Medical official path

Chapter 653 It turned out to be you

Zhang Yang didn't even look at it. He reversed the baseball bat in his hand, held the opponent's blow behind his head, and then quickly turned around when his eyes met the other party. Both of them were shocked and said almost at the same time, "So it's you." In any case, Zhang Yang did not expect that the person who attacked him behind his back was Zhong Changsheng. Zhong Changsheng used to be the bodyguard beside Mr. Qiao and was responsible for guarding Mr. Qiao's safety. Because of the sneak attack on Zhang Yang in Dongjiang, Zhang Yang was injured. Later, he joined hands with Baguamen to attack Zhang Yang and He was so angry that he sent his grandson Qiao Pengfei to Tibet as a soldier. And Zhong Changsheng was also driven away by him.

After Zhong Changsheng left Mr. Qiao, he has not been complacent. His hometown is in Yangjiaojing, Pingchuan County, East Anhui Province. The restaurant owner who was beaten by Zhang Yang just now was his distant cousin. He just went back to the village to find someone to help him. Zhong Changsheng happened to go back to his hometown for the Spring Festival, and he also came to help. Who would have thought that he would meet Zhang Yang as soon as he took action.

Zhong Changsheng was in extreme awe of Zhang Yang. If he knew that Zhang Yang was making trouble here, he would not dare to come if he gave him a hundred courage.

Zhang Yang recognized Zhong Changsheng and couldn't help thinking of his sneak attack on himself in the past. Unexpectedly, he still dared to sneak up on himself this time. The two sword eyebrows suddenly twisted up, and he stared at him. Zhong Changsheng was so scared that he immediately threw away the ash pole and said with an embarrassed face, "Director Zhang... It turned out to be you!"

Zhang Yang saw that he took the initiative to throw away the weapon, which proved that Zhong Changsheng should not have recognized himself before he attacked him. He nodded and said, "Is it me? What? Bring so many helpers, are you ready to take revenge on me?"

Zhong Changsheng shook his head in a hurry and said, "You misunderstood. I didn't mean that. I really didn't mean that. I didn't know it was you. I really didn't know it was you." From his nervous tone, it can already be heard that he is afraid of publicity from the bottom of his heart. After talking, the young men in their village shouted and rushed up bravely." Zhong Changsheng said loudly, "Shut up, stop it all. This is my friend, stop it all for me...

When did he become friends with Zhang Yang's heart? But Zhang Yang didn't want to do it because of this little thing." He took the initiative to drop the bat.

Zhong Changsheng's prestige in the village was still very high. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone stopped attacking. The black shop owner and his wife heard that Zhang Yang was a cousin's friend, and they also knew that today's beating was in vain. Seeing Zhong Changsheng waving to him, they bravely walked over. Zhong Changsheng had already understood what had happened and scolded angrily, "If you don't learn well, open a restaurant well. Why do you ask for a price? Kill passers-by? It's your fault that your restaurant was smashed! Hurry up and apologize to Director Zhang.

Although the restaurant owner and his family were reluctant, they were extremely in awe of this cousin and could only apologize to Zhang Yang. The young men from the village saw that Zhong Changsheng and Zhang Yang turned out to be good friends. This matter really flooded the Dragon King Temple, and the family did not know the family. Naturally dispersed.

Although Zhang Yang and Zhong Changsheng had a grudge in the past, the matter has been solved, and Zhang Yang was also angry. He himself is not a master of revenge. In addition, Zhong Changsheng's performance today is not bad. He took the initiative to relieve him. He is also polite to him.

Zhong Changsheng warmly invited Zhang Yang to sit at home. Zhang Yang said, "No, I'm waiting for the way. It has been delayed a lot of time today...

Zhong Changsheng looked at the long convoy in front of him and sighed, "I don't know when this road will be smooth. The road conditions in eastern Anhui can't be compared with the peaceful sea...

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Any region has a development process. The economic foundation of eastern Anhui is weak, and the reform and opening up are relatively late, and it is normal to lag behind. But with the development of the times. This gap will gradually narrow...

