Medical official path

Chapter 631 Using Power for Privateness

"Xu Guangran said indifferently, "Let's leave this matter to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to check. You have other work to do." I came to you and just wanted to exchange views with you. Our leadership in Nancy has always been clearly opposed to corruption." Tang Xingsheng, the director of the Public Security Bureau, was taken down by us because of Zhang Defang is the same, no matter who violates the discipline? As long as he dares to violate the interests of the people, he is the enemy of all our cadre in Nancy!"

Li Changyu suddenly had an indescribable antipathy to Xu Guangran. Even if Zhang Yang offended him, he would not be in a hurry to fall into the well, right? Li Changyu also understands that Xu Guangran's pattern will not be so small. He is so eager to deal with Zhang Yang. One of the main reasons is that he wants to divert his attention. "Let Nancy's up and down eyes turn to other events, which can not only divert attention, but also hit Zhang Yang. Why not do such a thing?


"Are you unhappy?" Even Aishiwaya can see that Zhang Yang is a little depressed today.

Zhang Yang smiled. He pushed Aishwarya to the Fengyan Lake. Today's sunshine is very good, and it shines warmly on them. The grassland by the lake is golden in the sun, which makes people feel warm.

Zhang Yang fixed the wheelchair and sat on the grass by himself. He broke a grass stalk and played with it in his hand.

Aishwarya said, "I can see that there is melancholy hidden in your eyes.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Your [Zhong] Chinese language is getting more and more pure!"

Aishwaya said, "Thanks to you for coming to talk to me often."

Zhang Yang said, "I dare not take credit! There will be an operation tomorrow. How do you feel?

Aishwaya said, "I'm looking forward to it, but I'm still a little scared!"

Zhang Yang laughed: "There's nothing to be afraid of." You are in good physical condition and can withstand this operation." Dr. Yu is an expert in the field of neurosurgery, even in the world."

Aishwaya nodded: "Actually, it's not terrible to think about it. What can be the worst?" In the days of paraplegia, she "looked for death countless times, thinking that if she died, she could be completely relieved. Now Zhang Yang has given her hope of recovery. Even if the operation fails, it will still be like this at most." What's so terrible?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In fact, life is always full of hope."

Aishwaya said, "I like the sun. Every time I see the sun, it's like seeing hope. Although I don't know what you have encountered, "But look at me when you are upset, how happy you are than me, and you will feel that God loves you so much."

Zhang Yang laughed. Indeed, compared with most people in the world, he is undoubtedly very lucky. He can have the opportunity to be a man for two generations and have so many relatives, friends and lovers who care about him! What else does he have to complain about, and what else does he regret?

The sound of bicycle bells sounded behind him. "Zhang Yang smelled a seductive smell of smoked duck before turning around. He immediately guessed that it was Lao Zhuang. He turned around with a smile and saw Lao Zhuang pushing the bicycle and standing happily on the road behind him: "Director Zhang" Come and play!"

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile: "Lao Zhuang, is the delivery back?"

Lao Zhuang said, "It's almost the Spring Festival, and I've been busy with business recently." After delivering all morning, I finally finished all the goods that should be delivered. Director Zhang, have you eaten yet?"

When it comes to the matter of eating, I feel a little hungry." He shook his head and said, "No."

Laozhuang pointed to the water street not far away: "The water street is open again, and Zhu Laosan is also in the casserole house. Where are you going to eat?" It's my treat."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No!"

Lao Zhuang kindly invited, "Go ahead." I'll send you two smoked ducks later. Besides, I still have something to tell you."

Zhang Yang asked Aishwarya's opinion. Aishwarya was very bored in the villa and was happy to follow Zhang Yang to see the world. Zhang Yang then let Lao Zhuang go first and pushed Aishiwaya to the front of Zhu Laosan's casserole. When Zhu Laosan saw Zhang Yang coming, he hurriedly and happily greeted him: "Director Zhang, please sit upstairs..." After saying that, he regretted a little. Zhang Yang also took a disabled girl with him." Take a closer look, this beautiful girl is still a foreigner." Zhu Laosan said, "Sit down, I'll prepare!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's better to go upstairs." Fengjing, and he can still watch the lake!"

Zhu Laosan said, "Then I'll help you get the wheelchair up." He wanted to take a wheelchair and let Zhang Yang go upstairs with Aishiwaya in his arms.

Zhang Yang waved his hand and said, "No!" He spread out his arms, picked up Aishwarya with a wheelchair, and walked upstairs calmly. Everyone, including Zhu Laosan, was stunned and obedient. Director Zhang was so strong.

Zhang Yang took Aishwaya to the second floor. Aishwaya has not been to such a public place for a long time and feels very novel about everything.

Zhu Laosan came over with the menu and said with a smile, "What do you want to eat, Director Zhang?"

Zhang Yang said, "It depends on the arrangement. The two of us can't eat much!"

Zhu Laosan nodded and said, "Ok." I'll pick out a few casserones and bring them up."

Aishiwaya usually doesn't eat much. She followed Zhang Yang just because of curiosity. She was bored at home for too long, and she was about to be bored. Zhang Yang personally fed her a few balls and some vegetables. If Aishwarya is a normal person, Zhang's behavior will be a little ambiguous." But she is a paraplegic patient and she does not have the ability to do it. It is natural for Zhang Yang to do so, and Aishiya is also accepted it calmly.

It didn't take long for Lao Zhuang to come here with two smoked ducks, and a bag of duck tongues. Zhang Yang was not polite to him. He took a duck tongue and fed it to Aishwaya's mouth. Aishwaya has rarely eaten meat since paraplegia. She felt very delicious when she ate the duck tongue. She couldn

Lao Zhuang smiled and said, "As long as the girl likes it. Next time I will do more and ask Director Zhang to send it to you."

