Medical official path

Chapter 668 Water Pollution 8,000 Words

This national track and field championship can be described as tepid as a whole. If it hadn't been for the arrival of Niu Jiajun, many people didn't even know that Nanwu had such a game. Except for the slightly higher attendance rate of the game that Niu Jiajun participated in, no one paid attention to other games at all. Zhang Yang also The competition scene is so deserted that he is not too optimistic about the attendance rate of this year's Pinghai Provincial Games.

After watching the 100-meter race, Li Hongyang pointed to several sparse people in the stands: "Zhangzhu Jia Ren, the National Athletics Championships should be larger than our Provincial Games. You see that not many people come to see it. The attention of track and field in our country is really low... Chang Haixin said, "Our new sports center is Xiao, if few people watch it at that time, won't it be more deserted?

Zhang Yang said, "We can only mobilize enterprises and institutions. The popularity is all supported by everyone. Even if the tickets are sent out for nothing, we have to ensure that the attendance rate of the stadium reaches 80%."

Li Hongyang sighed and said, "I'm afraid that there will be some games, and no one is willing to come if you send tickets for nothing."

Zhang Yang said, "Be optimistic. Isn't our provincial sports meeting becoming more and more attractive now? I have invited so many influential people as image endorsements. I have a letter to make this Pinghai Provincial Games the most successful sports meeting in history.

After the meeting, each representative of the meeting received a Ji Jia Nianpin. This time, it was not a Zhongjiahua turtle pill, but a shirt sponsored by the Tianjiao Jijia group. That night, there was also a celebration dinner held by the Taihong Iron and Steel Jijia group, which was intended to see off these sports officials and Jia members from

Many delegates have left early. Although Zhang Yang did not leave, he did not go to this dinner. He knew that Zhao Yongfu, the boss of Taihong, had an opinion on himself because of his son Zhao Guoliang. Why do you have to be an eye-catching?

Chang Haixin went to her uncle's place for dinner. He wanted to invite Zhang Yang to go with him, but Zhang Yang happened to receive an invitation that he could not refuse. Jia Ji Jiao Naiwang, the secretary of the Nanwu Municipal Party Committee, invited him to dinner.

Niu Junsheng was invited with Zhang Yang, but Niu Junsheng rushed back to Yandong. It has left Yun'an.

Jiao Naiwang is the Changjia Committee of Yun'an Province and the vice governor of Yun'an Province. It has given him enough face to invite Zhang Yang to dinner at such a level, and it is not easy for Zhang Yang to refuse. The venue of the guest is the second guest house of Jiafu in the city of Qitian Lake.

The host is Jiao Shumin, the son of Jiao Naiwang. He is the general manager of Jia Pingong Jia Si, Tianhe Office in Yun'an Province, his wife Pan Hong, and he is a college classmate. At the beginning, they co-founded Jia Pingong Jia Company for Tianhe Office. Now that the business is getting formal, Pan Hong chooses to be a full-time wife at home.

Jiao Shutang, another young son of Jiao Naiwang, also attended the banquet that night. He is currently studying for a master's degree in medicine in Jiahai.

Zhang Yang went to the banquet alone. Jiao Shutang was responsible for welcoming him outside the door. When he saw Zhang Yang getting out of the car, he greeted him with a smile: "Master Zhang and Jia Renhao!" Zhang Yang had never seen Jiao Shutang and said confusedly, "You are..."

Jiao Shutang said, "I'm Jiao Shutang. The little boy you saved is my nephew Jia Zi!" Only then did Zhang Yang figure out his identity and said with a smile, "Hello! Jiao Shu and Jia Ji are too polite. A little thing is so grand."

Jiao Shutang said, "Today is not what my father meant. My eldest brother and sister-in-law have to invite you to come over. You must express your gratitude in person. He took Zhang Yang to the private room, and Jiao Shumin greeted him: "Zhangzhu Jia Ren, thank you for saving my son!" Jiao Shumin held Zhang Yang's hand tightly, and his gratitude was beyond words.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are Jiao Shumin. I just said that you were too polite. In fact, in that case, anyone with a conscience would do that."

While talking, Jiao Naiwang and his wife Qi Min arrived together, and Zhang Yang hurried over to say hello.

Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang is here. I'm sorry. I invited you to dinner, but I was late myself. There are some things that need to be dealt with at work. We can't help ourselves!" He introduced his wife to Zhang Yang. He also came with him, the mayor of Nanwu City, Sui Dong, and Jiao Naiwang and Sui Dong cooperated tacitly. Their personal friendship has always been very good, which is rare in the domestic system.

After several people sat down, Jiao Naiwang asked the service clerk to open the window. Outside the floor-to-ceiling window was the vast Qitian Lake. Jiao Naiwang's little grandson Jia Zijiao's inheritance also came back from playing from outside. His mother Pan Hong accompanied him.

When Jiao Zhuan saw Zhang Yang, his two big eyes flashed. The child was quite clever. He took the initiative to walk over, held Zhang Yang's arm and said, "Uncle Zhang, thank you for saving me!"

Zhang Yang pinched his little Jia's face with a smile: "You are very brave. You didn't panic when the fire broke out. You are also a little hero."

Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang. Today's Jia evening is a family banquet, and there is no nature of the public family. Although I, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Jia Ji, and the mayor of Sui Dong, are present, please don't treat us as the leader. We are all our own people. We sit together to eat and drink together...

Zhang Yang said, "Jiao Shu Jia Ji, in fact, I'm not the only one who saved people that day. You are so polite. I'm really a little embarrassed...

Jiao Naiwang said, "The child's eyes are bright. I believe what the child said... Sui Dong smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, no one is an outsider. Jiao Shu Jia Ji and Vice President Wen are old friends... When Zhang Yang heard Sui Dong's words, he suddenly understood that Jia Wan's banquet today was not just to thank him as a life-saving person. Jiao Naiwang invited him to dinner as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Another very important reason is that for the face of his godfather Wen Guoquan The human feelings in the treatment are very complicated. What you see may be very simple, but behind it is by no means what you see.

Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "You saved the inheritance. I specially sent a telegram to Vice President Wen to thank him for educating such an excellent young man like you.

Zhang Guan said in his heart that he was so excellent that he had nothing to do with Wen Guoquan. Jiao Naiwang thanked Wen Guoquan. Where is this? He thought so, but he said, "My godfather often teaches me how to be a man. I have always taken him as my slot mold.

Jiao Naiwang said to his two sons, "You two should learn from Zhang Yang in the future. Young people must have the spirit of sacrificing their lives for the Jia family."

