Medical official path

Chapter 652 Changes on

When Su Xiaohong saw Zhang Yang's pickup truck coming to the hotel parking lot, he quickly greeted him. Zhang Yang pushed the door and smiled at Su Xiaohong and said, "Sister Hong, I haven't seen you for a while. It's really getting more and more...

Su Xiaohong said, "Pooverty! Just count your poverty. If you don't sarcasm me, you feel uncomfortable, don't you?

Zhang Yang said, "I'm telling the truth. You are so well maintained. You are getting younger and younger. The last time I saw you, I felt like twenty-five or twenty-six years old. This time when I saw you, I felt like an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl, like a peach. I wanted to open my mouth Ge Ge laughed. She also heard about Gu Jiatong. She knew that this matter was a great blow to Zhang Yang, but it seemed that Zhang Yang should have gone through the most painful time. As a friend, Su Xiaohong was still gratified. Su Xiaohong said to Qin Qing, "Good to Mayor Qin. I haven't seen you back to Jiangcheng for a long time... Qin Qing said, "It's not easy to have a few days of holidays during the Spring Festival. I came back specially to see my family, and I will go back tomorrow.

Su Xiaohong praised, "Speaking of maintenance, Mayor Qin is still well maintained. Your skin is really good, white, tender and delicate, like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl... Qin Qing can't stand Su Xiaohong's compliments. She smiled indifferently and said, "Maybe it's because of the good soil and water .

Zhang's official understands the key, with the internal health care he taught her, plus his own nourishment. No wonder the skin is not good. Although Su Xiaohong's maintenance is also good, there is an obvious gap compared with Qin Qing. There is no exaggeration in her compliment to Qin Qing just now. Qin Qing's skin is as delicate as cow's milk, white and red. Even if the twenty-eight girls are not in such a state as her, the title of the most beautiful woman in Pinghai's political arena is not obtained out of thin air.

Su Xiaohong accompanied them to the Crystal Pavilion and sat down. Although it was Du Tianye's treat, Du Tianye came later than them. After all, the Municipal Party Committee [Book] remembered that there were too many things to do. Rong Pengfei, the director of the Public Security Bureau, was the first to arrive. He was sitting in the room drinking tea. Su Qiang accompanied him and saw Zhang Yang and Qin Qing coming in. Rong Pengfei couldn't help complaining, "It was agreed that it was 5:30. I've been here for more than 20 minutes, and you haven't arrived. Du [Book] Ji Dao, he hasn't appeared yet... Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to pick up Mayor Qin. There's a traffic jam on the road, so I'm late. However, you should be blamed for this. There are serious traffic jams on the road in Jiangcheng at this time. "Is there something wrong with your traffic guidance?"

Rongpeng Feidao: "In the old city, the road is already narrow. The urban road widening project is in progress, and many road sections are stuck, so the traffic jams during this period are particularly serious, but it will soon improve, and the road reconstruction of the whole urban area will be completed by the end of March...

Qin Qing sat down and said, "Many old cities have this problem, and the speed of reform and opening up is beyond our expectations." At the beginning, no one thought that the economy of [China] would develop so rapidly. Development brings economic growth and also brings many problems. These problems need us to go. Solved...

Rong Pengfei nodded and said, "Mayor Qin is right. Jiangcheng is an old industrial city. In the past, urban planning and construction can no longer adapt to the development of today's society." Compared with Jiangcheng, a new city like Lanshan has more advantages...

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Lanshan is a new type of city that developed after the reform and opening up, and has certain advantages in urban planning and construction." However, each family has its own difficulties, and each city will encounter different problems."

Rong Pengfei looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, how long do you plan to stay in Jiangcheng this time?

Zhang Yang said, "I'm leaving tomorrow. Nancy is waiting for me to do it."

Rong Pengfei nodded.

At this time, Du Tianye pushed the door and came in. As soon as he entered the door, he apologized and said, "I'm sorry. Sorry. I just encountered something, so I'm late." He said hello to Qin Qing and sat down next to Rong Pengfei. He smiled and said, "Tonight, we are all our own people. We entered this room." No one should treat themselves as leaders, just drink among friends. Have a chat...

