Medical official path

Chapter 640 Who is the Yellowfinch

Tang Xingsheng shook his head and looked back. It seemed that Uncle Li was really a little foresighted. One million dollars can't fool the eyes of the security check, but there should be no problem with this box.

He took a deep breath and walked slowly to the entrance.

Tang Xingsheng soon walked into the gymnasium. I called Zhang Yang: "I'm in the West Stand. No. 32 in the sixth row!", "You go and sit down first!

Tang Xingsheng had to do what he said because his daughter fell in his right hand.

Zhang Yang used a miniature telescope to find Tang Xingsheng's position in the crowd. Finally, he saw Tang Xingsheng carrying a black suitcase and walking to the seat. He moved his direction and observed Tang Xingsheng's back. He saw two men following him far behind him, although they were far away from Tang Xingsheng. However, from their erratic eyes from time to time, it can be seen that they are following Tang Xingsheng.

Tang Xingsheng is really not honest. He didn't come here alone today.

After Tang Xingsheng sat down, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to call him.

Tang Xingsheng waited for a while, and the live game had already begun. There was still no phone call. He couldn't calm down and kept looking around. Finally, he took out his mobile phone and called his daughter's phone number again. Now Tang Yuling's phone is in Zhang Yang's hand.

Zhang Yang did not answer the phone, hung up the phone directly, and continued to observe Tang Xingsheng's surroundings through the telescope. Several more men appeared near him.

With the passage of time, Tang Xingsheng became more and more uneasy.

Zhang Yang did not dare to take Tang Xingsheng lightly. This is an old fox. When he was in Nancy, he was not only the director of the public security bureau, but also an excellent criminal police officer with considerable anti-tracking ability. Before Tang Xingsheng's corruption and murder, his working ability was recognized by many people in the Pinghai public security system The best candidate for the deputy director of the Security Department.

Zhang Yang is to kill his patience. If there is a way to care, it will be chaotic. Tang Xingsheng is concerned about the safety of his daughter. It is impossible for him to maintain a calm attitude.

Tang Xingsheng took out the phone again." He hesitated for a moment and finally did not press the redial button. Years of work experience told him that the other party was engaged in a psychological war with him, just to make himself restless. Tang Xingsheng firmly believed in the chaos. The other party must be hiding somewhere in the gym and quietly observing him. Tang Xingsheng turned around and looked around. He saw that Uncle Li's men looked at him from time to time. Tang Xingsheng shouted that it was not good. I'm afraid that these people had probably been exposed.

Zhang Yang's eyes came to the field, and he actually saw Guan Zhiqing, the ice princess, who was preparing on the sidelines. Well, she will come here to compete, but she will definitely not recognize what she looks like. Seeing Guan Zhiqing, Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking of the work he had not finished in Nancy. Maybe he would never return to Nancy again, and he would say goodbye to his official career from then on.

After Tang Xingsheng waited for 20 minutes in the suffering," Zhang Yang finally called again and Zhang Yang whispered, "Exit 3. Go to the bathroom on the right...

Tang Xingsheng stood up and quickly walked to Exit 3.

Zhang Yang left Exit 3 earlier than Tang Xingsheng and received a phone call from Zhao Tianian on the way. Zhao Tiantian said, "It seems that there are a lot of police cars outside the gymnasium.

Zhang Yang said, "You leave here first and go back to the barn to watch her. I will contact you after I get out. ....

......," .............................., " ............................................................, " ........................

Tang Xingsheng saw the bathroom. He looked around cautiously, and his phone rang. Tang Xingsheng picked up the phone, but Uncle Li called.

Uncle Li whispered, "It hasn't been solved yet?

Tang Xingsheng said, "He is very cunning. Don't get too close to me. It's easy to arouse his vigilance!

Uncle Li said, "They just want to ensure your safety."

Tang Xingsheng said coldly, "Thank you for your concern! He closed the phone and walked into the bathroom.

Four men in the bathroom were all standing in front of the urinal. Tang Xingsheng didn't know which one was the one who called him. He also stood aside and pretended to urinate.

His phone rang, and Tang Xingsheng remained motionless.

