Medical official path

Chapter 665 Judgment

Niu Junsheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine with half a catty of wine, but I didn't expect you to be so drunk. Brother, why didn't I find it in the past? We are really close to each other!"

Zhang Daguanren laughed, but he didn't find that Niu Junsheng was very cute after he really understood it.

Niu Junsheng said, "You write better than me, drink more, and be bolder than me, but I just can't figure it out. You should not be as good as me in middle and long-distance running training? After giving Niu Zhenwei a stimulus of 30,000 yuan, he actually ran faster than a rabbit and defeated my two main players. Did you know the result for a long time, so you dare to bet with me?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Talk to me?"

Niu Junsheng shook his head and said, "There is no cliché. You will know after being with me for a long time. What do I have to say? I know that my temper is a little bad, and I am usually a little arrogant, but I don't take a detour. I really can't figure it through. After the game At that time, the technology is not very good, but it can't run to death. It's strange! To be honest, I really doubted what medicine you fed him at that time, which made him so excited, otherwise his grades would not have improved so quickly in a short time.

Zhang Yangle said, "Feed some Chinese turtle pills."

Niu Junsheng was making fun of himself. He laughed and said, "That thing is useless. Seriously, if it weren't for the training fund, we wouldn't have done that kind of advertising." He picked up the glass and touched Zhang Yang again and said, "The urine test results have come out. I thought that Niu Zhenwei might have a problem, but it turned out that there was nothing wrong with him. Brother, you can tell me the bottom of it. What is the reason why he can improve so much?"

Although Zhang Yang and Niu Junsheng have been called brothers, he will not disclose this kind of confidential matter. Niu Zhenwei's matter can be regarded as a small test for him. He uses acupuncture to stimulate a person's potential. In the world, he may be the only way to do it himself. Although he is not taking Xingqi, it is fundamentally The stimulation is the same, and it is a means of cheating. Zhang Yang said, "I just stimulated him with money. Niu Zhenwei's family is more difficult. Maybe he cares more about money, so he ran desperately. Think about it, I'm not a sports major. How can I have the ability to guide him?

Niu Junsheng was right to think about it. He sighed, "It seems that everyone has potential, and everyone's sports performance can be improved on the existing basis. It's just a question of whether we can dig out."

Zhang Yang nodded with deep understanding. He mentioned the image endorsement: "Brother Niu, I bet with you that I will still pay you according to the regulations."

Niu Junsheng said, "What's the matter? Look down on me? Do you think what I said was bullshit?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's really not what I mean."

Niu Junsheng said, "If you lose, you will lose. We don't keep our debts, not to mention our relationship. Your business is my business. You ask me to help, and I am duty-bound. I don't help you with my brother's matter. Who can I help you?"

Zhang Yang hit the railway while it was hot: "Brother Niu, I still have something to ask you."

"Say! As long as I can do it!"

Zhang Yang said: "Well, this year, Nancy held the 12th Sports Games in Pinghai Province. As the director of the Nanxi Sports Committee, I am the person in charge of the Provincial Games. I have praised Haikou in front of the leaders. I said that I would win the first place in the gold medal list and the medal list in this competition, but The level is low. According to the current situation, the first three are about the same. As for the first one, it is still very difficult.

Niu Junsheng said, "You really dare to brag! But a man dare not say how dare he do it? I'll help you. At that time, I'll send a few disciples to help you win all the gold medals in both men's and women's long-distance running..." After saying that, Niu Junsheng scratched his head again and said, "It seems that it's not allowed? You are the Provincial Games, and you are not allowed to ask for foreign aid!"

Zhang Yang said, "I want to ask you to help train some athletes. In terms of remuneration, as long as we can afford it."

Niu Junsheng said, "Bullshit! Do you still treat me as a brother? What kind of money do you want? Your business is my business. When this matter is over, I will take time to go to Nancy to see you, pick some good seedlings, and come to Yandong to train with us. Half a year, not half a year. In three months, I can improve their performance a big step. I dare not say anything else. As for your medium- and long-distance running level in It is enough to win the gold and silver medals in the middle and long-distance running events. If three are allowed, the bronze medal designation will also be yours.

