Medical official path

Chapter 676 Girl outward 8,000 words

Chapter 676 Girl Outward 8,000 Words

Gu Yun knows: "Investing in work can certainly make people forget the pain, but it is just a kind of self-deception. If you want to completely cheer up, you have to forget the past. Zhang Yang, Jia Tong's things have become the past. Even I, an old man, can accept reality. Why can't you accept it?"

Zhang Yang bit his lower lip.

Gu Yun knows: "The best comfort for Jiatong is to live a better life. I believe that Jiatong hopes that you can have your own life and feelings as soon as possible. For you, there is still a long way to go. It is not a good thing for anyone to always immerse yourself in memories."

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, I understand!"

Gu Yun knew: "No matter what punishment the province imposes on you this time, you should keep calm. You beat Liao Bosheng. This incident has violated the taboo of officialdom. No one can protect you. This kind of thing cannot be condoned or tolerated, otherwise it will cause psychological deviations to others. Qiao Zhenliang beat Your board is very timely. The sooner you play, the better. I would do the same!"

Zhang Yang nodded. At the beginning, he was still uneased that Qiao Zhenliang wanted to deal with him, but Gu Yunzhi said this, and he was immediately relieved.

Gu Yun knows: "The Pinghai Party Congress is about to be held. This time, the Party Congress is extremely important. The leadership team is facing the replacement of the old and the new. You have inadvertently affected the future political situation in Pinghai. I'm afraid you don't even realize it."

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't realize it.

In the past, Gu Yunzhi would not discuss such a profound problem in front of Zhang Yang, but because of Jia Tong's relationship, he was already in love with Wu and Wu. He couldn't bear to watch the boy go on in the officialdom, so he made a statement.

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, do you mean that this water pollution incident may have an impact on the political future of some people?"

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said nothing. He had said it clearly enough, and the rest was understood by Zhang Yang himself.

Zhang Yang has always been concerned about the water pollution incident itself. As for the profound things behind him, he has no time to think about and has no time to think about it. In fact, with his current position, it is normal that he does not consider so far-reaching. Gu Yunzhi's call at the critical moment made Zhang Yang start to think about deeper things.

Liu Yanhong handed over the plan to deal with publicity to Zeng Laizhou. Zeng Laizhou glanced at it and whispered, "Warning and punishment within the party? It's too light!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Zeng, I have understood the cause and effect of this matter. Although Zhang Yang is a little impulsive, but..."

Zeng came to the state to interrupt her and said, "I don't want to hear the cause and effect. Joe's meaning is very clear. This time, we must deal with publicity seriously. We don't need to ask why, we just need to carry out the leader's intention.

Liu Yanhong said, "Zeng, I don't want to care about this matter. Since your leaders have already decided something, why should I ask?"

Zeng Laizhou heard the resistance in Liu Yan's red words. He whispered, "Well, give him an administrative descript!"

Liu Yanhong was a little surprised and said, "Administrative record? It will leave a record, and it will affect his promotion for a whole year. Isn't this a little too cruel for a young cadre? Liu Yanhong's intention to protect Zhang Yang is very obvious.

Zeng Laizhou said, "Joe specifically emphasizes the need to deal with it seriously. We should understand the spirit of leadership. If the board is light this time, it can't be explained from top to bottom."

Liu Yanhong said, "Zeng, I really don't understand. Which is the focus of the water pollution incident or the beating incident? Instead of pursuing the management responsibilities of a group of people, instead of investigating the impulsive behavior of a young cadre for a moment of righteous indignation. I don't understand. I don't want to care about this matter. You'd better ask someone else to be responsible.

When I came to the state to see Liu Yanhong in a bad mood, I couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiao Liu, it's better for you to be responsible for this matter. We all know his flamboyant temper. I also appreciate this young man very much, but if we know him, it doesn't mean that others can understand him It's a little bit."

Liu Yanhong said, "I'm not afraid of offending people. I think this matter is too cruel for a young cadre, and his starting point is good. Even if it is dealt with, the persons in charge of the international industrial park should be investigated first and their management responsibility."