The three people around him left Tang Xingsheng one after another and turned his eyes behind him. At this time, a door on the northeast side opened, and a brown-haired man with sunglasses came out, and he was also looking at Tang Xingsheng.

Tang Xingsheng looked at him warily and abandoned him.

The man in sunglasses smiled at him and said, "Why don't you answer the phone? This person is just publicity.

Tang Xingsheng said, "I brought what you want. Where's the person?

Zhang Yang said, "It seems that there are still your friends outside. Why don't you clear them when they come in?

Tang Xingsheng knew that the other party must have been watching him all the time. He shook his head and said, "I came here by myself. There is no one else...

To Zhang Yang's surprise, no one has rushed in until now. In fact, Zhang Yang doesn't care about how many people Tang Xingsheng has. With his martial arts. It's enough to take them all down.

Tang Xingsheng said, "Where are the people?"

Zhang Yang looked at his suitcase: "Have you brought it?

Tang Xingsheng nodded.

, "Show me."

, "Tell me where the person is first?"

Zhang Yang grabbed Tang Xingsheng and hit his body heavily on the tile wall of the toilet. He roared, "What right do you have to negotiate with me? Why did you kill Jiatong?

, "I haven't done it! I have nothing to do with this matter!

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "It doesn't matter? Do you recognize this photo? He took out the photo of Lyson and Tang Xing's father and daughter.

When Tang Xingsheng saw the group photo, he was full of confusion and said, "What's wrong with this photo?" Zhang Yang said angrily, "Your daughter's boyfriend is looking for someone to hug Gu Mingjian to death. How dare you say that you don't know?

Tang Xingsheng said, "I don't know, I don't know at all!" Who are you? Why do you think I have something to do with this? Why did you catch my daughter?

Zhang Yang was about to speak when he suddenly heard the noisy footsteps outside. He was not only slightly stunned, but soon heard someone shouting outside, but unfortunately he couldn't understand English.

Zhang Yang didn't understand, but Tang Xingsheng heard it clearly. I heard someone shouting outside, "Listen, you have been surrounded. We are [police]. Raise your hand and come out."

Zhang Yang said angrily, "You fucking call the police!" Tang Xingsheng said in astonishment, "I didn't call the police. My daughter is in your hands. How can I call the police? I can't ignore my daughter's life."

Uncle Li looked at the more and more police cars outside, with a heartfelt smile on the corners of his lips. He patted the suitcase containing one million dollars and said, "Xiang Zhuangwu's sword is in Pei Gong! He won't think of what's in the box, but it's a pity that my cocaine...

Tang Xingsheng's forehead was full of cold sweat. He felt that this was very wrong. It was reasonable that Uncle Li's people should have rushed in, but until now, none of those who followed him into the gym have followed him.

Zhang Yang's footsteps outside have heard that there must be at least dozens of [police] outside, who have blocked the entrance and windows of the bathroom. Zhang Yang thought about it carefully. The process of meeting himself and Tang Xingsheng should not attract the attention of [police]. Who on earth called the police? His eyes fell on Tang Xingsheng's suitcase and whispered, "Open it!"

Cold sweat slid down Tang Xingsheng's cheek. There was no million dollars in the box, but now he can only open the suitcase honestly. He whispered, "If you can't see my daughter, you can't get the money."

Except for a thin layer of U.S. money in the suitcase, the bottom was full of waste paper. Zhang Yang raised his fist and punched Tang Xingsheng's lower abdomen so painfully that Tang Xingsheng snorted down. Zhang Yang scolded, "Old fox, how dare you lie to me. It seems that you really didn't

Tang Xingsheng covered his stomach and endured the pain and said, "Now there are so many [police] outside, neither you and I can escape! Since you are here for me. Don't embarrass my daughter, just like a man.

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Fuck you. You are also a man!"

At this time, I heard the sound of broken glass. There were tear gas that had been thrown in from the outside. Tang Xingsheng turned on the faucet, wet his sleeves and covered his mouth and nose. He really couldn't figure out why there was a [police] to besiege them. The biggest possibility was Uncle Li. Uncle Li betrayed himself. His eyes fell on the black suitcase. Is there something wrong with the suitcase

There was tear gas thrown in outside, and Zhang Yang held it up. He was not afraid of this thing. The more the U.S. [police] throws, the better. The bathroom is full of smoke. Tang Xingsheng lay there and seemed to have lost the ability to resist.