Zhong Changsheng nodded and said, "Joe said so." Speaking of Mr. Qiao, Zhong Changsheng's face showed some loss. In the past, it was his glory to be the guard around Mr. Qiao, but later because of publicity. He was driven away by Joe. This incident was a great blow to Zhong Changsheng. He has been around Mr. Qiao for more than ten years and has regarded the protection of Mr. Qiao as the most important cause in his life. Because he did something wrong, his life has changed since then. During this period, Zhong Changsheng himself also reflected. He should not have been confused by Qiao Pengfei at the beginning.

Zhang Yang sensed the loss of Zhong Changsheng. He whispered, "Where have you been recently?"

Zhong Changsheng smiled bitterly and said, "It's not a high job. I work in a security company in Anyang. However, the economic situation here is too poor, and the income is also very ordinary...

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Try me if you need my help..."

Zhong Changsheng only thought that he was polite and said with a smile, "Thank you for Director Zhang's concern. I remember this sentence in my heart...

At this time, the car has begun to move slowly. It seems that the road situation has eased, and Qin Qing pressed the horn. Remind Zhang Yang that he should leave.

Zhang Yang said goodbye to Zhong Changsheng, "I'm leaving. If I have time, come to Nancy as a guest...

Zhong Changsheng waved his hand, and the two passed the conversation. Those grudges in the past have disappeared without a trace. They are all good martial arts people, and people who practice martial arts are easy to have respect for the strong.

Although Zhong Changsheng has sneaked up on Zhang Yang, he has learned a lesson, and today's performance has also greatly changed Zhang Yang's previous impression of him.

After Zhang Yang got on the car, Qin Qing said, "Have you met an acquaintance?

Zhang Yang talked about his past enmity with Zhong Changsheng. Qin Qing couldn't help laughing and said, "It seems that you martial arts people really don't know each other...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are also a martial arts person. Your kick just now is really beautiful. It seems that the leg strength has improved compared with the past. I'm a little worried.

Qin Qing said, "What are you worried about?

Zhang Yang said, "When I was worried about us, you broke my waist."

Qin Qing's face suddenly turned red and stretched out his hand to fight. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't do it. Don't do it. I still like you to talk...

Qin Qing was worried that someone would see it outside, so he dropped his hand and twisted it on Zhang Yang's thigh. He whispered, "You're a hooligan again, aren't you?" In his heart, he was overjoyed, and his public mood finally began to gradually recover.

The car didn't go far and stopped again. When I was parking, I saw Zhong Changsheng coming back on a three-wheeled motorcycle. There are eight Kui chickens in the motorcycle trailer. The two recorded whole sheep and eight boxes of salted duck eggs. He put the things directly in the trawler of Zhang Yang's pickup truck.

Zhang Yang pushed the door and wanted to go down. Zhong Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't come down. I'll bring you something, these things. You and Joe [book] remember half of each person." Zhang Yang wanted to say a few words politely. "Zhong Changsheng has gone away on three wheels on a motorcycle.

Qin Qingwang blamed the living things in the pickup truck and couldn't help laughing: ... It turns out that you have this benefit in driving a pickup truck, and it is convenient to receive gifts at ordinary times.

Zhang Yang said, "I have to get a tarp to cover it when I get out of the car, otherwise I will be too blatant...

,., " .....................................,. " ..................................................................." The road was really unblocked at 3:00 p.m. When they arrived in Dongjiang, it was already 5:30 p.m. Zhang Yang first sent Qin Qing to Nanguo Villa in Dongjiang. Qin Qing first stayed there to rest. Zhang Yang drove a pickup truck to the Provincial People's Hospital, but the full of chickens and sheep could not park in the parking He called Liu Yuying first. It happened that Song Huaiming was also there. He asked the driver to come down. Zhang Yang handed over the pickup truck to the driver and asked him to divide the things in the car into two parts. One was sent to Qiao Zhenliang of the Provincial Party Committee, and the other was sent to Song Huaiming.

Song Huaiming and Liu Yuying's son treated jaundice in pediatrics two days ago and only now returned to their mother. It seems that the jaundice has faded a little, but it still has a low fever.

When Zhang Yang came to the ward, Liu Yuying was holding her son in her arms and quietly wiping her tears. Every mother did not want to see her child suffer.

When Song Huaiming saw Zhang Yang coming in, he smiled and said, "Zhang Yang is coming!" Zhang Yang said, "Happy New Year, Uncle Song. Happy New Year, Aunt Liu... This person is often very polite in front of leaders and elders.