Jiao Naiwang and Sui Dong are very kind. Although Zhang Yang does not know whether they usually perform like this in the Nanwuguan Jia field, their performance today and evening are very sincere. The two stayed at the scene for more than an hour before leaving first. Zhang Yang originally thought, > decided. However, Jiao Shumin saw that his younger brother asked him to stay more - for a while, they prepared a yacht and invited Zhang Yang to travel to Qitian Lake at night. > When I was having dinner just now, Jiao Shumin did not communicate with Zhang Yang except for thanking him. At this time, there were only three young people left. The atmosphere was naturally lighter than just now, and the conversation was much more casual. > Jiao Shumin handed Zhang Yang a glass of red wine and said, "Master Zhang and Jia Ren, we will be friends in the future. If you want to go to my place, just say hello." > Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Brother Shumin is too polite. If you really regard me as a friend, don't always put the word "thank you" on your mouth, and more. Don't call me Zhangzhu Jia Ren, just call me Zhang Yang. > Jiao Shumin nodded with a smile and said, "Okay! Cheers to Zhang Yang!" > The two of them drank this cup. > Jiao Shutang came over with a tray. There were snacks such as beef jerky and peanuts in the tray. Jiao Shutang put the tray on the small round table and pulled a chair and sat down on the deck. That night, the wind was not strong, and the lake was quiet. The lights around Qitian Lake were brilliant, and the lake was decorated strangely > Jiao Shutang said, "Brother Zhang, you came from Pinghai. Have you ever heard of a professor named Yu Ziliang?" > Zhang Yang said, "He is my good friend!" > Jiao Shutang was energetic as soon as he heard it: "Brother Zhang, he is a famous brain specialty in China! Do you really have a good relationship with him?" > Zhang Yang nodded. > Jiao Shutang said, "Then I beg you. I'm about to have an internship. I was originally set up in a brain hospital in Shanghai, but I heard that Professor Yu has the highest level of brain surgery in China. > I want to go to his place to study with him... > When Jiao Shumin saw his brother Jia Di just got to know Zhang Yang, he made a request. He felt a little impolite and scolded: > "Shutang, don't give your brother Zhang a problem!", > Zhang Yang laughed and laughed: "What's the problem!" He took out Jia Ji and immediately gave Yu Ziliang a telegram Of course, there is no problem in arranging Jiao Shutang to go to Ziliang. > When the Jiao Shumin brothers saw that Zhang Yang said to do it, they could do it, and one of them finalized the matter > They had a deeper understanding of his ability. >,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >...,...,...,...,..." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thank you, but also a network and a political resource with endless benefits. Of course, the most important point is that this trip to Nanwu has made a fundamental breakthrough between him and Chang Haixin. > After returning to Nancy. Zhang Yang first went to his superior, Director Jia and deputy mayor Gong Qiwei to briefly report some information about this trip to Nanwu. > Gong Qiwei was also very gratified to hear that at this track and field championship, the mobilization of Nancy people actually won one or more gold medals in medium and long-distance running. Gong Qiwei said, "This gold medal in medium and long-distance running is equivalent to giving us > Nancy's sports industry a shot. Recently, all the big and small > Zhang Yang said, "I promised to give Niu Zhenwei a reward of 30,000 yuan. I plan to use this opportunity to publicize Jia Chuan Jia Chuan, so that our mobilization of Nancy can inspire our fighting spirit, build confidence, and strive to achieve good results in this provincial sports meeting." > Gong Qiwei nodded and said, "It should be Li Jia to take this opportunity to publicize Jia's biography." > Zhang Yang said, "Have the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission left?" He used this to lead the topic and wanted to ask > whether the matter of Xu Guangran's people had come to an end. > Gong Qiwei said, "Let's go, all the comrades of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection have all left... > Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Let's go. If they don't leave, we will not be safe in Nancy." > Gong Qiwei said, "It doesn't have much to do with you whether they leave or not. If they want to find out that it is illegal, there is no need to be frightened as long as they follow Jia Ji and abide by Jia's law.

"> Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, I want to discuss something with you. > Gong Qiwei said, "Say it!" > What Zhang Yang wants to say is exactly the matter of the stadium plot. At the beginning, Wang Junyao auctioned the development right of the land, a total of 200 million yuan. According to the conditions negotiated in advance, the percentage of the proceeds from the auction > 30th meeting was allocated to the Sports Commission for the construction of the new sports center and the upcoming start of the Provincial Junyao died, and the development of this land was also put on hold there. The Sports Commission got a total of 30 million yuan from the city. At present, it is almost used to pay for the project funds of the new sports center. Naturally, there are still 30 million yuan left: "Mayor Gong, do you see, mention it to the city and implement the development of the stadium plot as soon as possible. Now there are many merchants who have shown a strong interest in this land." > Gong Qiwei said, "I have mentioned this matter to Li Shujia. Li Shujia thinks that this matter should be put aside for the time being." > "Why?" Zhang Yang is puzzled. > Gong Qiwei said, "Although the people of the Discipline Inspection Committee have left, Wang Junyao's financial problem is still under investigation. Before the matter is clear, the matter of the stadium plot cannot be started for the time being." Zhang Yang said, "The Provincial Games will be held soon. I'm short of Jia's money. It's hard for a skillful woman to cook without rice. Seeing that Jia Lin has completed all the projects in the new sports center, I promised to settle the money for others in advance. A sum of arrears is about to expire. Our government has to keep his word. If I eat > words this time, how can I How to carry out my next investment promotion action? > Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Don't worry first." Let me tell you the good news. Li Shujia has stated at the meeting of Changjia Committee that he will regard this Provincial Games as the top priority of Nancy. Through this Provincial Games, we should show our new style of Nancy to Jia Min, a native of Pinghai Province. It is necessary to make all the Build up confidence in our leadership, so you can rest assured that the financial aspect will not be too harsh on you. > Zhang Yang also believes that Li Changyu's life after taking power is much better than when Xu Guangran was in power, but now the financial situation in Nancy is not optimistic about the key construction projects carried out at the same time. There are many. Even if Li Changyu attaches importance to the Provincial Games, it is impossible for him to take the Provincial Games as the first focus That's the top priority of Nancy's construction. Gong Qiwei said, "When it comes to investment, I also have one thing to discuss with you."