Su Xiaohong brought another jar of wine from home. After the wine jar was opened, the room was full of fragrance. Zhang Yang sniffed hard and said, "Smell the fragrance of the wine, all the wine worms in my stomach are excited, but it's a pity that there are only a few jars of wine, right?

Su Xiaohong said, "Don't worry, Liu Jincheng from the winery asked me for some samples and said that he would study the recipe of the wine. Now the preliminary formula has come out. It is said that after the improvement, the taste of the wine can be very good...

Du Tianye said, "Even if the formula is developed, the year can't be learned, and there is no decades of harm. This kind of taste doesn't come out...

Su Xiaohong said, "You have a good drink. One less meal is missing."

Zhang Yang said, "Great luck, Sister Hong, it's not right for you to say that during the Spring Festival!

Du Tianye said, "There is still some truth...

Several people looked at him. Du Tianye said, "I just heard that the director of our public security department resigned due to illness... After he finished speaking, he looked at Rong Pengfei. Several people present tonight were very clear about the cadre structure of Pinghai. Wang Junyao was the most critical figure in this major corruption and discipline violation case in Nancy, and Wang Boxing was her eldest brother. Even if there was no evidence of any corruption, Wang Boxing was Many problems could not be explained clearly. After talking with Wang Boxing, Wang Boxing quickly fell ill and resigned. Wang Bo walked as a member of the Standing Committee of Pinghai Province and the director of the Pinghai Provincial Public Security Department. According to his age, he should have two months left, but now he has retired early. No one will be surprised. History has proved that after any cadre falls, it will soon fade out of people's sight. Most people, especially the officials in the system, are concerned about who will take his place?

There should be not too many doubts about Wang Boxing's position. Previously, Gao Zhonghe was transferred to Pinghai from Yun'an Province in order to take over his shift in Yun'an Province. Outstanding work performance is one aspect. Another more important reason is that he has a good personal relationship with Qiao Zhensang of the Provincial Party Committee, and he has won the trust of Qiao. A change in position will not be a simple replacement. Instead, it will implicate a group of people. Gao Zhonghe took over Wang Boxing's position, and his work also needs someone to do. All kinds of signs have shown that Rong Pengfei has become an inevitable candidate. At the beginning, Rong Pengfei and Tang Xingsheng, director of the Nanxi Public Security Bureau, were the candidates for the deputy director of the Public Security Department. However, Tang Xingsheng was because of the At the critical moment, he fled overseas, but Rong Pengfei was rejected by Qiao Zhenshang because he was standing in the team. Gao Zhong and Fuzheng. When discussing the candidate for deputy director, Song Huaiming naturally mentioned the old things and tried his best to recommend his old friend Rong Pengfei, which may be an extraordinary period. This time, his proposal was surprisingly smooth. Qiao Zhenling nodded and agreed without much consideration. Several provincial leaders of Rong Pengfei's ability all saw it. All passed smoothly.

Although Du Tianye has just received the news, the discussion about this matter has been going on for a few days. Du Tianye picked up his glass and said, "I finally understand this truth. I have sent Mayor Qin and Zhang Yang, and now I have to send Peng Feitong away. I'm determined...

Rong Pengfei heard the news for the first time. Although he had a hunch about it after Uncle Wang acted, he didn't expect it to be so smooth. Rong Pengfei picked up his glass and said, "It's just a rumor. Du [Book] Don't take it seriously...

Du Tianye reconfirmed: "It's not a rumor. I have received a phone call from the province and confirmed this matter." The Provincial Organization Department will talk to you soon. To be honest, I really don't want to let you go. ....

Zhang Yang said, "The water flows low, and people go high. You can't just worry about your promotion, and you can't bear to watch your brothers stand still... Only he dared to say such words.

Du Tianye laughed and said, "Did you, have I blocked your future?

Qin Qing said, "It seems that we are going to congratulate Director Rong...

