Medical official path

Chapter 634 Revenge Next Eight Thousand Words

Hey, Sihua opened her eyes and saw Zhang Yang sitting next to her. She laughed and bloomed like a snow lotus on an iceberg: "Are you here?"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Dr. Yu said that the operation was very successful. You are in good health, and there is a great hope of a full recovery."

Asyhua blinked her emerald-like eyes and whispered, "Thank you..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't thank me. You should thank Dr. Yu. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you!"

Aishwaya smiled and said, "Duck tongue!"

Zhang Yang laughed.

Aishvaya whispered, "What's wrong with her?"

Zhang Yang immediately understood that Aishwarya meant Fan Siqi. He hesitated for a moment to tell her about Fan Siqi's illness.

Aishwaya said, "Just now, lawyer Gao came to see me... told me that she was hospitalized and was in the same hospital with me, and her condition was very serious!" Zhang Yang said, "It should be okay. The doctor said that his life was not in danger." He scolded Gao Lianming in his heart and said everything.

Aishwaya said, "You should know what happened between me and her. Last time I lied to you, I said I didn't hate her. In fact, I hated her very much in my heart. I blamed her for all my experience, but now, I really don't hate her. It's not because she did anything for me, but Heart knot."

Zhang Yang nodded, patted the back of her hand gently, and comforted her, "Don't think too much. There is a chance to say these things in the future."

Aishwaya said, "Zhang Yang, thank you for giving me hope! In fact, as long as people have hope, they will become peaceful and tolerant.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "For your words, I'm going to buy you a duck tongue now."

Yu Ziliang came to check the room at this time. When he saw Zhang Yang, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I just went to see you and found that you were not here." So you came here."

Zhang Yang stood up with a smile.

Yu Ziliang checked Aishwarya's condition, left with Zhang Yang, and came to the door. Yu Ziliang was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with your blood pressure? Low pressure 180m mhg.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't understand what's going on."

Yu Ziliang looked at him suspiciously: "Can't you solve it by yourself?" Zhang Yang said, "Haven't you heard that doctors don't heal themselves?" Yu Ziliang smiled. He knew that there must be something strange about Zhang Yang's high blood pressure, but he wouldn't ask the bottom of Zhang Yang's level, even if He can also cure blood pressure. Yu Ziliang said, "The operation was very successful. I also gave the prescription to her family. I should be able to see some results in three months. I have left everything here to Dean Zhong." Tomorrow I have to return to Jiangcheng. Dean Zhong will inform me of Aishiwaya's situation in time. It may be after the Spring Festival." Zhang Yang said a little Head: "Dr. Yu, thank you for your hard work." Yu Ziliang said, "There is nothing hard work. The operation is just the beginning. The most important thing is the follow-up rehabilitation. That depends on you."

Zhang Yang said, "It will take about a month to recover. When her physical condition permits, I will give her acupuncture treatment to help her limb function return to normal as soon as possible."

Yu Ziliang has witnessed the magical medical skills many times and was full of confidence in him. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You really should really promote your medical skills so that more people can be treated." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "When I am idle in the future, maybe I will write a book. The book of Yu Acupuncture!" Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "I will be the first to buy it! You have to sign it with your own hand.",............................................................................................................

Zhang Yang's mobile phone suddenly rang. He connected the phone, and a hoarse and low voice came from it: "Have you received the letter?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but tighten his heart. He strode aside to the end of the corridor and whispered, "Who are you?"

"We don't know each other, but you ruined everything about me..."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you have the courage to admit it?" "Are you nervous?" There are actually many things in the world that you can't control.

Zhang Yang said, "If you don't talk about who you are, I'll hang up the phone!" "Don't be in a hurry to hang up! Ocean calls are very expensive!"

Zhang Yang's expression became more and more solemn. He looked at the time at 5:30 p.m.

The other party's voice is very slow: "Have you ever been to Niagara Falls?"

Zhang Yang's heart raised his throat, and he suddenly recalled Gu Jiatong's voice and took time to play in Niagara Falls tomorrow. I heard that the winter scenery there was beautiful, and it was a world of ice and snow...

The other party whispered, "It's winter now." The temperature here is very low, and it snowed heavily yesterday." The whole Niagara Falls is frozen from top to bottom. It has completely become a world of ice and snow. You can see a variety of ice and snow. This year's cold current is particularly strong, and the whole waterfall is frozen. This place is very similar to the northeast of our country.

Zhang Yang said, "What do you want to do?" His voice trembled slightly.

"Are you scared? You must have thought of something, right! I'll call you. Of course, there won't be any good. I want revenge!" Zhang Yang tried his best to remind himself to calm down. He whispered, "If you want revenge, come to me. I'll give you a chance to revenge face to face."

