zhang Yang, the rumors are terrible. I believe you just want to make the account clear, but will others believe it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Whether others believe it or not, as long as you believe it!"

Li Peiyuan was about to say something about him when the phone on his desk suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and said, "Hey!"

A nervous female voice came from the phone: "Li [Book]?"

Li Peiyuan couldn't help frowning when he heard this voice. He heard that the call was Tang Hongying, the wife of Fu Liansheng, the former deputy director of the Nanxi Lianhu District Public Security Bureau. Fu Liansheng and Jiang Nanchun's boss wife Zhu Qiaoyue both died in Jinghai Municipal Government Guest House Jing Villa. This murder once caused a sensation. At that time, the police determined that the two sides died in martyrdom. Later, because of Zhang Yang's intervention, they found Tang Xingsheng, the director of the Public Security Bureau. Tang Xingsheng absconded overseas Bai, after re-analyzing the case, the police believed that Tang Xingsheng was the mastermind, and Fu Liansheng was the accomplice, but Tang Hongying never agreed with this result. Since her husband's death, she kept appealing, and the relevant departments have looked for it. She believed that her husband had nothing to do with the case and was framed.

Li Peiyuan said in a durable way, "Xiao Tang, I'm working!"

Tang Hongying on the other end of the phone said in a trembling voice, "Li [Book], I'm looking for you for work."

Li Peiyuan has taught this woman more than once and thought she was a little neurotic. Li Peiyuan said, "Xiao Tang, I have guests in my office. Can we talk about your matter later?"

"No way! I'm going to say now, Li [Shu], my husband was framed. He has nothing to do with Zhu Qiaoyue. They are just ordinary friends. At that time, he went to Jinghai for a meeting. He didn't make an appointment with Zhu Qiaoyue. He and Zhu Qiaoyue were both killed! He didn't commit suicide!"

Li Peiyuan smiled helplessly and said, "Xiao Tang, I can understand your mood, but this matter has come to light, and even if there is a problem, it does not belong to the scope of the management of the Commission for Discipline Inspection." I can't help you find me.

Tang Hongying said, "I have evidence that Zhu Qiaoyue is not only Tang Xingsheng's lover, but also has something to do with other officials."

Li Peiyuan said, "Xiao Tang, I really have something to do." He wanted to hang up the phone.

Tang Hongying said, "I really have evidence, and I left it with a winning streak!"

Zhang Yang's ear is outstanding. Although he is across a table, he can still hear it clearly." Tang Hongying's tone is quite affirmative. Does this woman really have evidence?

Li Peiyuan also heard that something was wrong today. He whispered, "Xiao Tang, why don't you send it to the Commission for Discipline Inspection if you have evidence?" Tang Hongying said, "I can't trust others! It seems that someone is spying on me, Li [shu]. How about you come to my house? I'll wait for you at home!"

Li Peiyuan was really afraid of her. He sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go there when I have time, but if you can't show any more evidence." Don't come to me again."

"I have, I have!"

Li Peiyuan hung up the phone and shook his head to Zhang Yang helplessly and said, "Fu Liansheng's wife, since her man died, she seems to have been stimulated. She has been crazy all day long and petitioned everywhere." As long as the relevant departments have asked her to look for it."

Zhang Yang said, "It's understandable. After all, the one who died is her husband, but how can she find you?"

Li Peiyuan sighed again and said, "She and my parents are neighbors, so they recognized me." He looked at the time and was about to get off work. He got up and said, "I have to go. I agreed to go to my parents' place for dinner today."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Where are you going? I'll see you off!"

Li Peiyuan actually nodded. In fact, he still had something to say to Zhang Yang.