Aishwaya said, "Thank you in advance."

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Zhuang, have a drink!"

Lao Zhuang shook his head and said, "No," I have to go home to cook in the afternoon, and there is still a group to send in the evening. Make more money while the business is good before the New Year. When you make enough money, you can retire... Speaking of this, he can't help but feel a little sad: "Our son left early Yes."

Zhang Yang comforted him and said, "It's been so long that you don't have to always think about sad things."

Lao Zhuang nodded and said, "Director Zhang, don't worry, I have accepted the reality for a long time. By the way, I'm looking for you today to ask. I heard that Tang Xingsheng killed people again. He killed Fu Liansheng's family. This matter is spreading everywhere. Is it true?"

Zhang Yang said, "You said it was a rumor. No one can be sure whether he did it before the public security organ's investigation came out."

Lao Zhuang said sadly, "I don't expect anything else. I just want our public security bureau to catch Tang Xingsheng quickly. This man is too bad and conscienceless. He killed my son. I want to see him punished by law when I'm alive!"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Zhuang, don't worry." We should believe in our country and our laws. As the saying go, the law is long and slow. Tang Xingsheng has done bad things, and it is impossible to always get away with the law."

"But I heard that he fled to a foreign country."

Zhang Yang said, "Now there are extradition regulations. As long as he doesn't escape to outer space, there is a way to catch him back."

Lao Zhuang still trusts Zhang Yang very much," he sighed, "I really want to see him fall into the law one day earlier."


He Xinyan and Hu Yinru came to Nancy as soon as they learned about Huanyan Advertising Company. When He Xinyan saw Zhang Yang, her tears couldn't help falling down. She felt that she was very sorry for Zhang Yang. This matter was all because of her father. If Zhang Yang had not helped her father in front of her, she would not have provoked Such a big trouble.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why are you crying? This is my office for others to see, but I don't know what I'm wrong with you!"

He Xinyan bit her lip and said, "Even if I look all over the world, I have to find him out."

Zhang Yang said, "What are you looking for him for? It has happened. Even if you find him, you can't solve the problem.

Hu Yinru said, "Zhang Yang and Xin Yan have discussed it before we came. We are responsible for the accounts owed by Huanyan."

Zhang Yang said, "No!"

He Xinyan said, "It's a must, or I won't see you again." She was very confused, and she no longer cared about the relationship between her and Zhang Yang in front of Hu Yinru.

Hu Yinru said, "Zhang Yang, I have learned that He Zhuocheng has received a lot of deposit and a lot of advertising money. The reason why those companies come to trouble for you is that they think they have been cheated and the money has been given." The advertisement is gone. Our advertising company is many times more influential than Huanyan. It's much bigger. It's most appropriate for us to do the aftercare measures. If we are willing to continue to perform the contract, we will be responsible for finishing the advertisement. If we are unwilling to perform the contract, we will refund their deposit and advertising fees. In this way, one can help Huanyan alleviate some guilt, and the other is to help you get rid

Zhang Yang said, "I don't want you to be responsible for my troubles."

Hu Yinru said annoy, "What's your mine? Are you still saying that to us now?" She raised her wrist and looked at the time and said, "I have contacted those lost customers. I'm going to talk to them now. Xinyan, don't go over. You are not in a stable mood and you are not suitable to participate in this matter."

Zhang Yang got up and sent Hu Yinru out of the office. When he came to the door, Hu Yinru whispered to Zhang Yang, "Don't worry." Everything is still with us. I believe this matter can be solved satisfactorily." There is a way to see the truth in adversity. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be a little moved. He said emotionally, "Yinru, thank you for your hard work."

Hu Yinru said, "Don't be polite to me. If you say so, I will feel that you treat me as an outsider."

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "Okay, I won't say that you are not an outsider, you are my in-law, the closest and dearest in-law!"

Hu Yinru blushed slightly. She glanced at Zhang Yang's office and said, "Sin Yan is very sad because of her father's affairs. She thinks she has implicated you. On the way here, she cried all the way. Please comfort her."

Zhang Yang nodded, saw Hu Yinru get into the car, and then turned back to the office.

He Xinyan's eyelids were a little red and swollen, and her father's affairs made her blame herself. When she was alone with Zhang Yang, the tears couldn't help falling down again. He Xinyan, who had always been strong, the tears at this time were even more because of the guilt in her heart. Zhang Yang hugged her in his arms, kissed the tears on her face, and whispered, "Silly girl, why are you crying? Aren't I fine?"

He Xinyan said with tears, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who implicated you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with you." You persuaded me more than once and asked me to leave his affairs alone. It was my own reason."

But the more Zhang Yang said so, the more He Xinyan complained about herself. If it weren't for her own sake, how could Zhang Yang help his father? Now that his father has caused such a big disaster, he himself did not have the courage to take responsibility. He fled to nowhere and left all the trouble to Zhang Yang. He Xinyan was full of worry and said, "Zhang Yang, will you be in trouble this time?"

Zhang Yang said, "There's no trouble." I did introduce some businesses to your father, but I didn't get any benefits from it. It's a violation of discipline.

" He said it easily, but he knew in his heart that this matter would not be so easy to muddle through. When Li Changyu talked to him, he had hinted to him that the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran publicly stated that he would seriously deal with the act of using power for personal gain. He did have the suspicion of using his authority to It is difficult to get rid of it completely. He should pay for his mistakes.

He Xinyan also knew that things were not that simple, but things had come to this point, and it was useless to complain about his father. He could only think about how to solve it, try to do a good job of remedial measures, and help Zhang Yang get rid of trouble.