The other party laughed: "I don't like to fight head-on. I like to fight behind others, hide in the dark corner, and silently appreciate your sad expression. You must love her very much, right? A [China] citizen disappeared in a blizzard. Do you think it will attract the attention of the U.S. government?" Zhang Yang pressed the recording button of his mobile phone, and he said word by word, "Listen to me, no matter who you are? If you want revenge, just come to me. If you dare to hurt her hair, I will find all over the world and break you into ten thousand pieces!"

"Tut-tut! You are so nervous. It seems that I really didn't choose the wrong target. I'm so afraid. Come to me. I'm in the United States. It's cold here. It's past five o'clock in the morning. The snowstorm just stopped last night. Many people came to Niagara to watch the sunrise at the low temperature. "The sunrise in After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang's heart was like a lead, constantly falling down. He felt an unprecedented sense of fear, and he quickly dialed Gu Jiatong's phone.

After the phone rang several times, Gu Jiatong finally answered the phone. She was quite surprised that Zhang Yang called at this time: "Zhang Yang! Why is it so early?" After saying that, she laughed again: "I forgot, Nancy hasn't arrived at night yet, has it?" The time difference between New York State and Beijing is twelve hours. Now it's 5:30 in the morning at her place, and it's not six o'clock in Zhang Yang's side.

Zhang Yang said nervously, "Jiatong, are you in Niagara?" Gu Jiatong said, "I'm on my way to Niagara Falls. It snowstormed all night last night, and the snow was very thick." We set off very early and were planning to enjoy the sunrise of the ice waterfall! I think it will be spectacular.

Zhang Yang said, "Listen to me, don't go there and come back immediately." Gu Jiatong said in surprise, "What's wrong with you? I'm with two friends." Zhang Yang beat the wall nervously with his hand. He whispered, "I just received a threatening phone call." Someone wants to be against you. He knows that you are going to Niagara and he wants to hurt you!"

Gu Jiatong smiled and said, "Zhang Yang" The security in the United States is not as bad as you think, not to mention that there are two friends around me. Don't worry, I will be careful."

"No! I can hear that it's not a prank, Jiatong!"

Gu Jiatong seemed to have encountered something. She whispered, "Wait a minute" as if the jeep was stuck in the snow.

Zhang Yang shouted, "Don't hang up the phone, you'll be back!" The phone was suddenly disconnected.

Whether Zhang Yang called or not, he couldn't get through, and Zhang Yang was extremely nervous. He paced back and forth in the corridor and called Gu Jiatong over and over again. Gu Jiatong's phone couldn't get through. It took about ten minutes for Gu Jiatong to call back.

Zhang Yang was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: "Jia Tong, are you all right?"

"Of course it's okay! By the way, we encountered some trouble. The jeep turned off. Fortunately, we met the [police] inspector. They took us back to the town below to repair the car." Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you okay?" "It's really okay. Don't worry, don't worry, it's snowing again. We decided not Get ready later. I'll fly back to China tomorrow, okay?" Gu Jiatong heard Zhang Yang's worry.

Zhang Yang said, "Okay, I'll pick you up at the airport, you come back!" Gu Jiatong said, "Zhang Yang, don't be afraid, I'll take care of myself." The mobile phone signal seemed to be not good, and she said intermittently, "... I'll call you back when I get to the town..."

Zhang Yang closed the phone. He raised the back of his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. The mobile phone rang again. Zhang Yang picked up the phone: "Hey!"

"It's a pity that you haven't been to Niagara. You haven't seen the Niagara River rolling from Lake Erie, which is tilted vertically from a height of more than 50 meters. The huge current flows like the Milky Way flying straight down from nine days and rushing down the cliff. The deafening sound can be heard thousands of miles away Ting Wanjun, only when you get here will you realize the power of nature, and you will feel the insity of human beings. "You close up!" "Don't want to know who I am?" Let me tell you, I can make you miserable, and I can control her life and death! It's snowing again! In such weather, the jeep broke down in the snow. It's really a bad thing, isn't it?" Zhang Yang was extremely nervous: "Come on, I will forget everything you have done. If you dare to hurt her, I promise that what happened to her today, I will pay you ten times more times." Hahahaha!" The other party let out a series of loud laughs. He whispered, "From where I am, I can see the trailer walking slowly along the bank of the Niagara River, walking very slowly. The jeep is fixed on the trailer, and there is a corner or an uphill in front of me. It's broken! How did the jeep slip off the trailer? Below is the bottomless canyon. "Felling down, falling down, I heard the scream of despair..."