Su Xiaohong also raised the quilt.

Du Tianye sighed and said, "Looking at you leaving one by one, I really feel a little uncomfortable in my heart...

Zhang Yang said with a hippie smile, "Don't be so sad. Isn't there Sister Hong who stays with you in the Jiangcheng base? The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. People like Su Xiaohong's common scene are blushed by him." Du Tianye was so angry that he stared and said, "

Su Xiaohong also said, "Zhang Yang, don't talk nonsense. I dare not be compared with Du [Shu], and don't affect his glorious image...

What is a thief's guilty heart? These two mothers are, Du Tianye and Su Xiaohong know that no one should know what happened between them. Since that night of frenzy, both of them have said nothing about this matter. It's normal to get along with each other. They usually commensurate with friends. Both of them are adults and face this matter very rationally. Treating this matter as a beautiful mistake, but the unintentional sentence made the hearts of the two people pound.

Zhang Yang smiled. This guy's ears are too thief. "No matter how good Du Tianye and Su Xiaohong cover it up. But their suddenly accelerated heartbeat still showed their feet. Zhang's official was surprised. No way, Su Xiaohong really hooked up with Du Tianye? He thought about it carefully. Even if he hooked up, there was nothing strange. One was a crazy man and the other was a resentful woman. Both of them belonged to the level of dry firewood, and there was considerable emptiness and loneliness both psychologically and physically. It's normal to comfort each other.

To make a joke, you should also distinguish your partner. If there is nothing wrong with Du Tianye and Su Xiaohong, it's okay to make a joke. But if there is such an ambiguity between them, some words can't be nonsense. After Zhang Yang found out about this matter, he immediately began to pay attention to it and compare his heart. If Du Tianye jokes about him and Qin Qing in front of everyone. He must not feel well either. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Du, if you really feel lost, why don't I transfer back from Nancy, but there is a premise that you have to solve my deputy hall... He deliberately said this, knowing that it was impossible. The purpose was just to enliven the atmosphere and divert everyone's attention at the same time to defuse the embarrassment that Du Tianye and Su Xiaohong had just brought.

Du Tianye smiled and said, "How can you not know the depth of heaven and earth? Deputy hall? You have just finished the right place. Let's work hard for a few years. Be content. You have reached this position when you are so young. There are not many young and promising cadres like you in China...

Zhang Yang said, "I'm twenty-seven years old! Twenty-seven is the right place. Marshal Lin became a general at the age of 19.

, "Where is Gan Luo still twelve years old? If it's the country now, do you have that ability?

Zhang's official was robbed by Du Tianye. He picked up his glass and said, "Well, I dare not say that my work ability. If you judge the official position by the amount of alcohol, I can also be competent to give me the position of Gan Luo." Rong Pengfei laughed and said, "I believe this. Whether you believe it or not He said, "I believe it too!"

The main purpose of getting together for dinner tonight is to Zhang Yang. Seeing that Zhang Yang finally regained a little anger, the spirit of the blame day gradually returned to him, and everyone felt sincerely happy.

When this group of people get together, the main topic is still inseparable from work. Du Tianye has a lot of problems to face now. This time, the fall of Nancy's interest group led by Xu Guangran also has a certain wave effect on Jiangcheng, and the personnel changes are only one of them. There is another thing that gives Du Tianye a headache. Wang Junyao invested in the International Entertainment Film and Television City in Qingtai Mountain. Because of Wang Junyao's sudden death, the investment project was immediately put on hold. Now the construction in all aspects has been carried out halfway, and it is impossible to leave it there. Du Tianye, as the first leader of Jiangcheng, must solve the follow-up problems of the film and He mentioned this matter and sighed, "The modern film and television entertainment city invested by Wang Junyao has set a precedent in the history of Pinghai in terms of scale and investment. Leaving aside Wang Junyao's personal problems, if the project is completed, the tourism culture we built around Qingtai Mountain will basically take shape, but now her death has made everything unknown. I have been busy with this matter these days. If you meet businessmen who are interested in investing in this field. You can introduce it to me.

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