Zeng came to the state and said, "I'm investigating. Joe also said that it must be implemented to people. This time, water pollution will not be understated." Zeng came to the state, and he had basically let go of the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to Liu Yanhong. Originally, he also thought that Liu Yanhong would take it for granted, but Liu Zhao's imminent airborne of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had made this possibility no longer exist. At this time, Zeng Laizhou had no intention of asking It's been a few days. In his eyes, political disputes have nothing to do with him. More is better than less.

Liu Yanhong said, "If I am responsible, I think the handling of Zhang Yang is a little too heavy. Should we discuss this matter again?"

Zeng Laizhou said, "Xiao Liu, you can ask for Qiao's opinion first, but I don't think it's necessary." Qiao Zhenliang's attitude this time is very resolute. Obviously, he wants to hit the flamboyant board. If the Commission for Discipline Inspection lifts the board high and falls gently this time, it definitely doesn't make sense. Zeng Laizhou also saw the mystery in it. Qiao Zhenliang's rush to hit the board may be to block other people To put it well, then investigate the responsibility for the management of the cadres in Dongjiang. Qiao Zhenliang's style of work has been quite well understood by Zeng Laizhou. This turbulent river water pollution incident is an opportunity. Qiao Zhenliang will not easily let go. Using the water pollution incident can deny the political achievements of a group of cadres led by Liang Tian It is the political impact behind this incident. He has predicted that Liang Tianzheng will be the most affected by this water pollution incident. Before that, Liang Tianzheng's appointment as executive vice governor was a certainty, but because of the water pollution incident, his future has also become uncertain. Song Huaiming's attitude on this matter made Zeng Laizhou a little strange. According to his opinion, Song Huaiming should have given Liang Tianzheng firm support, but Song Huaiming took the initiative to stand up against the International Industrial Park with great fanfare, and his action hit Liang Tianzheng. Zeng came to the state to understand a little. Is Song Huaiming really a selfless person who puts the interests of Pinghai and the interests of the people first? Didn't he realize that his current political situation was a little bad, and Liang Tianzheng was already one of his few allies in the Pinghai Standing Committee?

When Liu Yanhong was about to leave, Zeng came to the state and stopped her again: "Xiao Liu, there is something I don't know if I should tell you."

Liu Yanhong said, "Zeng, if you have anything, just say it. Don't keep it. I can't keep anything in my heart."

Zeng Laizhou smiled and looked a little embarrassed. He picked up the cigarette box, pulled out a cigarette to light it, took a sip, coughed twice and said, "You left late last night!"

Liu Yanhong nodded, and her heart had been shrouded in an inexplicable shadow.

Zeng Laizhou said, "Don't work too hard. It's so late to go to dinner, and you always have to take care of one."

He seemed to say something, but he didn't seem to say anything.

Liu Yanhong raised her eyebrows and whispered, "Zeng, what do you have to say? You are my old leader, and there is nothing to explain in front of me."

Zeng came to the state and took a sip of smoke and said, "Please invite me to Fujin Teahouse to have tea when you are free!"

Liu Yanhong bit the cherry lip. She finally understood what Zeng Laizhou meant. She sniffed a little aggrievedly: "Zeng, I don't even have the freedom to eat with my friends?"

Zeng Laizhou said, "Don't think too much, I didn't think too much, but some people want to use this matter to make an article. You have been working in the Commission for Discipline Inspection for many years. You have experienced all kinds of things. There are many people with ulterior motives in the system, and there are many things But you are not. You stand on the height of Pinghai politics. Countless people in the system look up at you. Some people envy you and worship you, but some people want you to fall from a high place.

Liu Yanhong said, "No matter where I stand, I stand upright. I am worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. I don't care what others want to say about me!"

Zeng Laizhou said, "You don't care, not necessarily others don't care, Xiao Liu..."