Zhang Yang hung up the phone, his nerves were numb, and his fingers trembled and pressed the replay button. Gu Jiatong's phone no longer had a signal...

Silence, dead silence. The other party called again. Without waiting for him to speak, Zhang Yang said slowly in a cold voice, "If something happens to Jiatong, you will die, and all your relatives will die!"

"I'll wait for you in Niagara, if you dare to come! No! You will definitely come "because you will receive her death notice soon!"

Zhang Yang hung up the phone. He squatted down feebly. Gu Jiatong's desperate face flashed in his mind. His mind was very confused and he didn't know what to do. Gu Jiatong's phone never passed again. He had to go to the United States. He was going to Niagara. He wanted to witness whether Gu But he is now in [Zhongzhong] country, and it is impossible for him to leave.

Zhang Yang thought of Guoan, but he immediately vetoed it again. Once the relationship with Guoan is used, it is bound to be linked to the interests of the country. The impact of this matter may be great. He also thought of his godmother Luo Huining. It is not difficult to send himself to the United States with the ability of godfather Wen It will definitely have an impact on them. Zhang Yang thought about it and finally thought of He Chang'an. He Chang'an has a wide network of contacts and has a certain relationship in all aspects. He once helped He Chang'an rescue Qin Mengmeng and Qin Huan. As long as he makes a request, He Chang'an will definitely not refuse him.

Zhang Yang stood up straight. "The grief and anger filled his heart. If Jiatong really has something wrong, he must find the murderer. He didn't dare to continue thinking. He didn't know what would be waiting for him.

After receiving Zhang Yang's phone call, He Chang'an did not ask him why. He whispered, "Don't worry, I will do all the formalities for you in the shortest time. You can board the plane to the United States at the latest tomorrow."

Zhang Yang whispered, "I can't wait for tomorrow!" He Chang'an sensed that something major had happened to him: "I'll handle it for you! You can go to Shanghai now!" From this moment on, Zhang Yang lost all contact with Gu Jiatong. No one except He Chang'an knew where he had gone.

Gu Yunzhi received a phone call from the United States the next day. The call was from the Consulate General in New York. Consul General Shu Yingheng was an old friend of Gu Yunzhi. He informed Gu Yun with regret and deep regret: "Brother Yunzhi, I'm sorry to tell you something..."

Gu Yunzhi had a keen insight into something from Shu Yingheng's heavy tone. He said calmly, "What's the matter? Is it related to Jiatong?" Before Gu Jiatong went to the United States, Gu Yunzhi also asked his daughter to visit Shu Yingheng at the New York Consulate to greet his old friend.

Shu Yingheng said: "Jia Tong went to Niagara Falls with two friends yesterday morning to enjoy the sunrise. On the way, they encountered a snowstorm. The jeep they were in lost control from the road facing the river and fell into the canyon. At present, the police are carrying out intensive salvage work. Because of the heavy snow, the sal It didn't go well..." Gu Yunzhi couldn't hear a word of the next words. His hand holding the phone receiver trembled slightly, his eyes turned red, and he held the coffee table with his left hand to support himself without paralyzing. After a while, Shu Yingheng's voice called him to wake him up from this depressed state. Gu Yunzhi forced himself to suppress his sadness and said, "Is there any hope?" Shu Yingheng did not say anything and sighed in a low voice.

Gu Yun knew: "Yingheng, do your best to find her, live, I want to see people, die! I want to see the body!"

"Brother Yunzhi, I will try my best!"

Gu Yunzhi hung up the phone and immediately called his daughter's mobile phone number in the United States. The phone was always unanswered. He bit his lips hard. As long as the bad news had not been confirmed, he could not give up hope. Gu Yunzhi dialed his son's phone number. His tone was beyond doubt: "Mingjian, We are going to the United States soon!" Just as Gu Yunzhi was preparing to go to the United States, Zhang Yang had arrived in the United States after nearly 20 hours of flying with the help of He Chang'an, the second largest city in New York, located at the eastern end of Lake Erie, at the source of the Niagara River. Most Chinese in the United States call it Niucheng.

Zhang Yang came to this strange country for the first time. Originally, he had some longing for the United States. He once looked forward to seeing it here, because there was Chu Yanran and Zuo Xiaoqing here. He was even ready. When the end of the Provincial Games, he went there. However, he hurried to this land this time was to take care of Jiatong.. Several snow sweepers at the airport are busy back and forth. Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the sky in Bufaro, which was so gloomy that his heart was also dark.

