Medical official path

Chapter 700 Mountain People

Chapter 700 Mountain People (Part I)

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. Emotion is a luxury to me. Do you have the same life?"

Zhang Yang said, "Emotion is a necessity for me."

Chang Lingfeng said, "So I'm a vegetarian, but you are an unscrupulous carnivore."

The two of them laughed together as they spoke.

Zhang Yang took a big sip of vodka, pinched a peanut from the small plate and stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it crisply. He told Chang Lingfeng about the preliminary plan of the Economic and Trade Fair. Zhang Yang also saw that Chang Lingfeng did not care about this relationship. His coming to Nancy was not a kind of escape Avoid, for a person who is disappointed in love, work is the best way to divert attention, and detachment like Chang Lingfeng is no exception.

Chang Lingfeng said, "The Provincial Games and the Economic and Trade Fair are carried out together to achieve a win-win situation, but if it is not done, the limelight of the Provincial Games is likely to be robbed by the Economic and Trade Fair."

Zhang Yang said, "The provincial sports meeting should be famous, and the economic and trade meeting should be profitable. Please help me give good advice. If you don't do it this time, it's over. Since I'm done next, I must do my best. Let the cadres in Pinghai Province see how our team's ability is!"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "Your team? Do you really want to start the mountain and do it yourself?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This is called team spirit. I want to establish a leadership group of the economic and trade association centered on me and give full play to the greatest strength of the team."

Seeing that Zhang Yang was full of ambition, Chang Lingfeng couldn't help but have great expectations for everything coming. He never thought that feelings were the whole of life. It was also exciting to fight for the same goal with three or five confidants and start a career. Chang Lingfeng picked up his glass and said, "Kh, I wish you success."

Zhang Yang solemnly corrected, "It should be to wish us success."

The next morning, Zhang Yang held his first meeting to return to the Nanxi Sports Committee. The theme of this meeting was the provincial sports meeting. Zhang Yang accepted Chang Lingfeng's suggestion to separate sports from the economy. The provincial sports meeting is the provincial sports meeting, and the economic and trade meeting is the economic and trade meeting. Two different teams should be formed separately, Under the leadership, but things must not be mixed together, otherwise the matter will be assigned in a mess. The province's way to promote each other is good, but it does not mean that the two things can be combined into one. Most of the time, one plus one is not equal to two.

Zhang Yang first made an explanation of the progress of the project, because he was not in Nancy recently, so after his brief speech, he handed over the right to speak to Deputy Director Cui Guozhu. During Zhang Yang's departure, he had always been the work of Cui Guozhu's acting sports committee. Cui Guozhu said, "Since Director Zhang asked me to say With the current progress of the project, we should be able to complete all the infrastructure construction before the time limit given by the city. Recently, our sports committee has been under a lot of pressure. First of all, it is the problem of project repayment. With the completion and acceptance of large and small projects one by one, the payment we promised in advance must also be cashed. After all During the bidding, we patted our chests and said that we would not owe a penny to the engineering team. It is expected that the repayment period will peak from June to August. I hope the city's financial allocation can be in place as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang nodded. He had to go to Li Changyu in person about this matter. Li Changyu promised him at the beginning.

Cui Guozhu added: "Tomorrow, the provincial sports committee will come to the inspection team, mainly to check the construction of our venue. The first thing to check is the water competition venue in Jinghai. It is likely that the canal director of the provincial party committee will come in person. We must do a good job of reception."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll go. It's more convenient for me to talk to Director Qu."

Cui Guozhu smiled and said, "You must go in person!" After he finished speaking, he picked up the teacup and drank it, meaning that he had finished his speech.

Zhang Yang turned his eyes to Deputy Director Chen Hongyang. Chen Hongyang coughed and said, "Director Zhang, we have just selected some middle and long-distance runners and sent them to Kunming to follow Niu Jiajun for training. Deputy Director Zang accompanied them there in person. Do you still want to say hello to coach Niu Junsheng?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm on the phone with him. There is no problem with this matter. We will pay the training fee ourselves. Niu Junsheng is very enthusiastic. He promises that we must make Nancy unique in the middle and long-distance running project this time."

