Medical official path

Chapter 646 The same means

Not long after Zhu Huaiming left, the Provincial Party Committee [Book] remembered that Qiao Zhenliang made an appointment with Wang Boxing. Wang Bo walked into Qiao Zhenliang's room and was very worried. Nevertheless, when he walked into the room, he still maintained a happy expression on his face: "Joe [Book], I wish you an early New Year in advance!

Qiao Zhenliang smiled faintly, pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down."

Wang Boxing sat down opposite Qiao Zhenliang and looked at the TV: "Do you remember to watch the Spring Festival Gala?" Qiao Zhenliang said, "Comrade Boxing, do you have a sister in the United States!

Wang Boxing nodded: "Her name is Wang Junyao. She went to the United States in the late 1960s and struggled in the United States for decades. It is also some achievements. In the past two years, she has begun to invest in China. She invested and built the film and television entertainment city in Qingtai Mountain, Jiangcheng. By the way, the I'm preparing to develop business...

Qiao Zhenliang said, "I know, what business does she do in the United States?"

Wang Boxing said, "The entertainment industry is the main industry, and I haven't asked her about the specific business."

Qiao Zhenli said, "Your sister jumped the queue as an educated youth in Xiaoshiwa Village, Jingshan City, Beiyuan Province. Do you remember all these things?"

Wang Boxing laughed and said, "Qiao [Book], why are you suddenly so interested in these things? To be honest, I don't know much about her going to the countryside to jump the queue. In the late 1960s, she left China and went overseas. After that, the contact between our brother and sister was almost interrupted. We didn't get in touch again until after the grass was opened. Joe [Book], what on earth are you doubting? Speak out and listen. I must know everything I can say...

Qiao Zhenli said, "There are rumors that Wang Junyao is related to the money laundering behavior of domestic officials...

Wang Boxing's expression was solemn. He shook his head vigorously and said, "It's impossible. I know her very well. She never does illegal business." Qiao Zhenli said, "Do you know her very well?" So do you know how she left the country in the middle of the year?

Wang Boxing didn't say anything.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Smuggling!"

Wang Boxing sighed and said, "Joe [Book], the special era of Wen Cui" It was not easy to leave. She was still young at that time, and young people were easy to be impulsive. It's not difficult to understand that she made such a choice...

Qiao Zhenliang said, "According to the information we have so far. It can be preliminarily concluded that she has a lot to do with the money laundering of domestic officials...

Wang Boxing whispered, "Is there any evidence? It's not that I want to defend my sister, but I don't think she has to do these things, and her wealth can't be used up at all. Why do you take the risk to do this for some corrupt officials in China?

Qiao Zhenliang said, "It will be available soon! Zhang Yang has a lot of evidence. As long as he returns to China, we will start to collect the net." Wang Boxing said, "Qiao [Shu], do you leave everyone here today because you suspect me?"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "You are the director of the Pinghai Public Security Department, a cadre trained by the Party and the state for many years. I believe you have your own integrity. "You know what's wrong...

Wang Bo said, "I am worthy of the country and the people."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Comrade Boxing, I hope every one of our cadres dares to say this with a clear conscience. There are some things you may not know. Xu Changde, Dong Dezhi and your sister Wang Junyao used to be educated youths who went to the countryside in Xiaoshiwa Village. When Xu Changde's son Xu Jiayong was studying in the United States, your sister paid a lot of attention to it. Dong Dezhi's children are also in the United States now. According to the information we have, their guarantee procedures for going abroad are all handled by Wang Junyao.

Wang Boxing said, "Everyone has friends, but it doesn't mean that they are responsible for their friends' mistakes."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Your children are also in the United States. Tell me why they went to the United States. Is it to learn from the advanced experience of the West and better serve the country in the future, or do you have other ideas?

Wang Boxing said, "Joe [Book]" allows children to get better educational opportunities under possible circumstances. I think every parent will do so. Your daughter has also studied in the United States for many years. As for Xu Jiayong, I don't know him. You should know much more about him than I do. Wang Boxing is not an idle person. When Qiao Zhenliang's words became more and more aggressive, Wang Boxing began to fight back to a certain extent.

Qiao Zhenli said: "Poor parents in the world" can give everything for their children, but they should stick to the bottom line of not causing harm to the interests of the country and the people. That's good. What are we officials most afraid of?

Wang Boxing didn't say anything, and there was no smile on his face.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "The evening festival is not guaranteed! If it's late, it won't be guaranteed. The official voice and reputation obtained from my life's hard work will all be in the same way, so I'm living every day in fear, step by step. I don't know if you have such a feeling?

Wang Bo said, "No, I'm leaving soon." I've begun to hand over the work." This burden is too heavy. It's time for me to take a break after carrying it for so long...

Qiao Zhenli said, "Do you know why I want to keep everyone?

Wang Boxing said, "Has Qiao [Book] taken action?"

Qiao Zhenli smiled and said, "Flying the grass and startled the snake. For some small actions of our senior management, many people below will figure out countless possibilities. Do you think those who are guilty of thieves will be afraid, and will someone take the initiative to explain their corruption and criminal behavior?

Wang Boxing said, "I have done public security all my life, and I have never touched the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. At this time, he was very panicked and extremely angry. Qiao Zhenliang clearly locked himself as the biggest suspect.

Qiao Zhenli said, "I'm a person who can't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes. I really hope. At this time next year, everyone can still sit together and drink happily...

Wang Boxing shook his head and said, "It's impossible. Many old comrades, including me, are going to retreat.

Qiao Zhenlige smiled and said, "Bo Xing, Bo Xing, do you have no confidence in me or not have confidence in yourself?"