Liu Yanhong shook her head to stop Zeng Laizhou from continuing to talk, and then turned around and hurried out of the door. As soon as she left Zeng Laizhou's office, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Liu Yanhong covered her lips and ran forward. She didn't see the road ahead and the man who was coming towards her.

Liu Yanhong lowered her head: "I'm sorry..." She wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she heard a familiar voice saying, "Yanhong!"

Liu Yanhong quickly wiped away her tears and raised her head. She didn't expect to meet Wu Ming here.

Wu Ming looked worried and looked at Liu Yanhong worriedly and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"No...nothing, the wind is fascinated..." Liu Yanhong's reason is that she won't even believe it herself.

Wu Ming is a very smart figure. Of course, he knows that this reason is not valid at all, but he did not continue to ask. He took out a tissue and handed it to Liu Yanhong. He smiled and said, "I came to Dongjiang with Mayor Xia. He went to the provincial party committee. Anyway, I have nothing important, so I came to

Liu Yanhong said, "I'm very busy."

Wu Ming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll pick you up for dinner when you get off work."

Liu Yanhong shook her head and said, "I made an appointment with someone else in the evening."

Wu Ming said, "Then let's have supper together."

Liu Yanhong still wanted to say something, but when she saw Wu Ming's sincere expression, she really couldn't bear to refuse him. Liu Yanhong said, "Tre me a cup of coffee, the Blue Mountain Cafe opposite."

Wu Ming smiled and said, "No problem!"

Xia Boda came here with Wu Ming this time for the matter of water pollution in the turbulent river. The water pollution incident has brought a considerable economic impact to Nancy. Xia Boda's visit this time is a special trip to negotiate with the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to deal with the aftermath. Dongjiang has taken the initiative to take the He made compensation to Nancy. After Xia Boda came to Dongjiang, the first thing he went to was not the Dongjiang Municipal Government, but to visit Qiao Zhenliang, the provincial party committee.

The reason is very simple. Qiao Zhenliang was also very dissatisfied with the performance of the Nancy leadership after the water pollution incident. It was indeed a wonderful move to send Zhang Yang to Nancy, but from this matter, Qiao Zhenliang also saw that the Nancy leadership did not dare to take responsibility when it encountered major events, so that Zhang Yang, a department-level cadre

Xia Boda had noticed from Qiao Zhenliang's meticulous smile that the provincial party committee was in a bad mood, and he secretly shouted bad luck in his heart. He was afraid that this trip to the Dongjiang River would start with being scolded.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "You are really good. The water pollution in Nancy, the relevant officials will not come, and the director of the individual committee has been sent!"

Xia Boda said, "Joe, this is... Comrade Changyu's decision..." He pushed the matter completely.

Qiao Zhenliang was a little angry when he heard this: "Shaboda, are you the mayor of Nancy? Don't you have any opinions on water pollution? You have no say? Huh? Don't you have an Environmental Protection Agency in Nancy? Is there no water conservancy bureau? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! Who is this boy Zhang Yang? Let's get rid of a monkey. Why did you send him to Dongjiang? Show me a scene of havoc in the Heavenly Palace!"

Xia Boda said that it was all done by Li Changyu, which has nothing to do with me, but this kind of words can't be said. If he said it, I'm afraid that Qiao Zhenliang will be more angry. Xia Boda said, "Qiao, in fact, we have negotiated with Dongjiang before. Because the progress is not going He didn't dare to say that it was all Li Changyu's idea this time.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "How capable he is. He ran to Dongjiang to punch and kick, and splashed dirty water on the heads of the cadres in the development zone. Liao Bosheng is so old that he can't find the north by his big mouth. He has the heart to die. Is this also what you instructed?"

Xia Boda shook his head like a rattle: "Joe, we didn't let him do this. Absolutely not. We just asked him to come and coordinate and solve the water pollution problem, and we never let him hit people."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Look at your appearance, I don't understand. If you are in trouble, you can push this boy out, but if it's a big deal, you will push it away. Abandon your pawn to protect the handsome?"