Walking out of the airport, Zhang Yang saw someone waving his arm at the gate, holding a sign high in his hand, with Zhang Yang's name written in Chinese characters. That was a friend who contacted He Chang'an to pick him up at the airport. Zhang Yang walked over. The man was in his thirties, about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a brown leather jacket, blue jeans underneath, and brown furry big scalp shoes. Although he was Chinese, he was a typical American dress. Because he wore sunglasses, he could not see his appearance clearly He grinned at Zhang Yang and stretched out his big hand and said, "Zhang Yang, right?" Zhang Yang nodded." Now he was not even in the mood to laugh. He stretched out his hand and shook it with the other party: "You are Mr. Wang..."

"Wang Qiming, Mr. He's past driver" He asked me to pick me up, and I came from New York!" The name Zhang Yang felt a little familiar. He remembered a TV series he had seen two years ago, which seemed to be about Beijingers living in New York, and the hero was called this name.

Wang Qiming enthusiastically helped Zhang Yang get his luggage. Zhang Yang did not bring too many things. When he got on the plane, He Chang'an gave him 10,000 dollars, because [China] National Customs has regulations that [China] Chinese citizens travel abroad, and business visits can only bring a maximum limit of 10,000 US dollars or other currencies of the same value.

Wang Qiming's Chevrolet pickup truck was parked in the parking lot of the airport. He pulled the door and invited Zhang Yang to get on the car. This pickup truck is not the same as the flamboyant one from the exterior to the interior.

When the car was on fire, the car's body trembled violently, as if it would fall apart at any time. After hitting the fire three times, Wang Qiming smiled and said, "Don't look at my broken car, the real performance is absolutely ueny good. I drove from New York to Buffalo, a distance of more than 300 miles. It only took me five hours to drive in the snow. It's really rare to have such a peed." He can brag about himself.

Zhang Yang found that Wang Qiming was very talkative, and his speech was mixed with Chinese and English, which seemed a little nondescript.

When Wang Qiming saw that Zhang Yang didn't say much, he smiled and said, "I just got off the plane. Didn't the jet lag turn upside down? I'll take you to a good night's sleep. I'll drive you to a motel to take a good shower and have a rest.

" Seeing that Zhang Yang had no reaction, he said, "Do you want to find two blonde American girls? It's not easy to come here. Why do you have to sprinkle some ** seeds and take the opportunity to promote the prestige of our country!" Zhang Yang still has this kind of mood? He whispered, "Have you found out what Mr. He entrusted you Wang Qiming took out a newspaper and handed it to Zhang Yang. At the same time, he handed him a business card: "It has my contact information on it, as well as the phone number of our [China] embassies and consulates in the United States. Maybe it will be used."

Zhang Yang couldn't understand English. He saw snow illustrations and three small photos on the headlines on the front page. One of them was Gu Jiatong. Zhang Yang felt that breathing became difficult, and he bit his lips hard.

Wang Qiming said, "In a car accident, the jeep suffered a snowstorm in Niagara. It may be that he was not familiar with the local terrain. The driver drove the car to the canyon in the wind and snow. The jeep fell into the Niagara River. The police salvaged the wreckage of the jeep downstream. The search and rescue work After listening to it, two bodies have been found, and one of them has probably been washed away by water. I haven't found it yet, but it should be a lot of bad luck. In this kind of weather, if you fall from such a high place, even if you don't fall to death, you will freeze to death in the river..." He stopped talking, because Outside the car window, his body trembled violently.

Wang Qiming said, "Our current location is Chiktowaga Town, Erie County. I know a good motel..." Zhang Yang's voice was low and hoarse: "I want to recognize the corpse!" Wang Qiming looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically! " You really don't need to rest?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "No need!" The car traveled along the Niagara River. Zhang Yang fell down the window and looked out of the car.

Wang Qiming said, "The river you see is called the Niagara River, which is very wide, but not very long. It is usually called the Niagara Strait, with a total length of only more than 50 kilometers." However, it connects two of the five major freshwater lakes in North America, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Most of this area is shared by the United States and Canada, and there have been many disputes in history." Zhang Yang whispered, "The current is very fast!" He seemed to see the jeep falling into the canyon from the trailer, Gu Jiatong's desperate eyes, and her struggling in the water. Zhang Yang closed his eyes in pain.

Wang Qiming nodded. "He took Zhang Yang to Niagara Falls. There are two Niagara Falls. Both the United States and Canada have built a city next to Niagara Falls, which is also named Niagara Falls. They are going to this city in the United States.

Chevrolet pickup truck drove along Highway 90 to Niagara City. Niagara Falls is a satellite city in the north of Bufferau. Along the way, Zhang Yang never said a word. "He either looked out of the window and looked out at the white waves of the Niagara River, or stared at the photo of Gu Jiatong in the newspaper. .