.................................................................. ...............................," .................................... Zhang Yang kicked open the iron latical in front of him. Outside was the river. He looked outside and was sure that no one was ambushed. Then he waved to Zhao Tian. He was worried about the computer in his backpack, which recorded many secrets of Tang Xingsheng and involved many officials in Nancy City: ... Computer You won't get into the water, will you? Zhao Tiantian smiled and said, "Waterproof backpack, it's okay. Even if there is water, I have backed up the important data inside in the CD." There will be no mistakes... The two jumped into the river together from the sewage outlet. Zhao Tiantian was also a swimmer. After a while, they swam to the other side of the river and climbed to the embankment. They quickly took off their wet clothes and took out the dry clothes from the waterproof bag they carried with them. Zhao Tiantian said, "Where are we going?"

Zhang Yang said, "Contact Senator Sademento!" Although he agreed with Shu Yingheng to contact him after getting out of trouble, with the experience of being trapped in the embassy today, Zhang Yang no longer wants to involve others.

Zhao Tiantian nodded. He reminded Zhang Yang, "This senator may betray us."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as he has the courage. Just do it...

The stalemate in front of the consulate has still not been lifted." After a fierce chase, the Toyota jeep driven by Chu Yanran was also blocked by the police. Of course, the result was nothing, and Mike had realized that it was very wrong. The two cars that rushed out were all bait. In order to lure some of their forces to leave, China will not be so bored. They must take some action.

At this time, Chinese Consul General Shu Yingheng finally agreed to let them lead a team in to search the consulate. Mike was not happy to receive the news. On the contrary, he felt that things were not good. Has Zhang Yang left the consulate, otherwise how dare Shu Yingheng let him go in and search? At this point, he can only go on bravely. Mike knows that if he can't find Zhang Yang in the consulate, he will face the problem of apologizing to China." After China is right, it will definitely make a solemn protest to his superiors.

Mike led the team to enter [Zhongzhong] The consulate has ordered to strictly inspect the airports, stations and docks, and must not let Zhang Yang leave. Especially focusing on the Margaret family. Margaret was going to arrange for Zhang Yang to leave in her private plane. In this situation, there was no possibility for her private plane to take off.

When the police and FO teamed up a trap in New York. Zhang Yang and Zhao Tiantian are already sitting in the car arranged by Senator Sadmento. Sadmento looked at these two young Chinese people and wished to kill them, but he had his evidence in his right hand. Sadmento did not dare to act rashly. Sadmento said, "At three o'clock this afternoon, my private plane will send you to Mexico...

Zhang Yang said: Thank you for your help. As long as we arrive in Mexico safely, I will destroy all those things."

Sadmento nodded, and he whispered, "I have a question for you. Why are you staring at me?" Is it because of my anti-China bill?" This one obviously thinks too much. He has always been a tough anti-China activist. Recently, he has won the support of many senators when he proposed economic sanctions against China by the senator. Sadmento thought that this matter was normal. He thought that Zhang Yang was a [China] spy. The purpose of coming to the United States this time was for him, but Sadmento did not Thinking that he was self-indistrate, Zhang Daguan met him as a prostitute in May by mistake.

Zhang Yang said wrongly: "I think Mr. Senator should consider the long-term interests of China and the United States. Any proposal against the [China] country will ultimately harm the interests of both sides and will not give your country any benefits... Many of the [words] said by this man are heard from CCTV. He does not have that height, and he can speak at the height of the relationship between the country.

Sadermento said, "I will reconsider this bill...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Senator, if you have a chance, welcome to visit our Pinghai." I believe you can only know about this land if you go to [China] in person." This guy started a political exchange by the way.

Sademento hates Zhang Yang. Although he is not willing to be threatened by the other party, in this situation, he can't help but not bow his head. He nodded and said, "Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely visit the country...

Zhang Daguan stretched out his hand to him very open-mindedly: "I hope we can become good friends in the future and make due contributions to the promotion of Sino-US relations."

Sadmento held Zhang Yang's hand, and his heart was like a five-flavor bottle, sour, sweet, bitter and salty. It feels very complicated. A resourceful politician like Sademento can be ruthless at the critical moment. However, he thought about this matter too complicated, thinking that Zhang Yang had his indecent photos and recordings. The purpose was to try to change his proposal, and there was a huge organization behind Zhang Yang to support him. This matter is very troublesome. Sadmento did not dare to attack Zhang Yang easily, killed Zhang Yang, and could not ensure that he was safe. After some consideration, Sadmento finally decided to help Zhang Yang leave the United States. This guy is a plague god, and it's better to send him away as soon as possible.

,., " ............................................................................................................

Mike's search for the consulate found nothing, and the Chinese consul Shu Yingheng's attitude suddenly became extremely tough. He roared at Mike to protest against his behavior of encircling the consulate today. Mike became a little disreed. In fact, he was psychologically prepared for this result before searching the consulate. The key lies in publicity. I can't catch the publicity. He couldn't stand the truth. It was natural for people to make trouble to him. Mike was also able to bend and extend, and apologized to Shu Yingheng on the spot. He led his men to close the work in a hurry. As for Bai Zhijun, he did not dare to stay in trouble and ordered Bai Zhijun to be released.

After Mike led his men to withdraw. Shu Yingheng breathed a sigh of relief. This incident was indeed very dangerous. After all, they were on the land of the United States. These four FO agents were pervasive. He was soberly aware that the matter was not over, and Zhang Yang did not leave the United States for a day. This will not be over. But Zhang Yang has left through the sewer. I have never contacted Shu Yingheng again. Shu Yingheng feels a little bad. This boy will not fall into the hands of FO4, will he? No matter what Zhang Yang's current situation is, at least he is no longer in the consulate, and the urgent need has been solved after all.