Zhang Daguanren was really overjoyed to hear Niu Junsheng's words. The proportion of medium-distance running in track and field is very large. It can win more than ten gold medals. More importantly, in the past, most of the gold medals in medium-distance running were divided between Jiangcheng and Dongjiang. If they can really get them Compete with these two strong sports cities for a short and long strength. Zhang Yang returned to the hotel. Li Hongyang waited for him and was sure that Zhang Yang had not drunk too much. Then he said, "Director Zhang, I asked Xiaochang to buy something. Wash your face and have a rest. Let's go to Director Xie to visit him later."

Zhang Yang said, "What's good to visit?"

Li Hongyang said, "He broke his nose...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm going to go, I'm not going!"

Li Hongyang said, "Director Zhang, after all, he is our superior leader. Even if he makes a show, he should go there."

"Do you know why I don't go?"

Li Hongyang looked at him in surprise.

Zhang Yang said word by word, "I broke his nose bone!"


Zhang Yang said, "He is lucky not to break his leg!"

Xie Yunfei sat on the sofa with a bitter face. Now his image is very funny. A piece of tape is pasted on his nose, and his face is also black. How powerful is his flamboyant fist? Xie Yunfei is still confused. The more he thinks about it, the more cowardly he is. He is Zhang Yang's immediate boss. This bastard ate the ambition and dares to beat himself, but this matter is unreasonable. Who let him shout at that time to let the leader go first? He believed that when Zhang Yang beat him, someone must have seen it. Liu Chengping, deputy director of the Family Sports Committee, must have known that Zhang Yang hit him, but until now, Liu Chengping has not even said a word of condolences. Xie Yunfei felt disheartened. If it hadn't been for the protection of the boss, he wouldn't have said that bastard for a moment, and he wouldn't have been punched for no reason. Now the public opinion outside is very hot, and they are investigating who said to let the leader go first. Jiao Naiwang, Secretary of the Nanwu Municipal Party Committee, also said in front of the public that he wanted to investigate to the end and must find out this scum who ignores the lives of the people. Xie Yunfei couldn't figure out how he had become a scum. He was punched for nothing, and now he is still panicked for fear that this matter will be revealed.

After Xie Yunfei was injured, Pinghai's sports workers came to visit him when they heard the news. Li Hongyang also came. Zhang Yang did not go. Chang Haixin naturally remained highly consistent with him, and she did not go.

Li Hongyang put the nutrients he bought next to the sofa. Looking at Xie Yunfei's appearance, he felt a little funny and sympathetic. Xie Yunfei somehow provoked Zhang Yang and was beat up by him.

Li Hongyang said, "Director Xie, our Director Zhang has something to do, so he entrusted me to come and see you." Li Hongyang doesn't want things to be too stiff. After all, Xie Yunfei is their leader. If he offends him, he may encounter unexpected troubles in his work in the future.

"Will he be so kind?" Xie Yunfei said coldly.

Li Hongyang didn't know what to say for a moment, and his expression seemed a little embarrassed.

Xie Yunfei said, "Don't think that you are arrogant when you have achieved a little achievement. You should know how to respect others at all times, and remember to be modest and cautious." Because the bridge of his nose was broken, he spoke a little loudly.

Li Hongyang regretted coming over. He came to visit Xie Yunfei and only walked out of his subordinates' politeness to his superiors. He didn't come to hear him scold him. Xie Yunfei was broken by Zhang Yang's nose, and he vented all his temper and cared about Li Hongyang's body. Li Hongyang was

Xie Yunfei finally found a vent. Of course, it was not so easy to let him go. When he was talking vigorously, his secretary came in from the outside and whispered a few words in his ear, but Liu Chengping, deputy director of the National Sports Commission, let him go.