Xia Boda couldn't hang his old face. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to find a hole to get in the ground. If he had known that it was so embarrassing to come to Dongjiang this time, he said that he would not come. In fact, this matter really had nothing to do with him. He looked at it from the perspective of Just after that, who would have thought that the fire in Qiao's heart would be so big that he took him as a gas bag? Xia Boda said, "Joe, I'm sorry, we don't estimate the development of the matter, and we didn't expect it to be like this."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "As a leading cadre, he is not forward-looking at all. Is he competent? There is an old saying in China that soldiers and generals are against generals. The matter of water pollution is very simple. You can directly interview Liang Tianzheng and sit down to solve this matter. If you can't solve it, you can go through the province, but you have to take a detour and let this monkey Sun come and make a scene, lest the world will

Cha Boda blushed and said, "Joe, we really don't mean that." But I thought, if it was as simple as you said, we would have an interview with Liang Tianzheng. He must have countless reasons to wait there. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang, the grandson monkey, would your province have paid attention to it? Can things be resolved so quickly?

Qiao Zhenliang said, "The management responsibility of Dongjiang should be investigated for the problem of water pollution. Zhang Yang's problem is that you are too indulgent to him and should be investigated for your management responsibility!"

Xia Boda can only nod at this moment. There is nothing he can do. There is no reason in front of the leader. Who let him come here? If you come here, you will be scolded. When it comes to indulgence to Zhang Yang, in fact, it is your Joe who really indulges in Zhang Yang. Isn't it indulgence if you put him in Nancy to stir him up? Without your back support, would he dare to be so rampant?

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Don't nod your head. What do you think should be done with Zhang Yang's problem?"

Xia Boda said, "Comrade Zhang Yang is young and impulsive. It's really wrong to beat people this time. However, considering that his motivation is still for the benefit of the people of Nancy, it has not caused too serious consequences. Please give him a chance to deal with it. I hope it will not be too heavy." Xia Boda is still very kind at this point. He is the mayor of Nancy. Of course, he has to defend his cadres, which is also what he must say. If he pushes Zhang Yang out at this time, not only the Nancy leadership will look down on him, but also Qiao Zhenliang will look down on him.

Qiao Zhenliang was a little angry when he heard Xia Boda say this. He shook his head and said, "This matter can't be taken lightly. I have handed over his matter to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the treatment plan will come out soon. Zhang Yang is a cadre from Nancy. As his leader, that is, his parents and children If you hit someone, parents should have an attitude.

Xia Boda hurriedly said, "Joe, I'm going to visit Comrade Liao Bosheng right away. I'll come to apologize!"

Qiao Zhenliang said meaningfully, "You and Liao Bosheng are old friends, right? Please communicate well." Liao Bosheng's wife, Shang Li, and Qiao Zhenliang's wife, Meng Chuanmei, had a good relationship. Because Liao Bosheng was beaten, he came to Qiao Zhenliang's house to cry. Qiao Zhenliang was also quite angry about this. He asked Xia Boda to calm down the matter.

When Qiao Zhenliang returned home, he found his daughter waiting for him there. Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Mengyuan, where's your mother?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Aunt Shang is sick and hospitalized. My mother went to visit her."

Qiao Zhenliang frowned and sat down on the sofa.

Qiao Mengyuan made a cup of tea for her father and put it in front of him, and then sat down beside him. Qiao Zhenliang saw that his daughter had something to say and smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Qiao Mengyuan nodded, and she whispered, "Isn't Zhang Yang in big trouble this time?"

Qiao Zhenliang picked up the teacup, blew the tea leaves off the water, took a sip of tea, and whispered, "When did you start to care about politics?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Dad! Zhang Yang is my friend. Can't you care about your friends?

Qiao Zhenliang slowly dropped the teacup and said, "Oh, I forgot!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Dad, you haven't answered my question yet."

Qiao Zhenliang laughed and said, "Daughter, it's really serious. You don't understand political affairs. Don't ask!" He got up and wanted to leave, but Qiao Mengyuan grabbed his arm and dragged him from getting up: "Dad, what are you going to do with him?"

