Medical official path

Chapter 710 Development and Planning

Justin said: ... I want to understand [Zhong] Country, starting from knowing Mengyuan. Only by understanding [Zhong] Country can I understand Mengyuan better." His dark blue eyes looked at Qiao Mengyuan with tenderness.

Zhang was a little unhappy. Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Justin, are you drinking too much and talking nonsense again?"

Justin smiled and said, "You know me." I've always been a serious person."

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Justin, thank you for appreciating Mengyuan so much!"

Hearing his words, Justin was stunned, and Qiao Mengyuan was also stunned. What did he mean by this? Justin spread his hands incomprehensible and said WHY? I said in my heart that I appreciate Mengyuan. How can I get your turn to thank her?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Maybe you don't know that Mengyuan is my girlfriend!" When Qiao Mengyuan heard him say this, her face couldn't help blushing with shame. Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang, can you be more shameless? Justin looked at Zhang Yang and Qiao Mengyuan, and asked, "Really?"

Zhang Yang looked seriously: "You should ask Mengyuan!" Qiao Mengyuan didn't say yes or no, but just smiled with a glass.

In Justin's opinion, this is a kind of acquiescence. He sighed with some loss, "Why am I always a step late?" From this sentence, you can know that this one and Xu Jiayong may also know each other.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "I'm very lucky to have a good friend like you."

Justin and Qiao Mengyuan had a drink. He drank the Erguotou cocktail and said with a smile, "I still have a chance."

Zhang Guanren said that you were really persistent. He smiled and said, "I won't give you a chance." Qiao Mengyuan is really angry and funny." If he had known this, he shouldn't have followed. She didn't want to waste time on such a topic and whispered, "Justin, how's your company's production base in Nancy going?"

Justin smiled and said, "I have learned a lot about the information. I will conduct an on-site inspection tomorrow. If everything is satisfactory, I can sign a contract with the Nancy Municipal Government this time."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow." Things at work are sloppy.

Justin shook his head and said, "I don't want the outside world to interfere with my investigation. I won't have formal contact with the Nancy government until the investigation is completed. I hope you can give me a space."

Zhang Yang understood Justin's requirements. Although this man put forward a posture of pursuing Qiao Mengyuan, judging from the impression of initial contact, Justin is still a quite pragmatic person. Zhang Yang appreciates this pragmatic style, and the host is at his convenience. Since the guests have made requests, he still try to follow the principles of others. Do it.


Justin's inspection in Nancy was very smooth, and it didn't take much time. He had already determined that Nancy had become the overseas production base of Indle Company. At the same time, Zhang Yang also reported the idea of Nancy's transformation into a high-tech industry to the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Li Changyu. Li Changyu appreciated Zhang Yang's idea. In fact, Zhang Yang had said these ideas to Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei before. "Gong Qiwei has also reflected them in his communication with Li Changyu.

Li Changyu said, "I will have a formal meeting with Mr. Justin tomorrow morning. The settlement of Indell's overseas production base in Nancy should be a certainty." Zhang Yang, you have set up Jb in this matter." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't praise me, I'm a person. The face is fluttering.

Li Changyu smiled and said, "If you are not afraid, you are afraid that your tail will rise to the sky."

Zhang Yang said, "Okay, my tail has evolved."

Li Changyu thought that this guy was going to take the opportunity to ask for the official, but to his surprise, Zhang Yang did not mention his promotion this time. Zhang Yang went to the ice bar and took a bottle of mineral water to fill it. He said, "Li [Book], the land of the old stadium is already in sight."