Zhang Yang heard the footsteps, and the SWAP team member had begun to enter. He grabbed the black suitcase on the ground and threw it in the direction of the SWP team member. Although Zhang Yang's vision was disturbed, he could accurately judge the opponent's position from his hearing alone. The submachine guns in the hands of the two SWS officers all aimed at the suitcases. After continuous shooting, there were countless bullet holes on the suitcase, and a lot of white powder was scattered in the bullet holes. The real intention of throwing out the suitcase was to divert their attention at the moment when the two special police shot. He rushed out like a hunter and knocked the two to the ground with lightning speed. A special police submachine gun fell to the ground and happened to be not far from Tang Xingsheng. Tang Xingsheng, who had just lost his ability to resist, suddenly moved quickly and grabbed the submachine gun.

Zhang Yang has never relaxed his attention to him. He raised his foot and kicked the suitcase on the ground. The suitcase hit Tang Xingsheng's arm heavily. The submachine gun he had just picked up fell to the ground because his arm was sore.

Zhang Yang picked up a submachine gun and pointed the muzzle at his head without waiting for Tang Xingsheng to pick up the gun on the ground again.

Tang Xingsheng's face was stained with a lot of white powder, which was left when the suitcase hit him just now. Tang Xingsheng wiped it and licked it with the tip of his tongue. He was shocked to the extreme. These white powders turned out to be cocaine, all hidden in the mezzanine of the suitcase. The matter was very Uncle Li is setting up a situation. He is in a situation where he has put himself and the other party in trouble. Uncle Li informed the United States [police] that the crime of the drug trade alone has made them unable to get rid of it. Tang Xingsheng secretly scolded Uncle Li for being despicable. Zhang Yang's black gun pointed at him. He was not panicked. He coughed and said, "Kill me, you're going to die..."

Zhang Yang suddenly pushed him away, and a row of bullets flew past Tang Xingsheng's position just now. Zhang Yang raised his submachine gun and counterattacked out. A scream was heard in the smoke, and a special policeman was hit in the leg by a bullet. After falling to the ground, he screamed silently.

Zhang Yang said to Tang Xingsheng, "Drag the two of them over!"

Tang Xingsheng climbed over. The two special policemen were dragged over. First of all, he took off the gas mask on one of them's face, covered his face and breathed hard. Both of them were exposed to the acupuncture point. Although their consciousness remained clear, both of them could not move and could only be at the mercy of Tang Xingsheng.

Tang Xingsheng found the walkie-talkie from one of them. He said to the walkie-talkie in English, "There are only two of you in our hands. Don't try to continue to act. If someone dares to invade here, we will kill one first!" Tang Xingsheng is a real police officer with a college background. He has a good English foundation. In addition, he has been in Canada for so long, and his oral English level has also advanced by leaps and bounds. This point is beyond Zhang's reach. In fact, after he came to the United States this time, he has realized the disadvantages of not knowing English many times Great, Zhang Yang is a little stimulated. No wonder some people say that in today's era, not knowing English and computers is equivalent to illiteracy. He is paralyzed. Thinking that I was a talent in the Sui Dynasty, but now he has become illiterate. That's what people do. They are brave after knowing shame. Zhang Daguan was aware of his gap, and now he has made up his mind to learn English well after this matter is over.

When Tang Xingsheng spoke, Zhang Yang had already opened the clothes of the special police there. Tang Xingsheng also learned to do this from him. At the critical moment, the pace of the two was surprisingly consistent. Because there are hostages in their hands. The United States [police] outside did not dare to attack again for a moment. Tang Xingsheng changed his clothes and put on a bulletproof vest. When he wanted to get a pistol, he looked at Zhang Yang and his hand shrank back halfway. Knowing that Zhang Yang would not let him touch the gun, Tang Xingsheng said, "No matter what hatred we have. We have to let it go first and find a way to get out of here first.

Zhang Yang looked at him coldly, took out a pistol and pointed it at his head.

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