Qiao Zhenliang shook his head helplessly and said, "This matter has been handed over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It seems to be remembered!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Remember it? Why? The record will leave a record, which will affect his future political future. Dad, don't you think it's too strict to deal with him?

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Daughter, let me go first. I've been tired all day. Don't pester me!"

"I won't let it go! You haven't made it clear. It's wrong for Zhang Yang to beat people, but those officials are also responsible for water pollution incidents. Compared with the management responsibility of water pollution, Zhang Yang beats people is just a small thing. As a provincial party committee, can't you see what the main contradiction is?

Qiao Zhenliang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He sighed and said, "Daughter, you don't know politics. Zhang Yang has no organizational discipline. The punishment is light for him. He can beat the director of the development zone today. If he doesn't deal with it seriously now, he won't guarantee that his fist will

Qiao Mengyuan was amused by her father's words. She bit her lip and said, "He dares not. He respects you. He often says your kind words behind your back, that you are wise and wise, that you are strategic, that you are far-sighted, and say that the person he admires most is you."

Qiao Zhenliang felt that something was wrong. Her daughter's performance today was really abnormal. The publicity made her so nervous. Could it be...

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Dad, I've never asked you to do anything?"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Don't say, I won't do anything fake for personal gain!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Dad, do you really want to deal with Zhang Yang?"

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and said, "The things settled in the organization can't be changed!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Zhang Yang saved my life. Do you want to punish him now?

Qiao Zhenliang really had a headache. He sighed and said, "Daughter, this matter is a business. It's a private matter for him to save you. I'm the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee. I have to distinguish between public and private."

Qiao Mengyuan's unruly spirit came up today, and she still didn't let go of her father: "Well, what did you say after receiving so many bribes?"

Qiao Zhenliang's eyes widened: "Daughter, don't talk nonsense. When did I take a bribe from him? When this matter spread, my reputation for the rest of my life was ruined by you.

Qiao Mengyuan said with a statement, "How many words did you ask him for? How much does the market price of Zhang Yang's word cost? Is it true that He Chang'an paid two million yuan to buy his Manjianghong? How much do you have in your hand? Calculate!"

Qiao Zhenliang smiled bitterly and said, "Daughter, how can this... be compared?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "The mouth is soft, and the hands of others are soft. Dad, I know that you have always had a clear relationship with kindness and resentment. This time, you can return his favor and let him go."

Qiao Zhenliang sighed in his heart. No wonder the girl was outgoing, and her daughter, who had always been well-behaved, turned over the old account with herself in order to show off. Qiao Zhenliang pinched his daughter's face: "Eat!"

Qiao Mengyuan saw that her father still did not agree to let Zhang Yang go. Knowing that it was useless to beg him again, she picked up her cherry lips and said, "I won't eat!"

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Do you really want to fight with me to the end?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'm dissatisfied with what you've done. I'm going out!"

Qiao Zhenliang said in astonishment, "Do you leave me to eat at home alone?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "The meal is ready. You can eat it yourself. I have an appointment with my classmates to have dinner together."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "You didn't have an appointment with Zhang Yang, did you?"

Qiao Zhenliang didn't say anything. He put on his coat and waved his hand to his father and went out.

Qiao Zhenliang looked at his daughter's back and shook his head helplessly. Political matters should not be mixed with any emotional elements. To be fair, compared with the responsibility of Dongjiang management, the Zhang Yang's beating incident is only a trivial thing, but Qiao Zhenliang can't turn a blind eye to it. Officialdom has the rules of officialdom. As the supreme leader of Pinghai, he must maintain this rule, but Zhang Yang is the one who likes to break the rules the most. It's time to beat this young man. Qiao Zhenliang thinks that his knocking on him is not a bad thing. In the current situation, knocking on him should be more beneficial. He first hit the flamboyant board and blocked other people's mouths, making others unable to speak. This is a change to Zhang Yang. At the same time, he also expressed his dissatisfaction with Nancy's leadership through this matter. The water pollution incident has reached its current point, which is beneficial and harmless to Qiao Zhenliang's future political layout, and someone must take responsibility for this incident. Liang Tianzheng of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee is undoubtedly responsible for this matter. Although this matter will not affect the position of the standing committee of his province, it is enough to affect the family of the executive vice governor.