Although Wang Qiming was talkative, he lost interest in talking in the face of Zhang Yang, who had no interest in talking. The car drove into Niagara Falls. Wang Qiming took Zhang Yang to the city [police] inspection bureau and came to the inquiry office. Wang Qiming asked about the storm last night in fluent English. The traffic accident happened in the snow.

The [police] in charge of receiving them said to Wang Qiming for a while. After learning that Zhang Yang was flying from [China] the country for this matter, he walked aside to contact the relevant agents.

Wang Qiming came to Zhang Yang and whispered, "He went to help contact him. It seems that they are not responsible for this case."

Zhang Yang was very nervous, and he squeezed his lips uneasily.

Wang Qiming reminded him: "Brother, naturally, you are very nervous. This is the [Police] Inspection Bureau. Seeing you like this, others will be suspicious. Even if you walk on the street, officials from the Immigration Bureau will soon come to greet you. This is the United States, which is different from our new socialist [China] country." Nervousness is not because of fear. He is worried about Gu Jiatong's life and death. "If he is really sure that Gu Jiatong is dead, Zhang Yang doesn't know whether he can bear this huge pain." He keeps reminding himself that he must hold on." Things may not be as bad as they thought.

[Police] After making the phone call, he came to them and said a few words to Wang Qiming. Wang Qiming nodded with a smile. He pulled Zhang Yang's arm and came to the outside of the police station with Zhang Yang. As soon as he came outside, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to ask, "What should I say?" Wang Qiming said, "This happened in Portwana Town. At present, the jeeps and corpses are all left in the town. If you want to know the details

Zhang Yang said, "Let's go!"

Wang Qiming's expression suddenly became a little panicked. He strode forward and ran forward: "Hey!, up!" Zhang Yang looked in the direction he was running, but saw that Wang Qiming's Chevrolet pickup truck was carried upside down by a trailer to the distance. At this time, he had already passed the corner ahead.

Zhang Yang suddenly remembered his suitcase. His passport and business invitations were all in the suitcase. Because of Gu Jiatong's matter, he was always restless and careless. The passport was not taken out of the suitcase in time.

Zhang Yang also strode after him. He soon overtook Wang Qiming. Wang Qiming couldn't run without running a few steps. He put his hands on his knees and gasped breathlessly. The white steam spewed out with his breath. He shouted, "Don't chase... Don't chase... Let's take a taxi to the ..."

Zhang Yang was getting closer and closer to the trailer. The scene of him running on the street attracted the attention of a patrol police car. The police car pulled the siren and accelerated beyond him. Two Wucha pushed the door and came down. One of the [police] pointed to Zhang Yang and shouted for him to stand there.

Zhang Yang couldn't understand what the [police] was saying, but he could guess from their expressions. He pointed to the trailer in the distance and shouted, "My passport is on it!" Wang Qiming saw that it was not good and hurriedly ran this way.

A [police] inspector covered the pistol around his waist with one hand and pointed to Zhang Yang with the other hand, "Put your hands behind your head and turn around!"

Zhang Yang said angrily, "I don't know what you're talking about? My stuff is in the car!"

Wang Qiming finally ran over. He explained loudly, "Officer, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, our car has been towed away!" He was not close to Zhang Yang. A tall white [police] suddenly twisted his arm and knocked him on the ground and shouted, "Be honest, your passport. ", the other [police] inspector glared at Zhang Yang and said, "Your passport!" Wang Qiming screamed, "Give him your passport!"

Zhang Yang didn't have a passport to show them. When he saw the [police], he reached out to touch the front of his hand and approached him step by step. Zhang couldn't help but move. When the other party held his wrist and wanted to hand him up, Zhang Yang's wrist was out of the other party's bondage like a lo

The tall and strong [police] who controlled Wang Qiming saw that the momentum was not good, so he hurried to pull out his gun, rushed forward, raised his foot, and kicked his jaw with one foot. The [policeman] fell to the ground, and the blood flowed out of his mouth and nose.

Zhang Yang pulled Wang Qiming up from the ground. Wang Qiming did not expect that Zhang Yang would suddenly take action, and as soon as he took action, he simply put down two American [policemen]. It was not fun to attack the police in the United States. Wang Jingming was stunned and said, "Zhang... Zhang..., this is the United ............Can't be like this!" Zhang Yang ignored him and saw the white [police] who was kicked by himself shivering to take out the gun. Zhang Yang walked over and kicked the man to the ground. Then he pulled the door of the police car and sat in. After starting the police car, he shouted to Wang Qiming, "Are you coming?",