Chen Hongyang said, "According to the plan we originally designated, we have hired more than 20 excellent coaches from all over the country to conduct surprise training for key athletes in Nancy. There is reason to believe that we will achieve more results than in previous years in this provincial sports meeting, but the first place seems to be..." No Chen Hongyang bad-mouthed himself. He was born in sports and was very clear about the real level of Nancy Sports. The comprehensive level of sports could not be improved in the short term.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "We don't care about the result. Let's work hard for the first place first. If we don't even dare to set the goal, the results will definitely be terrible."

Next, when it comes to Xiao Yumin, the director of the organizing committee's office, Xiao Yumin said, "Director Zhang, our image promotional video has not been completed yet. This time, Deputy Director Zang went to Kunming. Another task is to shoot an image promotional video for Niu Jiajun, but there are still three of our image ambassadors. I did it."

Zhang Yang nodded. In addition to Niu Jiajun, there are also the ice princess Guan Zhiqing, rhythmic gymnastics champion Xu Yi, and Hong Kong star Zou Delong. These people are all his relationships. He has to contact him in person. Zhang Yang said, "Okay, I'm responsible for this matter."

In the end, in fact, the biggest problem they are facing now is capital. Everything needs money. The little money given by the city in the past is not enough at all. The money they get from auctioning the torch is almost used. It's time to start the financing plan.

When the meeting was about to end, the outside security suddenly ran in and reported breathlessly, "No... it's not good... outside... there's a fight outside."

Zhang Yang was stunned when he heard this. He was the only one who went to other people's door to beat people. Few people dared to run to the door of the sports committee. Zhang Yang got up and said, "Go out and have a look!"

Several members of the party group at the meeting went out. When they came to the door and looked at it, they were happy. The security section chief Shi Shengli and the three security guards were beaten by one person. The one who hit was a young man who looked like a migrant worker. He was staring at the two guards who were walking towards him. He said an What's wrong with my rural people? Can't rural people come here to find someone?"

This young man knew Zhang Yang. It was Zhou Shanhu he met when he went to Lujialiang Xiaoshiwa Village, Xishan County, Jingshan City a year ago to find Wang Junyao's clues about going to the countryside. The young man was very enthusiastic. At that time, he and Jiang Liang were still staying at home When he left, he left him an address and gave him the opportunity to come to Nancy to find himself. Unexpectedly, Zhou Shanhu not only came, but also clashed with Shi Shengli. Speaking of this matter, he really didn't blame Zhou Shanhu. When he came to the door of the Sports Committee, the villagers had no knowledge, so he poked his head. Shi Shengli felt that his appearance was suspicious, so he asked. Zhou Shanhu said that he was looking for Zhang Yang. Shi Shengli is now like a god to Zhang Yang, so he asked Zhou Shanhu said bluntly that Zhang Yang was his friend.

Shi Shengli didn't believe it. He was a little contemptuous of the villagers. When he talked to Zhou Shanhu, he despised him. The two clashed with each other. Although Zhou Shanhu came from the countryside, he was a trainee. Hearing Shi Shengli's words with contempt, he couldn't help but start. The guards are all surrounded. Although they are many people, they are still not Zhou Shanhu's opponent. Zhou Shanhu put them down with three punches and two feet.

Seeing that the conflict was about to continue, Zhang Yang came. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "All stop it. Why did you fight?"

Shi Shengli saw Zhang Yang coming and struggled to get up from the ground: "Director Zhang, he pretended to be... your friend..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He is not my friend, but my little brother!"

Zhou Shanhu felt cold when he heard the first half of Zhang Yang's words, but when he heard the second half of his words, his heart suddenly warmed. He came over and said, "Brother Zhang, do you still remember me!"

Zhang Yang patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Of course I remember, what? Why did you hit our security section chief?

Zhou Shanhu said, "Who let him scold my country bumpkin, and he said that I pretended to be your friend."

Zhang Yang stared at Shi Shengli. Shi Shengli smiled and said to himself how could I think of you, Director Zhang and such a migrant worker friend, nnd. There is a saying that from the princes and generals to the peddlers, Director Zhang's travel is really extensive.