Song Huaiming nodded. Before he could speak, he heard his wife Liu Yuying say, "Zhang Yang, you're finally here. Come on, help Xiaoxin see what's going on with him?" Song Huaiming couldn't help complaining, "Yuying, Zhang Yang has just arrived. You have to let him take a rest...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm very embarrassed. It's not smooth on the way from Dongjiang today. First, there was a car accident on the highway, but there was a traffic jam in the east of Anhui on the way, otherwise it would be here in the morning." He came to Liu Yuying's side and saw that the baby's face was yellow and his eyes werezed. Judging from the outline of the baby's face, it looked like Song Huaiming. Zhang Yang looked at the child carefully and carefully stretched out his finger to his delicate neck. Traditional Chinese medicine could detect the changes in the patient's [body] according to Zhang Daguanren can detect his [body] physiological changes through any meridians on the human body. About a minute later, Zhang Yang relaxed his fingers.

Liu Yuying said nervously, "How's it going? The child's serum bilirubin has seriously exceeded the um. The doctor used light and drug data, but the effect was not obvious...

Song Huaiming said, "I think Xiaoxin's jaundice seems to have receded a little today...

Zhang Yang said, "The concept of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine for children's jaundice is different. We divide jaundice into yin and yang yellow. He is damp and hot, and it is yang yellow, and the situation is not serious."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Song Huaiming and his wife were secretly relieved.

Song Huaiming handed a prescription prescribed by a doctor to Zhang Yang. He whispered, "This is a prescription prescribed by a famous pediatric expert from the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Xiaoxin. Please take a look...

Zhang Yang looked at the prescription, but saw that it said: "10 grams of Yinchen, 6 grams of gardenia, 6 grams of canine yellow, 6 grams of yellow cypress, 6 grams of tulip, 24 grams of sand kernels, 12 grams of talc, and 10 grams of talc kernels. 6-11 grams of green peel, 10 grams of stir-fried three immortals. Water decoction, one dose a day, two doses in the morning and evening...

After reading it, Zhang Yang put the prescription on the bedside table and whispered, "The prescription is not wrong, but the person who prescribed the prescription ignored an important thing..., "What's the matter? Song Huaiming said at the same time.

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I forgot to ask. What's his name? Song Huaiming said, "Song Gengxin, he is a generation of Geng, and his name was given by my father-in-law."

Zhang Yang said, "Song Gengxin, this name is very official!

Song Huaiming smiled indifferently and said, "I don't want him to be an official. For us parents, it's good for our children to be safe. What will we do in the future? It depends on their own choices when they grow up... Song Huaiming is very open-minded in his attitude towards his children. Because of the early death of his wife Chu Jingzhi, there has always been a gap between Song Huaiming and his daughter Chu Yanran. So far, the feelings between father and daughter have not been harmonious. Now he is middle-aged. I only hope that the child can be safe, and there are really no early sketches and expectations for his future.

Zhang Yang gently touched Song Gengxin's little face with his fingers. He smiled and said, "Xiao Gengxin, get well soon. Don't let your parents worry about you...

Although Song Gengxin was born not long ago, he did not like to cry. His eyes looked at Zhang Yang curiously.

Zhang Yang felt that the child was a little different. He explained to Song Huaiming and his wife, "I just explored his pulse. Xiaoxin has some congenital deficiencies, but it is not too serious. You mentioned that he had an umbilical cord around his neck before he was born. It should be that the winding umbilical cord affected some blood supply For Xiaoxin, his physique is weaker than that of normal children. It is not terrible to have jaundice. The prescription is right, but why is the treatment ineffective for so many days, because the previous treatment focused on treating the symptoms rather than the root causes. Babies' bodies are weaker than adults, and their treatment should start with the root of support, and then the symptomatic treatment can be carried out step by step. It's a three-point poison. If you don't understand this truth, you can treat it blindly. Not only will the condition not improve, but it will gradually get worse. Fortunately, there is nothing to do now... Zhang Yang asked Song Huaiming for paper and pen, re-opened a prescription, and specially wrote a nutritional soup recipe of bacon Guyuan. Give Xiao Geng a new one, but give it to Liu Yuying.

Zhang Yang said, "Aunt Liu, follow my prescription. These two prescriptions can help you recover after giving birth. You should stick to breastfeeding. In a short time, Xiao Gengxin can recover as before...

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