Zhang Yang said, "You are the executive vice mayor." You don't need to discuss with me, just give orders directly.

Gong Qiwei couldn't help laughing: "That's what you said. I want you to be responsible for Nancy's investment promotion work. Investment promotion work is your old business. You must be familiar with it, and there is no problem to get started."

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong. My work in the sports committee has just made a little bit of an effort. Are you asking me to move?

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "You misunderstood. You continue to work with Jia Ren, the head of your sports committee. Since we are going to hold the Provincial Games this time, why don't we take advantage of the east wind of the Provincial Games to let the transportation set up the stage and perform economically during the Provincial Games. At the same time, a Nanxi Jinqiu Economic and Trade Fair was held. The two activities complement each other. They complement each other. What do you think?

Zhang Yangxin said that he had held the Fuyang Festival when he was in Jiangcheng. At that time, his banner was the cultural economic singing. In fact, the nature is the same. Hanging sheep's head and selling dog meat, the ultimate goal is to serve Jia's affairs for economic construction. This is also a very helpless thing. Today's social club commented on whether a ganjia department has the political ability. It doesn't matter how his cultural work is doing, not whether he can win a few gold medals, but whether he can improve the level of economic income, and the GDP is hard. Everything depends on the data. This forced Jia's leading cadres to put economic construction first, and everything is to serve economic construction.

Gong Qiwei said, "This is the consensus after the discussion of Chang Jia Committee. According to the usual practice, this matter should have been handled by the Municipal Investment Office, but Li Shujiaji proposed that it is most appropriate for you to be responsible for this matter. Because you have had the experience of holding such large-scale events in Nancy in the past, and you are the commander-in-chief of the Provincial Games. How to make the Economic and Trade Commission and the Provincial Games complement each other, instead of influencing each other, it is most appropriate for you to coordinate and arrange them. Therefore, after discussion, we decided that you are responsible for the What do you think of working with the China Merchants Office?

When Zhang Daguan heard about it, this is a good thing. It is equivalent to being promoted to Jia. Although the level has not changed, at least from now until the Jia Conference, he has mastered the voice of the Sports Committee and the Investment Promotion Office. It can be said that Da Jia is in control. He was happy, but he said, "I'm afraid I have the ability..."

Gong Qiwei said, "Don't be modest. We all know your ability very well.

"I'm afraid that other comrades have opinions about me..."

"As long as it's good for the development of Nancy, everyone will support you!" Zhang Yang said, "But... I'm just a department-level cadre!" This man began to be cheap. Although he knows that he has just been promoted, it is unlikely that he will become an official again, but this person still has to say a few words.

Gong Qiwei said, "If you do these two things well, you will have political achievements. Only with political achievements can you make greater progress?" Zhang Yang, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't miss it.

Zhang Yang said, "Then... I'll try it! But I also have a condition.

Gong Qiwei nodded and said, "As long as it is a reasonable requirement, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Zhang Yang said, "First, I ask for independence at work. My superior leader is you. Others can't dictate my work." The reason why Zhang Yang said this is that he knows that Nancy is much bigger than his official. He doesn't want anyone to give him a tight spell. Gong Qiwei is his direct leader, and he is also one that Zhang Yang appreciates more, with his understanding of Gong Qiwei. Gong Qiwei is a person who really does great things. "I won't make difficulties for him in meaningless little things.

Gong Qiwei said, "No problem."

Zhang Yang said, "Second, the members of the organizing committee of the Economic and Trade Commission should be selected by me, and the investment promotion office must unconditionally cooperate with my work... This is equivalent to emphasizing. His power is above that of the China Merchants Office.

Gong Qijing said, "No problem!"

Seeing that Gong Qiwei supported him so much, Zhang Yang had nothing to say. In fact, the Economic and Trade Fair and the Provincial Games did not rush to Jia Tu. Two things can be done as one thing.

Gong Qiwei said earnestly, "Zhang Yang, this provincial sports meeting and economic and trade conference must be held successfully. At present, we in Nancy, need to fight a beautiful turn-over battle..."