Li Changyu said, "Oh, Star Diamond Group? I've read their plan and it's still very good.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It's not a star diamond, it's Huitong!" Li Changyu was slightly stunned. Qiao Mengyuan only wanted to develop the old stadium. At present, she only looked for Zhang Yang and did not say hello to Nanxi City. For Li Changyu, this matter was relatively sudden." He said in surprise, "

Zhang Yang said, "Qiao Pengju is Qiao Pengju is now Qiao Mengyuan, and she wants to develop it by herself." Li Changyu said, "What should I say?" Zhang Yang said, "The conditions are similar to those of Star Diamond, but she is more straightforward than Star Diamond in terms of payment. It is not the money that will really impress me The concept of "

Li Changyu said with great interest, "What do you have?"

Zhang Yang said: "Qiao Mengyuan wants to build the first high-tech business district in Pinghai on this land. The main direction is for IT practitioners." We will also invite many well-known computer software and hardware manufacturers at home and abroad to settle in. Indell will settle in Nancy. We will build a high-tech industrial park around this matter, but We still lack a high-tech business district to build a platform for our high-tech products produced in Nancy. I think Qiao Mengyuan's idea just makes us perfect in building a modern high-tech industrial chain in Nancy. We have an international high-tech production base, and in the near future, we will also have a first-class high-tech industry in China. As a technology business platform, I believe that Nancy will be in the forefront of the whole Pinghai in terms of industrial transformation, and even the forefront of the whole country.

Li Changyu nodded hard. Although Zhang Yang didn't say much, he has moved him, because since he came to Nancy, he has been thinking hard about how to make Nancy's transformation path in the new era, and then seize the opportunity to change the grass, and walk in the forefront of Pinghai again. In the discussion with the municipal party committee, in the process of thinking, Li Changyu has decided to take the road of science and technology. He has decided to build the first high-tech park in Pinghai around the overseas production base of Indle Company in Nancy. The first to put forward this concept was actually Dongjiang, but Indel finally settled in Nancy and Li Changyu wanted to Turn this concept into reality.

For a long time, the old stadium plot has been around building the second commercial center in Nancy. The appearance of Qiao Mengyuan has suddenly made them have an idea. Nancy does not lack a comprehensive commercial center. What is really lacking is an influential and promising business platform. If this land is built into a high-tech It is also possible for the technical business center to gather considerable popularity to become Zhongguancun in the south of the country.

Li Changyu and Zhang Yang talked very speculatively. The two jointly planned the blueprint for the development of Nancy. Li Changyu even laughed and said that after the Provincial Games, Zhang Yang would be in charge of the Nancy High-tech Park.

Zhang's official is not a fool. Li Changyu is now only pressing the task on him and never mentions his promotion." He said that he hasn't mentioned it for a long time, and it's a little unrealistic to want to be promoted.

Even if Li Changyu promises to him, it's just empty words and can't be counted, but there is one thing that can't be denied that "the more tasks" the more powerful he has, the more power he has the most powerful of the cadre at the Nancy department now, is the director of the sports committee. Zhang Yang said, "Do you want me to take charge and give me money?"

Li Changyu stared at him and said, "I said, how have you become so realistic now? If you keep your mouth shut, it's money. Do you still look like a Communist Party member? Is it still like a national cadre?"

Zhang Yang said, "National cadres can't drink the northwest wind." On the side of the new sports center, I dug the east wall to mend the west wall and begged my grandparents to build it, and I still owe tens of millions of dollars for the project. You made up my mind. "Let me go to the high-tech zone. Will the city pay for it? Is there money in the city?

Li Changyu said, "Look at you, I really miss the ostentatious and kind young man in Chunyang when he became so secular."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Well... I haven't been kind at any time." You know."

When Li Changyu heard what he said, his old face suddenly had a fever. "Indeed, when did this man really be kind?" If he hadn't used himself and Ge Chunli's car to make an accident, how could he have confusedly sneaked into the political arena? Time has changed. Looking back on this incident, Li Changyu is no A little bit of warmth, fate! Li Changyu said, "After the implementation of the development rights of the stadium, the first thing I do is to solve the project payment problem of the new sports center, and your idea about the economic trade fair is very good." We do not hold a comprehensive economic trade conference, but hold a high-tech exchange meeting to send invitations to well-known IS enterprises and elites at home Invite them to invest and do business in Nancy and jointly build a high-tech Nancy.