What really bothers Qiao Zhenliang is his daughter's performance just now. Mengyuan has always been a good girl. Unexpectedly, in order to promote it today, the onlookers are clear. Qiao Zhenliang saw that his daughter was really nervous and public, but Qiao Zhenliang had already heard of Zhang Yang's emotional world. Although he appreciated Zhang Yang, I don't agree with this boy's emotional outlook. Qiao Zhenliang can't help but have a headache at this time.

Xia Boda heard that Liao Bosheng's wife, Shang Li, was ill. She bought some nutrients and went to the hospital to visit her. Shang Li had a heart attack all the time. Because her husband was beaten, she was wronged for her husband in the past two days. As soon as she got angry, she had a heart attack.

Xia Boda met Liao Bosheng outside the door of the ward. He heard that Shang Li had rested, so he didn't go in. He gave the nutrition to Liao Bosheng. Liao Bosheng did not refuse. He put the things back to the ward, turned around and came out again, and said to Xia Boda, "Let

Xia Boda said, "I'll treat you!"

Liao Bosheng said, "You came all the way from Nancy. How can you invite me? Let's go. The fish-headed king at the opposite door can eat whatever you want."

The two are old friends and know each other very well. They asked for a private room for the fish head king opposite. This is not because they like to be extravagant, but because they are afraid of disturbing them. They know a lot in Dongjiang's territory.

Liao Bosheng ordered a fish head hot pot. Xia Boda took a bottle of Wuliangye from the car and smiled and said, "You treat me to dinner, and I'll buy you a drink."

Liao Bosheng said, "Old friend, why do you have to be so clear? You came to see me from afar, and I should have invited you."

Xia Boda said, "I heard that my sister-in-law is sick. I'm here to visit my sister-in-law."

Liao Bosheng said, "There is no need to explain. I know the purpose of your coming here."

Xia Boda smiled shyly. In the face of a political veteran like Liao Bosheng, he really shouldn't take a detour. Liao Bosheng saw it very well.

Xia Boda said, "Today, Joe called me over and scolded me, saying that I was not strict with my subordinates and was too indulgent. I came to you today to apologize to you face to face."

Liao Bosheng said, "There is no need for our friends for so many years to be polite. To be honest, I feel very aggrieved. A young boy slapped me in front of so many people, and I lost all my old face."

Xia Boda comforted him and said, "Zhang Yang is that kind of person. As soon as his temper comes up, I don't care about it, but you can't have the same experience as him."

Liao Bosheng said, "We are responsible for water pollution. All the leakage points have been found this afternoon, and the repair has been completed. The enterprises in the industrial park have been allowed to start again. In fact, if we were not afraid of affecting Dongjiang's economic income at the beginning, it would not have caused the future situation. I will bear the Responsibility."

Shaboda said, "How will the province deal with this?" He has realized that this water pollution incident will not be over, and someone must come out to take responsibility for this incident.

Liao Bosheng said, "Lao Xia, our friends for so many years, I won't hide it from you. I regret it. There is no need to make such a big deal this time. I value the International Industrial Park too much. I didn't expect this matter to have such a big impact, and I was very selfish in this matter. I Interests."

Xia Boda picked up his glass and said, "Bosheng, I'm not here today to hear your apology. In fact, I want to apologize to you."

Liao Bosheng picked up his glass and touched him. The two dried the glass of wine. Liao Bosheng said, "Do you know Zhang Yang?"

It's the end of the month, and I'm busy with work. I may have to go on a business trip in the near future. It's very hard to write, and it's a critical moment again. I hope that for the sake of the stable performance of the octopus this month, I will vote for my hand, encourage me, RO