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, When Zhang Yang was about to show his determination, when Zhang Yang was about to show his determination, Gong Qiwei's secretary Jia Shu hurried in.. ....... He had an urgent matter to report to Gong Qiwei, but there was a serious water pollution incident in Cuiyun Lake, because a large amount of sewage flowing in from the upper reaches of the Tuan River polluted Cuiyun Lake. "And the North District Water Plant near Cuiyun Lake is responsible for providing more than 1 million people in Nanxi City's living water. At present, an emergency plan has been launched due to the water pollution incident, and the water supply has been stopped throughout the city.

Gong Qiwei couldn't sit still after hearing the news. He decided to go to the scene and said to Zhang Yang, "Xiao Zhang. Come and have a look with me!"

Zhang Yang has nothing important to do anyway. "Follow Gong Qiwei on his red flag car and rushed to Cuiyun Lake at the first time. The swamp river is connected to Cuiyun Lake. You can obviously see the water color in the place where the river enters the lake. Gong Qiwei fell down the window, and a fishy smell came with the wind, which was disgusting. After the car stopped by the lake, Gong Qiwei pushed the door and rushed out first.

Zhang Yang also followed him closely. There were several people standing on the levee, all of whom were the heads of the relevant departments, Zhao Baoqun, director of the Nancy Water Conservancy Bureau, and Zhang Chunsheng, director of the Nancy Waterworks. There is also Jia Ji Wang Ping, the new secretary of the District Party Committee of Tianhui District. They all frowned and saw that Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei was coming, and they hurriedly greeted him one by one.

Gong Qiwei walked up the dam and said in a stern voice, "What's going on?"

Tianhui District Party Committee Jia Ji Wang Ping sighed and said, "Mayor Gong, it has been preliminarily determined that all the sewage is flowing from the upper reaches of the Swamp River."

Gong et al. Wei said, "Dongjiang?" The upper reaches of Tuangjiangjia belong to the jurisdiction of Dongjiangjia, the provincial capital, which means that this water pollution incident is a little troublesome. It involves the problems of two cities.

Zhao Baoqun, director of the Water Resources Bureau, said: "Mayor Gong, the results of the preliminary investigation show that the sewage flows from the International Industrial Park of Dongbi Development Zone. Gong Qiwei frowned. Dongjiang is the capital of Pinghai Province. I'm afraid this matter will be very complicated. He said to Zhao Baoqun, "Now that we have found the source, we will immediately contact the Dongjiang side and ask them to deal with this matter as soon as possible, cut off the source of sewage, and ask them to be responsible for this incident."

Zhao Baoqun said with a difficult face: "Mayor Gong. Dongjiang is not so cooperative.

Gong Qiwei said, "What's going on? They caused it. The sewage polluted the whole Cuiyun Lake. There was a problem with the living water of our urban residents in Nancy. They didn't cooperate? Do you evade responsibility?"

Zhao Baoqun took a look at Tianhui District Party Committee Jia Ji Wang Ping. He wants Wang Ping to say something. Not long after Wang Ping took over Shi Zhongheng's position, he had not fully figured out the situation in Tianhui District. Who would have encountered this incident? Wang Ping also had a headache. He had just called Zidongjiang Development Zone. However, Jia Ren, the head of the management committee of the development zone, was absent. He also explained the sewage to the relevant personnel, and the other party only said that he would investigate.

When Gong Qiwei saw that they didn't say anything, he couldn't help but be a little angry: "Have you stood here and discussed a solution? Why don't you solve this problem?"

Tianhui District Party Committee Jia Ji Wang Ping said, "Mayor Gong. It's not that we don't have to solve it. I called Jia dialect several times, but I couldn't find the person in charge of Dongjiang Economic Development Zone. The person who answered Jia dialect promised to investigate Jia immediately and deal with it carefully...,,

Gong Qiwei said, "Are you going to investigate immediately? Now the sewage is still flowing into Cuiyun Lake, which has seriously affected the ecology along the swamp river. Is it useful for you to call Jia? Go to the Dongjiang Economic Development Zone immediately and ask their person in charge to ask Xingshi for the crime! Several people in charge looked at each other there, Xingshi asked for the crime? It's easy for Gong Qiwei to say. What's the level of Dongjiang? Jia Ren, the head of the management committee of the development zone, is Liao Bosheng, the secretary of Jiafu of Dongjiang Municipal Government, and he is also a well-known figure in the political arena of Dongjiang Jia. Not to mention their bureau-level cadres, even if it is Gong Qiwei, I'm afraid that Liao Bosheng will not pay attention to