Zhang Yang said, "This matter is not my attention. Chang Lingfeng thought of it."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "When he was in Jiangcheng, he was your good assistant, and it's the same when he came to Nancy." After a political storm, Nancy should be reborn in Nirvana. Let's work together to make Nancy change his appearance in a few years and become the best in Pinghai. The rich city is the most developed city.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I will try my best."

Li Changyu said, "Your ability has been recognized by the leadership. After doing these things, both political experience and political achievements have almost been accumulated. I believe that your career will also take off."

Zhang Yang said, "Can I fly?" Li Changyu said confidently, "I can fly, and fly higher and higher!"

Just as he was about to end the conversation, Li Changyu received a phone call from his goddaughter Zhao Jing. Zhao Jing would come to Nancy from Dongjiang in the afternoon. Before coming, she said hello to her godfather first. Li Changyu did not say that Zhang Yang was in his office and put down the phone before saying to Zhang Yang, "Xiao Yang was stunned when he heard it. What's wrong with this sister? Don't you say hello to his brother first when you come from Dongjiang? Are you going to make a surprise attack and give yourself a surprise?

Li Changyu smiled somewhat mysteriously: "Don't forget to go to my house at night. I'll ask Aunt Ge to prepare wine and vegetables." Let's have a good drink."

Zhang Yang hummed and got up to say goodbye.

Li Changyu's next standing committee is going to open, and he is not left.

At the Standing Committee, Li Changyu put forward the plan to build a high-tech zone in an all-round way in Nancy for the first time in public. As soon as he finished his idea, someone objected. The person who raised the objection was the new discipline committee [book] Ma Tianyi. Ma Tianyi said, "Now there are many major construction projects In order to welcome the provincial sports festival, the new sports center is also a new sports center, and the funding problems of these projects have not been properly solved. Now we are going to build high-tech zones and high-tech industrial parks. I want to ask, can Nancy's finances support "Does our reality allow?"

After Ma Tianyi came to Nancy, he was soon taught that he was upright and straightforward. He did not speak easily. As long as he spoke, he rarely left mercy to others, even in the face of the municipal party committee [book] Li Changyu.

Mayor Xia Boda also said, "I think Comrade Tianyi is very reasonable. We already have an economic development zone in Nancy, and we still need to build a high-tech industrial park. Isn't it a waste of repetition? Instead of spending money to do some high-tech zones." It's better to think of a way to revitalize the development Recently, Da often put forward different opinions at the Standing Committee. The reason is very simple. He has missed the best time. In the past, his political moderate attitude made him miss a good opportunity and was not appreciated by the provincial leaders. Li Changyu's power is the best proof, and the rise of Li Changyu and Gong Qiwei means Xia Boda's rectification. The prospect of governance is completely bleak. These people are younger than him, and he has no chance. People's personality will change after losing hope, and now Shaberta smells a little broken. Whenever there is a chance, he will stand up and sing the opposite tune." Now that Ma Tianyi is the first to stand up, he will immediately follow.

Most of the Standing Committee did not say anything. In fact, many people agree with the opinions of Ma Tianyi and Xia Boda. There is no need to set up a special high-tech zone. The so-called high-tech zone is nothing more than a kind of development zone. With the current financial situation in Nancy, it is impossible to support so many development projects In the past, when Xu Guangran was there, he liked to develop, and the whole of Nancy was like a huge construction site. Now he has changed to Li Changyu. He thought he could stop for a few years, but a few days after he came to power, he put forward the concept of a high-tech industrial park.

Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei said, "Mayor Xia, is the development zone and the high-tech development zone a concept? Haven't you understood the difference?" A sentence made Xia Boda blush. Gong Qiwei clearly insinuated that he was incomprehensible. Xia Boda said, "It's almost the same in my understanding." PS