Since the matter has been clarified, of course, it is impossible for Zhou Shanhu and Shi Shengli to continue to conflict. Zhou Shanhu beat Shi Shengli and others. Of course, his posture was a little higher. He walked over and smiled at Shi Shengli and said, "Mr. Chief Shi, I'm sorry, I'm from the countryside. I

Shi Shengli also smiled and said in his heart that he could only admit that he was unlucky. He didn't look at the monk's face and looked at the Buddha. He had to show his face. When there was a chance one day, the country bumpkin fell off the order and officially found someone to teach him a lesson. Shi Shengli was not

Zhang Yang called Zhou Shanhu to his office and gave him a bottle of mineral water. Zhou Shanhu went to his office and sat on the sofa. His heroism had disappeared without a trace. His whole body suddenly became formal. He took a sip of water, his feet rubbed on the ground uneasily, and his eyes were not Dare to look at Zhang Yang and look straight at the ground.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Huzi, when did you come to Nancy?"

Zhou Shanhu's eyes still dare not look at him: "I've been here for a while, and several fellow villagers and I are working on the construction site. I didn't want to bother you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What do you mean by trouble? When I went to Xiaoshiwa Village, I didn't think it was troublesome for you to entertain me!"

Zhou Shanhu took a sip of the waterway: "Brother, after a long time, your official is so big."

Hearing this, Zhang Guanren more or less satisfied some vanity. He smiled and said, "It's not big. I still have the mayor's and municipal party committee above me!"

Zhou Shanhu said, "So, big brother, you are the third-in-command in Nancy, officer!"

No matter how thick-skinned Zhang Guanren is, he can't afford to say this, but Zhou Shanhu is serious. He really doesn't mean to ridicule him. Zhang Guanren is self-asonable. Not to mention the third-in-command, in Nancy, he can't rank the thirtieth-in-one

Zhou Shanhu shook his head and said, "Brother, I'm not here to have dinner with you. I want to ask you a favor!" When he said this, he blushed to the root of his neck. The young man in the mountain was simple and always felt that it was a shame to ask for help.

Zhang Yang liked this simple young man from the bottom of his heart. He nodded and said, "You said, as long as I can help you, I will definitely help you."

Zhou Shanhu said, "We have more than 20 workers in Xiaoshiwa Village. Now we are working at the construction site of the new sports center. I haven't driven a penny since the Spring Festival. I'm new here. I won't say anything, but those people in our village still owe the salary for two months many years ago. Brother It came out of the mountains. It doesn't matter in Nancy. Let's find a way together. After thinking about it, I thought of you, so I..."

Zhang Yang said, "Which construction site do you work at?"

"Ball Arena!"

In fact, Zhou Shanhu didn't say that Zhang Yang also guessed that this must be Liang Chenglong's case. He immediately picked up the phone. When Liang Chenglong answered the phone, it seemed a little noisy. He shouted, "Zhang Yang, I'm busy. I'll call you later."

Zhang Yang said, "What are you busy with? I'll just say a few words!"

Liang Chenglong smiled and said, "I'm going to buy clothes with Qinghong."

As soon as Zhang Yang heard it, he knew that the couple had made up. He smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

Liang Chenglong said, "It's not Director Zhang's Hong Fu. I will officially thank you some other day!"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't play with those fake ones. The harmony between you two is more important than anything else. Let's put this matter away first. I remember, did I tell you builders a year ago that all the builders of the construction committee project are not allowed to owe wages to migrant workers? No matter what reason you are!"

As soon as Liang Chenglong heard what he said, he guessed that someone had sued the sports committee. He sighed and said, "Brother, it's difficult for me. Now several major projects are going hand in hand. How can I have so much liquidity? It's been suppressed for a few months. It's not that serious. In the If you don't give me the money, what should I do to pay the migrant workers?

Zhang Yang said, "Don't do this for me. I'll talk about the ugly words first. If you don't do this matter as soon as possible, in case it makes trouble in the city, not to mention the project payment, I think you have to finish several projects at hand." RO