Xie Yunfei did not dare to neglect when he heard the leader's call. Then he let Li Hongyang go. He came to Liu Chengping's room. Liu Chengping's secretary stood outside the door waiting for him. When he saw him coming, there was no smile on his face. He whispered, "Director Liu is waiting for you inside."

Xie Yunfei couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the secretary's expression. It should not be a good thing for Liu Chengping to find himself.

Liu Chengping stood alone at his desk, admiring a word on the table. Although Xie Yunfei was far away, he still saw that the word was written by Zhang Yang.

Liu Chengping knew that Xie Yunfei had come in, but he pretended not to notice him, so Xie Yunfei could only stand there honestly.

After a while, Liu Chengping whispered, "I didn't expect Zhang Yang to write well!"

Xie Yunfei then put it together and said angrily, "It's just an ordinary level."

Liu Chengping raised his head and looked at him: "Do you know calligraphy?"

Xie Yunfei was speechless.

Liu Chengping said again, "I heard that you are injured!"

Xie Yunfei scolded Liu Chengping in his heart. This man was clearly pretending. If he hadn't escorted him to escape to the safe exit, how could he have been punched by Zhang Yang for no reason, and how could the bridge of his nose be broken? But Xie Yunfei immediately came to his senses again. Liu Chengping said so for a reason. He was implying that he did not know that the bridge of his nose was interrupted by Zhang Yang, which meant that he probably did not hear the sentence to let the leader go first.

Xie Yunfei's understanding was not bad. He immediately said, "Director Liu, during the fire, I was hit by something falling from the ceiling and hit my nose. It was a little fractured, not too serious."

Liu Chengping said, "Since you are injured, go back quickly and don't insist on staying for a meeting."

How could Xie Yunfei not hear that he was driving himself back? In fact, although his nose bone was broken, it could still be opened. The reason why Liu Chengping wanted to drive him away now was that he didn't want the impact of this matter to continue to expand. Of course, Liu Chengping himself would not say it, but it was difficult for him At that time, Xie Yunfei shouted to let the leader go first, and reached out to push Zhang Yang, so he angered the other party. Zhang Yang knocked him to the ground with a punch. Liu Chengping was nearby. No one could see the whole process more clearly than him. Now many media reporters are working on this matter. Jiao Naiwang, Secretary of the Nanwu Municipal Party Committee, also proposed in front of the public to pursue this matter to the end, and be sure to find out the matter. Liu Chengping feels that this matter is not good. In case of Xie Yunfei, it will be very troublesome. Of course, he does not care At that time, Xie Yunfei was indeed escorting him to the safe exit. Once these things were added by the media, they would become completely different and bring him unexpected trouble. That's why Liu Chengping hinted that Xie Yunfei left quickly. Only when Xie Yunfei left would the matter come to an end.

Xie Yunfei was also very well-behaved. He understood what Liu Chengping meant and immediately said, "I came here to ask Director Liu for leave tonight. I'll leave tonight."

Liu Chengping nodded and said, "There's nothing else. You'll prepare for it and get well."

Xie Yunfei was very disappointed. He worked hard to protect him. In the end, he got this result. Even if there was no credit, there was also hard work. Now that something happened, the first thing that came to his mind was to kick himself away. Liu Chengping was too unrighteous. Xie Yunfei was not at ease even if he left. He As he left, everything was pushed to him by others, and then he didn't even have the opportunity to explain.

Li Hongyang returned to the room with an ugly face. He was scolded by Xie Yunfei for no reason, and no one felt uncomfortable. Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing when he saw him: "I told you not to go. You have to use it as a gas cylinder for him."

Li Hongyang complained, "I'm not for you. For the future work of our Nancy Sports Committee, he is our superior leader anyway. You beat him up. In the future, he will definitely find a way to embarrass us in the future."

"He dares!" Zhang Yang said, "It's not his turn to be the head of the Provincial Sports Committee. He's just a deputy director of the Sports Committee. Look at his virtue and lose all the people of our Pinghai Sports Committee. What else can he do besides flattering?"