Gong Qiwei saw several people looking embarrassed and was about to get angry. Li Changyu, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, called Jia because of the water pollution of the Tuan River and Cuiyun Lake. The waterworks urgently stopped the water supply. At present, the social gathering has caused panic. Lao Baijia has gone to major supermarkets to snap up bottled water. Li Changyu heard that Gong Qiwei went to the first scene, so he called Jia to ask about the situation.

Gong Qiwei briefly explained the situation. Li Changyu couldn't help sighing. This matter is very difficult to do. When it comes to Dongjiang, it is very likely that there will be a phenomenon of sniping. Gong Qiwei said angrily, "Dongjiang said that it wants to investigate. What? Sewage is still flowing into the Duan River and flows into Cuiyun Lake through the Duan River. What they should do is to turn off the sewage.

Li Changyu said, "This is not a small matter. It involves the watering problem of millions of citizens. Send someone to Dongjiang immediately and deal with this matter immediately! If the Dongjiang Development Zone does not cooperate, it will not take responsibility. Just go to their city to argue. If you don't deal with it in Dongjiang City, go to the province to sue Jia. Be sure to solve this matter in the shortest time.

Gong Qiwei said, "I'm ready, and I'm going to Dongjiang..."

Li Changyu said, "Where is Zhang Yang?"

Gong Qiwei hummed Li Changyu and said, "Let him go!" Gong Qiwei was stunned for a moment.

Li Changyu said, "This matter will definitely offend people. Maybe he will turn his face. It's not as suitable for him to go. Let him go!"

Gong Qiwei immediately understood what Li Changyu meant. Zhang Yang was not only bold and resourceful, but also had a good relationship with the high-level officials of the province. If he could solve it smoothly in the past, of course, everyone would be happy. If he could not solve it smoothly, with Zhang Yang's temper, he would go all his risk. This time they took all the sense. The provincial high-level officials should be on their side. Gong Qiwei wanted to go in person. But even if he goes, some things can't be as risky as Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang is young, and even if the young man does something excessive, he can explain it with impulse.

After Gong Qiwei hung up Jia's words. Go back to a few people. He said to Zhang Yang, "Xiao Zhang. I think it's hard for you to do this.

Zhang Yang was standing on the levee and looking sadly at the stinky water pouring into Cuiyun Lake. Hearing Gong Qiwei's words, he figured it out after a moment. This trip to Dongjiang is a matter of offending people. Gong Qiwei must have some scruples, so he gave himself this thankless thing. Zhang Yang is not a fool. He is flexible. In fact, even if Gong Qiwei doesn't let him go, the scene in front of him has made him angry. He can't wait to go to the Dongjiang Development Zone to find the sewage unit to settle accounts, but Gong Wei's proposal is different from him to take the initiative to go.

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, I'm from the Sports Committee. This matter is not within my jurisdiction... Gong Qiwei said, "You are the Ganjia Department of Nancy City. Something happened in Nancy, and Lao Baijia's surname even had a problem with the water. Why do you divide the responsibilities so clearly? If you let me go, I'll go."

Zhang Yang calculated that this matter would not be Gong Qiwei's idea. It was probably because of Li Changyu's telegram just now. Zhang Yang said, "I can go, but the mess of my sports committee has not been solved yet. The city promised me 30 million financial allocations..." This man took the opportunity to raise the conditions, which was his habit.

Gong Qiwei stared at him fiercely. When did it happen that the boy was still thinking about taking advantage of the fire. Gong Qiwei said, "Go ahead and solve this matter. I'll try my best to help you get the financial allocation of 30 million!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm going now, but I can't go alone?" He glanced at those people. Zhao Baoqun, director of the Water Conservancy Bureau, knew that he would not be able to talk about this matter if he didn't come forward. He took the initiative to say, "I'll go with Zhang Zhujia Ren!" In fact, this matter is indeed not the category that publicity should be in charge of, and Gong Qiwei did not want to give it to him. But since Li Changyu has made a name for his reputation, it is only suitable for him to go.